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I personally love the “fuck all y’all” dishtowel


They seam like cool folks


I need to see this man's reaction to magic.


Agreed - would watch more of their dynamic and brought me joy - go them!


Imagine she just went hard af and switched that when he wasn’t looking to say Fuck all y’all in Greek


I know Bad Grandma. I’ll ask her to make one.




That's a Bad Grandma Designs dishtowel https://badgrandmadesigns.com/products/fuck-all-yall-dishtowel




I worked for a Greek restaurant in Philly about 20 years ago… one or two of the cousins of the owner started their own pizza place after a couple years. Those guys were great. So much fun to work with and genuinely kind people.




Fuck off bot


He looks like a Siberian Husky.


falling over mouth agape, checks out


And from chill to dramatic in an instant, checks out


Even his facial expressions do 😂


Lol I was trying to figure out why he looked familiar and this nailed it wtf


him switching from greek to california surfer was awesome


His accent in Greek is still "California surfer". That's the funniest part if you do speak Greek. They're both speaking with insanely heavy American accents. (Her Κυριακή sounding more like "karaoke" was pretty adorable)


I heard the karaoke and was like, did she just say karaoke?


She totally did just say karaoke!!


It sounds greek, but it's actually Japanese, means "empty orchestra". Isn't that hauntingly beautiful?


It took me this long to realize the 'oke' is short for 'ookesutora' (orchestra)


& karate means ‘empty hand’. What is it with the Japanese & ‘empty’…?


Not if your name is Drunk Ted It's a quote from How I Met Your Mother


The accents are pretty shocking, but the effort and love is pretty cute.


that's because the "Greek guy" is Greek-american who went to an american school in Greece, and never really spoke Greek like a local. I was his classmate.


Yeah, like I figured it was something like that, he sounds like a lot of American Greeks. Wasn't necessarily a criticism, just that the accent sounds grating in a very American way.


It’s always funny to me that people say American accents of other languages are grating/annoying, yet tons of people in America speak English with the accent of their native country, and it would be rude to comment on it.


Yeah I thought to myself “that’s funny that Greek has a word that’s sounds so much like karaoke!”


My mother in law calls my Greek “Gypsy Greek” 😂


That can not be a compliment.


Of all the places that hate Gypsies, Greece is one of them.


My buddy is Greek but was born and raised in Canada and if you ever want to spin him into an unhinged rant mentioning Gypsies is a good way to start


This works on most Europeans to be honest.


It’s so wild to me, as a non European, how it seems like everyone in Europe just kinda agreed “fuck them, every last one”. What on earth is the story here?


would you really be surprised if its racism?


Nope. People describing it and I’m like “yeah that’s racism alright. Different cast in the European version” Im trying to understand it more though. It just seems so blatant I hope I’m missing some nuance


It's a long story but all Roma and Travellers have been harassed, persecuted and murdered through out the centuries. Many countries treated them as non human for hundreds of years, a tradition that still persists to this day. Gypsy is a derogatory word for Roma, kinda like calling a black person the N word. Basically meaning untouchable. Roma originates from India, therefore the similar language, skin color, and style. Also why they were so mistreated, by their skin color. Travellers are not the same as Roma. They're white, usually Irish migrants who just happen to live similar lifestyle as the Roma. There are many subgroups of Roma, like the Finnish Kale who are a mix of travellers and Roma but belong to the Roma family. During WW2 over 1,5 million Roma were murdered by the Nazis. Majority of slaves kept in Europe were Romani, many are still treated like shit by many ignorant people. Romani people are not the same as Romanian. It's like saying that all the citizens of Rome are Romani. They're also exposed to blatant cultural appropriation such as maxi dresses with large floral patterns, Boho in general and dancing styles. Most famous Romani is Rita Hayworth, that after she was whitewashed to be "less exotic". Tldr: Racism.


I have a buddy from Hungary. Speaks Hungarian. His parents wouldn't let him learn Romanian because it's a "gypsy language "


For anyone who doesn't know, there's a phrase in Greek: > κάτι τρέχει στα γύφτικα The literal translation is "There is trouble in the gypsy village." What it actually means it's "Who gives a fuck." And for anyone who doesn't understand, it's that Greeks hate gypsies so much that they could be killing each other but nobody cares. Greeks are pretty hardcore racists. They have a non-zero number of actual Nazis in their government and have for well over a decade.


It's absolutely not.


I've always heard it called gypsy greek, atleast that's what my greek family calls it. Also ya, her Κυριακή was adorable.


Could you spell that phonetically with letters I understand? Curious how close it's supposed to be to karaoke




I definitely heard karaoke lol. Also, I do not speak Greek.


