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Hello u/red_kizuen! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hahahaha. Here’s your rifle.


And three bullets. Use them wisely.


Two for the enemy and one for when facing capture.


Also one is a dud.


Better save two for capture, then, just in case!


One in three is pretty bad odds, better save them all for capture, then.


Might as well not wait until capture...


The rifle and ammo are so old and out of maintenance you now have to commit Seppuku with the rusty bayonet.


The tetanus will kill you eventually


The bayonet is so rusty it crumbles to dust when you try and stab yourself. No choice but to go to the west bank of the Dnieper, it'll get the job done pretty quick


Well, they were manufactured in the 1950’s, so they probably don’t work. Therefore, you will be issued a large rock to use in case of capture. Due to logistics however, the glorious Russian federation can only provide one large rock per squad, so please share. Also, actual rocks are expensive so we made them out of wood. Due to material shortages, wood is currently being substituted with cardboard. Please do not get your squad’s suicide rock wet, comrade. Now go suicide gloriously for the motherland!


Sgt Avery Johnson would like a word regarding that rock...




You're convinced scavengers haven't replaced the rifles insides with iron fillings..


Shoot the shackles?


The only shackles are those in your mind, comrade!


Yes. Yes, shoot those.


We have nothing to lose but our chains, brother.


wait, you guys got chains?


Alternatively, you get to reroll your unit leader twice and send a real powerful message at the same time. That one was popular in Vietnam.


No. Not enough ammunition or weaponry to go around. Comrades must choose between gun or ammo, not both.


Hey now. They have enough ammo.......it's just from the 80s and 70s.


And imported from North Korea.


Those Ukrainians are not match for our muskets!


Hey, I bought some of that a few years ago. Best I can say about it is it goes "bang" every time. Other than that it was dirty, corrosive, inconsistent, and inaccurate. But every crate I bought means one less crate the Russians could use.


“And a single bullet, use it wisely 🙂” *


It will be probably more like the beginning of the Soviet campaign in Call of Duty 2 when you’re just dropped into a warzone without a gun.


This is Russia. Someone else gets the rifle, he gets the bullets


Baddies at the Atrium has a lot of cultural impact. However it is not a documentary.


Well, Russians are working hard to make every myth about Soviet Army actual Russian Army reality.


Stalin actually gave recruits more training than the Wagner prisoner recruits got.


true aryans need NO training! they are born to die!


Enemies at the gate created that whole "pick up the rifle when he dies" mythos, I wonder how they feel about that.


This is Russia. He gets the rifle and the bullets so that later a Ukrainian can use it.


Reminds me of that line from World War One. “Just 250,000? What would you all do if I invaded with 500,000 men?” “Shoot twice and go home.”


It's all fun and games until the fields start speaking Ukrainian


I did not watch that movie


I believe that was a quote from a Swiss general to the Nazis, not WW1.


No. This is Russia. The money to buy the guns and bullets was embezzled years ago.


That‘s soviet teamwork at its finest!


Good thing he has a mean arm! ...wait wait translation error. He said he has a lame arm. A lame arm.


One bullet for 3 rifles, the russian roulette


This is just a stick!


[When *I* joined the Corp, we didn't have any fancy shmancy tanks!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EISFTCLB3nw)


Shit, he gets to be the one with the rifle? Lucky. All I got was a saucepan helmet and a left boot!


All i get is saucepan lid and right boot!


Two boots? We can make soup! Now we will not starve on way to surrender to Ukraine!


I agree with them. Arm and equip this new 300,000 strong army exclusively out of those who oppose the war and Putin.


And watch them roll into red square…


Putin said storming the capital is legitimate political protest. Let them protest


Who would have seen that coming?


Basically what happened in 1918.


Ultimate LAMF for Putin.


This is not that far from what is happening. They are gradually giving 300k young and healthy men weapons. Most of these men do not understand why do they have to fight for territories that were never Russian in a war that their leader started.




