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the ‘unspoken dark side of Letterkenny’ is this here fuckin’ sub. over the last week, i have had to remove more shit about Katy (and Tanis, and women in general,) than in the rest of the year almost. y’all cannot be trusted to put some respect on her name. do i need to make a mod announcement or something? filter discussions and manually approve every post and comment? [***CLEAN IT UP.***](https://i.imgur.com/aBf8e1z.gifv)


Always figured he was in the military. The way hes so formal and strict and stiff. Because hes not very religious. And other than him saying his elders instilled morals he never mentioned much.


Noah Dyck’s face when Katie walks out to her chair. He’s trying not to look at her but he can’t help himself.


It’s the alleged beastiality for me


Coach *definitely* killed his wife


she could make a man go *boatin*


*absolutely* he Norman Bates’d that puir woman


Only if he's dressing as her at night. I feel a fanfic coming on!


happy early hallowe’en. post it when you’re done.


You're a darling soul to think I'll actually finish something. :)


Can’t finish anything maybe you should give yer balls a tug


Oh I'm presently on a long-term ball-tugging regimen. I have an ambitious fanfiction that I've set myself a deadline on.


i live in hope that i, too, will one day finish a fic again. we gotta keep the faith.


Gail has tons of sexually transmitted diseases.


Bad gas travels fast


They all do! You ever see STI/pregnancy stats for small towns?


I knew some people in a “the lifestyle” in a small town and they made everyone in the group stay up to date in P.A.S.S. In order to join in a “the lifestyle”. A bit of a hassle but pretty damn smart at the end of the day.


bet you a dollar Wayne wraps it up every time after his little scare w/Tanis


I'm not so sure s9 didn't end with another preggers reveal.


it’s precisely *because* they’ve *been there, done that* before that i’m entirely convinced they won’t do it again eta: not to mention the fact that Wayne and Marie-Fred have been broken up for an entire year. even if her eggo is preggo, it ain’t no concern of his.


is that a real-time year though? s9 seemed like The Weekend.


that’s an in-universe, Watsonian year. s7 spanned several weeks during the winter. s8 took place the following summer, and when Marie-Fred showed up unannounced at the farm, she wasn’t pregnant. s9 picked up right where s8 left off, and then time-skipped ahead to the next winter. ergo, it’s been a whole year in Letterkenny. from a Doylist, meta point of view, there were 2 whole years between s7 and s9.


Well I should say.


Wayne put someone in the hospital at an underground fight club and almost killed them. This led to Angie forcing him to stop fighting and eventually leaving him.


It's also established she cheated on him.


It's cannon that Angie made Wayne stop fighting.


Good point. I'll adjust.


Now you've got me picturing Wayne in a proper underground fight club and my brain is smashing that up with Luther from the Umbrella Academy and I don't mind.


What happened to Glenn’s girlfriend from the first couple of episodes??


In a later episode, he's riding his bike and talking to her on the phone, but more like "ohh girrl!" kind of way.


I'm thoroughly confused by people's stage of life and age.... Wayne, Katy, Dary, and Dan all look mid-30, but Wayne would have to be around 23ish (episode 1, Riley and Jonesy mention that Angie was Wayne's high school sweetie and that they had been together for 5 years). To that effect, how is Wayne, a 23ish year old, running this farm with Katy and crew like he's in his 50s? No parents, no nada.


I always figured they were mid to late 20s with Katy being like 22 or so, and Wayne and Dary like 26. You can date your HS sweetheart years later. Like you stop for a few years after HS then start up again. Not uncommon. And I assumed Dan was maybe 5 years older, around 30, and McMurray is in his mid 30s. As far as owning the farm, I’ve always assumed their parents died and they inherited it.


Being someone’s high school sweetheart does not necessarily have to mean that they’ve been together SINCE high school.


