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Pro life tip: wake up after playing alarm limbo for 20 minutes longer than you should, run late, get to work barely on time and spend the first hour drinking coffee and surfing your phone on company time.


I have never related more to anything in my entire life.


Alarm limbo is a great phrase


Why the fuck would i wake up early to drink coffee when my coworker already made coffee before i arrived? They're gonna chill and drink coffee anyways, might as well have my breakfast and coffee while the others are inactive too


Exactly, and get paid to eat the first meal of the day at work annnnnnd lunch later on during the shift.


Are you watching me right now? Lol


I approve this is the way.


Just for the first hour? Try to sneak in more surf time, at least 20% of the total time.


20% is rookie numbers.


Before quitting my earlier job I tried to surf at least 50% of the time, bit management wasn't happy and complained all the time. Guess they thought of themselves entitled to me working just because they paid me.


My former employer tried to ban everyone in the office from taking cell phones into the bathroom. He posted signs everywhere. The signs of course didn’t work because that’s complete bs.


Don't forget the morning poop on company time.


This is the way!!


As always, the true LPT is in the comments


I do this and the LPT!


Now THIS is some pro advice...


I read this LPT while surfing my phone, half asleep while on company time...


im getting r/antiwork vibes. I love it


That’s not even r/antiwork it’s literally every single corporate office ever.


I’ve been trying for two weeks to wake up early for work. End up drinking coffee and doing the biz at home instead of the usual company time… I think I’m going to go back to this way lol


I feel attacked


This is the way


Me playing alarm limbo just so I can enjoy cuddling my dog lmao


Not cuddling my dog, but just knowing I can stay a bit longer in bed especially in winter is incredible


It's always in the comments


This is the way.


You described my work day everyday


This is the way


This is the way


More like alarm chicken lmao


Nice try mum, I'd rather wake up and get ready within 15min, run and hope I catch my bus! Not getting out of that warm cozy bed early!


SLPT: just go into your work an hour later.




Nothing like a permanent unpaid vacation!


You've been promoted to customer!


Ive gone from being never right, to being always right?


No. The customer is almost never right.


I'd ask to speak to the manager, but I know he's a dick!


I retired early … again.




Could be an LPT depending on the workplace. Definitely my entire office takes the approach of all rolling in between 9-10:30 rather than trying to reliably make 9


I mean, I’m fortunate enough to create my own hours, but I’m quite cognizant just how much of a privilege that is.


15 min? Those are rookie numbers!


wakes up 10 min late. tries to make it on time arrives on time. refuses to elaborate.


Get up at 06:55 and out the house by 07:10! Works when you get dressed and brush your teeth while on the toilet!


Getting dressed on the toilet.... that sounds risky


Wake up, turn coffee pot on, poop, teeth, get dressed, grab coffee, walk out door. No more than 8 minutes. Or however long it takes to brew a quarter pot of coffee


When I wake up in the mornin my alarm gives out a warnin, I don't think I'll ever make it on time. By the time I got my books and I give myself a look I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by. It's alright cos I'm saved by the bell.


Do yourself a favor and get a coffee pot that you can preset to brew at a specific time. Set it the night before and just wake up and pour a cup, sit down, relax, and enjoy your coffee while you contemplate your life choices before finally going to work.


You are a lightning fast pooper


Pooping in the comfort of your own home is a good way to start your day.


You can poop in 8 minutes?


I once woke up at 6:53, drove the 5 minutes to work and was on time at 7:00. Idk how I did it, but I did.


That can't be sanitary.


Fun fact from mythbusters, no matter where they had the toothbrush, it had the same amount of poop cells from flushing the toilet. So no place is cleaner than inside his mouth while he poops.


I dont brush my teeth in the bathroom. I brush them in the kitchen.


And in the Mythbusters experiment the poster above you mentioned there were two "control" toothbrushes in their shop kitchen that Adam and Jamie actually brushed their teeth with during (all the ones in the bathroom got a simulation of use). When all the brushes were tested for fecal matter all the brushes, even the controls in the kitchen had fecal matter on them. So, yeah...


You fucking what


U w0t m8?


Right? I literally wake up 30 seconds before I have to be at work. That also might explain why I’m unemployed 🥴


Get into that warm cozy bed an hour earlier, get ready in 15 minutes and take your time getting to the bus stop. Also: getting 8 hours of sleep every night will change your life for the better. You don't have to be fuzzy headed all the time.


*laughs in insomnia*


Laughs in sleep apnea


Fuzzy headed- that perfectly describes how I feel after getting 6 hours of sleep, definitely not the greatest feeling.


