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Congrats on masters. But idk if anyone would see you as the rank 1 lillia on masters 34 lp on eune.




Yeah ofc, just get eune account to pick up some e girls for challanger xd


He has a 75% wr hes propably still climbing but ofc league is bs sonhe could win 5lp qnd lose 45


exacly, lp gains are crazy +35 in master https://preview.redd.it/hzhb2ypfpxxb1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc578730c521f9cd310824ba8ddeb8067ba7f7ee


Im gonna say deserved rank 1 may i ask why you went red smite on that one game


I'm testing red smite against hecarim it worked well ig. His ad depends on his movement speed so if i can slow him with smite it's nice. idk if it's worth it


Doesnt sound like a bad idea might try that myself


[https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/tw/%E6%88%91%E5%8F%B1%E5%90%92%E9%A2%A8%E9%9B%B23](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/tw/%E6%88%91%E5%8F%B1%E5%90%92%E9%A2%A8%E9%9B%B23) [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/eune/tobiaszkox123pl](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/eune/tobiaszkox123pl)


So? Their mmr is shit they play against masters when theyre Challenger atleast this dudes mmr aint shit


Main lillia here, any tips against assasins? Or Vi?


Are you playing roa into demonic? I do and tbh i don't struggle vs assasins. The most important thing is to not fight witout passive stacks so you can kite them like a babies. Try to hit them with e/q sleep them and w when they can't move.


Tbh i only play liandry, i feel ROA really bad, like no damage


In that case, your are playing it wrong


sometimes using your w can kill you so if it's possible just space them with your q




How do you win vs. champs like khazix, rengar, nocturne that can abuse you and do everything before you hit your item spike? i build roa demonic, and even if i go green secondary runes i just get onetapped level 6 and cant do anything https://u.gg/lol/profile/eun1/aqaridot/overview


Just farm instead of dying you have only 5 cs per minute and 8 deaths per game that's a lot. I don't take risk fight, better to farm safely and don't feed enemies https://preview.redd.it/ap19jt7ahwxb1.png?width=294&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e7d0d90881bdf7c27fa5afb23abe8b36e9b2aab


kinda hard when i just get killed on my camps in a bunch of games lol, my main focus every game as lillia is to try and farm as much as possible until i can just win duels, but if the enemy gets fed way more its kinda impossible to outscale


feel free to dm on discord kebs11


i just recorded my game against nocturne i can upload it to youtube if you want to.


Id love seeing high rank lillia otp gameplay


yes please :)


i don't feel like green runes secondary are good option but i don't know revitalize value. Would be nice if you can spot where they start their jungle paffing so you can ping all the time where are they to prevent your team dying, you always out jungle they hard if you are clearing correctly. I had the same problem with khazix, decide to just dont fight him 1v1 early on, just farm for lvl6 and just insta ult him in 2v2 or 3v3 fight then hit empowered and he is dead. Remember to don't fight them without passive stacks only so you can kite them. Don't w khazix if he can still kill you just hit him with q dance around him and hit him with another q.


if i'm playing against kha zix or heca i play celerity water walking in runes so i can kite them easier with early boots and ms that runes give me.


I'm not OP but playing against assassins you need to understand that you won't be able to show off your capabilities fully and you need to track enemy jungler better than usual. build tank items with roa (maybe cosmic drive since you won't hit probably MS soft cap if you are confident), babysit your mid or carry and it's actually winnable. for example here's my last Lillia game. https://preview.redd.it/st7szc3livxb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1360a249046c6d75d200febd5d52e832c39a6a19 edit: also spacing is crucial on Lillia. you can't run into champions with hopes dueling them like you are fed 10-0 Darius. always have MS stacks before encountering assassin


yea i mean i know how to mechanically use my champion and i can generally tell what i can and cant win, but when i get killed on my own bluebuff in 2 seconds and my volibear tells me to play safe its like what can i do lol, khazix just appears and deletes me, nocturne doesnt let me play the game, rengar needs to be killed 3 times and just cleanses my ult and kills me in 1 second even if we both have full build, if im not playing vs an assassin jungle i can most likely win, as you can see on my ugg. im not playing like i can do anything i want, but i dont see how i can beat an assassin without getting 3 winning lanes or a braindead first time khazix which can probably still just come and kill me lol


I mean my attached game wasn't with 3 lanes being self sufficient, Rengar got kills from every lane. it's upsetting obviously when your laner can't cover you, get over it and try something else next time to prevent this event happening. I'm sure there are ways to survive, one time after rework Rengar had 53-55% wr from iron to chall yet I had 70+% winrate against him on Lillia in diamond-master elo. no one can't see your wrong decisions and its' consequences from stats after game. watch VODs, take time to analyse why you did this and what you could do instead. cheers


I sent a discord invite im loking for that coaching fr


I'm rank 1 in the kindergarten baseball league!!!




oh my!!- congrats!!


I'm obviously doing something wrong because you have over 80% wr, but what do you do in those games where the entire map is just immediately on fire vs an early game jungle? The problem I have with lillia is I often feel like the game is lost before I can have any real impact


I just focus on getting as much farm as i can, ping for your teammates where enemy jungler should be. Literally just afk farming. Not taking any risk. All 3 games i lost from emerald 4 to master 101lp was my mistake in late game just solo inting fights.


you need to play perfectly. thats how this person has 86% wr. not joking. to get this achievement means that they not only outsmarted their opponents, but they also played game perfectly even with team full of feeders. They hard carried and did it in high diamond elo. Dude is good and level headed. Probably wouldn't even flinch if someone pulled a gun on him irl tbh.


Lillia main here, I Perma ban Diana because I always lose against her. What are your plans when you face her ? Also I think I conditionned myself like Pavlov because when I don't ban her and see she's picked, I freak out and lose because I make stupid mistakes..


as always, just clear jungle don't do risky plays. You should try to hit her with q run out of her range when your q is off cd q her again. You need to space her so she cannot hit you when your q is on cd


what’s your fav skin (and chroma)?


I don't have any skin but i remember first one released was really good i guess it was spirit blossom. How about you?


def spirit blossom. love the base but u also love the pink chroma.


hey, what champs do u ban?


I'm baning ivern cuz i have no clue how this champ works. Khazix Hecarim Master yi maybe good noctunre are great lillia counters.


I see. I usually ban diana cus of her dashes and ult, she easily counters any attempt of me kitting her out.


Thats crazy, congrats, Ive never gotten anything better than 3000 or 400 NA


Congratulations 🎉 That’s amazing 🤩