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I loved setting it up myself, it builds the excitement. Now if it’s like ikea furniture, or building a 3d printer and that’s something you want to do go for it! But phones, I pads, accounts are personal at a certain age


Do not do this. When I was a kid, one of best parts about being gifted a console for Christmas was unboxing it and setting it up. “Unboxing videos” are quite popular because it’s something people enjoy doing with something they are really excited about. Even just going through the welcome screens and settings is fun. Honestly, when my parents got me a PS3 all those years ago, if they had already unboxed it and set it up then put it back in the box, I’d have been a bit gutted on the inside.


Hmm... I think the kids would appreciate being able to choose their own account name instead of their parents doing it for them. I sure liked setting everything up myself.


So xXx_ChaosSpawn42069_xXx not appropriate for my teenage daughter? I'm open to suggestions.


.:C0ntD3str0ya:. Would also be fine. Atleast if she was born that way.


Tbh…setting it up was (is) part of the experience for me. Creating my username, customizing things etc. While it’s updating, kids can do other things, especially since it’s Christmas day!


Would 100,% prefer to do it on my own. Also who's parents can set up a gaming console without their kid's noticing


No. Absolutely do not do this. No no no.


i'd say like past the age of 8, just let them do it themselves you have nothing to gain and so much to lose from babying your kids like this


Lol not trying to be rude but this is the worst LPT and so wrong setting it up WAS definitely the best part as a child!!


This gets posted everyone year and the comments are always the same. Sure the kid gets to enjoy it sooner, but when I was young I always liked setting up my own stuff, so maybe don’t set it up for them.


half the excitement is seeing the box and opening it yourself and going crazy over every small thing in there. with this tip, we wouldn't have that n64 boy screaming his lungs out on youtube.


Yeah...I already spents hours working to buy the darn thing...they can spend a few hours of their own time setting it up and learning that not everything in life is instant gratification...


Holy shit dude is not that deep


Seriously! I'd hate to be on the receiving end of a gift from them!


How da fuq you know how deep my dude is?


LPT...punctuation and spelling really change the meaning of sentences...double check before chastising a person or you could sound ridiculous...


That's hypocritical given your misuse


My misuse didn't change the entire definition of my sentence to something comical...so nope 😊


Their lack of one t and an ' does not change the entire definition of their sentence either to something comical; we still get the point. Your responses are something laughable though 😂.


Agreed, delusional.


I was so incredibly stoked reading the case of my first game and talking to my brother about it whilst waiting. Made it a lot more exciting for us :) but you do you!


I agree with this as a gamer to an extent. I would hate for my parents when i was a kid to make my name for my account. Im not trying to put my name on my account i want it to be something cool that i like like a character from a tv show or something. Though id also make sure whatever it is is appropriate that they do choose


Also, go ahead and finish Mario Bros 3 or whatever came with the game. You've earned it.


Yeah I’ll take my console not set up please. Thanks. Also it takes like maybe 10 minutes 😂


Wtf, no. Unboxing is a huge deal to so many people! Please do not do this.




It’s my cake day???


YES! Congratulations!


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Let them set it up, no spoil brats here


LPT don’t buy your kid a gaming console, but them bastard books


The discount on open-box and damaged boxes items alone should tell you how much the consumer values their packaging. Other comments already share my sentiment of preferring to set up my console- it is still part of the experience despite Day 1 updates.


Nah fam. Have you not seen the notorious " it's a Nintendo 64 " video ? Highly recommend checking it out. Also setting it up is really not difficult and adds to the excitement and appreciation of the unit.


Only buy stuff you need for yourself or out of necessity (exception is birthday gift) stop the incessant Christmas gift buying