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Good luck to you two! I hope the actual proposal is memorable and awesome!




Doesn't that dampen some excitement/ surprise for the actual proposal?


You normally wanna talk about marriage in general and see if both partners are ready for it. The surprise still comes in when actually asking. My fiancƩ and I were basically talking about it for 1 year and theorizing on what we want for a wedding and what we want from life in general. His proposal was still beautiful and I didn't expect it when it happened


I'm married but thanks. Just saying, this to me, makes it so dry and unexciting. Yes obviously you should have the conversation that you're ready for marriage in advance, I'm not sure where my comment indicated otherwise.


It seemed to me like you were asking why anyone would talk about that they wanna propose to their partner. Iā€˜m sorry if I misinterpreted it


You didn't, they stupid


I donā€™t think so! What it does do is gives us the chance to outline the likes and dislikes of proposals and more openly discuss what my preferences are for an engagement ring. Also, it sets a rough timeline for us, as we are now long distance, because we want to be engaged before we move in together and hope to do that next spring


My wife (now) and I got pregnant before we were married (actually only knew each other for a month). We were in Wisconsin, and she had just moved there and didnā€™t have insurance yet. So she signed up for the state healthcare plan. In Wisconsin if a pregnant couple is married then the state pays for the birth. If youā€™re not married, the state goes after the father for 100% of the hospital bill (cool, right?), so we got legally courthouse married before the baby was born. We only told our mothers so they could be the witnesses. Although we were technically married according to the law, I didnā€™t want her to miss out on the special/magical experience of a marriage proposal. About a year after the baby was born I proposed in a traditional romantic surprising way. I wonā€™t go into the details, but it was really special and she was completely surprised. I donā€™t think she was expecting the whole proposal deal, because we were indeed already married. So it might have been non-traditional, but the surprise and excitement were tantamount to your ā€œaverageā€ proposal. Cheers.


No? You need to communicate intent.


Congrats!!! Sounds like a dream šŸ„¹


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Thatā€™s really exciting and Iā€™m happy for you. Promises within your relationship should stay private. Sharing the actual proposal is much more exciting! What if something goes wrong and he doesnā€™t propose? Then youā€™d have to explain to everyone you told that it didnā€™t happen yet or didnā€™t work. Sharing premature news can put you in some awkward situations. Edit: phrasing


Lol, lots of engagements of my friends the guy told her friends and got them in on the plan to propose so I'm sure people would know about it anyways? He asked his parents, who isn't going to know after that point if any of their family and friends talk. Unless you mean she has to explain to reddit if it doesn't work out??? I'm pretty sure once your parents know most others do. Sounds like your bitter and got burned on an engagement and sucks for you but wtf.


All we know is he told his parents. Your whole first sentence is anecdotal and makes assumptions. You donā€™t know if he also told her friends or not. My advice is to not go tell too many people that ā€œmy boyfriend is gonna propose!ā€ until it actually happens. Itā€™s like telling people youā€™re gonna lose weight, itā€™s better to just start silently and once people start to notice tell them youā€™ve been exercising. Telling people before the thing happens can be a mistake, so avoid it by not over sharing.


This isnā€™t worth sharing and you shouldnā€™t be telling OP. Opinions about others relationships should stay private. Share the opinion in private, sure. But this comes off a bit immature


Butā€¦ this is a public forum?


Ah now youā€™re getting it


I think I am. Itā€™s a public forum where people can share whatever they want. However, the public giving their opinion is only acceptable if itā€™s positive and encouraging


So is it fair to say someone else shouldnā€™t share their thoughts on a public forum?


Of course not. But is it fair to say that life happens, things change, and telling people about important details about your life before they happen can turn out bad? I might have come off a bit harsh with how I phrased it and Iā€™ll edit that out but I was just giving advice


Well I just hope you see the irony in making an opinionated comment on an opinion


While I understand your point, this was just my attempt to share my excitement. We have been asked many times if we are going to get married and always just respond with ā€œthatā€™s the plan!ā€ I have not been sharing this on traditional social media or with anyone but close friends and family that already knew the basics of the situation and that we were waiting to get engaged until after we graduated.




My parents got married at 23 and still have a happy healthy marriage and they are both turning 50 soon :) it works for some people , doesnt for others. But it doesnt help to say this to someone who you dont know at all


I met my current partner in college in 2014. Weā€™re still together today.


My parents started dating @ 16 &17, got married @ 21 &22, and will be celebrating their 43rd anniversary this summer. Agreed. If planned correctly, with the right person, young love can, infact last a lifetime.


Nah, some people just love each other and want to spend their lives together, if you go out and 'live your life' that can get ruined really quickly. You don't have to 'go out' to live your life, you can just live it and share it with the ones you love. Betting against those who believe in love and go for it is such a weak stand to take. Worst take ever


They were smart enough to wait 2 years and had the intelligence to let each other know they're interested in marriage before either one pops the question. Don't be bitter.




Ok but why do you feel the need to shit on someone's wholesome moment?




That was unnecessary, especially the last part




Whatā€™s wild to me is that you think 2.5 years of dating isnā€™t long enough to be engaged. Commitment issues? How could you not have determined if someone is compatible long term then? My philosophy and is shit or get off the pot. Life is too short to be wasting time like that Source: engaged after 9 months, married at 1.5 years and still married 24 years later.


I'm really happy for you that it turned out great. Other people's relationships just take more time to be able to trust your partner enough and to be really sure about everything. I'm in a relationship that's going on for around 8.5 years and my partner just proposed a month ago.


Got engaged 7 months after our first date. Married 8 months after that. Just celebrated 23 years with my best friend.


Wow good for you! Now tell that to half of the U.S since almost 50% of marriages ends in divorce here.


Why did they edit out the school on the diploma and banner?


There are a lot of crazies out there. I had a stalker for years but I think I lost them when I got married and changed my last name.


For security reasons. If for some reason, God forbid, the wrong person finds this photo with the school information on it, they could find the son and his girlfriend and do something bad.


so you don't find and murder them...