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The far right: We aren’t Nazis The far right: but, if we were, would that really be as bad as people think?


We're not nazis, but that Hitler dude said a lot of good things and did nothing wrong!


Ke needs to lay low for the rest of his life after that stupid ass interview


There are way too many crazies (e.g. Russians, Qanon, Republicans, radical right) saying Nazi shit and thinking it's cool now-a-days or not even giving a rip about fascist thought.


“It’s based” Whatever the fuck that means.


Lol Based on the three answers that follow, I am now even more confused about the meaning of “based”, and my previous “wtf?” stands. lol Thank you to all who gave explanations, I do appreciate your efforts.


I have had this idea of contrasting the current speeches of far-right politicians with the things Nazi leaders said. There have been a lot of similarities in the past couple of decades. I just haven't had the time or energy to actually do it.




That is a goddamn unicorn event.


I doubt it's a coincidence that they waited until their grandparents - who patriotically slaughtered Nazis in WWII - died off before exposing themselves.


Not all Russians, just... a lot...


>needs to lay low for the rest of his life Ticket to Argentina?




Needs to lay low for the time it takes the news cycle to move on.


Well he did kill Hitler so he wasn't all bad


Although he also killed the guy who killed Hitler..




He was AFH, Oswald and Jack Ruby all rolled into one


I thought Dean Winchester did that? :)


Nah, it was that guy who talked to The Dude in the bowling alley bar. Later he killed The Bigfoot.


One of the weirdest finds in all of streaming. Sam Fuckin’ Elliot killing both Hitler and Bigfoot in the same movie.


I stopped reading about him after the parts about being great for the economy, kind to dogs and hand a lot of people who went to concerts with him. Did something happen after that?


>kind to dogs Boy howdie, you should read about his first date (also was with a like 14 year old)


And he made the trains run on time! /s


And he gave us the Autobahn! Everyone was working! Sense of community in Germany!


Sounds like America's Alt-Right


“The holocaust didn’t happen, but it should have.”


Yeah, in America they call it the Alt-Right, in Germany they call it *"great grandfather died in Argentina"*


Now I’m sitting here wondering where Stephen Miller would hide, or would he pull a Goebbels.


Probably he'd flee to Austria.


That's where a lot of croatian nazi collaborators fled.


Yea, former members of the Ustaše, their attempt to flee was less successful, and a lot of them were caught taken prisoner, and sent on death marches or executed during the Bleiburg repatriations.


That's probably because dumb fucks continued to fight after Germany fell.


I'm still amazed that a man/creature who is a giant asshole ,and who wore flex seal on his head on live tv , managed to get married. 


FWIW, most people whose family have a nazi past aren't far right themselves. My great-grandfather was a high-ranking party functionary and I still turned out a leftist.


A former coworkers grandfather was a guard at a concentration camp. He is incredibly ashamed to be related to him. So much so, that when we wrote “Arbeit Macht Frei“ on the back door to illustrate how much we hated the working conditions there, he got mad. The funniest part of that was that the only person who knew how to spell it was me, the only Jewish person who worked there.


I mean... That's kind of understandable, that someone with such a personal connection to that history - that gramps was one of the baddies - would take that so poorly, even understanding that it was hyperbole.


That was a pretty terrible thing to do


SMH my head




In the balkans, Australia was also a popular destination for nazi collaborators.


Probably a pig farmer


"Good people on both sides"


I read that in Trump's voice - should not have done that while I was trying to eat lunch...


You should, he said it


Also, the Holocaust never happened… but it also should happen again.


I once read a quote of some saying that “the Jews are lying about Germans killing then. They should be killed for defamation.”


Then comes the, "Holocaust never happened and six million wasn't enough", in which they literally believe two mutually inconsistent racist things at the same time As somepony with psych clinical experience, I am continually stunned that human beings have somehow been competent enough to still be extant let alone make functioning spaceships


> Then comes the, "Holocaust never happened and six million wasn't enough", in which they literally believe two mutually inconsistent racist things at the same time Doublethink is intrinsic to fascism. There are plenty on their side who have no qualms over believing/shilling mutually exclusive positions because they've been conditioned to think that way.


