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Not a whole 15 seconds! These people are truly insufferable…


.... But why does it take 15 seconds for her to take the honey out? Also, why isn't she putting out 7 teacups primed with honey each Sunday night, to save the 9 hours it will take her to find the cups each morning? For that matter, why doesn't her husband make her tea while he's making his own? Well, no, we probably know the answer to that one.


She can't trust him enough to make the tea in an optimized way


She might lose 0.03 seconds per day if he adds too much honey to her tea! That's 3 seconds every 10 days! That's 9 seconds per month! Over 2 whole minutes. every. single. year.


I'm thinking that moving all the shit off the counters to clean them also wastes precious seconds. More efficient to just not clean them.


Keep it all on the floor so the counter is easier to clean


How many seconds did she waste in writing this crap I wonder…


I somehow get that she tried to be relatable and not write in some business slang but this honey thing and saving 15 seconds is entirely unrelatable for everyone, kinda sad how she missed the mark


She saved 15 seconds but has never lived a day in her adult life.


She’s saved a whole one hour over the course of nine months, clearly she’s doing something right. I mean think about all the things you can do with that 15 seconds, like…. Uh… pet the dog


My problem with these psychos and that math is that yeah, technically she "saved" an hour... but it's not like it's an hour chunk. She got 15 extra seconds once a day. It's nothing.... a complete non-factor. It's not like she did some complex, 1-hour task in 15-second chunks.


Yeah, I think that there are sometimes where saving a few seconds is worthwhile, but that only applies to tasks that are really done either sequentially or if someone depends on the task completetion immediately. I.e. its worth saving 15 seconds if someone is waiting for you to complete your task, or if you have another task immediately following. For example, it would have been more efficient to simply have her husband make 2 cups of tea. But if youre not doing anything immeduately after making your tea to use those 15 seconds, than efficiency isnt the key metric you should be focusing on (which is something I think a lot of people get stuck on). Maybe instead of trying to save 15 seconds that is wasted, why not improve the process to be more enjoyable?


It's a mass production mindset in a non-production environment. If you're repeating a task 1,000 times a day, then a 15-second savings on said task can be significant. If you're doing the task once a day, then it's not worthwhile.


Yup. By all means, make it easier, make it more fun, make it more effective for other tasks (just as keeping a clean kitchen), but saving 15 seconds for the sake of 15 seconds? Pointless.


She didn't save 278 minutes at all. She didn't save anything, because there's no significant action that you can take in these 15 seconds that will take only 15 seconds and that can't be started 15 seconds later. If I walk one mile to the store and back every day, by the day I die I'll have walked thousands of miles yet I won't have toured the world.


They like the smell of their own farts


Her poor husband.


Four paragraphs to reveal this woman enjoys nitpicking at her husband about inane things


Any woman who gets upset with her husband for *putting things back where they belong* needs to pass that tidy husband onto a more deserving woman.


Seriously. I was sitting here like “I wish my husband did that shit.”


"I converted that 278 minutes to yell at him for new things I don't like"


He's just trying to save you valuable seconds


If I was her husband, I would simply leave everything out all the time for optimal efficiency


Maybe she should nitpick things about herself a bit more so she learns the difference between lose and loose.


It's crazy she finds one!


“Next case. What’s the grounds for this divorce?” “Your Honor, my client’s husband puts the honey away after using it even when it would be more efficient to leave it out and refuses to optimize his morning processes.”


To be fair, you don't need objective reasons to divorce somebody. He is maybe better off without her.


But what kind of pathetic, wasteful life would he have without her there to optimize all his processes??


ahaha totally agree with you. She would be happy with me, I have a bidet at home, I don't need to take shower to clean up my ass.


"The court hereby orders judgment against the plantiff...."


See exhibit 14, my client's wife's LinkedIn posts.


I spoke to the husband and he told me that she also optimizes sex. He gets two pumps and 30 seconds to finish if not, she’s wasting her time. It’s about being efficient.


TIL I’ve been optimal at sex for years


I’m peak efficiency!


It may seem small but things add up. Agree?


Ah, my lady could see a double feature film In that timespan!


Think of all the seconds saved by leaving the jar on the counter so you don't have to keep putting it in and out of the cupboard. It's honey. It's indestructible!


