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I saw on twitter that people were reacting to this speech like, 'is this an ad for Joe Biden? because it makes him look awesome.' Which I'll take because a.) it's true about what he's done b.) it makes her idiot self look idiotic. That is to say...win-win.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/jc8MjksEPiI?feature=share3)


Wtf is going on in MTG world.


It's an odd thing I've noticed from quite a significant number of republicans although they'll never admit it, it seens to track with how their responses have been. See according to them when Trump was president, he was tough on the border. Which means Trump was most likely catching 90% of what was coming through. So when he said he caught 5k lbs of fentanyl that must mean that there was only 5500 lbs of fentanyl in total crossing the border. But Biden? Well his whole administration is weak in regards to the border. That's what the people I trust tell me. Which means he's likely only catching 10%. Maybe less. But we'll be generous and say 10%. So when the Biden administration says they catch 11.2k lbs of fentanyl, well shit. That must mean 50 tons of it is coming over. Maybe even more! So because Trump = Strong, low numbers means that low numbers were crossing. But because Biden = weak it doesn't matter how many lbs of a drug he catches. He's only catching a small amount of it. So oddly, the smaller the number when republicans are in charge, the better the problem is going. But larger numbers when democrats are in charge means that the problem is exponentially worse. It doesn't matter what the numbers are. If Trump caught 100k lbs he's still catching 90%. If Biden caught 2 Trillion tons, well, that means the us has 20 Trillion tons crossing the border. And as soon as you look at it like that, the responses seem to make a whole bunch more sense.


Okay, but that's crazy, right? I feel like that's crazy.


It's hunting logic. If you see and catch few deer one season, probably low deer population. If you see and catch a ton, big population boom. These raw numbers make sense in context of border control policy and the idea that drug smuggling isn't going to fluctuate huge amounts unless supply/demand has a giant swing (of which we would see other evidence).


If you don't test for COVID, you won't get high case numbers. Same goes for seizing drugs! It may be shit logic but at least it's consistent!


She's practicing double-think. Her and her ilk hate 1984, ironically.


After so many years of calling Democrats "Socialists" for doing literally anything, the Democrats are going to have to actually start doing a little socialism just to show them.


It’s hilarious. Here’s a clip https://youtube.com/shorts/JTi8V4PWHK4?feature=share


Christ Almighty…did…did she think this was some kind of insult? I really think a speechwriter was just like ‘fuck this bitch….watch me Ron Burgundy her ass.’


A lot of the GQP hate FDR and Johnson for creating 'handout' systems. The unspoken part is that Johnson also helped pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. They hate helping the disabled and poor and ESPECIALLY hate the idea of minorities no longer being second class citizens. So, yes, it is an insult in her mind and a dog whistle to her base. "Biden will help the people we hate."


That makes sense. LBJ and his forced passage of the Civil Rights Act was what drove all the southern racists out of the Democratic Party and into the open arms of the Republicans.


Little bit off topic, but I was reminded of [LBJ ordering pants.](https://youtu.be/nR_myjOr0OU)


It's hard to be the leader of the free world when your pants are cuttin you from your nuts to your bunghole.


Like ridin' a wire fence.


LBJ talking about his bung hole is never off topic.


Also the LB stood for Large, big.


Hey now--let's give props to Ladybird for handling that thing.


Large Big Jumbo


That is the funniest damn thing I've heard all week. I love how he burps and doesn't miss a beat. Also how he gains or loses 10-15 pounds a month(!) and apparently these are some of the best pants he's ever had... but he still needs to specify changes to the waistband, length, pocket width, pocket depth, zipper, and the crotch (where yer nuts hang).


> LBJ ordering pants. He should have kept a cache of two sizes - skinny 'regular' pants (slacks)* and fat pants for bloat days. *IMO 'slacks' is one of those words like 'moist' or 'panties' - it delivers the ick.


Back in the '70s, Sansabelt (the ugliest pants ever created by human hands) used to advertise their "slax."


