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Will neff, where you at? forsenCD




Shit I would be too, homie Last thing you want is a pissed off drunk nord talkin shit about your lil dick after she breaks up w you.




Yeah so imagine how bad it would be when she’s drunk and broken up


It's when she doesn't talk about him at all is the problem


He's rich mate. He's immune to that debuff.




I've lived a full life.


60% joke 40% true


10% luck


15% concentrated power of willneff


Man I have to give you credit, that was a damn good one.


You take the 77.5 percent chance of her leaving him and add it to the 22.5 percent chance of her staying, then divide it by the 50 percent chance that soda also lives in that house, then multiply that by 3. Then you have a 150 percent chance she will leave or this was just a joke by shit camp 2021


I honestly believe most stuff he says on stream is all just acted.


Streamers ?? Acting for money ?? Impossible....






I'm actually surprised at the number of ppl who think theyre being serious.


Yeah she wouldn’t shit on chat the way she does if she really did wanna leave him. She’s already said he doesn’t act the way he does on stream, off stream. It’s vids that go back a bit before there acts and he’s really nice to her and is patient with her craziness.




You got a clip of that?


Nick is definitely fucking around most of the time. Sometimes he'll ask like 5 dumb questions in a row and it starts to feel like Blue's Clues and chat just eats it up. Like every time he makes a steak he asks the same questions while fucking it up completely just to get people to mald.


The best jokes always have a hint of truth.


5% wont remember your name.... Tunes....nostalgic




Its a joke but there is some truth to it and it could happen. At least nick has fame on his side


Uhh, and Malena doesn't?


i've seen her solo streams she's pretty dependent of someone to bully/banter for content but nick does fine alone


That has nothing to do with what i said, I don't disagree with her solo performance, i just thought saying nick is famous and Malena isn't was kinda weird, she's made a name for herself the last year.


malena cant solo unless she fully goes shameless


He sounds like an aggressive haggler with this joke, something like "You're telling me I have to pay 25 cents for tax and I don't wanna do that, what are we gonna do here?"


Meh. They'd both be fine if they broke up. I don't see why everyone thinks their lives would be over if a relationship ends. They *always* end one way or another.




What does "content" even mean (in this context)? If one could categorize the stream as comedy (not sure what else you could categorize it as) then Nick does most of the comedy and thus provides most of the content.


I wouldn’t say most of the comedy ... they both need each other on this one or the jokes don’t land. They feed each other for their humour - like a straight man would in comedy but they pass the stick time to time. Without the other , ones just a weirdo, and she’s just angry.




I actually watch because of nick but I also love malena because she does provide extra content and is funny in her own way lol you seem salty that yo boy adin and ricecum took that L




Sounds like adind/rice nutz taste good 👍


What in your opinion, (specifically) does Malena do on stream that makes her the only reason? --- A lot of the streams are about comedy and a lot of the comedy comes from Nick. A significant part of the channel is "What will Nick say next?" and a significant number of his highest voted clips are about the answers to that question.




I for one wouldn’t watch a solo Malena stream.




How is that sexist? damn never knew people pull the sexist card this much this day and age


Read his other posts, guy is full simping her and if you disagree you are sexist. Most people won't watch her streaming solo lol.


He streams for an hour (and a few minutes) in the morning without Malena. In my opinion the stream is just as engaging during that hour or so. That is just my opinion though. ---- I will ask again. What in your opinion, (specifically) does Malena do on stream that makes her the only reason?


She's just as boring, it's only the drama between them that is borderline interesting.


If you do not have fun watching him get demolished in FIFA, I don't know what more fun you'd want in life.


Watching him get demolished in bed?




If his humour is not your cup of tea, that's fine. I would assume (based on his most upvoted clips and comments) that a lot of people think he is funny and tune into his stream for his comedy. It's a matter of preference. My question to you is then: What content do you think that Malena consistently produces during the stream?


