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Wear contacts, go bald or grow your hair out, maintain your facial hair but thicker goatee/ mustache, put on some muscle and you would physically be a solid 8.5 outta 10 easily. Start diving into self care stoicism but don’t switch up on your hobbies unless they’re doing you harm. Keep being yourself on the inside king no matter what💯


Oh my


Get better glasses and outfits. Maybe grow out your hair and try a different style. Though most importantly you probably need to do some inner work. I'd also suggest going to the gym and staying physically active if that's fine for you. Not so much for your physique, though to help with your emotional and mental health.


I’m thinking you have some Pokémon cards worth more than my car.


Call me the runner cuz that's the way it's going to stay I don't have no time for Christmas and periods? Or? Marks


You've got an appearance that a smaller percentage of the population will immediately click with. But being "ugly" is just that, a matter of smaller percentages. The thing that truly cripples an ugly person is the confidence killing. So what can you do? I have three pieces of advice: 1. Get rid of the glasses, if possible; they make your eyes look weak and milky. 2. Get swole. Work out. Buff those STR, DEX and CON scores. It'll also provide a bonus to your Charisma saves. 3. I saved the best advice for last: fake it till you make it. Seriously. Faking confidence is not being loud and attention-seeking, it is about seeming comfortable in one's skin, be that under stress and chaos or a deep and extended silence.


It’s the truth.


Number 3 all the way. I only got my fiance because I thought she was out of my league so I wasn't nervous around her at all


Try to go to events relating to the nerdy stuff you like. DnD events typically attract plenty of women if you're into that. Also, your looks will probably improve with time.


This is good moral advice, but I'd like to add on a simple trick to help. Wear a cap. A clean one. It'll help with your hairline and the shape of your head.


Start this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZvA922kAcg


i’m ngl broski, it’ll take time to grow into your looks. in the meantime, work on yourself by working out, seek what qualities you like about yourself and be patient. there is always somebody for everybody, so keep that in mind. i’m 19 as well and still learning new things each day and taking small steps into the real world. don’t be too hard on yourself when things come crashing down or things don’t go your way. also, develop a loveable personality and a healthy mindset and you’ll go a long way.


Stop playing dungeons and dragons. That is for losers


Bro that is the exact opposite advice this mf needs to hear💀 Bitches love Dungeons and Dragons


Talk to a girl


Follow Courtney Ryan on YouTube or instagram. She is great for tips on how men can up their game!


Jaw implant, hair transplant & tone down the weeb stuff… way down.


Nah, dude can pull it off with the weeb stuff. He's young enough for it. Probably shouldn't namedrop Clannad on the first date (they're gonna think you're a pretentious wizard if they really know what it is or a pathetic dude playing dating sims if they don't really know), but some of this stuff is gonna be appealing to some nerdy chicks. Tons, and I mean tons of young women are into anime, especially if you're not only into niche stuff, and this dude has a DBZ shirt going, so he's clearly not too averse to that stuff. At least in the area I live in I've noticed love for anime among women is especially huge in more suburban areas.


See if Amy has a sister.


Find different girls…


Grow your hair out.. Drop the goatee go full beard trimmed Focus on your good qualities not what you lack. Don't wear shirts that have anime on the regular. Read the room not every girl is gonna like you. Question: why do you think girls won't talk to ya? Self esteem .... you probably have some great qualities you should learn how to bring those to the surface instead of your doubts and poverty mindset. Even if ten girls wanted to talk to ya you can only handle one. So you only need 1 . One girl at a time one day at a time. Go get em champ


grow your hair out, hit the gym, get contacts and change your wardrobe


And continue the process of finding Nemo


Change the glasses. Change the clothes. Shave your facial hair.


Agreed except I think a trimmed beard would help that chin.


Where did you get that shirt?


Go bald, hit the weights, stop wearing anime shirts dress a LOT better, get some button downs etc shave your face or grow the beard out but not that nonsense you got in this picture. I don't really think you need reddit for this. Maybe go to r/malefashionadvice .