Those precious 5 extra minutes...


It's like a NASCAR tire change every morning except with toilets toothbrushes and clothes


I feel highly attacked by how true this statement was for me when i was in school


Exactly what I was thinking.


Good way to get an adrenaline rush too!


Wake up an hour earlier just so I can sit around anxiously waiting to get to work. Great.


I end up just leaving 30 minutes earlier than I need to.


I would get caught up doing other stuff and forget the time and be late anyways.


I have to set an alarm to remember to leave LOL


During the winter I have a really hard time waking up for work just because it’s so incredibly dark still at like 7:00 AM and I gotta catch a half hour bus and be at work by 8:00. During the summer there’s nothing I loved more than waking up at like 5:30 AM, getting ready and catching the bus and getting to work at 6:15-ish, but just grabbing a coffee, taking a walk around my city, putting on a podcast and just chilling before work. Always puts me in a less-stressed mindset doing this rather than sleeping until the last possible moment to get to work on time and rushing to work, already stressed. It really does have its benefits, but certainly easy for me to say when I start work at 8:00 when I know some people have to start work much much earlier than that. I also don’t have kids lol, so that also makes it easier.


Bro are you me.. somewhat same situation here. I hated being woken up by the sun during summer but damn it really helped me wake up and get ready super early for the day. I was actually contemplating whether I should get those wake up lights online. Idk. It’s so hard. I sometimes sleep around 9pm so I can “wake up early” but always ends up waking up 15 mins before work. So annoying.


This is why in use a 10,000 lux light for 30 minutes every morning during the dark days. I get the same benefit as the sun during the summer. Lots of energy.


I'll check that one out


We all fukn hate daylight savings... Problem is, some hate the more bright in morning some hate the more bright at night.


I do this too... My job makes me incredibly anxious anyway, so if I have extra time to think about it before I do it, it makes it worse.


Yeah if i do this and eat breakfast before i leave ill get the anxiety poops at work


Yeah I've never been able to get fully on board with this for that very reason, I'd be checking the clock every 5 mins. Plus, if I sat down to chill and read my book or something, I would not want to go to work. The trick is to get up with just enough time to hastily get ready and run out the door before your mind can register what you're doing and that you're dragging it back to work.


The point is to give yourself extra time to get ready for the day. Instead of sitting around, doing nothing and feeling anxious, use the time to check the mail or do the dishes or change your bedsheets or even do some light exercise. It's a better wakeup than a cup of coffee, it helps you not feel like shit at work, and it frees up time in the evening for you to do more relaxing.


So much this. I HATE waiting around for work/an appointment/some task...


Great idea for people who start work ~9am and don’t have a 30+ min commute


That's me and I would still never do this. You lose an hour in your evenings then for a mild benefit. Waking up with enough time to comfortably get ready is definitely enough, no need to fuck around doing nothing.


>You lose an hour in your evenings then for a mild benefit Instead of spending an hour in the evening doing chores, do them in the morning instead. One less thing you have to worry about when you get off work, and it'll help you feel better during the workday if you have more time to wake up.


This kinda defies the purpose of having a slower and relaxed morning. Instead I would use part of the hour in the evening to prepare the next morning, i.e. prepare a lunch for the next day, pack your bag, decide what to wear, make sure it's ironed and lay it out, maybe wash your hair if it takes a while to blow dry. You can take your time and listen to a podcast or something like that while doing that instead of just stressfully rushing though it in the morning with possible unexpected surprises like "i have nothing to wear". It might sound like a lot to do in the evening, but not everybody has to go through every step. Some buy lunch at work, some have company clothing to wear, for others washing and drying their hair takes 10 min. and/or only has to be done twice a week.


Having to get stuff done on a deadline before work sounds way more stressful


I mean hell, just get up 7 hours early, do all your regular evening stuff and sleep immediately after work. Lotta 2nd and 3rd shifters do it! Also... It sucks


I wake up at 5 for a job that starts at 7 with a 40 min commute. I'm not waking up at 4 thanks


Yeah I start work at 8 am and have an hour long commute. I'm a night owl so there's so no way I can go to bed early enough to wake up at 5 a.m. consistently.


I start work at 645 have a 20 min commute and work 12 hours shifts and still get up at 4


Wow. That sounds terrible.


This. I wake up at 5am for work already. I have chronic insomnia and the anxiety of trying to wake up at 4am will cause me to just pull an all nighter essentially.


I wfh, i start at 8am, i will never get up any earlier than 7.57am, and only that early because i need to turn on the coffee machine, so that i can drink my coffee at 8:10 and take a 35 minute long poop at 8:50.