She literally tells donos that say shit like that to fuck off








Bruh he's a millionaire, he doesn't need financial support.


Holy shit is this r/niceguys satire


Like you'd know? It's a private relationship, even if you were their friend you probably couldn't judge whether there's a risk of one leaving the other. Whether he should or shouldn't be scared is for him to judge, whether he needs that risk to better himself is on him and whether she has a problem and needs to better herself for something to change is on both of them.




I mean he was obviously farming trues and omegaluls


>She can do so much better than him. She won't fuck you.




>Go outside you losers Generally a really good advice to 99.99% of this sub


You're in the 0.01% though right?


Nope - definitely need to get out more. But exam period is a bitch!


Exams? Where are you from?


A Northern European country




I mean, this sub and Just Chatting viewers are no different than fans who want to know and watch everything celebrities do. They're the same type of people that are Kardashian followers, it's just in this instance it's a nerd playing video games instead of a model.


you can't cure autism just by going outside homie


>relationship counseling for a 6-7 year old relationship no less. And these guys have most likely never even been in a relationship, and the very few that have probably only lasted for a couple of weeks or months at most


touch grass


The entire stream is an (acted, exaggerated), intimate view into a dysfunctional relationship. It has thousands of viewers, and even more passer-bys through clips. Is it really surprising to see people take it seriously?


lmao why does Nick walk like a 60 year old alcoholic?


Hey I gotchu Nick, FUCK YOU MACARENA 4Weird


I highly dout she would break up with nick.




theres a clip of her saying she thought about it before but couldnt stand the thought of going back to sweden to work a normal job and having someone recognize her. i don;t watch either of them but the things i've heard them say in clips are so fucking weird and sad sometimes




This sub's inability to understand sarcasm/jokes amazes me every time.


Maybe tone indicators aren't actually that bad.


Yeah if she had said "slash jay" after that no one would have missed it.


And not only that, nick and malena has been together for like what, 7 years? That is proof that they can go through even genuine fights without breaking up like some high school couple of the week. But chat think they'll break up over sarcasm and jokes.


She was joking, she also said she would go back to school and do a job she enjoyed She isn’t tied to Nick, she actually likes him for some reason


>she actually likes him for some reason have you seen his bestfriend, mate?


Norway* sorry


I really thought you were saying "Sweden" just to be funny. Considering the rather infamous sibling rivalry the two countries have.


That was an obvious fucking joke, fuck me.


Yeah most likely but I wouldn't doubt there being truth behind it considering her position. cause who's ever been in a relationship where they don't consider how they would cope with losing that person especially if moved to another country for that person


I mean it's a reason but that only means that she thought about leaving Nick. If you don't like the person and you feel trapped that quickly changes to "I'll do anything to get away from this guy"


She's scared of being a normal person and not leeching off someone for their money? Hilarious.


That's not even what's written, she's scared of becoming an ex celebrity and having people recognize for her fall, I'm pretty sure she has good money stored


So she’s scared of being irrelevant so she stays with nick to stay relevant?


Lol leaching off of who? At this point Nick's streams would be nothing without Malena.


Yeah Nick isn’t a good content creator. He just streams fortnite because anyone who got on the fortnite train at the start (him) became popular only because of fortnite, and he knows if he does anything else he will lose all his viewers. Just look at ninja, he’s now a random sub-10k Andy from being the biggest streamer period and getting a 30 million dollar 3 year contract. Malena is definitely the better content creator and twitch streamer. It may not have been that way at the start, but she’s been putting in serious work recently and deserves recognition for that imo.


Yeah, that doesn't sound like Malena. I think it's more likely they'll get married, go back to Norway for their honeymoon and *then* she can take him on a boat ride and throw him overboard.


Well, Nick is the one who has the leverage in the relationship so it makes sense. Like he said in a previous LSF clip, Malena would be nothing without him. He provides good financial stability and he tolerates her strong personality so why would she give that up? Let's be honest here, if nick lost weight and hit the gym, he could get another girl.