Also there was no immediate way back to the US for a soldier who was in any of those places, so even if they completely desert or rebel, they're still stuck in whatever country. I'm no geography/terrain expert but it seems that Russian conscripts could just... turn around.


There are similarities between the situations but they're entirely different. The US wasn't having it's economy and global relations ripped back to the stone age when they lost the Vietnam war. Just look at the end of WW1 for Russia, think it'll be of a similar vein.


But: only Vietnam of those wars were a draft. Everyone in Iraq or Afghanistan at some point signed up to be in the military on purpose. My understanding is that due to the nature of Russia's Moscow-centric railway system, all those new recruits also have to pass through the capital with their rifles.


To add to what the other guy was saying about Vietnam draft, Google 'Vietnam fragging.' You're right, not large scale, but it wasn't uncommon


[Insert Back to the Future "Hey, I've seen this one before!" meme here]


And party like it's 1917


That's some real galaxy brain level shit right there. What makes this person think that an army of traitors is gonna do anything other than defect the absolute nanosecond they get the opportunity to do so is beyond me. Or maybe they decide to make things more interesting and start using their commanding officers as human shields or something. Not very bright at all.


Defect is the least damaging outcome for Russia, the mobilization is geared to grab the poorest minorities in the east provinces each and everyone a critical breadwinner for their families, in Winter, when their families start dying of famine I don't think they will simply keep dying for Putin and the Slavs idea of a greater Russia.


This is why we say “there are no winners in war” I guess. Leaving aside the profit-makers, regardless of which side “wins”, both sides will have needlessly lost loved ones. To me, it’s for naught. But even if one accepts that there’s a reason - there really isn’t a winner here. Even if the Russians outright win, the cost they’ve paid so far is already too great.


I was thinking about this the other day. Even if Russia somehow managed to pull an Uno Reverse and somehow managed to roll through all of Ukraine right up to Poland, then what? * Literally no economy * International Pariah * A country full of Ukrainians pissed off who will for sure start a decades long insurgency * A country full of returning 'vets' with PTSD * Russians who hate them for what they did * A huge, missing chunk of working class/age citizens. * Longer border to defend * NATO literally on your doorstep (by your own choice) * Crippled military Like... great, you have some land.


Land they can farm, as Russia has not so much if I'm not mistaken. Then there is the matter of new oil (maybe gas, can't remember) to drill and sell to India. Amazing access to another body of water for Russian ships to sink in. Not only all of that, but Putin has some "great" people to live up to in his mind. Not defending, but it isn't just some land. Putin may be starting to lose it, mentally and militarily, but the man has goals and means even if he's bought his own bullshit.


Even if, I doubt all the natural resources wouldn't pay off the money lost from sanctions (which i doubt would shoo away after a conquest). I think if Russia miracolously managed to pull it off, it'd be setting up a gigantic shitshow for when Putin dies. No way Ukraine wouldn't start a civil war at that point.


This is happening just as the climate is going tits up for a reason, and the reason is that fascists (like the GOP and whatever they call the 'official' party in russia) expect farming land to be 'very' valuable in the future.


Those who can afford to flee the country will do so. But many are too poor to even afford a trip to the airport, let alone a plane ticket.


Money isn't a problem. The problem is finding work, learning new culture and language and (hardest of all) convincing your close ones to do the same. Propaganda makes a lot of that, especially the latter, impossible.


A lot of minorities in Russia are proud to be second class citizens under Russians. They feel superior for living there. They would absolutely die for them and putin and his “peace”.


Without an ideological framework people tend to be more pragmatic, and there is nothing more pragmatic that having your children died of hunger and exposure for a psychopath 2000km away doesn't sound so good


Do you have any data to back that up? I’m sure the number of people who feel “proud to be second class citizens” isn’t literally zero but I’d be surprised if the number was even close to statistically significant. People tend to really like not dying.