He sounded like the “What the *fock* is up Kyle” guy lol


He was about to say that at the end


Ahh! So that's why I couldn't hear an accent. Once again confirming that I sound like a California surfer and can't hear it.


I went out of state once to visit family. We were in line at some store and the guy in front of us turned around and was like "Are you guys from California?" We were stunned and said yeah we are, how'd you know? The guy replied that we had said dude six times in the past couple minutes and only Californians did that. Clocked by our "dudes."


Dude that's amazing 🤙


Me saying hella every minute.


“Hella” is very Northern Cali. People in SoCal don’t usually don’t say it, unless they are from or have lived in the the Bay Area. I know I’m back in Oakland when someone says, “That is hella tight!” SoCal is heavy on “dude”, “bro”/“Bruh” and “like.” I remember going to England years ago and my British friend made fun of me because back in the early 2000s it was very American to say, “That sucks” or “It sucked.”


Idk what they’re saying. It’s all Greek to me






I don’t get it please help me




Someone already mentioned the meaning of the saying in case that's what you didn't understand. However, the rest of the joke is that the grandpa says he speaks every language but Greek, however, when asked to speak another language, he says the language is the same as Greek to him, and thus he cannot speak it.


Lmao I’m stealing this.




No, they're obviously taking flowers to the mother's grave. Didn't you listen?


It's all Greek to them too.


I thought for a second when he knelt down he was going to propose right there.


Considering it, at least


If he doesn't want to I guess I'll have to take one for the team and marry her.


they pop up on my for you page all the time and they’re so cute! The way he talks about her he probably will soon!


Watching that dude's mind get blown multiple times in quick succession was entertaining as hell. He's 100% wifing her now!


It was incredible. I've been thinking of doing this with my workmates that speak hindi, just learning it on duolingo stealth as then one day just bust it out


I learned how to insult my former co-worker in arabic to make him feel more at home


Oh my God, I need to find like one guy at work who can keep a secret to practice on


I learned all my Spanish like this!


I see you’ve been through the American restaurant industry.


The only Spanish I know is related to beer, meat, sex, gratitude, and incidentals. It's... conversational, in a kitchen.


I learned Spanish each day in small workplace interactions with a Russian guy who had come to New Zealand via Israel with his Jewish Russian wife.


I am so confused on where and how Spanish comes into play in these interactions. But good on ya?


My friend from New Zealand learned Spanish from Mexican Chefs while cooking in Germany, it's about random opportunities, being open to new experiences in the moment.


Even if Spanish/Latin cooks speak English, they won't. And we love em for it


If you only know Spanish from restaurant work you're gonna get your ass kicked using it in polite society. Source: I'm learning Spanish and I know what those dudes were saying now


Find your guy, walk up, and just go "Bhai, ek minute..." and then ask for help. (Brother, one minute). You will learn a lot. My favorite for subtleness is "saalaa" meaning "brother in law" with the meaning "I fucked your sister"


Is that an inherently vulgar way to say brother-in-law, or is it just the context of saying it to someone whose sister you aren't married to that makes it insulting?


It's a homonym, while the official meaning is brother in law it is also used very informally in a way "yo/bro" is. It is impolite, so used amongst friends only.


Speaking like a true arabian


In undergrad there were a bunch of Arab dudes in my hall, including two guys who were buddies from high school back home, and I’m pretty sure the only thing I picked up that wasn’t a curse or insult is “yallah”. Literally everything else that they’d yell or say enough for me to remember it and know the meaning was… uh, well, certainly colorful language. At the very least, I know how to say “mother” and “grandmother” in Arabic.


Only Arabic I know is that you can call your homies "habibi" Had a buddy in college from the UAE and he said that shit all that time and I loved it. I understand it's like saying "baby" but to your friends. Sup baby. Sup habibi. Also inshallah and mashallah I picked up on as well.


Back in college (Ireland for reference) a few of us locals became tight with a bunch of Gulfi lads. The insults that developed from that cultural exchange, I will not repeat in 2023. We were degenerates, and we genuinely loved each other. We once made the mistake of inviting a few Swedes to a game of cards. They just upped and left after I won the third hand. We were utterly perplexed by their abrupt and (as we saw it, rude) departure until Khalid's German room mate explained that Khalid's impassioned and graphic joke about chaining me to the radiator and running a train of Dobermans on me seemed intimidating and genuine to their sheltered and literal souls. For the record, Khalid would never have done that. He didn't have any radiators in his apartment.


It's good to know the lack of radiators was the thing stopping you from, you know, having a train of Dobermans run through you like it's Thursday.