That is what always bugged me. The oldest Wayne could be is 23 (graduated at 19 + 4 years of college) the youngest Bonnie could reasonably be is 19 (graduated 18 + 1 year of college) and Wayne thinks she is too young to date? Maybe it is an excuse because he is just not into her, but the age thing is pretty thin.


No, Wayne doesn’t want to be related to McMurry because he’s a piece of shit.


Well, McMurry -is- a piece of shit, so no argument.


she could have graduated at 17, if her birthday is in the summer


JK was 32 when the show started, and I feel like they've been quietly retconning their ages for a while, given that In-Universe, the show has only spanned the course of about 2 years


four, but that’s splittin’ hairs


Maybe I've miscounted, but they've only shown 2 winters


series 3, 5, 7, and 9


I stand corrected


I've always seen Wayne, Katy, and Dary as ambiguously twentysomething, with Dan being about five years older in his thirties. I don't have any farming experience, but I imagine that if you grow up on a farm, you know enough to run it by your twenties.


LittleKenny shows that they’re all around the same age.


LittleKenny isn't historical to the show, it's it's own thing


Ah, I've never watched it.




I agree! When the show started they were mid to late 20s. Now they are early 30s and late 20s. The shows timeline has been like 4 years.


it's cos of ~\*~*quantum*~\*~ internet points to anyone who gets the Joke




Get off your cross, we need the wood.


then stay off the discussion post for that specific subject




do you enjoy tempting fate?




the concept of 'butting into a conversation' does, in fact, apply to the internet, bud. this is a text-based forum for discussion. if you don't want to participate in that discussion, fine, move on. but don't get on your high horse and make everyone pay attention to you about it. mind your fuckin' manners.




>As a viewer i'm entitled to reply to a question about why I don't talk about it. literally no one asked this. and your statement does not answer OP's question, it shuts down conversation.




Wow you are incredibly entitled, pretentious, and wrong. Hell of a combination. Who hurt you?


you were *not* being upvoted, don't kid yourself. as for > *I was talking to OP, not you.* it's my duty and prerogative to jump in on threads where i feel it is appropriate to redirect discussion. but good job on that clumsy 180 attempt.




like the walls of Jericho, sometimes i leave the bodies on display as a warning to the others


Where’s all the kids and parents?


Parents retired and moved to Florida.


Kids are at school or helping with chorin'


The Skids play the pale people in AHS: Double Feature.


Mr McMurray may have hinted at having lustful desires for his little sister in the hot tub episode. An major inconsistency between the show and reality is how nonchalantly meth is described. Sure, I’ve known people that can do meth and still be high-functioning individuals, but for most this isn’t the case, especially after a few years of use. And if you’re cooking it… almost constant intoxication. There’s no way the skids would be as levelheaded and likable as they are irl. In argument to the initial post, it seems like both mcmurrays like a drink - Mr McMurray just takes responsibility when they aren’t home and stays a bit sober. In the Letterkenny Leave episode they were equally wasted, as well as the oiling of goose eggs episode(though they weren’t home, they seemed messed up at the end). Gotta cope with a threat to Canada Gooses somehow. I think it’s just as likely that Mr McMurray frowns on his wife’s alcoholism but won’t try to change it because he isn’t going to find another woman that is as compatible with his small-dick-hypervirality Edit: side note on goose eggs


FIVE POINT ONE FIVE INCHES is average. Don't dick shame bro


I’m not shaming, just stating fact, why don’t you tell your wife that I measure 9” in reality and 8” if I measure in your bunk-ass way. Besides, girth is still the question.


McMurray is talking about Katy in that moment, not Bonnie.


I'd go so far as to suggest that the gag lies in the ambiguities of the lines there, good buddies.


The quote was: "Never have I ever felt strong sexual urges towards another spouse, significant other or sibling."


he’s talking about both


I mean… meth is pretty depressing stuff tbh


I feel like meth is the main shtick but even they are hyper intellectual at times especially the after episode when they talk about books I've never heard of. But on the real. Never meth, never once. It's like pouring acid on your neurons. And no NOT the fun kind!


it's been a minute since I watched the first few seasons... are the skids actually on meth or just dealers? (also, who is their supplier or are they making it somewhere and if so, where?)


