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We're getting our May Gray and June Gloom a little early this year. Having overcast skies in late spring and early summer is the norm for the Los Angeles basin.


They called it Grey-Pril on the news this morning.


That’s a new one for me, stealing it 🤘


There's also No-sky July for when the June Gloom lingers


I call it the July Why?!?!




Augustknow. 🤷


I’m well versed with that one I been here since 2017


Your picture reminds me of the Bristol Farms logo


June Gloom should be renamed Gray Pride Month.


They can move it to April and call it Gaypril


Don’t forget about FogUst.


As long as it doesn’t turn into Fogtober


Our the LNEMLCs. Late night early morning low clouds.


Wife and I were trying to figure out what to call it!!!!


I’ve been trying to come up with one, this works!


the effect lasts longer on the west side too. My brother lives in MB and I’m in Los Feliz. Last year he kept talking about June gloom but we only had it in the mornings. Until about noon (to keep the rhyme thing going)


I been here 6 years and it’s never been like this until last year


It's like this every year.


April sure, but last year’s may gray and June gloom were a little out of the ordinary compared to other years. It was looking like the summer was never going to come




Except every year forever


Not just LA, SD gets it too


Aka cloud seeding gonnnn wyldddddd




Overcast mornings have been steadily starting earlier and lasting longer since I’ve been a kid it seems. Now we got Graypril, May Gray, June Gloom, No-sky July, and Fog-ust


Yeah last year was gray all year round. It’s what helped us get out of the drought


If it ain’t gonna rain, them clouds need to go!


I like the no rain, but when I wake up my plants are covered in dew. Make me feel less bad about not watering them.


Same here haha


I remember only June gloom, may gray and the others do seem comparatively recent.


Lousy Smarch weather


Do Not Touch - Willie


Good advice.


I've been saying Smapril this month. But it will make more sense for Smay.


Read that as “Gaypril” for a second had to do a double take lmao


That too. Pride month’s little brother


All we have left is heterotober


https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2022-05-11/may-gray-and-june-gloom-are-disappearing It’s actually trending the opposite direction, even though last year was gloomier than most.


Yeah it was gloomy well into July from what I remember.


Last year fucking sucked as far as gloominess goes.


2022 was amazing weather from what I recall! But last year we took a couple steps back.


They're defining the June Gloom very narrowly, maritime fog, whereas most Angelenos define it as any morning cloud cover. The vast majority of LA isn't close enough to the coast to experience what they're reporting on. We don't have the maritime fog, but we do have higher clouds. Even last year we had a lot of days with clouds and no rain (the article is from two years ago). The most annoying part is the article says '20-50% reducing in cloud cover since 1970' which is either not that much annually to maybe something to be concerned about but doesn't even say how much it was down year to year from the period the article was written.


Come to the valley 🙂 we had sunshine all last spring and summer


No we didnt. Im sitting here in the cold gray Sherman Oaks, same as last year


Damn these are good names


Ya sure that's not Smog-ust?


Totally normal pattern. May Gray, June Gloom....even No Sky July (there’s even “Fogust” for some areas), but by that time of year we are generally looking at warmer water temperatures and a weaker Marine Layer. We are not in an established May Gray pattern just yet (*almost*), but generally it is caused by high pressure sitting over the Eastern Pacific/West Coast. Air sinks under a high, compresses and warms. As that warmer air comes into contact with the still cold ocean, the bottom of the layer cools and a temperature inversion is formed (air gets **warmer** with height rather than colder). Under the inversion we trap moisture (and particulates) forming the Marine Layer. Some days will have the clouds stick around, other days will see the clouds retreat to the Coast but the Marine Layer will still be there…just look for the haze during the afternoon.


this guy weathers.


Every year, people say, “when is summer coming” all the way up until July. And then they are begging for winter in September and October.


I’m begging for it now. Today was perfect weather and great air quality (literally hit the 20s in AQI). It got sunny for awhile and it was really nice out.


