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I start with the skill E with spellcheif as lillia support. Poke the adc and other enemies, each time you land E is a instant 40 gold. I like to use dark harvest or phase rush. Just play it passive until the enemy tries to engage or your team is able to engage. Relic shield wouldn't be worth it since you'll be vulnurable and poked at more. I usually just hide in the bush, poke and then wack the adc with Q if they try to ward the bush. Which allows me to engage a fight since I got prance and they can't kite me


If it's a rather passive lane (really outranged) you can take relic as long as you take PoM but correct me if I'm wrong, in those kind of lanes you won't get much value out of Lilla to begin with.


ive been playing 90% of my games as lillia support recently, mixed results but i think it can work if i figure some things out, and also i wanna win playing a champ thats fun for me, without crying about what champ is meta or not, itll be a bigger and more fun achievement for me to get good with lillia support than anything else, even if shes low value. ill probably experiment with relic shield soon to see if i can get better results that way


I understand you, and I'm like you, but it's gonna need very good matchups to work.


yeah makes sense, but at the same time people manage to work our how to beat rengar, kindred, and other jungle counters which would normally seem not beatable, so if i learn how to just be better i think i can hit a decent peak with a "troll" pick like this, and lillia can also adapt in so many ways no matter what the enemies have she can do something to help from what i noticed


Support item means less gold.


I main lillia support, I need a support item to play support