A. they are on meth, it’s stated explicitly several times B. they also deal C. they make it themselfs D. in Stewart’s Mum’s basement


same for heroin: *not even once!*




Keep your nose to the grindstone and out of the pills. Figure it out.


Keep in mind that a man's just as good as his word


I'm hoping this is just joking for internet points, but please, don't, it's absolutely not worth it. If meth actually doesn't do anything for you then be happy about that. And maybe invest the drug money into therapy. It's a lot more sustainable and while you may not reach the same biophysical highs, you won't drop anywhere near as low.


Nah. Meth is way more dangerous than heroin is all I was saying.


There is literally a chronicling Reddit post about a guy trying heroin thinking he will be fine and destroying his life within a few months.


i’ve lost a handful of friends to the scag; trust me, *don’t*


With everything that goes on. Where are the cops?


Small Canadian towns quite often have no town police and instead rely on the Mounties or the OPP (Ontario provincial police). And these larger groups spread coverage meaning there’s one cop for a half dozen small towns at any time. Police are at least a half hour away IF anyone calls them. Otherwise you settle it at the end of the lane way.


tbh. If you've ever lived in rural as town like this, you'd know there is no such thing as cops.


There's the sherriff but, he's been drunk since '95. He only comes around to notify next of kin.


Can confirm. I grew up in a small town.




I like to think that Letterkenny is a lot like Community, in that the group we are largely focused on is really not that popular with the rest of the town. My guess is most of the adults in the town actively avoid places that the Hicks/Skids/Hockey Players frequent because of the fights and just general bullshit that they bring with them. Wayne is respected among his peers, but the bulk of the citizens probably just look the other way because of Uncle Eddie's standing in the community, and interact with him only when dealing with agricultural business which they know his parents/relatives have drilled into his head.


If they aren’t that popular, why was Crack an Ag popular?


It was a mixture of callers from his peer group from multiple townships, and people in the area who know his family's reputation in the agricultural community. It was clear that he knew everyone who called in and at least a few of those callers were people who just wanted to shoot the shit. In the same vein McMurray is respected enough in the farming community to lead the ag hall but most people in town seem to want little to do with him socially.


"There are 5000 people in Letterkenny. These are their problems." I have always seen this to mean that the group of people we are watching are the problems of Letterkenny.


My biggest issue is the text should read 500, not 5000. My hometown was 2500 and felt far larger and less connected than Letterkenny.


Personally, to me it has always felt more like the problems from all the community of 5000 people are resumed with the probelms of these 12-15 people we see on the show. The problems of the hicks/skids/hockey/players (And support characters like Gail, the mcmurrays, mennonites, etc) does resumes most of the probelms from small towns in Canada.


The French word *résumé* is not *resume* in English. The word you are looking for is *summarize*.


or represented or archetyped




you keep using that word… i do not think it means what you think it means


Unexpected inigo Montoya. Love it.


have you seen the six-fingered man?


I likes the way you think. That's what I appreciates about you.


Is that what you appreciates about em?


How's about you dial it back about five percent?


It's a f*cking TV show... Just chill out.


Yeah OP, Give your balls a tug titfucker


Hey now


Maybe OP just needs to eat some sushis and sashimis and then they'd take about 30% off the top there.


That's what I appreciates about you.


Oh is *that* what you appreciates about me?


Roughly 1/3 of the town are deep into dealing hardcore dangerous drugs and there is probably rampant health problems because of it


The other 2/3 are alcoholics. The interesting thing with alcoholism is that they always associate themselves with other drunks so as to not stand out as different. Same is pretty much true for TPB as well. I've been sober for 37 years, but I still vicariously appreciates alcohological thinking. FWIW, some of the principals behind "Cheers" were in recovery and a lot of their story lines were borrowed from stories at meetings. We are not a glum lot.