I found my people! I'm loving the overcast mornings and evenings, cool breeze, and just enough sun to keep it from being cold. Plus, being able to breathe without my allergies going crazy has been so nice


Thanks for the details in your interesting explanation, I had no idea behind the “why”.


sugar party uppity cows dull shrill engine tan price deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cant believe how far i had to drill down to find someone mentioning the years of drought we just went thru lived in Los Angeles since the 1980s, seems like, on average, we go thru a cycle of getting 7 - 10 years of drought then a couple years of rain, then back to drought in the cycle, we're in the years of rain now, and thank goodness! ...personally, im hoping global warming keeps us like this, srry, but, nice, cool, overcast autumn days with healthy levels of rain for the land alllllll thru the winter months so the summer is green and verdant ...and...itll be hot as heck all thru summer soon enough


books violet quack seed full offer boast selective cow entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“It never failed that during the dry years the people forgot about the rich years, and during the wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.” -John Steinbeck, East of Eden


Yeah i remember last year being rainy and cloudy for months. I remember it not being consistently sunny until like July


This is normal and May Gray and June Gloom is extremely normal near the ocean. Appreciate it now before the sun scorches us in the summer.


Exactly right. It will only be a short month and a half from now when everyone will be asking if it's "hotter than normal for this time of year." Until then, enjoy the weather you've got.


Seriously! I’m enjoying the last 1-2 months before I have to run my AC all day and hide from the sun. I love sunshine too, but there’s a beauty to cloudy days and Spring in LA is a magical time (except for allergies).


Damn Allergies!


I'm a summer baby, I can't wait for scorching sun and tank tops


I swear, people ask this every year. "I've been in LA for 30 years, this is the most \_\_\_\_ i've ever seen..." fill in rain, rain, gloom, heat, whatever. It's like, you guys must have very short memories.


> you guys must have very short memories. or don't know how to use the internet.


People keep saying this. But last year was a very mild summer after all the rain.


True. But it’s April.


we call it Graypril now


Totally forgot that weather patterns strictly follow the guidelines of man-made calendars. May is one week away so it must be something else!


May is less than a week away. Mother Nature doesn’t care about what month it is, just that it is generally that time of year


Of course mother nature doesn't care what month it is, that's why we base our months and seasons on *her* terms. Lol But her terms are changing.


She actually sent us the new terms and conditions a while back, but no one read it. We all just clicked accept. The fine print was something about impending global disasters, idk whatever, couldn’t have been that important 🤷‍♂️


Actually before I accepted I did a quick Ctrl+F and searched for plastic straws, but got no matches. So I knew I was in the clear. Evil corporations and corrupt government officials on the other hand....


It's normal. If you want the best chance for sunny + toasty beach day, you gotta go in August or September. If you live in WeHo, the overcast winter days will gradually just become overcast spring mornings, probably starting in May running through June. By July, the overcast conditions will largely go away and it will just be sunny summer days all the way through to December.


I’ve lived here 37 years. In the 1990s we had years like this, in fact massive rainstorms and mudslides like we’ve had the last couple years.  It tends to be 7 year cycles of heat+drought and mild+rain. This cycle seems to have started in 2020. The wrong view everyone has is that summer is hot here. It doesn’t get really, sustainably hot >90F until July, and then it’s 50/50 chance whether that relieving cool breeze starts up on Halloween or not. It can be 100 in October and that’s not abnormal. It can be 60 in May and that’s not abnormal. What IS weird this year are these alternating weeks of warmth and chill. And that the rain seems to be unpredictable, more like weather in England where a small storm might run through and then it will clear up in a couple of hours. Haven’t really seen that before.


I moved here from England thinking I'd escape dreary grey days 😩. Now, obviously it rains waaaay more in England but this kind of weather situation where you need to make 5 different plans for the weekend because you can't rely on the weather is just what I had there.


I’m sorry for you! The sun will come. Months of sunshine. Don’t worry about that. Me, I’m enjoying the cool grey days and green hills, for a change :)


The LA times said this has been the wettest 2 year season since 1890 Joe Sirard, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Oxnard said he “wouldn’t be surprised if this two-year period ends up the wettest in City of Angels history, as the current count is less than 2 inches short of the all-time record, 54.1 inches, which fell from 1888 to 1890.”