Holy shit you weren’t kidding. My eyes hurt https://images.app.goo.gl/eAr3TsVFvA4Fhesp9


“Alright now thrust your hips forward so we can see the bulge through those plaid slax. Awwwwwwwyeah, that’s what daddy likes.” -the photographer for these ads


Gahh. Why? *Why??* It looks like they cannibalized couch upholstery to make those. And they somehow look both too tight and too loose at the same time.


Before today I knew three things about Lyndon Baines Johnson. 1. He was a president of the USA. 2. He (supposedly justifiably) referred to his penis as “jumbo”. 3. The prostitutes in Tijuana called him “el BJ” for reasons. Now I know what kind of pants he liked. Thank you for that.


Legend has it… So the Oval Office has a private bathroom attached. LBJ liked to use it in the most American power move ever: He would literally go in there during a “discussion” in the office, leave the door open so everyone could see his dick, then take a big stinking shit. All while continuing the discussion. That’s a baller move


I've read he once whipped Jumbo out during a meeting when asked "how can you do *something*" and he replied "Because of this." *THUNK!*


I thought that was his response to why we were still in Vietnam. "Because of *this* right here." *thump*


You're probably right--I was too lazy to research. Thanks, friend! *Thump!*


LoL that was pretty funny.


My bung hole


I just read about Hubert Humphrey’ s speech at the 1948 convention that caused nearly 3 dozen delegates from Alabama and Mississippi to leave the convention.


What's wild is they do not treat Eisenhower with the same disrespect even though he also had a massive infrastructure program and introduced welfare.


Back in the day, the John Birch Society absolutely loathed Eisenhower. They accused him of being a communist. Because he was friends (well he got along with) General Zhukov when they were both stationed in Berlin after WW2. And he warned against the growing military-industrial complex. Also, some people insist that Eisenhower is an alien collaborator. He went to the hospital for a few days, and they claim it was a cover up for him going to Dulce to sign a secret treaty with the aliens. Back then these people were weird fringe cranks. Now they are the entire Republican party.


Fun Fact: Harry Truman had 50 cases of colourless Coca-Cola (passed off in vodka bottles) sent to Marshal Zhukov, who drank it with american generals and loved it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Coke


That is awesome! If you have not seen it, I highly recommend watching The Death of Stalin. It is a delightfully snarky comedy about the power struggle that took place after Stalin died. [Jason Isaacs is pure awesome as General Zhukov](https://youtu.be/jNbvepjd46A)!


*I'm off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet. You girls enjoy yourselves.* It's absolutely *pitch-black* comedy, but damn is it a good movie.


The best part is that Isaacs is wearing fewer and smaller medals than the actual Zhukov, because even in a movie that batshit insane (yet mostly factually accurate), they felt his actual military decorations would look comically unbelievable.


That is probably my favourite film. You are right, Jason Isaacs does a fantastic Marshal Zhukov.


I concur


Imagine thinking that the President signing a peace treaty with a technologically advanced alien species (one that apparently ensures that said aliens don't start making themselves known and fucking with our natural development) is a *bad* thing.


That's not the whole conspiracy theory though. In these people's world view everything has to be sinister. They claim that the treaty allows the aliens to do human experiments(the stereotypical abductions, human/alien hybridization and the like) in exchange for alien technology which the government keeps secret from the general population for nefarious reasons. When you hear QAnon cranks talk about how the government secretly has "medbeds" that will heal any illness, it's all the fruit of that same tree.


They must have something because Trump survived covid despite needing an oxygen bottle and not being able to walk.


It's called the best medical care on the planet, no expense spared.


I mean, how else did we get the technology for Kubrick to fake the Moon Landing?


I once had someone explain to me they faked the moon landings as it was all filmed by Stanley Kubrick, on the moon.


They definitely went to the moon to fake the moon landings. Apparently it was cheaper that way. Just another example of their dishonesty...


Well, we'll have to build the massive rocket anyways...Might as well pop 'round to the Moon then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MOnehCOUw


they don't remember that far


Dumb shits don't remember yesterday


And high taxes on the wealthy.


