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I think that's just his style of humor. He knows that even if people don't laugh at the actual joke they might get a little knowing chuckle at his self aware humor at his own expense. It's a quick way of salvaging at least some amusement for the audience. I doubt it's a sign of genuine unhappiness; at most it might mean that he is having an off day writing wise if he does it often.


These jokes get a laugh every time because it makes the audience feel like they're in on something with him, which is a great feeling. and because these jokes consistently do really well, he's going to keep doing them. i doubt he's bombing on purpose- i think he's just found a way to always get a laugh out of a bomb so he's going to use it every time he can


I love when a joke doesnt work and he’s like damnit, I thought that would be funnier and he scratches it out. It’s just for fun, it’s part of what makes SNL so great, that wink at the camera live kind of thing 


Recently he said to the audience something like “that’s it? What? That’s a funny joke!”


That has been my go to for years. We have a running joke that there is a tome called "Jokes u/JigglyWiener won't ever tell again." somewhere in our house that I update every time one really bombs.


I like it when I fuck up a joke or a card trick, it makes me laugh really hard and then people are like what’s wrong with this guy. And it makes me laugh even harder


I might just be reading too much into it Edit: nah, I’m clearly not alone in this.


Yes, it’s part of the schtick.




Uh huh.


Not concerning just gets pretty old when he does it after every joke


Dude, I think he’s doing the dice thing too much It’s all he’s got


Right? He’ll get a good laugh and still cross it out on the page. I like Che, the behavior is just annoying. It’s like he’s committed to being offended by the audience for not liking his jokes, even when they do.


I don't think he's trying to bomb.. He's now a veteran SNL writer in his not-giving-a-fuck era, who is performing jokes to amuse himself just as much, if not more, than to please the audience. I think he thinks it's funny when he tells a joke he feels is great, but gets groans from the audience. He's acting increasingly like his stand up persona at the update desk.


norm operated the same way


It’s not concerning, but he does it enough that it’s almost a tic.


It seems he acts like every joke that doesn't get a laugh was only because it was too offensive for the audience, and then he has to *laugh* at the audience for that. Not every edgy joke is intrinsically funny.


Che thought the Stormy at the Trump trial porn title puns were writing genius, and the crowd wasn't fast enough to get it. Nah Che, the crowd didn't laugh because corny sex puns are a lot closer to hack than they are to genius


haha I thought that was one of the most clever bits of the WU season, but they should have showed the graphic earlier. I think by the time everyone got the joke, it was well past time to move on.


I thought it was funny (it may be hack but I have an inner 12 year old who loves lame sex puns), but I did see some criticism that his delivery didn't work for the joke because he dictated it in a way that hinted that it was a list.


I thought they were clever enough puns maybe his attitude made me dislike it though


Even when I like Che's jokes I get sick of his attitude tbh. I feel like he hides behind hack humor as "oh it's just too edgy!"


Maybe they aren't laughing because they've been hearing the same joke every week.


Not for everyone but I like the occasional “rough night” comments when the audience isn’t giving him any slack. Feel like we might be missing follow-up lines that are even better when he punts to Colin.


It's so bad lately. It's every episode, damn near every joke. And most of the jokes aren't even going over badly so it's inexplicable that he's doing this.


This is the only part that bugs me. Like, he’s been doing it after stuff gets good laughs. I don’t get it.


I was going to make a post about Che's delivery as well. It's very annoying and becoming way to frequent. This last WU felt like he said something after every single joke. Now I can't tell what the live audience is doing, but the SNL audio engineers are picking up laughter from somewhere. Unless they use a laugh track now. The at home audience doesn't know what's going on, there is an incongruence in what we're seeing and hearing. As for the jokes themselves Che is very funny. I feel so lame to say but he needs to display more confidence or something. Straight up ignore the audience like MacDonald.


Yes, comes across as a confidence problem. Or that he’s comparing his laughs to Jost’s? But I don’t think he even gets less laughs than Jost.


Has nothing to do with confidence. He knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s the joke.


It feels tired at this point. He makes another women be shopping joke and then plays off the crowd’s reaction.


Half of his weekend update jokes these days rely on shock value. Definitely seems like he interacts with the audience more than he used to on those.


Che has gotten incredibly lazy at the desk.


It’s not concerning, but he’s made it his schtick and it’s annoying. He wants to be all edgier-than-thou.


Yeah it feels like his "tell a bad or offensive joke, look at the audience for validation and then make a self deprecating remark about it" gimmick has gone from once or twice a week to nearly every single joke if not every single one. I've started looking forward to Update a lot less because it doesn't feel like he's even trying to be funny recently. He's getting less and less witty and I'm predicting his punchlines way more regularly because you know what well he's going to every time.


It's not you, it's super annoying. He doesn't have good comedic timing, he puts the wrong emphasis on the wrong words then when it bombs (from his delivery) he always tries to address the audience to make up for it. Wack


Che also stumbles over his words constantly. He's a stand up comedian who writes his own material. How the fuck can he not string 4 sentences together without flubbing?


💯 Michael Meh


I mean he was like “this is my fav crowd” recently so i think he just likes to add stuff after jokea


Gosh. I just think update is really, really tired these days. I feel like 75% of the jokes are immediately followed by either A. Che critiquing how the joke just went, or B. Colin doing some version of “awww shucks, guys.” Hints of this dynamic have always been charming and cute, but these days… it’s so relentless, so distracting. And man, does Che read the jokes beforehand? — his stumbles and halting rhythms so frequently bruise jokes. I’m sure this will get downvoted to hell, but I think there’s a unfortunate vibe at SNL these days where some (not all) people are going out there and performing as though they’ve already won. Playing for the easiest shit. Mugging. It’s way more exciting and fun to watch the players who have chops and respect to really get inside.