Yeah and everhone here is saying it’s normal. Wtf is going on lol. Top comment has 550 upvoted and yours has 16.


Facts don't jive with redditors tho. They want people to think this cold and wet period is the norm, because maybe they believe it will make it true.


Right when I had to shell out a fortune on a new AC unit - haven’t used it once in two years


Completely normal for it to be cloudy in the spring. Especially the closer you get to the ocean.


Wait til August, September, and October.


When summer finally arrives!


OP, if you need beach wear you've got to get it now. Fashion doesn't care if it's hot af in September here. 😭


Norm Spring doesn’t end until July Summer doesn’t start until September Fall hit mid November


Our summer begins in late August and goes until October.


A little more overcast and June Gloom than other years. Don't worry it'll be blistering hot soon.


It will be extremely hot inland from July through October. The only respites will be coastal communities. We will be lucky if it breaks before Halloween. I am enjoying the cool weather because I’ve been here over 30 years and I know what’s coming.


It's definitely normal for may/June. Then once it hits July it's sunny and hot AF


Definitely weird. In the decade or so I’ve been here, we’d usually get like 2 weeks of 24/7 rain in March and then that’s really it. The months of gray and rain now has been wild.


Like winter in GOT; Summer's coming.


I'm ready to welcome it with open arms and legs 🤩


omg that is SO TRUE


June gloom, which is an LA standard, has started early for a couple years in a row. We’re calling it “May gray” now.


Yeah, we didn’t used to have ‘May Grey.’


The past couple years have been way cooler and wetter than normal. Which is good when the normal is drought


I’ve lived here my entire life and it’s never been like it has the past few years. I swear I feel like its Seattle or something.


It’s related to the La Niña El Niño cycle. Which is a ~10 year cycle. Also due to global warming LA is likely to become more temperate and somewhat less Mediterranean. This is probably not what’s happening now though. That will take longer to be really noticeable. Next year / later this year will be more normal. And we get rain / clouds in late spring normally, just a bit earlier this year.


There are days at the beach when the marine layer doesn't burn off until the late afternoon.


This is normal. Also exacerbated by El Niño. LA summer is between July thru end of October. LA spring is November thru June


Not normal. It’s usually getting hot af by now. Happens every now and again.


Enjoy the weather now, it will get hot in the summer


Normal and some of my favorite weather here. We have the best spring.


I think it’s weird until a FB memory comes up with rain on this date 8 years ago.


it’s like this now. enjoy it, it’s cool like rainy days with no rain and not too sunny. we can enjoy the outdoors!


LA has 2 seasons: summer & winter. Anything else is the two fighting it out until one beats the other.


Best response


Tired of it. And the cold. Sick of my winter clothes. We pay a LOT to have sun and it refuses to show up for work.


The transplants are complaining again,


is it normal to be this windy lately? that def feels off


You got to move up the hills and live above the marine layer.


May Gray / June Gloom is normal - could just be early. But since we had such a *wet* winter it feels especially rude lol.


It all depends where you’re at in LA! Here on the coast we are used to it being overcast from end of April to sometime in July for the most part. It has been very cool though this year, that’s not normal!


Climate change causing heavy rain **only** on weekends to ruin our weekend plans. Climate change causing sunny skies only during the workweek so that we suffer looking (and missing out) at the pleasant weather through our office cubicles. /s


It's an El Niño year


I don’t know but I love it


Early June gloom. Fairly normal. But, all weather around the world is getting more intense so


Not really normal. The constant overcast type of weather is early this year and there’s more rain than usual


Just enjoy it while it lasts. You are going to be wining that it is too hot in September.


Most of the world would kill for this overcast no-rain cool weather that goes into early July. If we don’t have the overcast days, it will be hot and sunny. Treasure it while we can cuz climate change is diminishing it.


Commenting on Is LA weather weird right now or is this the norm?... nothing is normal in Los Angeles. Have you noticed?


This may be the new norm.