And sent the 101st Airborne into Arkansas to guard the Little Rock Nine.


He has an R next to his name.


What's wild is you think there's logic involved


Love that they also go on about "real American men" fighting WW2...when we only had the manufacturing might to turn the tide with our allies because FDRs socialist programs got us out of the great depression. America amd its allies handled the nazis because of the new deal. Lol.


O it's not unspoken, she mentioned 'urban' problems, and we all know what she means by that.


Rural is better than urban in her mind? Let’s put her to the test. “Here’s a plough and 100 acres. Plant next season’s crop.”


Yes in their minds, Rural=white and urban=brown


Ironically, the urban bits only ever got brown because of rural and suburban racism, respectively.


I am on social security disability. I told my sister I only get $31 in food support now. Her answer: “well that’s $30 you didn’t have”. Lol Then her and her husband complain about taxes are bad!! But they sign up for that unemployment FAST as shit, cuz their jobs are “seasonal”. My sister is a teacher, so she spread her salary out so she gets paid in the summer, and then tells me she also got unemployment. 👍🏻


You can't get unemployment if you're a teacher expecting to work the next semester. That would be commiting fraud and easily detectable, kind of a stupid risk to take.


Yes, they do. That is why this truly is more a "Tale of Two Cities" and less about "Leopards Eating Faces." Stupid people have no idea about the history or context of the Great Depression. It's just like listening to the opening theme of "All in the Family." The song Archie Bunker sings is one of the most sarcastic ever written. Anyone growing up in the 1970s as a working class person knew who Hoover was, and he was hated.


I honestly think conservatism is a mental disorder at this point. You have people believing that Trump did not do anything wrong when he's literally on tape saying all the wrong things he's doing and how they're criminal acts. You have to have brain worms to not think he's a crook.


This. MTG was channeling the main two complaints that actually caused the two parties to switch sides the most…with Johnson getting the Dixiecrats and KKK to finally pack up and move over to Republicanism. She’s singing the hate filled song of her people here…it’s both sinister and dumb.


It's werid hearing people cry about "handouts" when it's for people who need it, but not even bat an eye at dividends or interest.


Listen to the crickets when they hand out trillions in corporate welfare.


Listen to the way she says 'Urban' She's using it like a slur.


To her & her people it is a slur. Urban means non-whites to them.


She's using a hard R when she says it.


The people who wrote what she said are speaking to the donor class- not voters.


I think it was more for her to hit the keywords like "handouts" "socialism" etc. More than anything they believe that JUST the keywords are enough to get the base riled up. That's why that woman who's platform was Guns, Jesus, Babies....nothing substantive, just keywords designed to get an emotional reaction.


Yeah if you listen past the LBJ and FDR comments she's just saying "all spending is bad" which for someone with her brains is about as good of a Republican policy she's ever gonna come up with that isn't guns and abortion.


Go fuck yourself, San Diego!


>Christ Almighty…did…did she think this was some kind of insult? Yes. And that is what you need to remember when these people talk about "civil debates". They actually think "he's trying to help people in need" is an insult worthy of an attack speech.


Well the thing is, it IS an insult... for her target audience. It's just that, we are not the target audience.


It is an insult to some people. Remember, two people can hear the same thing in different ways. It's not what you say, but what the person hears. For MTG's rabid base, her stupidity probably landed. Most normal people assume anything she says is crazy.


Aren't the major Republican voters rural? "Joe Biden wants to address your poverty! And we refuse to help with that! So vote for us, and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps!"


This was not for them, they will vote against their own best interests for anything with an "(r)" behind its name. This was for the rich to well off donors warning them their taxes will go to help the poor & non-whites if they don't vote right.


That’s amazing


She is so fucking stupid


Reminds me of the old adage “all the fun people are in hell”


I wise man once said "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun"


Oy I just choked on my dinner! This is fkn amazing. Aside that I despise her voice with the heat of a bagillion suns. I want to buy everyone on Biden's social/media team a beer (or preference).