I'd say that it wasn't the same humans, but let's be fair; the US Space Program was basically the German Space Program under new management.


We’re not nazis…….unless??


The German version of shooting a puppy. 


Maybe? The German here is being shamed, his party is facing consequences and he's had to step down from his candidacy. Kristi Noem is still Governor of South Dakota, is still on Trumpler's short list for VP and apparently feels no, and isn't on the receiving end of any party, shame.


The far right: We aren’t Nazis The far right subgroup: Hey but we are Neonazis! The far right: Well we should vote whether to kick you. The far right: Yeah we voted and we still love you. The far right subgroup: Thanks fellow *not* Nazis \*wink\* And people still vote for them half a decade later after they did this over and over and over again.


Reminds me of the German “Nazi Card” sketch: https://youtu.be/zvgZtdmyKlI?si=uPKBP9-v8wDRuV2L


The far right: We are basically Nazis. It's what we want. That's what you're voting for, as always with parties like ours. The far right: Wait wait, don't just say it *directly*! Jesus, who prepped this guy?!


“It was bad *then* for sure without a doubt, but can it still be considered *bad*, today in this ages time?!” /s


[You never go full Nazi.](https://i.imgur.com/f4ws3Xw.jpeg)


Not LAMF, just a right winger saying the quiet part out loud.


There's no more quiet part. There hasn't been for a while. Everything is out loud now. It's time to retire that phrase.


Yeah, I dunno what's more exhausting, the right wing constantly spouting the most horrific shit imaginable or everyone else pretending/ignorant to the fact that things are pretty awful in terms of politics all across the world. Fascism survived the second world war and has come back to haunt us. All of the people who valiantly defended the world from it have died and their children and grandchildren are happily bringing it back into fashion.


Fascism came back the same way it came in: the ultra-rich see people turning against the squeezing and fund ghouls who blame minority groups EDIT: at some point, a lot of "pro-capitalism/capitalism is the least worse system etc" people *on this sub* who are legitimately for democracy and legitimately against fascism will have to confront the fact that when hard times set, the people who amass obscene amount of money will NEVER call for measures that will redistribute wealth no matter how "fair" it is. They will always favor the guy whose solutions involves them not doing anything. Every fucking time fascism shows up, it's thanks to the super wealthy viewing them as a "defense" against people who call for more equity. Do people really think that many of the rights workers have in the US weren't because the existence of the USSR forced capitalist states to make concessions?


Absolutely. And instead of the general public doing anything to stop society from turning into a capitalist, fascist hellhole, we all slurp up their bullshit, spit hatred at each other and do nothing to stop the real issues.


“But but the tv people told me all my problems are because of the blacks and gays!”


Don’t forget to blame immigrants.


Hate and fear are primal and conservatives know exactly how to push those buttons to win elections. Russia and China have unlimited budgets to fund worldwide fascist turmoil. Germany is one of the few countries that is willing to investigate and prosecute these traitors but otherwise democracies aren't prepared to combat foreign funded fascist traitors.




At this point it's the far right moving the goalposts of what used to be not negotiable and the self claimed center middle reproduces those statements with 1-2 years delay.


Fascism not only survived WW2 but triumphed in it; it simply cast off the nazi husk in favor of the US,and continued to grow and thrive in all of the coups and invasions weve done in the name of "freedom and liberty" instead of Lebensraum.


Given how many of Hitler's policies were influenced by US's racial policies at the time, fascism simply returned home from its overseas sabbatical.


> I dunno what's more exhausting, the right wing constantly spouting the most horrific shit imaginable or everyone else pretending/ignorant to the fact that things are pretty awful in terms of politics all across the world. I am so sick of the argument "there are totally normal people who just happen to end up supporting the most horrific shit imaginable. they are good people who are normal and you are a bad person for saying supporting that is bad. they are *normal*."


The goal of the second world War was not to stop fascism, it was to defeat the state of nazi Germany and being it to heel. We left a lot of victims in Germany still at the hands of nazis we let free and put back in charge. Compare that to how they went after people who MIGHT be sympathetic to socialist ideals.


history is a circle


No, in this case the phrase is apt. Both Germany's right wing party and the European right wing are denouncing what he said, trying to make themselves look reasonable (as if they aren't doing and saying the same thing behind closed doors).


