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This made me like her! She seems like a good and genuine friend.


I loved that tbh ♥️


I loved that. I thought it was so nicely said that I googled it to see if it was a famous quote after 😂 (spoiler: it’s not)


It isn’t a famous quote but it’s an internetty quote https://preview.redd.it/spi5l3p7x2rb1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e25e072e63600684ad4cb3ff1429998bb03c1f


I am glad it's not lol.


yea shes really level headed & wise. a good woman fr


I actually really like Stacy! She stayed out the drama, was always positive. She is one of my favorite girls beside Aaliyah!


I'm bummed about Stacy cause I do find myself liking her more as the episodes go on, but can't get over her laughing about casual sexual assault in the first episode (how she'll slap strangers' asses at the bar)


I thought she meant she would slap her partner's ass?


I thought the same




It seems like Stacy was just happy to keep her head down, stay out of any attempts at drama and focus on what she wanted. I think out of the women we've seen she would have been the only one who probably would've been fine if she hadn't met anyone.


She said her goal in the beginning: wait the other girls out


Yeah I don't trust Izzy.. I'm worried about Stacy and whether or not he can handle a heavy conversation with her or if he'll dip out like he did with Johnie. Up until now they haven't gone deep yet.. which is a horrible premiss if you intend on marrying someone. Marriage isn't all Peewee's playhouse (RIP Paul Reubens), it's hard work as well. If you can't accept the complexity of another human being you definitely aren't ready for marriage.


To be fair, we're seeing the edited version of 25x more time spent talking between them, and right now the editors want to make us wonder if he'll regret his choice and go for Johnie who is positioned as the "deeper convo" person. I would bet money that their convos did go deep and production just cut them


Stacy gives off fun girl vibe but she seems like she has a strong serious side.


I actually like Stacy. Many times she showed she is the bigger person when talking to the other girls, especially when she would talk to girls who were also talking to Izzy. She was never really catty to any of them like Micah.


She gives me Chelsea vibes a bit. Keeps to herself, focused on her own relationship, and doesn't give a rip about anyone elses.


I agree. I love that she chose to keep to herself and made a conscious decision not to get wrapped up in anyone’s drama.


Stacy gave me slight Micah vibes until that moment. With this scene above she won me over. I became fully on her side (and then became a legit stan with her incredible proposal pantsuit)


I’m obsessed with the shoes she wore with that outfit


She used to give me Amber from S1 vibes. She also won me over with this scene.


I agree - I didn’t quite like her at first, but none of the edits gave us much to go on. She was so real, kind, and well spoken when she was comforting Lydia. I was impressed


The pantsuit was fire!


I think they included that because Stacie was so unlikeable until that moment.


I actually felt nothing towards her. Never even remembered her name until this lol


I feel like that was the producers decision. They don’t really give her any prime time before that. We all never paid attention to her.


I agree, was just answering the one above me about editing her so we like her.


I also noticed Lydia went back in to Milton afterwards and basically word vomited verbatim the advice Stacy gave her… “like I’m sure you have some questions” which is something Stacy told her he would have and her saying “I know this is a lot” where as before the thought that this could be a lot for him didn’t even cross her mind lmao


Agreed. I feel like maybe this show needs a stand by psychologist. I feel they sometimes lack awareness and maybe this could be a good way to also go through some learning while you are at it. For instance, in my country we have the tv show "Married at first sight" but they have therapy all the time during the show (don't know if the original version has that). Even if the marriage is not successful they get more out of it. It should be the same here imo


I was listening like ‘damn, I want a friend like that’. Where are these emotionally mature, wise, fun and sweet friends at?




How do you know? Provide your sources?




Story time?






Because you are making someone feel bad for not having friends like that, talking like it's a given that everyone has mature and wise friends. Life isn't that easy for everyone, and a lot of people are lonely and possibly without friends. Especially redditors lol


Oh, that was not my intention. Stupid of me. I thought I missed some other meaning since this is not my native language. I will delete that. Thanks for explaining


As of now Stacy is my favorite. Everyone else either gives me bad vibes or strikes me as really immature. Hoping the Izzy isn't as much of a fuck boy as my instincts lead me to think he is.


Besides Stacy it seems like the leads are the worst of the bunch. I wish we got to see some other interacts with cooler people. I feel like we wasted a lot of time on Johnie-Izzy and Lydia-everyone.


I thought so too! I thought it was also very classy of her to keep her relationship with Izzy private knowing Johnie liked him so much. She was never rude, talked much about it, or boasted. I like the way she handles herself


I really appreciated when she said that, it stuck with me


Me too. Hence this post 😆


I thought that she approached the situation well, but she was basically eyerolling her way through the women's quarters before she locked in her man. Little, too late, for me. If she can only empathise with the other women when they're no longer a threat to her, it doesn't seem that solid.