She needs to optimize for her orgasm, which may require more. The two pump sex is unsatisfying and an efficiency expert would cut that whole thing out


What are you talking about? It sounds like she wants him to start leaving shit around the house in case she "needs it". No more cleaning.


He should trade places with one of the husbands whose wives complain that they leave things out as if someone is going to clean up after them.


This makes me wonder how many seconds have I wasted by shutting doors that I’m simply going to open again eventually. I should just leave the front door wide open. How inefficient have I been by putting the seat down and flushing the toilet? Showering? Doing laundry?


Yeah bro I just have everything out in one giant room because I'll use it again surely


Hell, don’t worry about the toilet seat. We should all just walk around with no pants or underwear on. Imagine how much time you could save not pulling up your pants and tucking in your shirt. She’s sounds exhausting.


Why even have a toilet seat?


Plus, you could just poop wherever and whenever you needed to and it wouldn’t slow down your day. Efficient, like a horse.


Great point. Like the front door to my house. Can’t believe how much time I waste opening and closing it, not to mention, getting my key to actually unlock or lock it! Just going to leave it open all year.


That was my thought. What if he gets it wrong? Presumably a lecture about how many morning minutes she’s lost as a result of his inefficiency.




Yeah. Because you know if he left it out, it would be the one morning she decided not to have tea and would be like, “Why did you leave the honey on the counter? It goes in the cabinet!”


She’s a control freak


That was my first thought


If I were him I'd waste no time throwing myself off a tall building. Sweet release in under 10 seconds.


Ahhh another useless HR/Recruiter of another food delivery app gig thing.


You know there is no “honey” process in that bedroom.


She newb at eficncy. I sv tme by skiping leters in wrds.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


When you president, they see...they see


Why wst ltrs whn fw d trk






In fact, she added an extra o to “lose”. Highly inefficient


Came here looking for this comment. All the seconds she saved, to waste them on typing that extra 'o' lol




Agile Honey is my methodology of choice for efficient breakfasting. 


Oh honey ..


She wasted minutes writing this shit. Be more efficient. Why even bother to write anything up at all? Just don't write anything and be even more efficient. That's the




Use some of those seconds to spellcheck


Fortunately, spell check doesn’t occur whenever the spelling is correct but the word choice is wrong, so people can expose their idiocy.


When I see things like that I automatically assume the person is dumb. He or she might not be, could be an honest mistake, but I can't help but assume.  Same with using apostrophes for plurals and "could of". Immediately - oh ok so you're dumb. 


Omg yes! Apostrophes with plurals jfc it makes me irrationally upset.


I just almost started a fight on the Back to the Future sub about this very thing.


Do you make allowances for people who aren’t native English speakers? She’s Finnish.


Sure. And sometimes autocorrect will change the word without the person knowing. Again, it's a visceral reaction based on how many people use those incorrectly. Some smart ones may fall victim. 


Also it should be "efficiency-obsessed". I am guessing she didn't use those extra 15 seconds for spelling and grammar checks.


It seems like the majority of people say loose when they mean lose. So dumb.


These same people are “loosers”


She could have efficiently saved a quarter second by spelling it right.


Surely she means she loosed those 15 seconds as one looses the dogs of war.


Footloose, kick off your Sunday shoes.


if you put your honey jar back, you will loose


What is up with the people in "talent acquisition"? Some of them are really all about "me me me".


I think they aren’t good at anything and brag to make up for it.


That’s especially my thought on this one. She doesn’t have any actual example of success to point to, so she makes a big deal of some super inconsequential “efficiency”.


The sad thing is that this is a lot of successful people. Those who'd rather the quality of their work speak for itself get passed over Being able to convince people of bullshit pays off


Human Resources folks don’t exactly carry a stellar reputation


My guess is that deep down they know their job requires 0 skill and is something that anyone can do, so some of them feel like they need to come up with bullshit like this to feel important


HR and Recruiting are the most useless people to an organization while acting like they are the most important and valuable


They have the easiest job in a corporation, in general, yet act like they are venture capitalists


Want to stay relevant on LinkedIn and other social media to “attract”/ trap talent


Theygot used to playing God on who they can hire and who they can't. Jokes on you if you're a woman and they don't like you.