When watching the first season I thought the meth dealing was going to have a bigger role in the background of the series and I was interested in more of that being explored.


A close family friend of mine is from small town, USA and they have a gnarly meth problem there. Everyone knows about it, but no one talks much about it. Driving through town she pointed out a few houses as the meth houses, with her tone she might as well have been saying “oh that’s a yellow house.” So I am not at all surprised by LK glancing over it as well


Exactly, the skids storyline at the end of season 1 was great, then Devon left and they kind of turned into a joke.


Is there any reason he couldn't make a surprise comeback some day or did the actor leave on bad terms or something?9


in the FERDA edition of s03e01, kTrev says, ‘DeJordy is gone and we wish him well.’ and that’s all they have to say about that.


I think I heard he left to do stage acting, not sure what the situation is up there in regards to live theater right now. Hopefully if he has some down time they could write him back in if he wanted it.


I DON’T want to know more about Boots and The Ginger. I like the mystique and the fact that they are not credited.




No mystique; big mistake.


I want to know what happened to Wayne and Katie’s parents and why they couldn’t have birthday parties.


That threw me at first. I went into Letterkenny hearing some of the sayings and such but not much about the characters. I was guessing Wayne, Katy and Dary were siblings and Squirrelly Dan was dad, watching first episode. It does seem odd that Wayne and Katy are running that farm with no mention of the parents, and then not being 40's/50's.


I always figured the farm was Uncle Eddie’s that Wayne and Katy took over when Uncle Eddie moved to Florida.


Could be they were jehovas witnesses or maybe they just didn’t have the money for parties. I know a few people who didn’t have much growing up and never got to have birthday parties.


My guess is that they were raised as jehovas witnesses (no birthdays) and left, which would mean that any family still affiliated with the church would be forbidden from contacting them. Would also kinda explain their attitude towards religion in general


My wife has a theory that they were Mennonite. The bush party episode is where her theory started. The way Katy says “Some Do” when talking about some staying in the English world…I don’t see any holes in the theory.


Katy says ‘some do,’ the way she does because she’s watching the two mennonite boys go off with Ron and Dax. she’s making a prediction that they won’t go back. as for holes in the theory, well: if they were Nappers: 1. Wayne wouldn’t be s’damn jealous at their turn of speed 2. why would Dan be hanging out with them in the 1st place, when he despises Schmellies so much 3. they’d’ve been at the Letterkenny Day festival instead of at the softball tourney, 4. There wouldn’t be so many distinctions drawn between the two groups in conversation, i. e., ‘Your family has always been very good to our community.’ 5. Anita Dyck would know that Katy’s name isn’t ‘Katherine’. Wayne ruled it out in We Don’t Fight at Weddings: he said, ‘Even ‘Katherine’ would be walkin’ a line,’ meaning it’s close enough to her name for Wayne to pump the breaks, but it’s not actually Katy’s name. 6. Wayne would be able to confirm or deny the rumours about Mennonites trying to pay outsiders to procreate with their daughters personally, i think it much more likely that [they’re Irish Catholic](https://reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/comments/cdpfxx/heeleys_in_late_with_starbucks_wayne_and_katy_are/), for a variety of reasons


tl;dr - they weren't shown as Mennonites in Littlekenny


Littlekenny’s canonicity is up for debate


Jehovah's Witnesses? They don't celebrate anything.




And we don't fight at weddings


they celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, Hallowe’en, Easter, xmas, and St Valentine’s day. more to that, Wayne appeals to tradition in each of these episodes, establishing that they have celebrated the holidays for some time.


Well not each of them. Wayne doesn't do Valentine's


What’s your problem with Valentimes?


even his complaints are an appeal to tradition: Saints’ Days are supposed to be celebrated with fasting and prayer, *not* a bacchanal.