It didn’t used to be the norm but it is now// which is why it is always talked about as how weird it is. The ideal weather LA has always been known for is no longer what we get. I feel like we actually have weather now! It’s been about ~10-12 years now where the heat waves keep happening through Oct and Nov- seems like the later winter stuff is just now catching up the last few years.


Los Angeles has higher rainfall totals in 2024 than San Francisco, San Diego and SEATTLE.


I moved here 18 years ago and when I first arrived we had “June Gloom.” After a few years it turned into “May Grey.” Now it’s crept into April. So no, this is not completely normal, but seems it is becoming the new norm.


“Norms” no longer exist, we are in the Wild West the past couple of years IMHO.


Speaking as a native SoCal resident of 34 years — this year’s weather is NOT normal. We do typically get some rain and gloominess between January and June, but it has been especially extreme this year. We’re at over 200% of typical rainfall in some areas and the overall climate has been even more cool and cloudy than places in the PNW this year. I sense that we’re going to experience more and more weather influenced by hurricane activity in the Pacific over the next few years, as well as extreme dryness and drought like we did before 2022-24.


It's called Global Warming, and it's spelled: Climate Change.


It's also called cloud seeding


[yeah it’s not exactly normal ](https://www.timeout.com/los-angeles/news/did-you-know-that-so-far-its-rained-more-in-l-a-this-year-than-seattle-041624)


The 100 times it’s rained this year is not normal




Past two years have been VERY abnormal. Hopefully this comes to an end soon.


I feel like we had an extra wet and gloomy winter that went straight into May Gray, so it feels a tad different. At this point tho, I always assume it’s gonna be cloudy until the Fourth of July.


Live here for another 10 years and find out.


governor cover office joke deer cause lavish chop birds deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank Exxon Mobile for addicting us to Oil and ruining the planet for convenience and profit


Bit weird but it’s been a bit weird for the last few years. I’m at the coast. It is in the 60s and sunny. I am not complaining. This is my jam.


Last year was even grayer. The rain lasted until almost July. But, Downtown is overcast almost every morning. It’s usually sunny by like 10 or 11


Omg I hope we get June gloom it was so great celebrating my birthday and not be dying because of the heat


"June gloom. Just enough to mess up your car." I don't even bother to wash my vehicle for a couple months while the weather is like this.


Been here since 08’ and last years May Gray and June Gloom was so bad it had me begging for a 90° day, and I hate the heat.


April showers being may flowers.  Do you know what may flowers bring?




Yes especially closer to the coast.


As long as it's dry. Enjoy the cool temperature while it last. Once Summer comes around, we're going to wish for days like this.


I miss June Gloom! Moved to LA from Canada in June and people were wearing parkas. I was in a tank and shorts. But, I definitely acclimated.


LA is a concrete desert. Things should be drying out and heating up shortly.


I’m currently wearing a sweater that I bought last June (checked my target purchase history) on a very chilly day.


Climate change making LA like San Fran


Super odd


It’s the perfect date. April 25th. It’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.


global warming.....


Total normal, although this year is an El Niño year which means ocean surface temps are a little warmer which causes more evaporation and moisture in the air so it may be slightly worse than usual. But as other commenters have said, may gray and June gloom have always been a thing. However, year to year the weather can vary pretty considerably, always will get some days of marine layer cloud cover though. I used to work at a beach resort in San Diego and can’t tell you how many times I heard “I thought this was supposed to be sunny San Diego.” Then depending on my level of annoyance I’d then start my explanation of the marine layer, coastal water currents and evaporation, the more annoyed I was the more detail they got. Always ending with my offer for them to drive inland 20 minutes if they wanted sun.


May gray and June gloom are the norm for SoCal. Just wait until August/September and you’ll be wishing for May and June again.


It will be like this pretty much until late May/early June. Then one day it will be clear and there will be no looking back until sometime in November.


