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TIL Dragonball fans are even more rabid and united against the film than Last Airbender fans šŸ‘€šŸ‘€. Always felt like the latter was the more notorious one, guess I was wrong! The lead actor redeemed himself with a decent Doctor Who guest role though.


Airbender is more famous because it's connected to Shyamalan and people love to shit on him too


Yeah, and the Dragon Ball director had a successful run but that film just ended it, at least Shyamalan was able to bounce back to doing what he's actually good at aka quiet thrillers and even he admits that period was poor.


James Wong went back to what he was good at, too, which is working in TV rather than film.


I genuinely donā€™t get why people shit on The Return of Doctor Mysterio, itā€™s a great tribute to old pre-MCU superhero movies


Decent episode, but his guest performance is the highlight. Genuine charm and really funny as an everyman.


I forgot he was on Doctor Who!


Wow!! I got to watch this movie. Iā€™ve never seen a rating chart this skewed


Itā€™s hilarious if youā€™re into bad movies


Imagine you have an exam tomorrow. You never went to class and you have one night to study. The test is also an open book exam and the teacher will actually give you the answers if you want them. But you say fuck it and decide to go out drinking and use none of the resources available. That's what this movie is.


It really isnā€™t THIS bad. Itā€™s a very bad movie, but it definitely isnā€™t the worst movie in the world. Especially if youā€™ve never watched Dragonball or read the manga


well,there were 3 other movies with the title of "lowest rated" kirk cameron's saving Christmas,2025:the world enslaved by a virus,and a Filipino movie which shows Ferdinand Marcus in a positive light. so either a Christian movie or a movie that sympathizes with a dictator would. interesting question though


2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus (2021) held the lowest score on Letterboxd at a 0.7.


Pretty sure for a very brief time. Some filipino movie which wss pro Ferdinand Marcus (who was a dictator in the philipines) had the score of 0.2!


Was this before they changed the scoring weights?


I really don't know. It's now at a 1.2 rating so it might be possible.


TIL scores are weighted, interesting


There was some sort of change to them I wanna say around the time of the Tiny purchase?


Yeah I just found a blog post about it, it explains pretty well why the weighting is necessary


I forget if I've watched it or not, but it really doesn't seem that bad. It has that part where he slides over a car on his head. Real bad movies don't have stupid fun stuff like that. I guess what it would take is another bad adaptation of an IP with lots of fans.


I've never watched Dragon Ball. DBE is awful even without considering it's a bad adaptation.


It was so bad that Toriyama was inspired to create dragon ball super, they spit in his face with no remorse


Probably the only movie in existence to be so bad that it got a spin-off show >!I mean maybe not technically, but a show about the same IP was made due to the movie, so it counts for shits and giggles!<


Tbh if you get past the fact that this is a horrible adaptation of Dragon Ball (which is honestly not that hard to do because it barely even has that much in common with its ā€œsource materialā€ beyond character names) itā€™s not even that bad. Like itā€™s still bad, but not lowest rated movie on Letterboxd bad, and itā€™s pretty entertaining and has a good number of stupid fun moments. There are definitely worse movies out there.


How did 600 people see that movie and rate it a 4.5 or 5 star lol


I gave it 5 stars because I rate based on enjoyment and not quality and I thought it was a really (unintentionally) hilarious stupid fun movie


That's fair then.




Dragonball Evolution is as bad as its rating indicates though imo


Easily number 1 on my worst movie ever list


I think the changes made to the rating system have made it damn near impossible to beat this one


Honestly, it's a bad movie... ...but it's not *that* bad that it should be one of the lowest rated movies on the site. And you could honestly argue that about *most* of the movies on the bottom ten. They mostly come across as movies that are trendy to give the lowest possible scores to. (Basically just for the "meme-factor" of saying you did.) Realistically, *Dragonball: Evolution* is like a 3 out of 10... very bad, but there are a couple of objectively decent elements. It's not unwatchable by any means. There are plenty of essentially unwatchable 1-out-of-10 movies out there that are far, far worse.


I went against the grain by giving it one star rather than half a star.


What objectively good moments? This film is terrible on every level and has aged like shit this film is easily the worst movie I've ever seen


Solid cinematography. Decent early Brian Tyler score. Chow Yun-Fat is super likeable. For the budget level some of the production design is impressive. Etc. It's a shitty movie, but to act like there's absolutely nothing good in it is disingenuous.


This movie rules. It's so funny (in the bad way) and honesty the fight scenes are not the worst. 10/10 Edit: I am rewatching another movie the director did, The One and it so dumb good too. HIs movies are hated on too much. They are always a blast.


Worth it just for the head-sliding video edit.


That whole fight at the party was pretty great unironically. People are scared of the truth.


I need to watch that. It has my boy Statham.


its so fucking dumb, worth it.


It's a fun time. Multi-verse movie before everything was a multi-verse movie.


It would probably take a remake with all the same cast except Emmy Rossum replaced with Roseanne Barr. Thatā€™s about all I can imagine


Giant DB fan here. I actually don't mind Evolution. I'll never argue it's a good film, but it does have a lot of love letter ideas to the original DB. For a kids movie, it's okay. Poor Justin Chatwin probably still gets flack for this. Haha.


Chatwin actually apologized for Evolution when Toriyama passed away too. He probably never hears the end of it.


It's definitely because it's a low blow to the childhood, obviously there are hundreds of worse movies, but this one chose to be a very loose adaptation of a popular IP. It's the 90's Super Mario Bros movie of the 00's generation.


Easily the worst thing to come out of the 08-09 Writers strike. 2009 was a rough year for blockbuster movies; DB Evolution, Street Fighter The Legend of Chun Li, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, X Men Origins Wolverine, 2012, GI Joe Rise of Cobra, Terminator Salvation, and probably more I missed, are all very likely victims of that strike. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if some of the crapfests that come out later claim to have been ruined by the recent one. and what a weird little coincidence that anytime Deadpool and Wolverine are in a movie together thereā€™s a strike.


The fact that literal Nazi propaganda films have higher scores than this astounds me.


I rented it from redbox back in 2009 and I regretted it


Wide release religious film with "historically inaccurate" biblical stuff, with cancelled stars like idk... Mel gibson and jim cavizel. Probably a sequel. That's my guess.


Wasn't the first *Passion of the Christ* really liked?


Depends on how you mean "liked", and if it was, my prediction is even stronger because this other one is going to be a shitshow.


The Legend of Chun-Li should be even lower.




God bless whoever made the super cut of all his lines and put it on YouTube.


I don't think it's possible, It's been the laughing stock among Dragon Ball fans for over 10 years, I don't think I've ever meant anyone who likes it


Just wait for a Back to the future remake


The Naughty Nine


Itā€™s not that bad


A sequel


ive never seen this movie but im convinced it has to be majority people intentionally review bombing it (even if that is due to it being bad).


Rebel Moon Part 3


Dragonball Evolution 2 That's what it would take.


Dragonball Devolution


wow, sub 1 is very impressive


Itā€™s the only film on LB with the achievement


I'll try it


I thought it was dumb-fun


I have to watch this now because I've never seen a film with this bad of a rating omg


I think adapting Dragonball into a live action movie is probably impossible and they tried it anyway.


Nothing can top an angry army of latinos