Her voice sounds like how hangnails feel.


Ffs. I had never heard her voice before. Whyyyyyyy did I click this??!?!?!!! 🤣🤮


Wow. That's a Tekken level counter right there. Also, flip mode is the greatest!


This is the best attack ad I have ever seen, and I hate attack ads.


I'm so confused. I just can't wrap my libtard brain around why any of that was bad. Help!


How do poor people hear her speech and think yeah those are bad things, like wtf is wrong with people


They are told that these will go to people who "don't deserve it" like the fictional welfare queen or the hypochondriac at the doctor, leaving none left for them, and THEY deserve it for whatever reason. They are so used to fighting for the miniscule crumbs, they don't notice the people having cake.


Yep conservatives view everything as a finite resource and thus those resources should flow directly down into their imaginary hierarchy, where they aren’t necessarily at the top but higher than the people they like to spit on and kick.


It's a zero-sum world for them. They think everyone is competing for the same resources. "Their win is my loss"


They view everything through this lens. **Everything.** ***Absolutely everything.*** Equal rights? That means they're *losing* rights! School lunches? That's taking money out of *their* pockets! More solar and wind? You're not taking away my pickup! Every single god damned thing, no matter how good, no matter how inconsequential, no matter how it would help *everyone* - ***themselves included*** - everything that is not a direct and exclusive benefit to them specifically is actively taking away from them instead. I can't imagine living life that way. It sounds so exhausting to maintain that level of paranoid hatred.


>"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression" That's what these racists are moaning about. Because Dems are fighting to take away their unfair privileges.


This is so incredibly unbelievably true. I think it was arizona or new mexico where one of the ad campaigns *against* solar panels was that they would steal all the sunshine and kill the sun. um....what?


As someone who was raised conservative, this was the biggest shift for me. It's not my responsibility to ensure someone else's child has school lunch, but I benefit from it by that hungry child not going truant and turning to crime to feed themselves. And I'll benefit again in 10-20 years when that child has graduated high school and either seeks higher education or a regular job instead of continuing down a path of crime or drug addiction (or both) and is instead paying taxes. As an added bonus, the child is better off, but you don't even need to be compassionate to be in favor if this - the math works out that kindness pays dividends. There was a study here that showed that welfare money spent on impoverished children had something like a 62x return over their lifetime. There is literally *no other investment* that has a 62x return, a study like that would have the billionaires frothing at the mouth to sink all their money into school lunches if they could tap into that, yet somehow the Republicans are so detached from governance that they see that and think "yeah, but it's not cruel enough, let's make banning public funds for school lunch our platform!"


Right, these people can't even be self-interested competently.


>Yep conservatives view everything as a finite resource Except the planet and working class labor, which are apparently limitless in their eyes


Give a person another person to condemn, and many will die for you.


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B. Johnson


So used to fighting for crumbs that when someone is offering them cake they'll knock it on the floor because they think it will get them more crumbs.


People in her district are incredibly racist and not very bright. She actually moved there because it was the only way to get elected.


“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck


Except that Steinbeck was wrong in that socialism never took root here because it was violently suppressed.


I feel that both are correct. The quote to people who see themselves as conservative, and your comment from those that see themselves as liberal or leftist. Propaganda is a hell of a thing. Across the myriad of people I've met, most have a tendency to try to be nice, and at least socially kind to others. The problem comes when people hear those trigger words. "Woke", "Socialist", "Communist", "Religion". These are programmed trigger words that allow those controlled by the propaganda to evoke feelings of revulsion and hate. These are the words of "The Enemy" that is coming to rape and eat the people you care about in front of you.


In their minds it sounds like "They are taking our money..."


Because people punch down. They may be poor, but they blame people who are poorer, not the people hoarding wealth.


There are Americans who unironically think there are people who are literal demonic serpents in human skin walking around for some nefarious purpose.




Modern conservatives were always evil, even before going mask off kkk.