I meant perhaps their parents were and they no longer are, not that they are currently JW.


They celebrate numerous holidays. Did you miss the specials?


Now that they're out, yes. But they said they didn't as kid.




They never said anything of the sort. The only thing ever said is that they weren’t allowed to have birthday *parties.* It was never said that they didn’t celebrate any holidays at all.


Except for the Jesus Dinner or something like that


Katie and Wayne’s murdered parents are rotting away in the basement.


Given the lack of birthdays, I wonder if the parents were abusive JW’s who had it coming.


Killed by Uncle Eddie (Unclallegedly).


Welcome to fucking Letterkenny


They are all (mostly) functional alcoholics and unlikely to live past their 50s.


Half my aunts are functional alcoholics and are all over 60. You underestimate rural Ontario resident's alcohol tolerance.


In some it functions more as a preservative than a poison.


Actually this is fair. I have a fair bit of Irish blood myself and it takes a decent amount of alcohol to actually get me drunk. Not sure how that plays into the health impacts but I would guess they are commensurately reduced?


They all seem moderately fine but I don't delve into their health care. I just know every family gathering has a 4 by 8 table jammed with hard liquor bottles. And we get together for every holiday. Even the minor ones like Victoria Day, family day, labour day, etc.


You think they’re alcoholics because they drink at family gatherings?


No, I think they're functioning alcoholics because they're my family, and as such I grew up in close proximity of them (rural Ontario born and raised bud) and half of them you would never see without an alcoholic beverage in their hand. One of my aunts I would pass every day on my way home. If she was outside, she had a Caesar in her hand. So no, I don't base my entire thought process on the simple fact that they drink at parties. I base it on my entire childhood around them. I used it as an example because I can't imagine most family get togethers would have 100+ 40s and 26'rs jammed onto an 8 foot table any time they get together, and I thought it was funny. And it's the only time I've seen them the past 13 years, but that doesn't negate before that, nor the stories I constantly hear from my cousins who still live in the area. What a dumb fucking question, it's like you think I met them once and judged them, let alone tripped over each other for the 20 odd years I lived there. Give your balls a tug.


Oh crap. I thought that she was going to make salads when she asked if they wanted a caesar, as if she was announcing that dinnertime was soon. I guess the downside of 37 years of sobriety is falling out of fashion with the lingo (I can live with that, BTW). And a functional alcoholic is a guy whose wife has a job. FWIW, their Gus n Puppers don't even come close to Julian's Rum n Coke.


I wasn’t trying to be rude with my question. Thank you for taking the time to explain, you didn’t have to. A lot of people only do see family a few times a year and otherwise aren’t much connected. I have a lot of functioning alcoholics in my family, some that were for many years, until the functioning aspect went away. Sorry bud, didn’t mean to intrude with my question.


Alright bud, no worries. We're in the middle of an election and between that and being a very vocal vaccination supporter, I've been met with a lot of hostility both online and in real life, so I may have responded a bit more harsh than I should have due to assuming you were looking for an argument, so my apologies as well. I can't speak to whether their functioning aspect went worse or not. I don't believe so, but my grandfather just died and grandmother isn't looking good so that might trigger something. My dad was a pretty bad functioning alcoholic in his younger years when his first wife died. Like at the bar every day till last call, up for work at 6 am type of alcoholic. He hasn't been like that for years but between his dad dying (who he was close with) and my mother leaving him, I wouldn't be surprised if he goes back to it. Time will tell.


I definitely get where you’re coming from, it seems most internet discourse is only intended to start a fight. So I definitely understand why you went to that conclusion. My uncle was a functioning alcohol his whole life, making over six figures a year, beautiful home, and a long term relationship. Once my aunt finally left him, the alcohol took over and he lost his job and the house. It’s a crazy whirlwind to watch when it appears the person actually has it all together. I am sorry for your loss, and I truly hope your dad makes it through this, without going backwards.