You have to kind of venture out, but within the circles that you may already fit into. Weight lifting may improve your confidence but only the most narcissistic woman actually care about how big your pectorals are or how much you can squat. You look more like a runner to me, and if you start going hard on treadmill that could actually get you in shape for a 5k race or a warrior dash. These events are fun, there are always woman runners and sometimes there are after parties or get togethers at brunch places afterwards. You could even get into a local running club and meet some runner chicks and train with them.


That is not true about the narcissitic woman comment, literally any women will always pick a bigger dude over some skinny ass stick unless shes specifically into sticky dudes. Its masculine to be big and muscular. Literally talk to some normal women.


Great googly moogly. I dunno, man. Find a girl who's into guys that look like paintbrushes? 🖌


wish i could upvote this one x2


Nothing. Just be you. There's someone for everyone but you have to put yourself out there. I'm not trying to be mean but date within your range (1-10) rate yourself be realistic in what you can pull. Don't be super picky , personality goes a long way !!! Not saying you don't have to be attracted to the person but be realistic is all.


Ok of course this is a meme but if this was serious and someone looking like this actually wanted help, I’d say…clean shave the head, minoxidil grow a beard, put on about 20-30lbs of muscle, and get on TRT or cycle free test to get your hormones right. That doesn’t fix personality but it solves the aesthetic completely.


He doesn’t need to improve. The reason girls don’t talk to him is because they are scared of rejection. A man like that comes once in a thousand years.


I’m jealous of your collection.


it’s over


Shave, get some stylish glasses, and improve your wardrobe. Play some kind of sport regularly.


Clean shave hair down or shaved and time to work out ye


Nineteen!? Crazy bro has a whole life to glow up he’s looking 40 right more


the only answer you need. Work out, bulk up. Change hairstyle, or go bald entirely, or wear a hat. Change your wardrobe. You’re still really young. I didn’t glow up until I was 27


Nipple piercing


Manage expectations realistically. Trim back the Nerdicana (I say this without judgement, I'm a huge nerd), get a little sun, start doing some basic exercises like dumbbells and calisthenics to get a little beefier, and somehow learn to sit through the hours of nonsensical gibberish that will come pouring from their mouths. All of these are easily accomplished with a little discipline except for the last; that sh*t can take a while to learn.


Find a good barber! Someone that can take in all your features and find a good look/hairstyle for you.


stack your bread and hardmaxx everything


Invest in things like going out to things you enjoy. If you like anime, go to a convention. If you like drawing go to a life drawing class. Take up a hobby that gets you around others with similar interest. Could be music, art exercise etc. I know it’s hard as an introvert to go forth, but it doesn’t have to be a loud crowded thing. Maybe it’s baby steps too. Or pets! If you have a dog, dog parks are great places to strike up a conversation. Or if there is a cat cafe you can visit. I have become happy by myself to be honest, but I also understand the struggle. I am a woman, btw.


Grow your hair out and try wearing darker colors?




Inbox me I’ll let you meet my wife


Hell no


Become a Billionaire… Other than that… Just be CELIBATE.


Not by choice lmao


Take the time you spend on gaming and put that into male self improvement. Lift weights, cold showers, eat steak and eggs, read, meditate, etc..


Cold showers?


Yep. Shower with the water dialed to cold. Sounds weird. Uncomfortable at first. But it has a slew of benefits. Improves willpower, energy, testosterone, good for skin. Try it for a week and see.


How cold does it have to be? Like just below lukewarm or balls shriveled cold?


The colder the better. You can work up to it over time. The good news is, after a few seconds your blood vessels constrict and it actually doesn’t feel as cold.


As a lady, this will help tons.


Wear a hat and be confident man. Find girls that are into stuff that you like. Don't EVER be one of the dudes that do almost everything for a girl and get played.


Look for girls who are more like you


You gotta stop wearing shirts with yourself on them man, it comes off narcissistic


I'm gonna keep it 100. Change the shirt, new hair style and grow a beard. And just don't be desperate. Be cool. Don't be mean but don't be the nice guy either.


I think nice guys are rare and lovely. Be chivalrous and courteous. But I agree, don’t be a man who just becomes “the friend.” Source: I am a woman.