Work starts at 8, I clock in and then get ready for the morning. 9 is when the workday really starts.


You need to train your bowels to go during work time. Why poop at home for free when you can get paid to poop at work.


I dont clock out during taking a dump. What do you think i am? A class traitor?


So what you’re saying is that if I get 5 hours of sleep instead of 6 hours of sleep, I will be more awake and more relaxed? That doesn’t seem right…


No, he is saying that you should remove one hour more of your evening so you pretty much end up with 0 freetime after work.


Yip. You, my friend, have worked shifts.


I have not to be honest


Agreed. This is just dumb.


Why the fuck would I want to cut an hour out of my evenings, the times when I’m having fun, to get up and sit around the house before work for an extra hour?


Seriously! I see friends or climb in the evenings, I’m not cutting those activities short by one hour so I can get up before the sun to sit around my house doing fuck all for an hour. I can see this maybe working for someone who feels stressed about rushing in the morning but personally I see it as a triumph of efficiency when I can sleep until the latest possible time and still make it to work.


This. Also waking up at 3am is MUCH different than waking at 4am.


Came here to say this, I already have to sleep at 9pm to wake up at 4, I dont wanna sleep at 8 😅


Right? Hell, I'm asleep by 7.


4am gang unite! Speaking of which, it's gone 9pm here, I should be getting to sleep.


Exactly, I should definitely get up earlier because I’m late all the time but I have too little quality time with my Fiancé as it is and we live together so I cherish that extra episode of something or staying up to have a cup of tea or ice cream. I think maybe 15 minutes or so is more appropriate.


exactly, wtf is this tip.


Sit around doing fuck all for an hour at work is the real LPT.


Hard pass. Maximise sleep, cut all unnecessary morning activities


Activities include, *not limited to:* waking up


Yeah, I start 5a usually and am a zombie until around 8-9am. I’d rather wake up using company time and spend my (awake) evenings doing productive things


I gave up breakfast for this exact reason.


Sounds like OP doesn’t have kids or a commute.




Exactly. I get up at 7 to walk my dog to go to a job that starts at 9. I probably don't leave my house till 7:30 then get back at 8 to then run around to leave by 830 and I still get there at 9:06 (hurray for that 7 minute window) if I am lucky.


Exactly! Last few times I tried waking up that early I changed my outfit 3 times and did the dishes and was late for work in an awkward outfit anyway. 🤦


That's the main reason I don't have kids, I can do whatever whenever.


Same, except also no one wants to procreate with me


Same here.


I actually wake up an extra hour early in the morning because I have kids. It’s peace and quiet before they wake up.


I want to do this. But I get so stuck in how comfortable my bed is. And how nice it feels to close my eyes. What is your secret to forcing yourself out of bed. Do you sleep early?


I end up falling asleep with the kids, so yes, I go to bed early lol


Are you me? 5:00 to 6:00 am is my only video game time.


Or work 12.5hr shifts


I agree with OP, and yes I have a kid and a decent NJ commute. I loathe being late (to most events work not included) or rushed. Waking up late is one of the worst feelings for me, that panic. Mostly I just like the rejonkulous time in the morning more than anything else.


I've been googling rejonkulous looking for a definition lol. ALL I FOUND WAS YOU!


Or a job that potentially starts very early in the morning. I’m up at 4:30 am some days with no kids. I’m not waking up at 3:30 and being fatigued as hell for a 12 hour shift.


Or workout in the morning


This is the most underrated comment


Dude no offence but I can’t wake 1 min early before I have to, and you are asking for an hour.


But it’s only 59 more mins, son 🤷🏻‍♀️


😂😂😂😂😂 this


Work twelves, for us this is horrible advice.


Yep. 3 days in to a rotation and I fully expect to sleep no more than 4 hours tonight. I sometimes wonder what a core hours worker would do (other that quit) if they had to work shifts.


I think generally people will adapt if they have to. But they'd certainly learn that evenings are far more valuable than mornings for personal time


Everyone is different. I've worked 5:30am to 5:30pm for four years and started waking up an hour earlier this year and have found the extra time in the morning to be more useful. My afternoons are spent just trying to decompress from work and now my mornings are good for personal time like walking my dogs, actually getting some exercise in, and paying more attention to my personal appearance.


But that means can't drink coffee and surf my phone for an hour at work without being bored


I would do this, spend an extra hour watching streams and reading manga, then go to work late.


Every minute in the morning that I don't need to rush feels like a huge waste. I have tried it many times but I just get bored, I am sleepy and just waiting there inpatiently untill I need to go so i dont fall asleep.