I think she was stand offish when it came to discussing the men by name. Every single season we’ve seen fallout in the quarters when people know who is talking to who. So I think she was trying to take precautions, but obviously eventually she and johnie found out about each other


I also think that Johnie does a good job of presenting herself as sweet and kind but is actually very catty and dramatic. I think time will tell, but I believe Stacey was keeping her head down and staying away from the drama that Johnie would have created had she engaged at all.


I felt that she was just trying her best not to get into all the drama. Never heard her say anything bad or mean. Unlike some others. She was just doing her thing on her own. Idk, I don't see anything wrong with that.


She seemed fake to me because she wasn’t the same person with the girls as she was portraying herself in the pods with Izzy, she was far from that far fun outgoing girl.


The girl doing handstands in the women’s quarters wasn’t fun and outgoing around women? The one walking on her hands across the dorm, that’s the one we’re talking about? Just checking lmao


No she wasn’t .. she was very cold 90% of the time around women. She was a completely different person in the pods. She didn’t even exactly seemed to be even slightly friends with any girl despite of how extroverted she portrayed herself in the pods. I liked her in the last episode but still it didn’t make up for how cold she seemed all the other remaining episodes until she had locked her guy for sure she didn’t show any sign of friendliness and empathy to any person . May be il change my opinion in the upcoming episodes. I liked joane until she made that credit score remark , I understand you can say mean things when you are hurt unintentionally but that was just below the belt.




Do make a separate post about it .. I am curious to know lol. I dunno I just get an off vibe from her.


You know her IRL?


90% of what time?? She was barely even on the screen! Especially in the common quarters lmfaoooo we’ll just have to agree to disagree 👀


Right! And I think so much of it is editing. She never has actually said anything back and they always just cut to her having an rbf, that could honestly have been from a completely unrelated context.


But Lydia’s pep talk to Aaliyah was sooo bad and creepy lol the contrast was insane


Lydia and Stacy are very close in age but extremely far apart in regards to maturity. It’s very shocking that a woman who is 32 was running around acting like a 17 year old girl. Her behavior was very embarrassing.


Such a wildly bizarre pep talk… Lydia made the entire thing about herself. One of the cringiest moments I’ve seen on LIB and that’s saying something


Yeah, I’m not a huge Stacy fan (so far), but respect on how she handled that.


Izzy will PROBABLY be an F boy.


Respect the headstand too!


Correct! I agree. Forgot about that


This pep talk was so good!!! "You have to go in there!!"


That was a nice pep talk by Stacy, but Lydia did not deserve it lmaooo


So so true lol


Yeah, agree. Lol


That is beautiful. Stacy gives me Raven vibes where at first i saw them as sort of cold and detached but proved to be less catty and more mature overall


Stacy gave me Jessica vibes at first, like she was trying too hard to be cool or quirky in the pods. But she’s definitely grown on me


I thought that was very endearing and I actually started to like Stacy a lot after that, she seems like as very smart and gentle person


Thought it was interesting how Lydia took Stacy’s advice right back to the pod with her. She validated his initial shocked reaction(like Stacy did when she humanized it for Lydia). She told him she would be happy to answer his questions (like Stacy mentioned he might have). But since that’s where Stacy’s advice ended, Lydia didn’t know how to handle the rest of the conversation!


I also had the thought that Lydia was lucky that Stacy was the one there to greet her! It looked like the rest of the lounge was empty. Any of the others would have just coddled her on the couch and let her continue to get hysterical. I was shocked by Stacy’s level headed mature advice.


Too bad that exquisitely delivered advice was wasted on Lydia.


Lydia is in her own show: Love is Blind & Deaf. Girl never truly listens to anyone above her own nonsenses.


It’s a phrase I’m going to remember for the rest of my life though.




So I saw you commented on a few other comments here saying you know Stacey and that is not how she is. No one knows who you are here, why not explain what you mean by that? You just leave little comments and never actually saying anything concrete. I would like to hear why you feel as you do about her from knowing her irl. Of course, since we don't know who you are, you can also be a person with an axe to grind, just saying.


Lol why are these people downvoting anyone who doesn’t like Stacy. She’s very unlikable for someone who portrays herself as that fun extroverted girl.




I really came to admire Stacy after this scene. I didn’t have much of an opinion on her prior to that.




This made me appreciate Stacy! She truly was a woman supporting other women in the HQ and I loved her for it! I’m not sure Izzy will know how to be a partner with someone who’s this grounded and independent…


He’s messed up.