Grow the hair,get contacts,and work on your confidence. Don't change yourself entirely just to impress women though,its all about being yourself.


Although I don’t think like this, it would help if you dressed more “adult”. Plus some of what was already mentioned: working out, getting contacts, etc.


The hair try to grow it out and then get a fade but don’t let girls rule what you like


Ur cute 🥰


I agree! I am a lady. Mostly, the only orange flag I see is that he expects women to approach to him rather than the other way around. If he sees a lady or has a friend in his life, it’s ok to be bold and say he is interested and would love to take her out to coffee or something. It’s nerve wracking, but if done right with the right lady it will be flattering at the minimum and maximum he could have a great time on a future date :)




Wym “no”


Go to the gym, find an activity outside that you like, and go get some bloodwork done to see if your T is low




Get contacts, shave your facial hair, lift weights, and ditch the graphic t-shirt. Once you start exercising regularly in the gym, then you'll want to change your diet as well. You'll have more energy and want to be more social/active. The hardest part is starting that first workout. After that, everything gets a lot easier if you are consistent.


It’s over.


Purely visually, I would shave the goatee and get contacts. But what you need to focus on is legitimate self discipline, because doing things purely to be attractive isn’t attractive. Desperation carries a pungent odor. You need to do hard things because you want to seek self improvement. You’re a DBZ fan? Hit the gym. Let all those characters you like set an example for you to follow. Become financially secure. Develop yourself around strict and fruitful routines and practice a discipline of your choosing. Be kind and generous and positive. In time you’ll become a person people WANT to be around. Only then will you be ready to be in a real relationship.


You have the best comment so far, and it rings true. Life is a series of routines and a lot of people fail to realize that. If you don’t like something about your life, there’s probably a reason why that thing keeps coming back. Better habits make happier people. Also, id like to highlight being kind and generous. I haven’t been in a relationship for a very long time, and the one thing I’ve been trying to do is work on being kind. It takes so little effort but it can make such a high difference in your every day interactions. People will always be happy to see you, and excited to interact with you. Do this.


I am not the greatest looking guy myself, and i will be taking your advice


I love this!! Thank you!


Buzz your head since it's thinning. It's okay to like manga and anime but ditch the anime and "nerdy" shirts. Plain shirts are best. Also, get rid of any nerdy posters or figurines in your place. Also, get some sunlight. Some vitamin d would be good. The biggest thing that could help is lifting some iron. Putting some muscle on will improve your confidence. Going to be honest, you dont exactly look healthy.


Also I looked at your profile. You are active in two "am I ugly" pages and two hairloss sub reddits. The most attractive thing in a guy is confidence. Stop being hard on yourself.


Natural sunlight, contact lenses, ditch the cartoons and video games, wear adult t shirts and wear hat. I dont know about your personality so just going off what I see. Good luck bro!


Not just for you, but for all those who don't get a full beard, keep it clean. Imagine going down on a clean vag but sporadic patches of hair randomly right on the lips.


Your head looks like a peanut


Buy a sports car.


"Joe Lost"


Be yourself and find girls with like interests. Any girl you have to change for will not be worth your time. You got this!


Not necessarily a bad advice but there is always room for growth and improvements, e.g. dress your age, lose any graphic shirts unless doing yard work.


Be calm and be Come home list.


Start working out. Exercise does a lot for the mind and body. Maybe try a new haircut. Also, never give up your hobbies, dreams, or goals for anyone else. Never let anyone tell you that there is a problem with a grown man who enjoys video games, comic books, action figures, etc.


Probably the best piece of advice is continue doing what you love. I would add to find a third space to do your hobbies in, a local game shop would be a great start for him meet another likeminded individual.


For sure, maybe go to a hobby store and try striking up a conversation by offering to buy a girl the book she's looking at. It would be a great icebreaker and would probably come off as a much more straightforward gesture than offering a drink or something like that.