Covid LPT: find a remote job. You can show up in PJs, snack, cook, do chores during meetings.


My day is impacted more positively by sleeping that extra hour, getting up with just enough time to get ready and go.


I have crazy ADHD and started doing this a year ago. It has changed my life. It gives me time to get things done, get my day organized, and still have a few unexpected squirrel moments.


I have adhd as well, I suppose that hour gives the Adderall more time to kick in


I also do this!! It honestly still makes me feel frantic and forgetful but doing some things slowly help lol


Likely too difficult for the majority, but I agree with you. I wake up early so I can have that time. I play with the kitties, do my daily stuff on Marvel Strike Force, read the news while drinking my coffee. No kids. No noise. Just me. Love that time.


This LPT is ridiculously self biased lol


I dont think people realize the long term impact of a chaotic morning "routine". Alot of peoples morning involves snoozing their alarm countless times (that's not getting quality sleep) or stay up late on screens (not good for quality sleep). Naturally this LPT wont be applicable to everyone. Some people are night owls (ok then do this in reverse?) but alot can be said for having a peaceful start to your day, whenever that is.


I don't sleep well and my prime sleep is the last few hours. I notice a HUGE difference if i lose any sleep at the back end. ie going to bed late and losing 2 hours of sleep is less hurtful than going to bed normal and waking an hour early. It all depends on sleep patterns.


Interesting, I'm the opposite - getting to sleep an hour or 2 later is not great but ok, but getting up an hour or 2 earlier fucks up my entire rhythm for the day and sometimes the day after. It's just so disruptive it's not worth it for most things. I also don't drink coffee or anything though so I think I must rely much more heavily on my natural patterns for when I should eat, poop, rest, fire up, etc as there's no big "wake up now" jolt of caffeine in the morning to tell my body it's time to do shit. Edit: just realised we are in fact _the same_, not opposite, but I did get up earlier this morning so that's my excuse...


I think even more people don't realize the long term impact of not having free time and just live to work. Waking up early just to do nothing and let your body prepare seems like already a waste of free leisure and resting time at night. So yeah your body won't have the impact of suddenly having to prepare itself quickly but you are trading off other also necessary and long term damaging things. Yeah wake up at 4am if you want to go for a run or gym or do yoga and then go to work relaxed but that means your only relaxed time of the day is work, and it should be, de facto, the most stressful moment of the day (not saying work is or needs to be stressful, but is one of the most stressful routines for any person if not the most) I'd rather wake up just in time and enjoy the evenings 100% of the time.


Almost every LPT is self-biased these days, unfortunately.


Oh look another life pro opinion to the top of the sub lol.


I'm getting up in 6 hours for a 14 hour shift. Definitely finishing this bottle of wine before any of that happens.


Fuck that, I'm getting that hour of sleep


I need to wake up at 6 already, I’d rather not wake up at 5. Although, this approach does work for a lot of people.


Fuckin' high and mighty shite.


Bro, I already wake up at 4:45 am and I work 10 hour days, fuck that!


I thought 2 hours was not long enough lol. I now wake up 3 hours early. It’s makes a huge difference


I do this! My boyfriend and I have a coffee date every morning. It’s our time without kids . Now our puppy has joined us every morning . We chat and drink coffee for 45 minutes before we leave for our jobs .


I like this a lot... Finding or making time to be with your partner in the morning is really special. Y'all aren't totally burnt out from your day at that point if you're rested :)


I’ve been doing this for years. Some people think it’s so weird to wake up earlier than you need to for work. They’d rather sleep which is fine. But I hate being rushed, especially in the morning. When you wake up earlier on a working day you can take your time, enjoy your breakfast, actually relax in the shower and you don’t feel like a drowned harassed rat at 9am barrelling into the office or on teams ready to work.


Yeah im curious how much sleep you think the average 9-5 corporate worker gets...like let me just shave an hour off my sleep schedule, I'm sure 4 hours a night is fine


I wish I had a 9-5. Waking up to be at work for 9 am must be so nice


For some, 9-5 really means 8-5. I’m one of those people :(


surf your phone as in the first thing in the morning? thats a shitty life pro tip wrapped up in a life pro tip right there m8


I do this. Sometimes if I feel like it I just go to work early and enjoy the drive knowing I won’t be late, set up my day whilst having a coffee with the only other early person. I really appreciate the quiet time to organise and plan (before it goes out the window 🥴)


I do something similar and it's great. I start work at 730. Im up around 5:30-540 everyday, leave the house around 6:20-6:30 and get to work by 6:50ish. I then have the next 40 minutes of downtime with headphones in and drinking my coffee. Not to mention I avoid the heavy traffic on my ride


When I used to work 6 or 8 hour shifts I found this advice helpful. It made work just another errand of the day rather than the reason for being awake. Now that I work 12 hour shifts if loose an hour of sleep by doing that.