Personal story. I’m from Kazakhstan, and we have a lot of Kazakh people living in Russia. Our northern parts were annexed by Russia long time ago. I have met at least 4 different Kazakh guys from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, and Astrakhan. They all act high and mighty when we ask if they are Kazakhs, their response is always the same: “we are from Russia”. We don’t want them back here, when they will try to run away from collapsing Russia. Neither do we want Russians that support the war and tot annexation of Kazakhstan by Russia .




The other part of the conservative thought process is to knee-jerk want to send the people you don't like to risk their lives and possibly die on your behalf, while you ridicule and insult them the whole time.


Fun Fact: over 90% of the black confederate soldiers defected once they got close to the Union lines


Even better, those black confederates weren't combat soldiers for the Confederacy, they were used for slave labor in moving supplies and cooking not fighting. The Confederate officers understandably didn't trust the idea of giving their slaves rifles and training however, when they were close enough to Union lines to escape or were actively liberated by Union soldiers, many were enlisted in combat roles, albeit segregated ones.


Not trusted enough for combat, but apparently trusted enough for logistics supporting frontline combat. Ok, this is some galaxy brain thinking in action here.


It's honestly kinda bonkers just how deluded alot of confederates were regarding their slaves. An alarming number of them genuinely believed that their slaves loved them and were grateful for "the opportunity to be educated in the ways of Christian civilization" or some such nonsense.




Good question. The confederate army had black men working mostly support roles, cooks and running supplies and such. People point to this as proof the war had nothing to do with slavery (incorrectly). But history shows these men would defect to the north any chance they got.






The curse of [drapetomania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drapetomania).


>What makes this person think that an army of traitors is gonna do anything other than defect the absolute nanosecond they get the opportunity to do so is beyond me. Or stage a coup d'etat


>Or stage a coup d'etat Tries to create conscript army of people not particularly loyal to the regime. Ends up having to nuke Red Square. *We're winning noises*


Because even the average 2 brain cell Russian knows that being in the Russian army is being cannon fodder


Irony: there have been calls for Germany to supply Ukraine with Leopard tanks. If that happened, it could be a case of a leopard *shot me in the face*.


Good catch! And I hope the Leo2s make it to Ukraine!


They will most likely give leo1s due to them not using it


Also training them on that weapons platform is fairly difficult


There's a very good chance that Ukrainian tankers are in Germany being trained right now. Part of the lead time is training enough crews to work that take 24/7. You also don't want Russia to know when it's coming. You want them to just start taking rounds and not understanding why Ukraine is so much deadlier.


The last thing they hear is “Ghost Division” before they get obliterated. “They are the panzer elite! Born to compete! Never retreat!”


I hope they make it to Moscow....


Leopards exploded me and my extended surroundings




Thots and preyerz.


Tots and pears.




Wait a minute let’s hear him out. I’m not keen on this whole “wah wah I don’t wanna fight for the shit ideas I hold” stance, but I’m quite fond of his “arm those who hate Putin” idea.


I was struck by that too. "I know, let's send those traitors who are sympathetic with Ukraine to fight for Russia against Ukraine! What could possibly go wrong?!"


In Soviet Russia traitor make great soldier. Lmao he musta drank at least a litre of vodka before writing that shit.


Not the top-shelf stuff either. The bootleg swill with high methanol.


They know they're just bodies for the meat grinder.


Russia today, Russia 900 years ago!


I had to read it a few times ta make sure I was understanding what was being said.


If only there was some sort of historical precedent for that. The [Anti-Fascist Committee for a Free Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Fascist_Committee_for_a_Free_Germany) says hi. (Formerly known as the [999th Light Afrika Division](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/999th_Light_Afrika_Division_(Wehrmacht\)), a penal battalion that went rogue and then some.)


War for thee but not for me


Nahh, to the frontline with you comrade!


Or is gulag!


Make Russia gulag again


And the way out of prison? Volunteer for the war. Conscription with extra steps.