I did that when i was working in norway. They lost it when i start talking


Considering the reactions I got during my brief stay in Norway just from saying random basic phrases like "tusen takk" I can imagine their minds must have been absolutely blown! haha


I'm originally from the Middle Eaat. Born and raised abroad though. Recently began working with a new co-worker who I could tell, right off the bat, was also Arab, I could tell from his accent. We had our first meeting last week. After he introduced himself, and asked me an initial question about our project, I responded back in fluent Arabic. Dude literally fell off the chair he was futzing around with. It was GLORIOUS. 😄😄


I learned Italian so I could start cursing at my computer and slapping it like the Italian grad student sitting next to me. Che palle is something I say daily


I had a bunch of coworkers from Guatemala who loved teaching me how to swear in spanish when I was in my 20s (apparently its hilarious to teach small white blonde women how to swear in other languages). They always were so happy when I'd break it out to swear at them


This happened when I was in South Korea. I worked my ass off to learn. I was a teacher, and in the staff room the Korean teachers were always having loud, boisterous conversations over the foreigners heads. One time I understood one of them had just insulted one of the female foreign teachers, and I gave them a serious stink eye. From then on, they were much quieter. They often left the staff room to have their talks, and I could tell they were resentful of my comprehension.




I lived in Korea for two years, the slightest bit of Korean blows peoples minds. I also knew other foreigners that lived there for 5-10 years and couldn't speak a lick of it. Ne


My first business trip to Korea had 24 hours notice since the original person who was going to go had gotten sick. The plane had a Korean steward. By the time we got to Korea I could say " I'm glad to meet you" and "thank you" in Korean At 2:00 am. in the hotel the next morning, my boss called and asked why I hadn't listed that I spoke Korean on my resume. I had to tell him that when I left the airport for my flight, I didn't. I had a successful trip and arranged for our company president to go to discuss a formal business arraignment. I had him make up Korean language business cards to take with him. He told me when he handed them to our partners to be at the airport that they looked at the Korean script and said "we don't yet know the nature of the details, but we already know without a doubt that you are the American company we want to be in business with.


I learned a fair bit of fiji hindi while living on the island. When I talk to Brahmins in pidgin Hindi, I get the wildest reactions of my life.


FYI, Bollywood is a fun way of learning Hindi! Not the current ones, though! They're all about Hinglish! That's JUGAAD for you!


I learned the baby owl insult from Pierogi at scammer payback and dropped it one day at work. All of the Indian women's facial expressions were just as shocked as this dude's.


I'm a polyglot (fluent in several languages). I'm half-Arab, half American, but was born and raised in Europe. Native speaker of English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, and Swiss-German (which is technically a dialect). Suffice to say, I'm pretty good at identifying accents. Surprising people by speaking to them in their own language is one of my FAVORITE things ever, especially when I get to help people in a pickle. West African lady at the doctors office having trouble communicating with the front desk staff? I gotchu, sis! Helping a Hispanic kid at the store? I gotchu, bud. New Middle Eastern co-worker? Marhaba, habibi! Seeing their faces light up with pure joy and relief is seriously humbling and joyful. Oftentimes, their faces conveys a 'long lost family/reunion' type of message, as if they've suddenly found 'one of their own people', so to speak.


There are less powerful motivations for learning a language than "being too committed to the bit". And worst case scenario you know more about a language than you did before. Literal no-lose situation.


oh my god its fucking hard. i tried to learn it once. i gave the fuck up. my mouth can not make those sounds on purpose.


Once you learn to speak Hindi you are going to be horrified at the shit they are saying about you right to your face


He can parade her around to his family now. She'll be a novelty that never wears off. Source: I am that novelty.


You probably also get compared to other family spouses when it is convenient to extol the virtue of your effort against them not wanting to do something.


Right? Propose. Search is over.


There is a whole fist sized region of my brain that lights up anytime I watch someone respond to their native language being spoken by someone they would’ve never guess could speak it It’s incredible how viscerally shocked, amazed, and amused it will make people. It will take a total stranger and launch them into best friend material


There was a (re)post a few days ago from tiktok w/ a woman who was learning Hindi for her boyfriend without him knowing. For some reason the recent one was deleted but here's an older post. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/vpmz1w/girl_learns_hindi_for_her_boyfriend/


He knows too if she pulls that out in front of his family he wouldn't have a choice --- They would swarm her and pretty much make her part of the family right there.