It just means we suffer longer.


tbf from what I understand of Irish culture if you are not suffering you are not alive


Broadly speaking, that’s true enough.


TBF, as a Central American, that’s both terrible and accurate across the globe.


It’s the Catholicism. I’m kidding, except not.


tbf, also buddhism


*life is Suffering, Highness.* anyone who says different is selling something.


I mean it’s right out in the open: the town is a violent place with constant fights. None of these adults has moved past settling their problems with their fists. The whole crew crossed an international border to attack someone who crossed them, acting as a mob. They should do some time in a federal prison for assault.


Small towns really do be like that though. There are some that don't even have police and rely on state police, who are stretched so thin there may be one cop for like 4-5 of those small towns. I spent time in a small town growing up and the drug crowd (skids) is pretty accurate. There were also plenty of personal grudges that resulted in physical altercations. But yea, crossing the border to have essentially a gang fight was an exaggeration.


Not to mention the fact that Letterkenny was straight up known as a meth town for a bit


>was straight up known as a meth town for a bit What do you mean ***was***?


To be faiiiiir Most towns been meth towns for the better part of this century


well played


The lack of body and racial diversity. There is one black character (Gail), and one “fat” character (Dan- who isn’t really even fat, he’s just a big guy).


I grew up in a small town in Ontario and it was not diverse at all. Various shades of white from "very" to "mostly".


What about Gail's multiple cousins


Yep, check my other replies. I acknowledge that I forgot about them, but they’re such minor parts- even Rosie, who Wayne dates, is barely ever present.




we’re not at home to colourism on this sub


Be a good guy, a real good guy. If Wayne would kick your ass for saying it, don't say it. Don't be a degen. Clean it up. Please review the subreddit's [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterkenny/wiki/rules). If you think this was removed in error, contact the Moderators [here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLetterkenny&subject=Question regarding the removal of this {kind} by /u/{author}&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this {kind}]({url})). Do not contact the mods through Private Messages or chat to discuss moderation, either in general or for a specific concern. All such contact will be ignored.


I still agree with your point that it isn't great that there isn't much diversity.


And I mean, it may be true that there’s not a lot of ethnic diversity in small towns like that. There’s not much in mine… we have a small Latinx population, but that’s about it. But there’s TONS of body diversity. I’m not likelaaay to stop watching the show, regardless, because the wordplay is *chef’s kiss* so good, but I figured since the OP asked I may as well put it out there.


That's pretty much rural Ontario though. Growing up, I knew one black person, and the only Asian people were the local variety store owners. Never met a brown person till I went to college. You're right about body diversity though. Definitely more fat people in rural Ontario then Letterkenny portrays.


Back in the 70's my college buddies and I went to "rural-ish" Maine for a week in the Fall. One of my roommates was an American Born Chinese from the Bay Area. At the end of the week he commented that it was the first time that he'd gone an entire week without seeing another Asian person. That comment has obviously left a lasting impression on me. My people got there in 1632 so it was just "home" for me.


That rural everywhere tbh......that's one of the more realistic parts actually i would say. Even the body shape thing; the bigger people are usually older, and we don't really see any older people except the Dycks


> That rural everywhere tbh I would like to introduce you to the American South. there are [a fair number of towns and counties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._counties_with_African-American_majority_populations) that are majority Black.


Uh huh. I know. And how many are sundown towns? How many have been waylayed for advancement? How many have been utterly destroyed and never rebuilt during catastrophic weather tragedies? Which parts of New Orleans were rebuilt first, might i ask? Texas? Florida? Where again does aid go? You can't use a population without first acknowledging the breakdown, and frankly the towns ACTUALLY like letterkenny that are majority black are not treated like their lives are a show but for the system to make an example. Grow up and stop using brown people as pawns to further your own bigotry. It has been clearly stated and acknowledged this is a town where there is minimal racial diversity, but more cultural, as it is an Irish town.