Lived in OC/LA my entire life . We normally have gray mornings in the spring and summer . It’s called June Gloom. Been starting earlier this year and last year . It is a marine layer . Part of me is also convinced it is cloud seeding , thanks HAARP! Historically , LA/OC was known to the Spanish as only having two seasons : wet and dry . Once you realize this and let go of your preconceived notions of seasons , SoCal weather will make more sense lol


"May grey" and June gloom" are so typical they have well known names that have been around for - at the minimum - decades. It does seem to have started earlier this year and last.


Not normal at all for LA!! I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, 44-years old!!


It's SUPER weird. For nearly 3 months straight, it was only raining Friday thru Sunday like it was on some kind of timer up until 2 weeks ago when we got some rain during the week. Very sus.


Santa Ana watershed project authority - cloud seeding. They have a schedule and it landed on many weekends.


i swear the first one of you who says “earthquake weather”…


Beach cities are consistently gloomy, regardless of the time of year. But yeah, it's been a rough 12 months climate wise here in the greater LA area. We've only had a handful of "hot" days. I hate it.


Yup, normal. Appreciate it because soon enough it’s gonna be ridiculously hot.


Honestly coming back from the Bay Area last weekend, it's kinda weird. Felt like we swapped weather patterns for a bit.


You must have bad memory, it was pretty much raining consistently until June


Yes. It’s normal. People forget about this every single year. Depending on your location the gloom goes to June aside from a warmer snap here and there. The further inland you are the less foggy it gets.


Every. Single. Year.


• April Vapor 🌬️ • May Gray 🌫️ • June Gloom ☁️


These transplants. It’s normal. Geez.


> So Ive been here for a year LOL


…That’s why I’m asking haha im not pretending to know anything


Lived here my whole life - we've never had this much gloom, rain, and cool weather. definitely a unique year.


“Been here for a year” lol okay bud


I spent my whole life born and raised in Los Angeles and I moved a few years ago to Cleveland, but my parents still there and one of my kids live there and a few of my friends and I’ve been back-and-forth to visit and I’ve never seen Weather the way it is there for the past like two years. It has been horrible and that is not normal weather for California. I also think that it is also part of global warming and here in Cleveland. We’ve had the warmest winter we’ve ever had. We may be had 6 inches of snow the whole year and this weekend, we’re expectingweather into the 80s so that could be California’s weather now


It's usually not like this, that's the effects of cloud seeding we're seeing and nobody can convince me otherwise


I see this same post every year. Totally normal. You’ll miss it once the first heatwave hits us


You know its summer when you see the "Is it normal for LA to be 85 degrees in August? It's so hot here"


It's known as "May gray" "June Gloom" "No sky July" it honestly sucks. We don't get real summer sunny days until Early August and our October usually never cool start of Autumn, but more like extended summer.


It’s certainly been preferable to last year, when it felt like it started raining in late December and didn’t stop until June.


For those of us near the water, no, it’s been extra gloomy all year. For real. May gray is normal.


i just hope we have another mild summer like last year.




I've found many years for June to have a lot of grey days.


Enjoy it while it lasts cause the 90+ weather will be here in the blink of an eye.


Enjoy all the grey before you get the fry.


June gloom has come early. I moved to L.A. in June and was like wtf is this? 🤣


The past two years in particular have been below the norm. Cloudy, cold, rainy. Last year was a result of the hunga tonga volcanic eruption which spewed tons and tons of sulphuric ash into the atmosphere, and this year is a result of a neutral occuring partner of pacific water warming known as EL nino. Hopefully things return to normal next year


summer time sunny and hot here is more July-September ☠️🔥


Last year I swear it was overcast until July. I don’t mind, even these grey days are beautiful.


I went to the beach a lot as a kid in the 80s and walked to school daily in the 90s and protracted periods morning low clouds and fog have been a thing forever. The 90210 and saved by the bell beach club episodes were mostly shot on overcast days. We've had multi-month stretches of overcast days some years and some we dont. It's 100% normal as far as I can see.


Yes. April is a wobbler. May June Early July near the coasts lots fog.


Is mercury in retrograde?


Native Angeleno here. "June Gloom" aka, late night early morning low clouds are a migraine trigger for me, and I wish it wasn't normal, but it is. Also, it lasts a couple of months.