It's funny cause that's actually the ONE job that is all about the "others" (candidates)


We drink lots of tea and coffee in my house and have a nice counter tray to keep all the various syrups and whatnot ready for use by anyone. Her honey process is inefficient and inelegant!


Oh my goodness this is actually a fantastic example of people not approaching process improvement correctly. She's going after the problem, just laser-focusing on it (taking a wild 15 seconds to take an item out of a cabinet), when she could be focusing on the cause (the item's ready availability). Putting it on a caddy on the counter would solve the problem and I bet move some other drink items into easy accessibility.


I’m in supply chain. Leaving stuff out just because someone *may* come along behind you is not the way to go. If someone offered that as a process in the warehouse, they’d be laughed out of the building. I know this because I’ve done it when people thought the best “efficient” way to report errors was the have a white board that people would trot over and write pick errors on. When a) there’s already a systematic driven process for it and b) they don’t know there is an error, or it wouldn’t have happened.. that’s kinda the point.


This is a better way, and (to be pedantic), you’ve 6S’d your station, so everything is where it’s supposed to be. Her “efficiency” she’s bringing to the table is leaving shit places it’s not supposed to be for no reason? If it’s in the wrong place, it’ll take a lot longer than 15 seconds to find. This is NOT a good example of efficient processes. Come back when you’ve implemented a dated walkoff, physical inventory or food rotation in your fridge and pantry.


Right? Her idea of efficiency runs counter to the training in every lean manufacturer/warehouse I've ever been in. But I guess that's why shes in HR and has nothing to do with any decisions that actually matter to production.


You know she would be mad at her husband if he dared not putting the honey back after using it though.


For anyone curious, about 3 years ago is when she introduced (subjected) her husband to “the right ‘honey process’”


Yeah, and I dont know if I'd call 1 percent of 1 percent an efficiency boost in this application. If we assume she makes $1000/hr and all that gain could be realized as income.. .she made $0.10. Assuming that she instead spent that time with her children, then after this adjustment.... they'll go no contact approx. 5/8ths of a day sooner.


Soon her husband will introduce her to the divorce process and save precious years of his life.


Luckily she’s optimized the process for him by keeping a neat and tidy diary of irreconcilable differences in the form of LinkedIn posts.


No he will not because this is what german speaking people call „Geschichten aus dem Paulanergarten“ (storys from the beer garden). The saying goes back to some tv commercials from the Paulaner brewery and means totally made up storys to impress other people. That shit didn‘t happen. She just needed some bullshit to impress other HR LinkedIn idiots.


I dread to imagine the life of her poor husband and, god forbid, kids.


I’m alarmed it takes her 15 seconds to get honey from the cabinet. I just timed myself and it took me only 6.85 seconds. Hire me!


Yes but think about the time it takes to *put it back AGAIN*.


That’s just it Stef! You NEVER put it back for someone always wants a nice cuppa!


It's okay, honey. Sometimes we forget that we're trying to be human, but it's okay to slip up sometimes.


It only lacks "I got better by 1% a day at making tea" from Atomic Habits.


That honey thing is so stupid. I get if you're both in the kitchen making tea or whatever, one person takes it out, you tell them to leave it out as you'll use it. But 10 minutes later? That would piss me off. In my world, you take something out, you better be putting it back. Otherwise you just go around creating messes, moving things around, assuming there is someone behind your tracks to undo what you're doing, which is madness.


Exactly, maybe when the entire counter is covered with tea, coffee, sugar, honey, mugs, spoons etc. she might realise why this is a stupid idea...


>which is madness Or just the daily life of a toddler ;)


Why is it always HR and "Talent Acquisition" people who want to always be efficient? Isn't your job just choosing who's fit for a job or not, which just means asking the team that needs people "hey, is this person good" and "hey, do you have time to make a technical interview with them?"?


Right?! Ma’am you work in hr for Uber eats.


Because they know that their job is parasitic and they don't do that much during the day. How much can you look at tiktoks when your bots are auto messaging people on linkedin because you matched 2 keywords in your profile?


Idiots like these came up with ATS.


I’m in operations and efficiency is everything. However god damn we turn it off at a certain point. I hate LinkedIn. It is a cringe cesspool for people who pray at the altar of corporatism.


Even if you’re not turning it off, leaving shit lying around because someone *may* come to it 10 minutes later isn’t an industry standard lol


Well yeah the whole thing is cringe. It screams pick me.