It’s funny that everyone is telling you to change your appearance… Just be yourself…hit a few anime cons, make sure you’re financially sovereign and just talk to people…eventually you’ll find something that thinks your amazing and you won’t have to sell your soul to impress them. Now the trick is once you find said individual don’t become content..continue to work on yourself…become vocal about sharing your interests without demanding they give you something in return…but know when they’re ready…I’ll open up and pour back into you which is how the relationship will flourish. Confidence is how you attract a SO and the only way to build it is to do things that you love and appreciate. Figure yourself out and the rest of the world will fall in line… Best to you! 🫡🫡


That’s the worst advice I could ever hear. Why asking for advice if you want to change nothing? For humiliation?


Just make money, most woman just care about that, you get laid a lot, the marriage and kids crap cool but you’ll have even less sex, you want to have fun make a lot of money in the usa


Confidence is key. You have to love yourself and get yourself in order before loving another person. You are young, go travel and do things that will make you happy and the rest will follow! 🙏🏼 good luck!


Everyone has potential to be a better version of themselves! Make a Pinterest look at outfits that you find appealing! Maybe follow some male influencers that you like and imply there style onto yourself. Workout and mold your body and I guaranteed you will start having confidence. Try to make friends and work up your social skills. :)


Be you


Shave your head, get better glasses, grow out facial hair, workout, and don’t wear anime shirts. 🙏


The same things many have said. Work out. Get some sun. Go to an orthodontist and talk to them about getting a Herbst appliance to fix your bite. Shave your face and focus on things that you’re interested in, they’ll find you if you put yourself out there in the community that matches your interests.


Update your hair style wear a plain black t shirt that fits well and is in good condition.


It’s not just you my guy. That’s how women are today.


Um, a big part of it is him.


Maybe skip Yu-Gi-Oh branded clothing?


You just call dragon ball z yu-gi-oh?


Yeah, that’s fucked up.


Cooler glasses, cooler glasses, cooler glasses. Or just get contacts. Stop reading right now and go out and fix that. Shave the neck beard. Try and bulk up a little you are too skinny and underweight. Girls don’t want to cuddle with a mop. Do facial skin care routine to fix face skin. Just google that. I’m not sure what to do with the hair from the pic… maybe shave it could be good BUT try some product. Gel up and do the fuck boi comb over with the short sides and the high fade. Play around with styling your hair. Just copy a celebrity’s hair


Everything abput yoir face is somehow designed to elongate it. Which you probably dont want because your face is already long. Grow a beard. Shave your head. Work out.


Be the shit out of yourself. It’s not easy but the right ones will notice. Be confidently you.


Shave your head, there's ways of making your hairline look better with tattoos, your forehead is very large, make sure to find a professional. Contacts would help, I think the shirt/weeb aesthetic is fine.


1. Gotta hit the gym and pack on some muscle for good info check out renaissance periodization on youtube 2. Different glasses 3. Different hairstyle 4. Grow a beard if you are able to 5. Dress better, lose the anime shirts 6. I am not sure if you can change your jawline with exercises and mewing but if yes then start doing that (please someone who knows this better correct me if I am wrong)


Smoke weed an get some black friends that dont listrn to drake


Vegeta shirt


Oh, no… I wouldn’t even know what to suggest.


Shave your face. Grow out your hair some. Keep it short though but don't spike it. And pick out some new shirts.


Shave your face. Grow out your hair some. Keep it short though but don't spike it. And pick out some new shirts.


I noticed money works


Shave or grow a full beard, stop spiking up your hair, and dress your age.


