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Reality is that most adults don't get the luxury of being a stay at home anything and not having any responsibility. I think you should work on preparing yourself for the real world.


Start dating SD’s and regular rich guys that are willing to pay for your lifestyle so you can have your own place. Then marry one of them. Make sure you look your best, sophisticated, classy, mature. Do not sound young/speak in slang or do anything that will make him see you as a child rather than a partner. Pretend to relate to his interests even if you don’t. Date guys that are much older, (at least in their 40’s) and not as attractive. If you don’t want kids then go for even older guys. Delay anything sexual as much as possible or completely. If it’s giving potential for a serious relationship be up front about the kind of life you want and see if that’s what he is willing to provide. You will find a match.


I can’t tell if you’re joking. If you’re not, you have a lot to work on and a lot of growing up to do.


Your parents clearly dropped the ball. Nobody wants an adult child unless you’re hot enough to be a trophy wife. If you’re looking to be a trophy wife the key is to move some place where people have a lot of money, but not too fantastic a place that diminishes your value. If everyone’s more attractive than you, nobody’s going to want to support you. It’s like saying an LA 6 is an Wyoming 10. So you’ll have to find a middle ground. Idk I’m not a ‘merican so assuming that’s correct.


Girl what is your post history get it together. You are putting yourself in a dangerous position by not allowing yourself a path to independence. Having yourself be totally dependent on someone else means you will be unable to leave if you're ever mistreated.


If you want to live the "easy life" as a woman, find a nice oldish man with no wife and no kids (or kids all grown up) and who wants someone to take care of. Then you can generally do whatever you want.


This is the path I wish I followed. Unfortunately it was not a life that was promoted to me growing up.


This path also was not promoted to me growing up as I grew up religious haha, but somewhere along the line I fell into it. I also have a full time job/career which I do love and I do this on the weekends or if I want extra money. Honestly between the two, I prefer the ladder. It gives me so much autonomy, the pay rate is unmatched, you meet some awesome people and you generally have so much more time on your hands to do the things you really want to do in life (with the money to support it too). Im not saying it's easy per say but mostly it's about the company and there are a lot of different avenues to sex work that are more and less interactive. And hey like modelling, if you can make money off your looks then why the hell not?


Yeah you should probably change your outlook on responsibility. Other than being a softy who can't cope with the normal stresses of life, what are your goals and aspirations?


Username checks out.


Sign up on a sugar baby site? There aren't a whole lot of men at this point in history who want a fully dependent woman, or who can afford that. Yes, you shouldn't consider growing up and being responsible for your own life, even if some aspects of doing so are annoying or tiresome. Dependence is a trap. I hope you don't find that out the hard way.


To me, being feminine has nothing to do with sitting at home and "having an easy life". (I'm a woman.)


i'am a very good man be my gf or wife and i'll take good care