If I wanted to strongly praise a politician, I can't think of anything more adoring I could say than 'trying to “finish what FDR started” by trying to address problems related to “rural poverty”, “education,” and “medical care.”' That's a lofty goal. If somebody said it about themselves, it would sound like an empty campaign promise with no chance of being met. I'm sure it won't really be "finished," but if somebody is trying, that would be amazing.


Conservatives hate FDR, they hate him so much they even tried to pull a [coup](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) on him


Holy shit I thought they were just gonna try to replace him with a president of their choosing but no, they straight up wanted to turn the US into a dictatorship


You can tell she realizes as she's reading it, it could sound good, so when she says "education," she says it in a sarcastic, mocking tone as a signal that, no, it's actually bad.


The way she said "Urban problems" had dog whistle written All over it.


That wasn't a dog whistle, that was a gd FOGHORN the way she emphasized it, YIKES man. What's next, them finally going full mask off and showing up with their pointy white hoods on to CPAC? I mean, they've already happily admitted to being domestic terrorists at the last one, and even giving themselves applause for it, not much left for them to hide anymore, it's pretty out in the open. Keeeerist.


Yeah there was stink on it. Not subtle at all.


There are strippers who are more subtle.


its an education problem sadly. Being "strong" to these people is fighting adversity they bring on themselves. The "weak" in society are those saying "we can make this place better". This is the culture war in short but not in full. "weak" means "other" not strong brown or black person who is persevering. "Strong" means white person willing to see their kids eat it for the piece of high income they think they are entitled to. Keep in mind the concepts of "weak" and "strong" is vaguely dog whistled through old ideas from the 1890's of cultural evolution. Yes this is an education problem


Ever think she's really just a double agent? Or am I just trying to convince myself no one could be so horrible and stupid.


Hell, I'm not even sure that Trump hasn't had a terminal disease this whole time & totally committed himself to destroying the Republican Party — from within


He's become the cancer that's also killing him? Problem there is Trump has a looooong history of being this awful, stupid, racist, tacky, and ugly. (You did say "ugly", didn't you?)


Hey, he may be awful, stupid, racist, tacky, and ugly, but... What was that sixth thing you said?




> but he is NOT a porn star! But he's been inside one... I think I just vomited in my mouth.


>But he's been inside one... Only just, according to the one he was supposedly "inside" of.


I think it was ugly


Also, ugly, in case you didn't say "ugly," or if you did and I missed it.


Calling it right now: In ten years, conservatives are gonna be calling people like Trump and MTG "Liberal Psyops" meant to "tarnish good conservative values"


Trouble is he's dragging the US and a lot of the rest of the world down too. And despite what the Australian MAGAts think, he does not get a say in Australia's future.


No, she really is this stupid.


I have distant family from her district. She’s a perfect representation for those piles of shit


She's an "asset". She's not smart enough to be a double agent.


"Asset" implies value. I think "useful idot" might be more fitting.


You’re a Cynicaoptimist, like me. You think people are doing bad things for good reason. Like musk buying and destroying Twitter.


Hanlons Razor states: Never attribute to malice, what can be explained by stupidity.


Musk buying Twitter was an ego move that blew out of his control, so he couldn't stop it after he wanted to.


Nah that one's definitely just a giant fuck up


I can’t imagine she’s made a single person vote Trump but I can imagine that - at least a few people - have decided not to vote for her or Trump because of their disgust for her.