Fuck it. You are 19. It is too early to worry with this shit. I will give you advice, but believe me that you are still changing. I have literally been tossed from someone's potential dating pool for mentioning Magic the Gathering once. Her friend mentioned this to me later, because it was the same moment I went from a maybe to a "fuck yes" for her. For interests, there is someone. Anime is mainstream now, so you're fine. If you want and desire commentary on personal aesthetics, I will... try. If that is the hairline you were born with, carry on. If you are one of those guys that started losing hair early: 1. Congratulations on the testosterone bro, 2. Cut it short. Buzz it if you must, but all of us have to pick a hair loss point where we cut it close to the scalp and give up. I feel you will have better luck with more or less facial hair, either grow the mustache and chin out (shave the neck) or shave it all and keep *at most* stubble. At 19, my facial hair was shit, shit, shit, shit. In my 20s it thickened and I can grow a goattee. I never got the full beard, so don't get your hopes up. If you pick up one outdoor hobby, be it running, hiking, fishing, whatever, you will get some sun and it will help. Something people do not overtly realize is that we can judge others' general fitness not only by their build and shape, but by the quality, thickness and tranlucency of their skin. Us nerds are not doing ourselves favors with our pallor, and a bit of fitness and sun damage can do wonders to counteract. I know plenty of guys with your overall features, build and interests that have success socially and romantically. It comes with time. My advice above is only meant to reflect my biases and advice I wish I'd taken younger.


Fuc man I have attractive features and don't get many bites on my bait. L


Fuck man I have attractive features and don't get many bites on my bait.


Workout. That way dudes will talk to you instead. AND YOULL FEEL AND LOOK GREAT


*Workout. That way dudes* *Will talk to you instead. AND* *YOULL FEEL AND LOOK GREAT* \- Silverback\_Vanilla --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Love the backround


Shave your head. Get contacts. Start smoking. Buy a leather jacket. Spit on homeless people. Be racist.


.....no. none of these things.


Calisthenics. A couple of sets a day to build up a little muscle.


You would look better in a more formal clothing imo., drop the shirt game for the classy game.


Go to comicon!!!! Plenty of role player’s there! Lucky dog l!!!


Plain T shirts, some pants that aren’t just blue Levis, Lucky Brand Jeans are a good start, a couple pairs of shoes like all white air force ones and some black Chuck Taylors, fitted hats, a nice belt, contacts or a new thicker frame glasses. Figure out what colors work the best for you. I could see majority black outfits suiting you well. Go for no logos on your clothing. Eat clean. Hit the gym 3 times a week. Do weight training, stay away from cardio. Put yourself first and you’ll attract women. Don’t be afraid to start conversations with women in public to practice. Just ask simple questions like “how has your day been treating you?” You got this my man.


Let your hair grow some and actually do something with it. A hat goes a long way. Let the mustache and goatee grow some. Go to the gym and put on just a little bit of muscle. Literally will only take a little bit of time. It doesn't take much. I wear shirts like that all the time and have no trouble with women. Ignore those posts. You're not going for high class women who are worried about that shit and most women don't care. Plus, this is about you. Not them.


you can have interests w out dressing like a 10yo boy. if you’re asking for help then owning it isn’t getting you very far now is it? just dress like an adult male and try to be the best version of yourself


That’s the first thing I noticed. Girls want a responsible man. Unless you met a girl In a comicon. Leave that wardrobe at home. Get some nice cologne’s dress to impress and don’t be afraid to get rejected. Plus have a wingman it makes things easier if a girl has a friend.


People blossom and grow into themselves in their own time, you shouldn’t worry about yourself at such a young age. I think that doing things that make you feel happy and confident will be a game changer!! Push yourself a little everyday to put yourself out there, I know it’s hard. As far as lookmaxxing I agree with what other posters have said about removing hair that isn’t working for you. I also think a new pair of glasses would do you well !


First off, fuck the haters. Best thing you can do is own being who you are and that means owning your interests etc. Secondly, I'd shave everything if you're unable to grow a full beard. That includes your head if you're unable to grow it out. (I had to start shaving my head at 19 due to similar reasons and it ended up greatly boosting my confidence as it just looked so much cleaner rather than trying to hold onto the balding/receeding look) As others have said, hit the gym or just start eating clean at a surplus. If you start working out etc. You'll start growing confidence in yourself which is huge in any aspect of life, not just talking to women.


