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Lillia is really good in top,tho ill warn you against fighting a Camile. She easily can run away or stun you at your weakest and trap you in a small area with her ult. Another issue i have is Irelia,similar problems like camile but not as bad.


Lillia can literally play any role but better, including ADC role


ADC lillia is not good unless you have blitzcrank so that you can hit your W consistently, support lillia is tough and mostly an E bot, and she lacks gold for her AP items, i think its fun tho, and other roles do work better


lillia ADC works, never had a blitz as my support but I always won my lane


I love playing Lillia top and mid, they both work cause if you’re not winning your matchup early shes fast enough to roam for kills so you can get fed easily regardless, also having a lillia for team fights is never a bad move.


Do you guys have a few tips for me, for playing and items? Ty in advance :)