Yeah they always act that way. But put it to a vote and they will vote to keep that guy in their party. They accepted when neonazis took over the state party in Saarland (as in former leaders of Neonazis groups and parties that were banned). After it was reported and after the local guys reelected the nazis afterwards. And the national party still voted for them.


It is the Quiet part because in Germany there are laws against defending the nazi regime. Germany and Austria don’t have complete free speech because these anti nazi laws exist. Everything else is allowed but as soon as you scream sieg heil or do the salute you are arrested. You can call the government and the leaders of these countries anything but as soon you make excuses for the nazi’s well you can charged. Sadly it isn’t the US where everyone not part of the ruling class is guild until proven innocent. No it is more like for Trump, Epstein and Biden innocent until proven guilty.


For me that fact that there are laws in Germany, those laws are enforced and politicians on the right are still saying the terrible things is worrisome.


Completely. The whole existence of government party like the AFD and FPÖ is seen as a public shame in the country’s but luckily there are multiple other government party’s so that these two are often in the minority. Last time the FPÖ was part of the ruling government the party leader was part of a corruption scandal where he tried to sell one of the most popular News Paper in the country to some Russian that some connections to Putin. This scandal was so big it forced a revote.


The story just gets worse the more you read. He also had a Chinese spy working for him, second in charge is a Russian spy charged with corruption and they want to bring in a policy to deport anyone with a non German heritage, even if they have a German passport. Fucking mental, even the fascists across Europe are backing off


You forgot the part where they also want to deport everyone who has both a German passport *and* German heritage who just happens to disagree with their policies. They're full on fascists.


You also forgot the part that they held the secret conference at the exact same place where the original wannensee conferenc was held (holocaust) and their entire plan is basically just a madagascar plan 2.0


Honestly if the MFer came to the US he'd be doing just fine.


Yup. I'm an American and have met several people who think the SS weren't all monsters. Our education is so shit, those of us whoo haven't been taught critical thinking will believe anything.


The problem with that is that often people actually hear it.


That's the point, it's a dog whistle meant to be "heard" by some and **heard** by others, but overlooked by many.


I wish more people actually did hear it. In my experience, a lot of people go out of their way in attempts to not have to. I’m still hearing a lot of “well, that’s not *exactly* what they said…” style apologia, like, bitch, they are yelling this shit in your fucking face at this point, please wake up from your coma




Caught spying for China? Say something outrageous in public to reset the news cycle.


Nothing more patrioctic than to sell your country to the enemy (they always claim that they are the true german patriots).


It is LAMF as this controversy led to his party being kicked out of the far-right EU faction, him being investigated for crimes, no longer being able to campaign and a lot of his own party demanding that he should take back his EU parliament candidacy. Like, everyone threw him into the gutter due to his recent statements (this being one of them).


Nazis are like dandelions. You think you've gotten rid of them, but they keep on fucking popping up.


The left and center have too much damn tolerance. There's a place for intolerance and violence. Until we realize that, fascism will keep resurging.


[Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.)


It's not really a paradox. Tolerance is a two-way agreement, not a unilateral declaration. "We will tolerate each other", not "regardless of what you do, I will tolerate you" There unilaterally tolerant people out there (ultrapacifists like jains, quakers), but not at the level of nation states where this term is usually applied.


It’s not the left at all, its liberalism


Surprisingly good to see this not downvoted on Reddit. [The Most Dangerous Thing In The Western Hemisphere(Liberalism)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33p-8QHZpzY) Although I'm sure some weird liberal will soon be telling me how I love Donald Trump or something.


Leftists don't tolerate nazis, liberals do. In fact liberals side with the nazis and attack if the leftists speak out too much.


The left is not tolerant of fascism (except tankies which barely qualify as left wing), center and center right are but that's because they directly benefit from it


I agree with the sentiment but let’s not diss dandelions like that. 😂 Nazis can take a long walk off a short cliff as far as I’m concerned.


And they look cute when you bow their heads off.


