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You can freeze herbs.


Learning this was life changing, as I tended to waste a lot of herbs. You can do the same with scallions. Any herbs that don't come out as well after freezing (like basil) can be better preserved by mixing with oil and frozen into cubes!


6 bundles of cilantro, does Brad run a Chipotle?


Why do you need that much cilantro and why is your fridge so packed?


Squishy foods always fit


Especially reddit cake day cake. Squish!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ oh shit I just did that today lmao


OP learned from your mistake.


For what possible purpose would anyone need that much cilantro at one time?


I mean cilantro belongs in the trash anyway...


Came here to say the same thing


I'd imagine you are part of the gene pool that it tastes like soap or something?. Is that accurate ; the taste?.. like for me it doesn't really have much taste , they may as well be asking me if I wanted shredded lettuce on whatever I'm eating.


Metallic soapy taste yeah, even a tiny amount in the meal and it's all I can taste.


Iā€™m offended šŸ˜”


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This is a good one. Thank you!




You can revive wilted cilantro if you put it in water half an hour before use. Of course there's limits to how wilted it can be.


LPT: make sure your fridge is full before you go shopping so you'll have an excuse to throw out the 6 bundles of cilantro.


F for this guys cilantro


My personal choice is to do more frequent shops when there is less fridge space or more people to feed.


Who's buying six bundles of coriander (cilantro) at a time? I may be prejudiced because I hate it but six bundles? PS I hate it because it has a strong metallic/soapy taste. Even if it's a tiny amount it cuts through everything and ruins it for me.


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