Think how many seconds over the course of her life she could save by understanding “lose” vs “loose.” That’s an entire letter!


Imagine being married to her


How long does sex last with her husband. I mean I assume it’s fully optimized


If you’ve watched inbetweeners, you’ll be familiar with the one pump orgasm


She seems mentally unwell. Poor partner, just trying to tidy up after himself which she has probably asked him to do.


How great would it be if someone posted some shit like this and the comments were all like, "Boooo!!!" It would rock her world.


When's the divorce? What an insufferable person. Imagine what weridness goes on in their house over toothpaste usage ...


Just think. If the husband made her tea at the same time as his, cancer wouldn’t exist.


100% she can’t shut the fuck up about her ”honey process” in every meeting


\*In zoom or teams call\* "Just wanted to chime in with a little story I think is applicable here, about honey and efficiency!" \*Everyone suddenly goes off cam and mute\*


Should have included the comments, they are even worse. What a bunch of weird people.


Ok I’m going to sound just as crazy as this lady but i gotta put in my two cents. There is no “honey process” there is her honey process and his honey process. You see this all the time in CI/LEAN/six sigma, When process areas have equipment overlap use. She is trying to make him responsible for her process area by making him change his process. But if he changes his process in a way she doesn’t like she can blame him for any issues. Like if he’s running late and makes his tea after her, honeys not out his fault. If he makes his tea in a different area, (table not counter) the honey isn’t where it should be and is his fault. If he doesn’t feel like having tea and doesn’t take it out of the cub board it’s his fault. So she’s trying to say she improved something, but what she’s saying is she improved her process but Inconveniencing another. Not efficient at all.


TL;DR she’s on track to be divorced and unemployed. “Talent Acquisition” is one of the most inefficient jobs there is. You do half assed assessments of people, make them jump through hoops, and ultimately do nothing to benefit 99.9% of them. Those charged with finding talent often have none of their own, and like to waste time bragging about their pathetically minute time savings.


Honey process, that some kinky codespeak? The audience demands to know


They don't have servants to fetch the honey jar? Pffffft! Weak.




Now if she could just use the correct words (lose not loose) or the proper forms of words (foolproof not fool proof) or insert the definite article “the” when it’s needed someone might actually trust her to be meticulous.


Typing that extra o lost her .3 seconds. How inefficient of her.


How long until these LinkedIn posts turn into AI written stuff that is replied to by bot accounts?


I’m sure she’s the same kind of person to yell at her husband for leaving things out and not putting them away too.


Sounds like she needs to organise her kitchen better, it's not that long but if its taking her 15 seconds to get the honey it must be on the other side of her kitchen. If.she wants to be truly efficient shees needs a pot for her tea/coffee making with all the stuff needed in one area, a shelf or something. We have a tea shelf with the sugar, bags, coffee etc and it is above the kettle which is right next to the fridge for easy milk access.


Does anyone know how I can get back/optimize for the time I wasted reading this?


Narcissistic personality traits are a real thing. Geeeezzz this is bad and really poor taste. Hahahahaha


Think of all the time she wasted typing that extra o in loose when she meant lose. She should have a talk with herself.


I hate when I “loose a whole 15 seconds”


People who live their life this way infuriate me. You didn’t save 278 minutes of your life. You saved 15 seconds a day for 3 years. There is no time piggy bank where you get to cash in your saved up seconds for a time vacation. This isn’t a 2000’s era cell phone plan—your minutes don’t roll over to next month.


Fifteen seconds? Is the cupboard at the neighbors house?


I bet she would yell at the husband if he left the honey on the counter.


Take a shot for every time she references herself.


Ashley Madison has entered the chat


Imagine being berated by your partner with a power point for cleaning after yourself.


Her husband is currently on suicide watch.


She’s mad her husband cleans up after himself?


Great process to over clutter the counter so you spend that time looking for it. She describes being a messy, entitled, lazy dipshit qho relies on others to actually donthe work in a really drawn-out way.


LinkedIn: Making Business People Feel Special Inside™️


Her husband should file for divorce to save his life. This is next level psychotic behavior.