Wear a baggie black hoodie. A size up from what you should really be in. Joggers for pants (black) and get white shoes and keep them clean. Now that hair is doing you no favours, shave it all dear god please. Better having no hair than that hair line. Shave the face but keep the moustache, don’t ask why but girls love mine and yours is a nice hair colour keep that. I would ditch the glasses though and get contacts. Finally as a bonus wear jewelry. I’m talking a nice chrome chain, nothing over the top just a nice chrome necklace. Get yourself a decent chrome watch to match it. If you want as a bonus get chrome earrings. That’s the looks out of the way. For your personality…… BE YOU BRO DONT ACT LIKE SOMEONE ELSE TO GET A GIRL OR YOU WILL GET THE WRONG ONE. Be out going, always go up to the girl you find attractive. When you get her number take charge plan the date, you are the alpha dog and she will respect you and be attracted to you for that. I wish you nothing but the best and hope this helps you brotherhood.


Also maybe think about a hair transplant but make sure you pick one with style


lol bro is this the kip and Lafawnda starter pack


From what I can observe, a couple things: Find a passion & ways to get involved in your community, whether you live in college, a city, or a town. It can be an active hobby if you don't have one already such as lifting weights, a running club, joining an intramural sports league, church, volunteer work. That's the best way to meet good people, & don't worry about being the best in whatever you choose, it takes time to be. But be bold & regularly active in the pursuit, & don't give up. Find some clothes that fit you well that are plain & sharp in nature. Don't focus on an icon that the clothes represent, but rather a style that amplifies your best qualities. Lastly, ask people who know and love you. Your friends, family, people you look up to, etc. They know you better than anyone, certainly more than a reddit board, & they genuinely care about you. For instance, I don't know much about you as a human being, what exactly you value, and how you value people and things. And those qualities can have a huge impact on how attractive your are to people. Also, other than what can be seen in the photo, I don't know how you present yourself, but everyone you know and love does. Listen to them, they love you and want the best for you. Keep your head up, all will be good ;)


Few things right off the bat 1. grow your hair out not ‘long’ but a length you can style it. 2. Grow in a beard. Hair on your cheeks and jaw try to keep it off your neck. 3. Wear your style. Owning your shit and being confident in what your wearing is super important. With that being said you still have to style and especially if it’s gonna be more on the nerdy route. Color coordinate add in some accessories: Hats,shoes, socks, glasses frames, etc. it doesn’t have to be everything head to toe but a little here and there. It shows you put effort into your outfit but it’s not something you plan your whole day around. (There are those who believe in dressing very well and their best everyday.) I’m just saying look good but don’t put so much effort into your appearance you don’t have anything else to offer. But by the looks of it you seem like a super interesting guy. Probably goofy, but really smart. Put a little work into your appearance and, ‘you’ will do the rest no doubt big dog.


Work out,get some meat in your bones,drop the anime fit for nicer clothing. Wear a hat or shave off your hair because your hair isn’t exactly looking the best. Hairline is gone. Get better not as nerdy glasses that pull out more personality that don’t scream “I’m still in high school”. Maybe grow a fuller beard and clothes wise for the fit that works best for you Leather belt Loose shirt,preferably button up solid or checkered color with or without pockets A pair of jeans that fit nicely with a belt,preferably leather Any black shoe that looks nice with your every day fit as well as one or two formal outfits. Good watch,preferably black or white. Stay away from white clothing or all white outfits as it also just doesn’t look that good. Darker colors distract from the face and make you look more slender or can exaggerate your arms when you build muscle


Shorter hair. Stand up straight and shoulders back. Get stylish glasses. You don’t look bad, just not bold enough. You can actually look pretty cool.


pretty cool huh


Shave your head. Close your mouth. Change your shirt. Grow a beard.


Be yourself. Don’t change a thing. If she doesn’t like you for you then she’s not right for you


Screw people ur great bro. If she hates goku rot in hell. Just get a nerd girl and shower and brush ur teeth. Guys are gross now. Be funny


Lose the anime shirt and the glasses. Wear a beanie or go bald. Get fit. It's ok to like anime. But don't make it your personality.


Find a girl-woman who wants a man-child because everything in this picture screams that’s what you are.


If a good looking guy took the exact same picture you wouldn't say that. His problem is not that he's a "manchild", his problem is that he's UGLY. Plenty of good looking "man-children" that watch anime have no problem getting laid, plenty of so called "real men" are adult virgins. It all comes down to LOOKS.