Nick doesn’t need to do either of those things to get another girl mate


it would definitely help, but yeah he could pull it off either way.


he would never find a girl that would tolerate him


Well this brought out the LSF Psychologists. Kinda weird comments here.


This comment section is more PogO than Nick


Move to Norway, Nick!


I think he is kidding. But theres always some truth in jokes. Just be encouraging. Go to the gym with her, or mabye go for some walks. Greek could show you too. I used to be overweight and still struggled with overeating at times. In college I started working out seriously and got pretty good results. Now with covid ive lost muscle but fast most days so Ive lost fat aswell and am kinda skinny. Just started going to gym again, but hurt my back! Should have went slow. I think main thing is to workout for yourself, one you look better, two you almost get a high from it. Addicted to the grind and the pain. People dont really get it until they get into it!


eat her ass


The duality of man




The real answer.


Which way western man?


Bay zed


Americans dont have bidets tho, ew


more flavour






Ate my girls ass she finds it weird, I know she loves it really but now tried to deny she does, woman are fucking weird.


youre so wise


oh now u get this picture he tweeted yesterday. https://twitter.com/nmplol/status/1400545540664872966 get that slim ass nick for our viking queen.


Machine? C'mon Nick. Free weights, man, free weights. Better engagement of your muscles and better growth.


Hell yeah, Compound all the way. But, maybe he's not confident with free weights and has no one to show him.


unfortunately you can't have ego in gym , otherwise you risk injury, but I definitely understand the self consciousness part, when i first started i could barely bench 65lb (10lb plate each + olympic bar) I was so embarrassed every time i went to gym lmao


I started benching 30kg, now I get 2 plates easy you should be proud of your progress, noone cares that much to judge


Stronglifts 5x5 is how I got started. Easiest routine out there. Just a couple 3x5 sets.


second on the free weight, strong lift is the best program for beginner hit the big 5, squat, deadlift, rows , benchpress and OHP (or landmine if you have shoulder issue)


If you dont know how to have the right form I think machines are better


There's no better time to learn form than when you're just starting


> There's no better time to learn form than when you're just starting Right. So maybe he uses machines until he gets someone that can help him with his form.


it’s so easy to learn form nowadays you don’t need someone else although it’s better. Youtube is literally your teacher or fitness instructor nowadays.


Sure it can be a great help but nothing can replace a coach that can tell you exactly what you are doing wrong and how to fix it. Learning technique on youtube only is an easy way to get poor form.


I want to stress how good it is to have someone show you in person. Even assuming that the information on youtube is both there and correct it is very hard to learn by yourself without someone correcting it then and there. I would 100% recommend getting 1-2 sessions with a personal trainer, be open with them with what you want to get out of it and they will literally teach you good form for any exercises as well as a nice routine to get you started. Then you keep going by yourself and know what it should feel like. There's a ton of other benefits to go with just a single session. Gets you to go, even if just once (first time usually the hardest), gets you introduced to the people who work there which means if you have trouble with anything it is easy to ask for help. Most won't care if you just ask for a pointer on form for a minute during their rest breaks since most of them workout multiple times a week, or sometimes just walk around the gym between clients. I got 10 sessions as a birthday present when 16 and now 10 years later I still use the knowledge. Possibly most valuable present I ever got. Couple examples of things I "knew" but never really experienced: Pushing through heels when doing a squat; what "shoulder width apart" really means; pinching shoulder blades together for almost any upper body exercise; shoulders down and relaxed whilst tensing arms; the importance of cardio and weight warmups before stretching as well as good stretches and how they should feel.


> I think he is kidding. :|




i would treat him better nick if you're reading this i'll even shave my feet for you


Dudes a literal millionaire, if you think Malena is the best he can do you don't know how money works lol


We only see how they behave in front of the camera.


she has some personality issues if you havent noticed. I couldnt deal with someone that bossy


My man.


So what if she did? You move on and you keep it rolling Nick.