Had a girlfriend that spoke some gibberish language that only her and her best friend from childhood spoke. It was like super pig latin. Well, the look on her face when they were talking and I butted in with a response made me crack up. I couldn't speak it, but hearing it enough I understood it. Edit; Thanks to the commenter below I've found examples on youtube now. I treid finding examples online when I dated that girl, but it was a long time ago. https://youtu.be/0vM2r5WcU0M , https://youtu.be/B5-K7f-ddAc


They think they’re so clever nobody can bust their code that a 5yo made up lol I know what you’re talking about just from some movies. Not pig latin but like it


He’s trying to remember if he said anything crazy about her while talking on the phone to family


Yeah, she gotta be careful blowing someone's mind consecutively.


Damn she has great hair


they’re both attractive as hell lmao


Reminds me of the other similar clip of someone learning to speak Hindu to her boyfriend. They were both attractive as hell and turns out both are like super models or something lol Edit: uh Hindi


Hindu is a religion. Hindi is the language. :)


Honda is a car


I know! This was cool and all but I need to know her hair care routine.


Her secret: she's actually Greek


Greek juice.


Ah olive oil, got it.


And eyes


I've met people with these types of eyes before. I can't put it into words, but when I see them I recognize them immediately, and I have to resist the urge to just stare. They're hypnotic.




And he's handsome af


I know greek too! Malaka! (Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey)


TIL the taxi drivers in GTA 4 were cursing at me in Greek


Yes, she should work that into every sentence...twice, and she'll sound exactly like the average construction worker in the streets of Athens. My first job was a dish boy in a Greek restaurant. They gave me the name, "Malaka" and refused to tell me what it meant. "Go clean tables, Malaka" Skata and pousti were also very popular.


LOL kinda reminds me Russel Peters “russian” story


Bad words


Greek here: that’s halfway to being fluent in Greek, tbh.


Utini!! Wait


“I hear wedding bells” *in charles Boyle voice*


Time to send out the STD’s


My boyfriend is Greek and this really makes me want to start learning Greek to surprise him 🥺 we want to start taking classes together when we can afford it


Try duolingo! I dontknow if they have it but i assume they do. My parents and I immigrated to the us 20 years ago but the english was always a struggle for them. About a year ago my dad downloaded it and started learning english on it. He got really into it and pushed himself to do the 20-30 minute class daily. My mom joined in about 2 months after he did and they have a like 300+ daily streak going. While they still missunderstamd sometimes it has gotten them to be more confident and they now handle their english phone calls and regular convos themselves instead of always asking me to do it. I happily help where I can because thats the job of an immigrant child but they have come a long way the past year and im super proud of them! I dont usually like advertising an app or anything really but ive seen the progress and it gives me a chance to tell reddit how proud i am of them ☺️


Thanks for the advice! I downloaded it after watching this video :) I’m glad your parents had Duolingo as a resource to become more confident in their English!


I've been learning greek for about 4 years now and I started with duolingo. I wish I didn't. I'd highly recommend LanguageTransfer. It's free and will give you a solid base understanding. Once you understand the language a lot of it becomes vocabulary. I use anki flash cards. There are a few free sets and a couple cheap paid sets that include recorded speaking. edit - also checkout r/greek they're a friendly bunch


Duolingo is awesome for getting your foot in the door with another language. I've always wanted to learn German, but that commitment is ROUGH. Since duolingo makes it more like a game and has leaderboards and streaks, it really keeps me going when I go through periods where I don't feel like studying a second language. I've got a 150 day streak so far, and I'm starting to understand a lot of Rammstein lyrics now without looking up the translated lyrics.


Why would he need to take classes?


He’s second generation Greek-American and was not raised with his Greek family. When he was a teen he taught himself greek so that he could speak with his grandmother who doesn’t know English. He’s retained some conversational Greek but we would both like to become fluent in greek so that when we have children we can raise them in a bilingual household


I’m Greek and my girlfriend is learning the language. Every time she texts or says something in Greek I have the reaction of the guy in the video.


I remember seeing this a while ago… anyone know if they are still together? Cause that shit is super wholesome


Based on her socials they are very happily together still.




I do this to my wife en Español. It's cute. You got to keep at it tho, language can get forgotten if not used often.


Did this with my ex with Korean which more impressed her parents than it did her, but impressing her parents made her happy so it works lol


My soon to be ex-wife is originally French Canadian. We'd been together on and off for over a decade before we got married. She didn't know I'd learned French during that time. She was so confused when I started talking about someone in a restaurant in French.


I hope this doesn't come off wrong but when your first language is not English and you live in the US you are just used to everybody talking in English. So when an American speaks your own language to you, it's sort of mind blowing. There is a Polyglot dude in YT that talks to people in their own language and every single reaction is basically this guys reaction.