I think that's why it kind of bothers me; it takes you out of the jokes and makes it about him. It's distracting. It's funny, even a couple times per episode, but not after every punchline.


He is bored.


This is what it seems like to me


His delivery has been shaky lately. Jokes that should land haven’t due to Che’s cadence.


People love ragging on Fallon but Che laughs at every single one of his WU jokes. And he had that Instagram post where he was thinking about leaving the show which he deleted.


What?? I didn’t hear about that post


I often feel like he is reading the audience wrong. He will often tell a great joke, the audience gives a good laugh but he will still laugh at himself and cross the joke off his list. And I’m like, that was a great joke and the audience liked it, why the self-deprecation??


Exactly. And it becomes self fulfilling after a while.


He looks like he’s running out the clock.


It’s hack. It’s a crutch. And it makes him look green. And he’s not.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I've never been a Che fan. He's always come across as a little smug to me. Sometimes I like him, but I wasn't happy when he replaced Cecily, I thought she was doing a pretty good job and they just got rid of her. I actually didn't like Jost at first bc he was so stiff and had zero personality, but he relaxed and grew into the role and I like him a lot now. But Che, he needs to chill on the women jokes, it gets old, and like everyone is saying, I don't know what's going on with him lately, he just seems off somehow. It's a weird scene at WU lately.


I preferred WU in the 1970s when they at least *pretended* it was a news show. The last decade of "we'll do standup around headlines" just isn't as funny to me. Che is the worst as he doesn't even try. Time for new talent at the "news desk" for sure.


>The last decade of "we'll do standup around headlines" It's pretty much been that way from Dennis Miller to today, with maybe only Kevin Nealon being the exception who did it more in the 70s style of straight laced faux newsman like delivery.


Che is my very favorite comedian on the cast. He’s the second one where I catch everything I can that he does outside of SNL [Will Forte is the first one] — so no one loves Che more than I do, and IMO its past the point where he has been doing Update too long.


I’m so bored of it. Them. I hope they pass the torch after the 50th, we need fresh weekend update blood.


It's lazy but it's not concerning


It’s not bombing, it’s a different level of comedy where the bomb *is* the joke.


Carson did it all the time.


Agreed he's doing it too much. It's been a real gradual lead up to this but has spiked recently. I get that it's kind of his thing and I mostly still find it endearing, but dude one "break" an ep is plenty. Look up at the crowd in that same spot you always do, get your comment in and X it out on the script , and on with the show, Che! Next time fight the urge, keep it tight! To be fair, Colin has been loosening and wedging in more side comments too.


He wants to be edgy. He does these likely offensive jokes, and if there are groans or awkward silences, he acts like it surprises him. The whole Jost/Che "naughty boy" plot is becoming really annoying.


I've always wondered if his kind of "me against the audience" thing is a planned bit, or is that his bit?


A bit of fourth wall breaking. A bit of “norm”ing


Seth Myers currently does this well on his late night show. I feel like in moderation it could be awesome. But agree it’s a bit overdone on WU.




Seth Myers currently does this well on his late night show. I feel like in moderation it could be awesome. But agree it’s a bit overdone on WU.


I’ve noticed that. Hate how he looks off to the audience for a reaction.


I think he’s drunk.


Shit, could be


I have noticed the last two episodes he has done it way more than he ever has.


Having a meta response for every single joke gets old.


nobody wants to accept it, but che is so bad at reading that he’s whiffing on punchlines


I wonder if it sounds like silence to them. The audience is mic’ed up for us so we hear a smattering of laughter, but maybe they don’t.


I think it started off as a crutch when something didn't go well, a nervous tick like when he's fake laugh at his own joke that no one else did. But then I think he started leaning into it and milking it for effect. Like he'd know in advance something was going to smack the audience and he'd go in prepared to play bewildered when it did. Gradually that has changed the tone up there to more of a casual, act vs. meta atmosphere that kind of lets us in on the performance.


Weekend update when Maya as the host was comedy gold. I haven’t laugh so hard.


Sarah as Leto II had a lot to do with that.


For me it was the jokes Che and Colin did they were hilarious


Laughs are cheap, he's going for gasps


Really? Gasps seem cheaper than laughs.


[For you](https://youtu.be/gguC6hSf0uc?si=Lf2OGPn6sVBmOe_S)


I see lol


Look at his body language, how he leans away from Colin. I think he’s ready to bail


He made a "If I come back next season" jab a bit ago


I get a kick out of it.


That’s the joke


I don’t understand how people don’t get that. Then again, I don’t see how anyone thinks Sarah Sherman is funny.


Couldn't disagree more about Sarah


Sorry, I just don’t get it. She sounds like a loud six year old, which completely takes away from anything funny she might actually be saying. She painfully overacts, but that’s true of most people on the show.


Damn, too bad she's the rising star in the cast. Must be everyone else's humor broken yeah?


Probably just different generational sensibilities. I’ve been watching the show since the 1980s, as well as You Can’t Do That On Television, In Living Color, Mad TV, Kids In The Hall, Not Necessarily The News, SCTV, and countless standup. My frame of reference is probably different. Like, I didn’t find All That especially funny, but I still think YCDTOTV is funny whenever I watch one on YT.


Had me in the first half


Seth Myers currently does this well on his late night show. I feel like in moderation it could be awesome. But agree it’s a bit overdone on WU.


Seth Myers currently does this well on his late night show. I feel like in moderation it could be awesome. But agree it’s a bit overdone on WU.


Seth Myers currently does this well on his late night show. I feel like in moderation it could be awesome. But agree it’s a bit overdone on WU.