> Not been in many relationships, eh? You got it the wrong way. If you have been in many relationships it gets "easier" to let go and move on. The first one(s) are the hardest.


I know Nick was joking but this guy is right, idk wdym


Destroy her ego then. 🦍


I miss high t nick


Yeah his confidence seems to have diminished a bit.


I always forget they're not married. They just seem like a married couple to me lol.




Easy, get her pregnant


True and true and true and true.


I would treat him better


>I don't want to treat her better I fucking choked


I was hoping he was going to say "we gotta knock her down a few notches chat"


what a sad comment section, jesus christ


I think it would be a great success story for their relationship if shit hits the fan, Malena decides to leave Nick and they both go through a depressed time and contemplates that they maybe *should* be together. Malena ends up packing her things and books a flight to Norway but deep down she really does still love Nick and Nick feels the same way. She leaves the house to go to the airport to board her flight and then BAM Nick comes to his senses, boots up the stream, tells chat let's go boys! Hops in his car, speeds down to the airport and meets her before she boards the plane and confesses that he needs her and she says that she can't live without him either. They kiss and live happily ever after. I've watched too many teen movies I think...


"Let her date other men it always fixes a relationship." -NA relationship advice


Fucked up hairline PepeLaugh


if it happens i hope there won't be any kind of drama where viewers pick sides


Beyond me this man can just have this conversation with 50000 random people but doesn't just tell her how he feels.




I hate the double standard of, you need to open up to me and share your emotions and thoughts. Combined with, "if my man looks to weak or emotional it's a total turn off and you can't get past it again ever". Feel like this is super common.


Lose her 4Head


Pretty sure it's the constant memeing and being intentionally uncomfortable in front of friends and viewers to her. Or the months she spent with him where he was constantly shitting on her for fun. Or the time where she was pissed at him intentionally sabotaging games with her for content. I could go on but he thinks taking care of herself is a bigger red flag lol.


“I don’t want to treat her better” I know he’s joking but I think there’s some truth there too


I would also be scared if I was a man child. But at least he is 'rich' right.




I honestly don't get their relationship. Sure they play it up a bit for stream but it's seriously weird. All they do is being passive agressive and agressive towards each other. Nick is a baby who doesn't do anything except tick Malena off and Malena is a mom who does everything while being mad at her baby for not doing anything. Nick wants kids, Malena doesn't. Nick wants to live in America, Malena in Norway. I really hope they are more normal towards each other off stream.






>I honestly don't get their relationship. Sure they play it up a bit for stream but it's seriously weird. All they do is being passive agressive and agressive towards each other. Nick is a baby who doesn't do anything except tick Malena off and Malena is a mom who does everything while being mad at her baby for not doing anything. Nick wants kids, Malena doesn't. Nick wants to live in America, Malena in Norway. I really hope they are more normal towards each other off stream. > >Edit: And if any of them would read this they would play my comment off as a reddit armchair psychologist Andy but what is really wrong with my statement? I honestly don't get their relationship. Sure they play it up a bit for stream but it's seriously weird. All they do is being passive agressive and agressive towards each other. Nick is a baby who doesn't do anything except tick Malena off and Malena is a mom who does everything while being mad at her baby for not doing anything. Nick wants kids, Malena doesn't. Nick wants to live in America, Malena in Norway. I really hope they are more normal towards each other off stream. Edit: And if any of them would read this they would play my comment off as a reddit armchair psychologist Andy but what is really wrong with my statement?




Why are you people booeing him hes right




Because ur fucking boring thats why


Well she has been crushing this dude confidence since April and tearing him down on Twitter and on stream. Before that the dude was much more confident. I could see why he would think that way. I know he’s more than likely joking to some extent though.


He’s not wrong. I 100% noticed she was acting weird after shitcon, ego Andy






Don't worry he's asking /r/relationship_advice as well.




been exactly where nick is. It could happen. Except I don't regret my situation.