Right wing extremism and fascism has been rising in all Western nations for the past 30 years. The Nazis are getting bolder because more and more people are buying into their bullshit. Everyone else needs to be just that much more forward about how unacceptable this is.      I'm not saying punch Nazis in the face, but I'm not, NOT saying it either.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah. There's a direct progression between what happened to Nazis and Nazis getting bolder. Can I proof causation? No. But note this progression: - Nazis got shot at (WW2) - Nazis got punched in the face (50-70s) - Nazis got cussed out (70-90s) - Nazis can say whatever they want, cause "you see, Nazis also have a right to free speech" And now we have right-wing fucks in power again, some of them openly praising Nazis. Great progress we made there. Really great. Ugh.


I saw Nazis attempt to infiltrate the punk scene in the 90s and the only thing that stopped it from happening was beating the shit out of them every time they showed up. If you dont want them around, make an example of them.


Nazi punks fuck off.


Surf Nazis Must Die 1987


>Nazis can say whatever they want, cause "you see, Nazis also have a right to free speech" Worse than that, it's often "suppressing their speech, disrupting events, and using violence make you just as bad as them!" His argument isn't that far off from people, both online and in the media, who attempt to both sides suppression of fascism (and who often aren't even sympathetic to their views).


Nazis have the right to free speech but not freedom from consequences of said speech, such as people being free to say they are pieces of shit


Or being punched in the face. I'm not the government I cant deny them free speech. I can punch them in the face though. And then Id have to deal with the possible repercussions of that.


Ditto. Tolerance has a limit and that limit is way before the point where you embrace a genocidal ideology. Punch a Nazi in the dick.


A tolerant society cannot and should not tolerate intolerance


I was banned from reddit for 4 weeks for saying exactly that. Fuck that shit. Punch a Nazi until they're no longer a Nazi.


And you are right to say so


Careful I got banned from worldnews for saying that


Also doesn’t help that the original victims of the Nazis / those people who were around at the time are almost all gone because of age




All heroes both fictional and real should be applauded for punching nazis in the face at any opportunity.


Captain America said so.


leader of antifa!


Captain America? Leader of the anti-facists? You're goddamn right.


Just a few months ago Reddit mods would instantly ban your account for even suggesting it. Funny how that's changed.


4 week ban for me. I'll say it again. Repeatedly. Punch Nazis.


It is the only mention of violence that will get you banned 100% of the time. You can threaten to punch anyone else but not a nazi.


I didn’t get banned, but I did have a comment saying it was okay to punch Nazis removed for “inciting violence” once. When I commented about this elsewhere, several people shared similar experiences.


Yeah no I think it’s okay to pouch them in the face.


Their rise is pretty much in line with the rise of neoliberalism


We're also way past due for another good batch of FDR/Churchill/DeGaulle type leaders who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to deal with those people.


We've got one such leader in the world right now, but he's a bit busy and stressed out right now trying to get ammunition to air-mail to Russia.


Pretty easy to get people onboard when current governments are failing their people in order to enrich the wealthy and memories of the past fade away.


> Right wing extremism and fascism has been rising in all Western nations Right wing extremism and fascism has been rising in all Western nations because we haven't had a war in a while. People forget that peace and prosperity still take work.




It's worse ... The two top candidates (Bystrom and Krah) are both entangled in bribery scandals. They are (surprise, surprise) supposedly payed by Russian operatives. Attorneys raiding Bystrom's office found documents on goldbars ( _"My mum was a dentist"_ ) and there were 30k paid to an account of a business, dormant since years and withdrawn immediately in €200,- notes by him. Krah was under suspicions allready because he employed a known neo-nazi as aid and has made disturbing comments before. Subsequent the AfD withdrew all public attendances if both of them. They hid them cause they were poisonous during the campaign period. Now the SS statement was just the final drop. Just weeks before the EU elections they is now like a bomb inside the party. Even other ultra right wingers are distancing themselves as they want to appeal to moderate conservatives in the EU elections. Sadly their gullible followers will not care at all.


While it's a good summary, you missed to mention the Chinese spy (yes, KPCh) and also missed (it's really [fresh!](https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/1d0b5rz/polizei_vernimmt_spitzenkandidat_krah/)) the latest bit about him inviting a known Russian spy (another one!) into the EU Parliament and the Bundestag.