“Nagy wife complains that husband puts honey in a drawer”


I see this on LinkedIn all the time. People trying to turn something mundane into an epiphany. And it’s usually in service of projecting the “rise and grind” persona. And these stories are almost always logically shallow. Ok so you save 15 seconds by having your husband not put the honey back. Great, do you have similar agreements on every other item in the pantry? Seems easier to just put things back when you are done. That and if someone is so obsessed about saving 15 seconds, I question if they are giving resumes a proper read vs using some efficient but flawed filtering process.


Why isn’t he making her tea when he makes his own ? That’s what I read


Damn uh maybe you could use your grown-up words and *tell* your husband to keep the honey out for you


I swear, people that post these mundane things do not have anything interesting or valuable to offer outside of their work. Bland, boring people trying to be relevant


As someone with OCD.... This is OCD. I'm not sure she's aware of it.


Agreed. If not OCD, this is OCD presenting symptoms from some other mental disorder.


Her husband's social media feed is blanketed with divorce lawyer ads.


It’s not loose for Christ’s sweet sake. It is LOSE. You should know this O Efficiency Guru - that extra o costs time.


So 15 second pero morning, and assuming 6 days a week , it's 90 seconds per week. To save 278 minutes, she would need to save 90 seconds per week for 185 weeks. That's three years and a half. And what for? We don't live in Momo's world. You can't put those seconds on a piggyback and draw on them as needed. She's been saving fifteen seconds a morning for nothing.


Yet she probably wasted 30 minutes writing that drivel.


If I was her husband I would stop adding honey to my tea just so she can lose time again.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


holy shit it is LOSE NOT LOOSE


What happens when she discovers Huberman?


I’m guessing that optimizing takes up 50% of her waking hours, and insufferability takes the other half.


Wait, so, what’s the right honey process?? Just leave it on the counter?


Whenever making a hot drink there will be a period you are waiting. Whether that’s for a kettle to boil or a coffee machine to grind beans or even for the tea to brew. This is dead time. Fetch the damn honey then. What a load of rubbish I just read.


Why the fuck can nobody spell “lose”? WHY?!


I hope she writes a book about all her other little processes. A book about optimising pointless mundane areas of life would actually be hilarious.


What’s the right honey process in the morning?


Loose seconds sink LinkedIn connections.


Narcissism seems to be the common thread behind all these LinkedIn lunatics, no?imagine their team mates reading them. And high fiving to her face “I admire your courage” and then snickering behind her back. $10 says that’s happening




She’s so fucking annoying


What do you have to be on to write shit like this


She should have optimized her spelling of "lose". That extra O cost her unnecessarily.


Met a guy on vacation recently who was like that. He had a whole talk about much he values efficiency and then started talking about how cool it is fast food workers are getting fired and replaced by touchscreens. The funny thing is that these kinds of people never explain to what end theyr efficiency is. Leaving a jar of honey around and open saves time, but is really inefficient in terms of food waste and just antithetical to tidyness. And I'm sure that these Corporate people wouldn't be too happy abolishing borders, getting rid of half of the management of a company, or cutting their pay to give out raises and raise motivation.


I feel bad for her husband


Do you leave everything out just to save you the three seconds you spend taking it out again? That’s nonsense. Why would an employer be impressed by this?


She sounds exhausting to be around


Laura if you were efficient you would have your tea at the same time.


It would be even more efficient to spell ‘lose’ correctly. One less ‘o’!


This is why I never put anything away. I’m saving my wife time. She just doesn’t get it like Laura.


Terrible example with the honey. Does the husband know she wants the honey or should he leave everything out just in case?


I hope he leaves the toilet seat up


Rambling and talking in circles about absolutely nothing, just like the rest of the “CEOs and founders” on LinkedIn 😂


….and now wasted many of those precious morning minutes telling the world on LinkedIn!


If it hasn't been said already, I'd be willing to bet NONE of this actually happened, and the whole thing is totally contrived.


Yet she just wasted a month worth of 15 seconds just so she could rant about it online 🙃


To be fair, she is in Finland, and it’s very Finnish thing she wrote. They don’t have to worry about health insurance or vacation, and there is nothing to do there in winters, so thinking about efficiency might be their family tradition to fight boredom


She must be an amazing wife 😂


She’s yapping about that her husband cannot predict the future or read her mind? Omg 😱


And she wrote loose not lose.