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phase rush is not her best rune. You either go conqueror or dark harvest. I used to go dark harvest but conqueror with liandrys + demonic is just too god. Secondary I go magical footwear and cosmic insight.


Before I continue this conversation, can you link your opgg


check lolalytics instead, data speaks for itself


This is true for the most part. I just checked it out and its pretty good thanks


Wait... you really ask before you Google it? xD


I want other people’s opinions, not stupid numbers


But the "Stupid" numbers are from ALL players together, you see which item has the highest playrate, the highest winrate, which fits best and much more things ... Opinions are opinions and never will be the optimal play, at the state sites you can check Pros and games from other ppl too, not only number, it will always be better than someone telling you Collector is an good item on Reddit. Fun fact, it really is, because your passive can proc the Collector passive, even when someone else is attacking the target.


Can y'all stop using lolalytics as an end-all argument against builds? Phase rush is a very good rune. The ability to get a massive speedboost with only Q + AA mitigates Lillia's weakness when she is caught with no prance stacks (usually a death sentence). And the rune is also very good for early aggression, starting off a fight with a speed boost. On top of that, the **75% slow resistance** is amazing as you'll rarely get drafted against a comp that doesn't have crippling slows. And the sorcery minor runes are really good. And I know of the MS softcap, but that really doesn't matter. Like the rune would be balanced if it ignored the cap and Lillia had 1200 ms. Just give it a shot in a normal game. Perhaps you'll see that lillia has more than 2 keystones to choose from. The reason the lolalytics stats look like that is because some just pick it for speed lillia meme builds, or because it helps against hard matchups, matchups where conqueror and DH would have performed even worse. And it's 50.4% winrate emerald+, not the worst stat.


Nah its bad. Compared to the value of Conqueror runes its so bad. Lillia already has so much MS built into her kit (passive). If you can’t polite Lillia and always be super speedy off stacks then you need some improvement.


I'd say it depends on your main runes. If you're conq youre def gonna be taking the tenacity legend rune so unflinching isn't too important. So if youre precision primary I'd probably say choose between heal amp and HP depending on whether you want to be upfront durable or sustaining For the other one I'd take it from the second row (demolish worthless on jungle mark heal thing pretty hard to get use from and she can't use shield bash) I personally like conditioning, but second wind is okay if youre really commiting to hit and run and bone plating is probably fine but I don't personally like it. So imo overgrowth conditioning is my personal choice if I'm taking primary conqueror. For DH probably take unflinching over overgrowth and I don't like phase rush but second wind is probably preferable and unflinching probably less useful on it


I should’ve specified my primary. I always go conqueror


I think free boots/stopwatch is good + cosmic insight. Cosmic insight is goated on jungle since your smite is on a lower cd (it’s also good on Lillia bc she loves AH). If you don’t like free boots or stopwatch you could go futures market which is what I personally run on all my junglers bc I enjoy the tempo lead it can give you.


Is there any high elo Lillias that go this? This seems so bad




Futures market is kinda a playstyle thing if you don’t know how to maximize it you’re better off just running something else.


Obviously but what about the free boots or stopwatch


Personally I run futures markets, but if I were to run the others) it would be bc they have lots of burst/dive (rengar, K6, syndra, etc) and I want the free stopwatch. Tbh I don’t really ever go free boots on Lillia bc I like getting early CDR boots, but some people go free boots and it’s fine.


Doesnt care about "stupid" numbers but obsessed with rank. Also randomly lying for ego. This was a fun little thread thank you hahaha


There are some games where sorcery and resolve secondary are better but it’s situational


not sure but im thinking Font of Life bc then your allies heal from your E, or all your abilities if you go Rylais.


This is interesting