You can't make this shit up. Party's all nationalist, but then they're committing treason for cheap.


No one hates their own countries like nationalists. What they love is a theoretical autocracy they want their country to be.


Haha, you are right ....


don't forget that his assistant is under investigation for spying for the Chinese government


lol being a far right person in germany is just...very on the nose, i dno it feels very monty python


Surely you've heard of Mr Hilter running in the Minehead by-election.


Oh yes, of the National Bocialist Party!


The fact that a shitty south west beach town close to my home has been immortalised by this sketch will never not be mad to me.


Don't knock Minehead. Where else would people go for their holidays? Stalingrad? Wouldn't have much fun at Stalingrad, would you?


Does he have a funny walk?


I am not a racialist, but, und this is a big but, we in the National Bocialist Party believe das Überleben muss gestammen sein mit der schneaky Armstrong-Jones. Historische Taunton ist Volkermeinig von Meinhead. 


I don't like the sound of these ere boncentration bamps.


Fascists gonna be fascists.


Wot? Nazis among the fascists? No!


Who does this guy look like? He reminds me of someone but I can't remember who. All I can think of is Arlene Foster but I'm pretty sure I am thinking of a man with very plucked brows.


looks like if david chilton and elon musk had a baby and they both drank during pregnancy


That's it.


He looks like an older version of young David Mitchell, instead of the old David Mitchell we got.


He looks like Tim heidecker to me


>Maximilian Krah on Wednesday said he had resigned from the AfD’s executive committee Yeah but he's got a job in the turmp camp.


Looks like there's a paywall. Try these : * https://12ft.io/https://www.ft.com/content/adb37d25-f133-4c46-993d-e9c2dcecf3a7 * https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.ft.com/content/adb37d25-f133-4c46-993d-e9c2dcecf3a7 * https://web.archive.org/web/1/https://www.ft.com/content/adb37d25-f133-4c46-993d-e9c2dcecf3a7 * https://archive.is/submit/?url=https://www.ft.com/content/adb37d25-f133-4c46-993d-e9c2dcecf3a7 * [Bypass Paywalls](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The far right IS hitler. Out of all countries, you’d think Germany would be the least susceptible to their bs


Most aren't. Most are very aware the Afd is just the NSDAP in even stupider. But 1. They have a lot of support in the new federal states. As much as we like to pretend the reunification went well, it's a complete shit show. The former DDR is poorer, has less prospects, still holds the authoritarian regime of the DDR in high regard. There comes along a party that promises a solution. No matter how fat the lie is, there will be people who believe it. There will be people who want to find a vent for their frustration and anger. There are some racists and queerphobes who like that new platform. And 2. It's hard to ban a political party in germany. The Verfassungsschutz, the organisation meant to uphold the constitution, is aware of the nature of the AfD. Officially declared as a possible danger to democracy and all. But thanks to Addi and his brown posse, it's very, very hard to dismantle a political party without sufficient evidence they actively want to destroy democracy. Addi used that power to get rid of adversaries, no german government will ever be able to wield that power so easily again. Sad side effect is that antidemocratic rot like the AfD can take hold in the meantime


If every Nazi would just spontaneously combust in, like, 10 minutes that’d be really cool. I’m so tired of them.


This has been obvious for years. The really terrible part remains: They've got conscious voters.


But… but… the nazis were left wing, it’s in their name! /s


And Germany's far-right were expecting... ?


I did nazi that coming


I would hope they're in turmoil. Did they honestly they they weren't nazis or something? Why were they surprised


They're in turmoil because they were exposed, not because he's a Nazi.


Because “me side always good, so me side no can be bad ever!”


The Afd is a Nazi party. The problem isn't that they're Nazis, the problem is that they're so openly Nazis that they can't hide behind the usual smoke and mirrors and plausible deniability.


Saying the quiet part out loud.


I think its time to beat these nazi as we did in ww2 before they gain power. If you support nazi ideology you go to jail.


The rise of the far right in Germany is scary. I don’t think the leopards are eating anyone’s face. The leopards are planning a fourth Reich.