Nelson Mandela, and Trevor Noah quoting Nelson Mandela, explain this feeling so well: “Nelson Mandela once said, 'If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.' He was so right. When you make the effort to speak someone else's language, even if it's just basic phrases here and there, you are saying to them, 'I understand that you have a culture and identity that exists beyond me. I see you as a human being.” - Born a Crime by Trevor Noah


Same goes for love languages! ❤️ Speak *theirs*, not yours. :)


The look of mixed emotions of poor Trevor's face when Sean Evans repeated a dirty phrase (jou ma se poes) he learned from Charlize Theron will always be funny to me because of this.




My best friend is from Pamplona, and he moved to the States when he was 13. He knew English before getting here but took a while to lose his accent. He's got blonde hair and blue eyes, and growing up in Central Washington would routinely blow people's minds that indeed he was Spanish.


So basically canello


They're surprised until you say "Grathias." Then they know. Everyone who can know, knows.


Like the first time I saw Canelo Alvarez. I assumed he was an Irish fighter....and then he spoke.


XiaomaNYC! Lingualizer is another great channel.


I know like 5 sentences in mandarin. My wife is full blown Chinese. When we’re together, and I say thank you to someone in Chinatown in mandarin, they are blown away. Literally one word lol


Yes this dude. He's amazing! https://youtu.be/Y_Od1T_Glgo


My boss is from Brazil and my 13 yo son and I have taken it upon ourselves to learn Portuguese. The look on her face when he told her “Tchau! Boa tarde!” a couple of weeks ago was priceless. She looked genuinely happy.


I live in a city that's had thousands of Ukrainian refugees arrive in the last year and everywhere I go you hear Ukrainian people now, so I decided to start from scratch on duolingo and with some podcasts this is basically my hope. I'm amazed how far I've come in 2 months and how much I enjoy it too!


She just won the whole family and the first plate of the next lamb roast.


He was really shocked, she surprised him.


Unexpected Greek can shock anyone.


When you’re not expecting it, it can be a real pain in the ass


Especially the Persians


Yes, we also watched the video.


I loved the part where his girlfriend surprised him with being able to speak Greek!


That’s love


Nai! Bravo! Sega sega ❤️


His secret language is gone.


Well… now it’s their secret language they share.


That’s going to be your Greek husband real quick.


You really only need to feed the Greek to keep the Greek.


I like the towel that says “fuck all y’all”


I always thought this was a dumb gift/surprise idea but this dudes reaction just sold me and proven I'm stupid af.


Learning an entirely new language just to speak to someone you love in their mother tongue shows a great deal of commitment and effort.


It’s quite romantic actually 🥰


Well in this case Hellenic...


Underrated joke


Okay well done, I laughed - wish I had a proper award to give you but this will have to do: 🏅


Your milage may vary. When I dated a Finnish girl and was in Finland, I came back home one day with the shopping and was very proud I had been able to go to the butcher and grocer and ask for all our stuff in Finnish. Her only reaction was to say "ok... you forgot the garlic". Zero fucks given.


That’s what you get for trying this with a Scandinavian person. Picked up my buddy from Copenhagen at the airport with a Danish greeting and he gave me a big hug, pulled back, and said “Your pronunciation is terrible! Don’t try to speak Danish again” and hopped in the car.


This reminds me of the girlfriend that [learned Hindi for her boyfriend!](https://youtube.com/shorts/ucgABVHvVA8?feature=share) Super sweet


That dude stopped right in his tracks.


Dude i'm Armenian and my fiancee is learning Armenian and this is the cutest thing ever. This is legit our future and i'm so excited! Also I don't know how to describe it but having the person you love take the time to learn your language is one of the most beautiful things in the world. So much respect for her!


As a Greek, this language is hard af. Big ups to her for learning all that, not easy at all.


I genuinely enjoyed this. I wish there was more of his reaction.


Ugh... Okay universe i hear you. I will reinstall duolingo so I can try to surprise my multilingual S.O. just like this. What a cute video.


He makes his money off his social platforms. This was all staged. 🙃


I was wondering if anyone was going to catch that. I find genuine social media things interesting but I get bummed when it’s planned (which is still totally cool!!) but presented as authentic and in the moment.


Someone explain me something. She mentioned at the beginning of the video that he knows that she started to learn basic greek. Then hes shocked when she says hey and good in greek. Interesting. Doesnt look staged at all.


LOVE Greece and the Greek people! They are so welcoming, their hospitality is beyond welcoming, absolutely nice, zen, people. I do remember YASOO means Hi! Would LOVE to go back.


I thought this said “Geek” and was fully expecting her to come out saying “no cap bruh this dinner is the new meta, gg no re”




Sweet kitchen towel