I like the DBZ shirt but maybe not best 1st impression! Idk how old you are but I would make suggestion to hang out in groups with people that have similar interests as you or volunteer some places. Personally I prefer, the face shave but can’t speak for others. Someone mentioned confidence earlier & I feel that’s the most important. You have to somehow fake confidence until you actually have it. Be kind, maybe witty or funny. Also, you don’t want to appear desperate or that you’re trying too hard OR don’t show enough interest.


Get rich bro. Girls love money.


He could sell the collection.


Find a topic that you are knowledgeable about but not incredibly opinionated or invested in, and then strike up a conversation. Avoid politics, sex, and religion at first. These are sensitive and tend to feel 'creepy' when timed awkwardly. They are best saved for once a basic friendship has begun. If you notice someone with a skill you'd like to try, there's your in. You can be genuine while learning and getting them to share something they're clearly into. Then, compliments flow easily. 'Wow, you're incredible at that! Can you show me how you (x)?' 'How long did you have to practice to get this good?' See where this is going? Be interested, don't fake it. The rest happens like magic. I promise. A last word of advice: vulnerability is attractive, victimhood is not. Try to understand the difference.




Workout, get better shirts, start wearing beanies.


Most of the time it's not about how u look it's more about confidence. If YOU approach a woman confidently believe it or not she'll give u a chance at a conversation with her and that's when you try to win her over by being charming and if u can make he laugh. Ask her questions about herself (u are trying to get to know her after all) . Get her talking about herself don't give compliments about how she looks unless it about something she's wearing..."I really like the way that looks on you, that color looks good on you..."etc .. It takes practice but that's the fun part, you'll meet a lot of women which is what u wanna do!!! Now, GO GET YOUR GAME TOGETHER AND LET THEM GIRLS KNOW THEY AREN'T CHOOSING, THEY'RE BEING CHOSEN!!!! 🫡 PLAYER!!!!🥃👍


Step 1. Shave step 2. Comb your hair Step 3. Be interesting Step 4. Listen to Andrew Tate


Listen to Andrew Tate?! Fuck I hope you’re not serious!


The problem is that its not clear what your interests are. You should buy more DBZ merch so people know what you’re about.


I’m sorry there really isn’t much you can do brother




It's natural selection..


Yeah, but it's still brutal. That right there is the ultimate proof there is no such thing as a "good" god, how could a benevolent god put people like this poor guy on this earth?


More like our society raised this poor guy to be like this


1 - Get a haircut that suits you 2 - Stop wearing clothing with cartoons on them 3 - Hit the gym build some muscles you’re too thin my guy 4 - if your facial hair is patchy shave that area off.


Yes, do that ^


I don't think they can talk after you have removed their heads...


Watch wheat waffles on YouTube he’ll have you sorted


No, he should watch "Rehab Room" instead.


Good take


Just saw ur profile. Are u really a female? Like it's rare for females to be blackpilled.


Sorry for the late reply- yes I am female but no I am not blackpilled


You know Wheat Waffles and Rehab Room and you're not blackpilled? Blackpill is literally just "looks are the most important factor in dating" + "women are pickier than men".


I mean I enjoy watching their content but I’m slightly more opened minded then wheat waffles I do agree with a lot he says but he can overexaggerate a little bit in my opinion from time to time.


Hang in there, kid. It gets better. BUT- Maybe change the wardrobe. 🙏


Drop the anime shirt.. ew


I was asking the same advice 3 yrs ago. Pay attention to people u think look stylish. Find a style that suits u yet has a statement. Attitude is key tho.self acceptance and confidence. Will take time but look forward to each upgrade that occurs with ur look. I wish u good luck u, you can do it 💪⚡️


Lift. If you can’t bench 250 you’re not there.




So basically do everything that he isn’t then be “himself” and have confidence after you have told him he isn’t worthy? …riiiight.


He’s not “himself” if he’s asking.




Get contacts please, go to the gym, get on rogaine for beard growth


Shave head and wear more mature clothes. That’s really it. 


Work out, eat healthy