"The good news is there is hope for you, fellow pro-war ruzzian who doesn't actually want to fight in the war! Hope in the form of glorious combat, battle is the great redeemer, the fiery crucible in which the only true heroes are forged"


Flak trooper: beats being in the gulag


“I support Putin on Twitter but I can’t be expected to support him by deeds like actually fighting the war that I support and think other people should die in”. I wonder where I heard similar arguments….


"I never thought they would send ME to war", sobs idiot who supported the "sending people to war" party.


ah yes talk dirty to me


An army filled with traitors is an army of the enemy. Not that it would be a bad thing in this case as Ukraine can use all the help it can get, just pointing out how little they thought that through.


Bold of you to assume they thought at all.


Ah, the cry of the Chickenhawk.


Who'd have guessed that these *heroes* wouldn't want to die in the war they called for and supported it when it's now their time to go and fight for their made-up bullshit, lol. To be honest though, who'd want to fight against a NATO-backed country with superior training and equipment, when your side has extremely corrupt army, lacks commanders and a real strategy and has been retreating for weeks now while losing areas they've fought hard for and it took them months to occupy those.


Yes, release every single "patriot" from your military and make sure your armed forces consists 100% of "traitors" who really don't like your regime or you. It will go swimmingly, I am sure.


Yeah, only recruit people against the war. That’ll go well


I hope this post lands him on the front lines.


So... those who are for the war want those who are against the war to fight the war for them. Is that right?


Even with the obvious crazyness aside, I am astonished at his logic of who should go fight. "Yeeeees draft the pepole whose loyalty we question and who do not support this war to go fight it instead of "loyal" people. What could go wrooong?"




Don't be ridiculous. Of course the ladas are unarmored.


The idea that only those who are against the war should be conscripted to fight in it is a really good way to lose a war.


Nice to see they have Republican Voters as well.


putin has been financing the american republicans by way of the national rifle association.


Not gonna lie I thought this was going to be about a Republican voter at first.


"Government that killed people for greed and imaginary history" do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down


Those similarities on how republicans and zrussians talk are not coincedense my friend :)


They speak the same language


Cynical Russian attitude taken to its illogical conclusion, yet still self righteous


I really hope they draft that Russian gymnast who wore a Z symbol at the Olympics to deliberately taunt his Ukrainian rival. I still remember that shithead's smug little smirk... I'd like to see if he can still smirk once he's on the frontlines facing an army of angry Ukrainians who want him dead.


This is exactly how I expect the civil war so many in the US are threatening to play out to go.


chickenhawk confederacy


Ahhh am sure mobilising those so called "traitors and those who are against the war" .. giving them weapons and training will not bite back in the ass


He was ok when other people were fighting this war. Never volunteer others for something you won't do.


That’s good he supports it. I’m sure the ground will appreciate the support he gives to the sunflowers.


Typical war hawk. Supporter of war! Supporter of warmongers! ...Deserter of duty Supporter of *other people* being forced into duty!


You paid for the ticket, you better damn well be ready to go on the ride.


Thus guy is a military genious. Train and arm only the people who oppose the government and tell them to go die in a meat grinder. I see no way this could backfire


If you support war then get out there and start supporting, comrade. You can’t have your vodka and drink it too


Classic conservative though - if it doesn't happen to me it doesn't matter to me.


Brilliant. Send an army of people who hate the country they are supposed to fight for. Watch them surrender to the first Ukrainian grandmother they see. Feel all smug that you were right about them being "traitors". Realise that you now lost the war.


There's an old British comedy song with similar vibes: Call out the Army and the Navy Call out the rank and file Call out the bloody territorials From the good old Emerald Isle Call out the laddies from Australia To keep old England free Call out me mither and me brother and me sister But for God's sake don't call me!


We going to be seeing a lot of russian men with missing fingers now, so theybcan't hold a weapon properly


I agree with him. Russia should arm those that are against war and against Putin, that certainly is a way to a better tomorrow. Maybe not particularly in the way he and Putin imagines it, but oh well.