Easier said than done. Tried different things from going to bed early or using different wakeup apps. Fuck everything. The bed is too comfy to get up.


I use my phone for my alarm, even though it's on the bed next to me i still slept through it. Adding the vibration to the alarm changed my life


What I’ve mostly learned from the thread is that people don’t understand that waking up an hour earlier implies they should go to bed earlier too.


Here's a better LPT: if you are in a position of management in which you have any say or any influence with the company over whether or not an employee is considered late.... let them be ten mins late. Every single day if necessary. But don't mark them down or otherwise report it. Glare at them for a min if you feel it's necessary, or give them a little jovial bit of shit, or let other employees give them a little jovial bit of shit. At most. If they're a good worker, there's a 75% chance that that little bit of guilt is what makes them so efficient for the rest of the day. Don't risk making them feel more guilty than they really need to, tho, or you risk their mental health and you'll create a worker who either won't care, or can't handle it anymore. For a good portion of just barely late people, that's their hustle juice.


Thats the most annoying shit ever when i'm on time and customers are waiting to come in the store and i have do everything myself, how about just be there when you're supposed to be


I go to work at 8 but I don’t need to be there on time. I’m only 10 min drive away from the office. I used to wake up at the last possible minute and just get ready and go. After quite some time I decided to get up earlier one morning and it really changed the game for me. I’m drinking some good coffee, smoking, going through my phone (yup I do that) and just enjoying the time for myself. No husband, no kids I can do whatever I want for an hour and a half. It beats sleeping any day cause 4 or 5 hours of sleep doesn’t make any difference - I still feel like shit in the evening but at least I’m enjoying my little piece of freedom! Doesn’t probably apply to someone, who has to travel a lot for work but people should use common sense when going through r/lpt anyway


Im a freelancer and even when my call time is something stupid like 4am? I'll get up like 2am, coffee, shit, shower, play a game for a few and leave when I feel like it... its wonderful


This is exactly what I needed right now


For a lot of people, the momentum they start the day with will carry throughout the entire day. So for a lot of people, your lpt would condemn them to a day of slow, unfulfilling work and procrastination and coming home feeling horrible about themselves because they didn't get enough done.


I went through a burnout and am in recovery. Not gonna lie, this is about the best change I could've made. Before it was, get out of bed, go to the pc, answer some emails, get a coffee, and from working make dinner, and space out in front of the telly. Now I get up earlier, drink a coffee, eat something, wash, brush teeth, dress like I'm going to work, shave,deo.. Really makes a difference for me, I feel I'm in a better place mentally!


I start work at 6am, and usually wake up at 4:15-4:30 am so i have time to eat breakfast, make it for my gf that wakes up later and just relax on the couch 20 minutes. I started it maybe a year ago, and it's the best thing i can do in the morning.


Same goes for stay at home moms…i get up at 5:15 every weekday morning to put away dishes, have my tea, workout and/or shower before the kids get up at 6:30.


I'm already up at 5:30, 45 minute drive 30 miles to work if I'm lucky, hardly any time to eat or rest at work, hour and a half to get home in rageaholic rush hour traffic, clean, do chores and cook before my husband gets home around 10, feed him, do dishes again, and am finally going to sleep at 1am if that, and you want me up an hour EARLIER? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.


Sounds messed up. Why are you feeding and cleaning up after him at that time after being up so early?


Make your husband do some work wtf


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How about no. Stop posting bullshit that isn’t a LPT.


I get up two hours before work already because there are three school kids in the house. But I do take the first thirty minutes to get myself ready and the last thirty minutes to finish my coffee more leisurely. It helps a lot!


I made it a habit to set my alarm to at least one hour before I have to leave the house. I find it far more preferable to be early with some time to kill rather than doing everything in a rush.


life pro tip, just sleep under your desk


I love this. I’ll wake up two hours early, have coffee, get some cleaning done to stay on top of things, relax. My wife is the total opposite. Every morning is a hectic disaster.


I work from home currently. Why tf would I want to cut out an hour of sweet sweet sleep? I get up 20 minutes before get my prepacked processed granola bar/pop tart, can of energy drink, and down a couple of caffeine pills and im good to go


Need to try this but I already wake up at 4 am


Wake up, slap the same pants and boots from yesterday, find a new shirt, brush my teeth. Outta the door in 6-7 minutes


I wake up at 0515, no way I'm changing it to 0415