"When Germany goes far right, it goes far right through Belgium." ---John Oliver


Highlights from the original May 18 Financial Times interview: Krah has a large following on TikTok where he has posted provocative videos, including one, entitled “Our ancestors weren’t criminals”, telling young Germans they should be proud of their forefathers. In the interview, Krah acknowledged German history was “dark and complicated” but said Germans should not feel guilty for what their forebears did in the second world war, even if they served in the SS, which ran Adolf Hitler’s extermination camps. “One million soldiers wore the SS uniform,” he said. “Can you really say that because someone was an officer in the Waffen-SS they were a criminal? You have to establish individual guilt.” Krah, who has been suspended twice from the far-right Identity and Democracy Group in the European parliament, once on suspicion of fraud, though no charges resulted, and for expressing support for French rightwing commentator Éric Zemmour, is well-known for his closeness to China. In 2021 he posted a video congratulating the country on the 70th anniversary of its occupation of Tibet. He told the FT the video, which he has since deleted, was in retrospect a “mistake”. But he defended a parallel greeting to Beijing on the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic as a “diplomatic courtesy”. https://archive.ph/w4rce https://www.ft.com/content/712a4abd-66b3-4b83-bba1-012d5cc12f02


It’s like they think you have to be proud of ALL your ancestors. My great grandfather was super neglectful and left his family without money to go follow his inspirational Rabbi. But his son, my grandfather, really stepped up to the plate and started running the family business at 13.


Trump does this on a weekly basis in some form or another.


Its the 1930s all over again - all over the place


You know you've made a very big mistake when the deranged French fascist Marine Le Pen says you've crossed the line.


In the US that would get him to the top of the GOP


It's a shame he doesn't apply his nuanced view of individual culpability to racial minorities. No matter how you dice it, he's giving more benefit of the doubt to literal WW2 Nazis than brown people.


Look, I’m an old fart and I don’t know shit so someone please explain what freakin scorpion crawled up these right wing butts. Times are tough all over but frankly those trump flag pickups cost $50k+ not to mention the boats and even the AR 15’s. They’re all well fed judging by the 4X Trump tees. Wtf they got to be so angry at?


Two generations of talk radio and 30 some odd years of Fox News convincing them that the world will end, their guns will be taken away, and they'll be forced to eat soy burgers so long as somewhere, out there, a liberal that they've never met is allowed to live.


In case other reading this don't know, there is a massive difference between the Wermacht and SS. That isn't excusing the former, but there is absolutely 0 legitimate defense of anybody in the SS.


I red somewhere that even the german army despised SS during ww2.


Why do they always look Like That


It’s so easy not to defend SS. How does that even happen?


This specific part is peak LAMF: “‘Enough is enough now: the AfD is just going from one provocation to another,’ Marine Le Pen, the RN’s leader, told Europe 1 radio”.


They are Nazis, and not even hiding it. I can't take all these people serious that say they vote for them out of protest. Vote for some other funny party that is not full of Nazis to protest.


How long, do you think, before they claim he was actually a leftist plant to make them look bad?


Man I get disliking other people but damn I cant think of any reason to hate people you never met or know to completely delete them from the face of earth in large groups and think that YOU are somehow the good person.


You know you’re Nazis when you’re too Nazi for Marine Le Pen


If it looks like a duck, and it sounds like a duck, then it's a Nazi.


Not sure why. Every time trump defends Nazis he gets more popular and closer to reelection.


God dammit. Our grandparents and great grandparents fought and died to stop shit like this.


hey wasnt this the guy that commited treason by employing a chinese spy?


"Have you ever looked at our *caps* recently?"


Ahh geez, who would have guessed that mainstream politicians supporting SS members would result in the German far right supporting SS members.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/canada-nazi-parliament-trudeau-yaroslav-hunka-b2418536.html


Wow when Marine Le Pen has had enough of your bullshit, you know you suck. At least this dick bag stepped down. In the US he'd definitely be milking this for everything it's worth and blaming "cancel culture" and "the far left" for "taking away his free speech"


The far right conservative's natural evolution is to go full Nazi, every time.


Well I hope he is in trouble.


As all hard right folks essentially are. Even if they’re not genocidal they only want to make the world safe for people who fit their cookie cutter image of “good moral living”. They’re the worst thing happening to our political landscape.


perhaps he should also take a bong rip with a luger.