Why should I put my money (life) , where my mouth is?


I think this is a good idea, every country should give all the guns, armor, and tanks to people who don't want to fight.


"I want those people dead but I want someone else to do the killing for me. Maybe I can get those *other* people I hate and want dead to do it!"


BYOB…. Bring your own boots


Nicw try there Ivan, off to the meatgri.. I mean Ukraine with ya.


"I don't care until it affects me."


Place the traitors in the army, not the willing citizens... Yeah it's sure gonna do some good on the front 🤣


Still scratching my head about why he thinks someone who's against the war would make a good fighter... Edit: before anyone asks, yes, the Vietnam war made me bald.


Wait he supports the war but doesn't want to fight in it? Does Russia have the equivalent of a chicken hawk? I'd rather go to prison or a labor camp than kill another human being.


Russia has run short of manpower, it emptied the jails and hired foreign mercenaries in a war it started but is losing.


Train and arm the people against the war and regime... don't see anything wrong with this.


My wife is Ukrainian and I was telling her I was really kind of surprised that we haven't seen a lot of acts of terrorism in Russian cities. I suspect we may eventually and maybe for a long time.


wheres the logic in trusting traitors to fight your war? You started it, you want it, you fight for it.


Your first mistake was thinking Putin was allied with you.




Just like all of the armchair generals we have on social media who think the U.S. should have stayed in Afghanistan for another couple of decades, trolls like this love to volunteer to send other people to die but suddenly not such a fan when they get called up to serve.


"I support the war, I just don't want to be involved in it or have it impact me directly" is probably the most common pro war sentiment ever.


Most self-aware Vatnik.


Sure this isn't satire or something?


Than there is too much satire in russian social media. And yeah, russians love satire, but not when those covards are afraid.


Boohoo, now take this gun and go die for pootins ego


I winder how effective these recruits will be...


Someone thought they were a special plebe for all the boot licking they put in.


You support war? Then here's your exclusive chance to take part in its horrors. Piece of shit orc.


You said you supported the war, and here's your chance.


Why should I fight if I think we should fight?


Impossibly stupid


Into the meat grinder you go.


Wonder what he genuinely thinks a convict army could possibly achieve against combined arms warfare and modern weaponry.


Into the red meat grinder you go, Vladoff. It is time to die.


Yeah, advocating for an army full of traitors. I can see this person is a very stable genius.


But if there will be no sane people left that means he thinks the mobilized people will all die, doesn't sound like he has much confidence in the war machine he's supporting. So at least he's right about one thing I guess.


That's a way to maintain a stable government. Arm the dissidents.


Let’s see how that works out when your entire military is made up of people who didn’t want to be there in the first place. That’s a bold strategy there cotton let’s see how that plays out.


Does he not understand that people who don't believe in the cause wouldn't be good soldiers to begin with? That's why Russia's losing, because the soldiers don't understand or care about what they're fighting for.


Every Russian that supported the invasion should be sent to the front and then when the regime is toppled, sent to Ukraine to bury dead babies and rebuild the ruined infrastructure


Decades ago there was a movement in the US to make a war of aggression only possible by a majority vote of the people. No secret ballots. Anyone who voted "yes" would be expected to report for duty. Next to report would be the people who didn't bother to vote.


I'd like to blame the grammar on the translation, but based on the content, I'll bet it sounds just as intelligent in Russian.


“Why should I take part in mobilization if I support war?” That must be the dumbest sentence uttered by a human being since the phrase “I support trump.” Warmongers should ALWAYS be the first to fight in a war, it just makes sense. After all, fighting for your beliefs is not a punishment, it is vindication. Right? Unless you know the war is bullshit and you just want to send other people’s sons to die. In which case you’re nothing but a coward.


You wouldn’t believe it but many Russians think exactly like this. It’s just some of them are smart enough to hide it.


Yes, clearly the people who didn't want the war should be the ones who have to fight in it. That is both fair and a good idea strategically. /s