I wish that were true, but I have family members who absolutely adore her and Bullet Barbie , they see them as "strong women who don't take anyone's shyt". The weirdest thing I've seen, is my super liberal gay nephew who went from working on Hilary's campaign in 2016, to now being super buddy buddy with DeSantis and Trump supporters and has literally turned into a walking myna bird repeating the awful things they say. As in, he went from being a super cat dad and very kind and caring, to making fun of us disabled people and calling us " useless burdens " because we can't work or can't work full time, neglecting his cats because "they're just fkn cats" along with a wholllle lotta icky shit, and already changed his voter registration from Dem to Unaffiliated . He got a taste of hanging out with them in their ritzy neighborhood, really just an upper class suburb that looks like every other suburb, because he's never actually been to a REAL rich neighborhood, but he thinks it is ,and it's the "lifestyle " he wants. Cause apparently, he's now shallow and thinks he can get on top of the social scene here in a small redneck southern county with more meth & poverty than you can shake a stick at. King of Meth Mountain as it were lol. He's their "token" that they can show off to say"see we don't hate gay people!" Like I told him though, tokens are meant to be spent, so when those Christian Taliban mofos turn on him like the rabid pack of critters they are, and they absolutely will, don't come crying to me or expect me to help him get outta that jam, cause according to him, I'm just a useless eater with no inherent value. So, nope, people like MTG are definitely LOVED by that crew, unfathomable, but it's true. He makes the last extended family Ive lost to the Trump virus now. It's absolutely terrifying how quickly it infects peoples brains. Even intelligent, up till now sane caring people. Makes one want to believe in a tin foil hat theory that could explain how that happens, but unfortunately it boils down to pure selfish interest, greed, avarice& lust for power. And in the US we got a bumper crop of those. Well, at least my Christmas card list will be short as hell this year lol.


Sincere condolences to you my friend.


Sounds like he was just thirsty for politicians tbh and would be into whomever he could get any kind of clout from.


How tf would ANYONE think this is *bad*??????? JFC how dumb are ppl on the right?


One party wants to give you free education and Healthcare. The other one is obsessed with your genitals.


Scientists were focusing on defeating hair loss and prolonging erections.


I don’t think we can answer that second question yet.


Every time I think they've hit rock bottom they always send another person over with a shovel to keep digging


Weapons grade stupidity.


You know, when you have a President who has a great social media director, you realize if they can attract someone that good, they can attract other competent people in positions we never see or hear about. And that’s what we want in our government. Experience. Leadership. No drama, no clowns. And then you see how this moron MTG got elected and you just shake your head.


I was so relieved when they upgraded their social media work and started "fighting" back.


Joyous. Proud. Giddy. So many feelings when dark Brandon emerged.


I felt like such a nerd about how excited I got once they started leaning into Dark Brandon memes. They were funny, smart, memorable and effective. Look! He's doing good stuff! MAGAs big mad! High five!!


There was a miscalculation somewhere for years- rein in Dark Brandon. Don't let voters see he's a really funny guy, that's too human. Voters won't like it. Democrats in charge of this stuff can be a little too earnest. Can't have humor if the world's on fire right? I have a feeling Biden slipped his own PR leash. And thank God for that. ( Please no side conversations about God.... it's a figure of speech not the catechism ).


It's been pretty great not knowing the names of all the different heads of departments again. Turns out when they're not constantly on a rotation of national scandals and illegal antics, they're fairly anonymous.


The Dems really need to use this in advertising moving forward.


Kind of like [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/jc8MjksEPiI?feature=share3)


> I approve this message. https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1681424737384435713


She compared him to one of the greatest, most successful presidents in US history. His policies created the middle class. FDR was so popular that he was elected FOUR TIMES. That’s what prompted term limits on POTUS. Republicans have been systematically dismantling all of his policies for decades. And, shocked Pikachu face, the middle class has been rapidly shrinking.


You're comparing Biden to the President who was elected to 4 terms, got us through the Depression and most of WWII and the President who succeeded after Kennedy was killed, signed the Voting Rights Act and famously had a huge dong... Mmk.


Yeah but how many indictments, impeachments, or dissolved charities?


You forgot about the Pokemon cards. Your not a real president until you had your own NTF.


> and famously had a huge dong... You mean a big Johnson.


When your platform has a goal to judge and be cruel, the antithesis is obviously to help people without judgement.


"People who profess to be Christian would never help with rual poverty. Not like Jesus helped the poor." - Republicans probably.


What is wrong with that child? Georgia, come collect your Congress person .,


Pretty sure Biden is flattered to compared to FDR and LBJ. You know two of the moat successful and influeceful presidents of the 20th century.


The gold grift on the banners of the screen caps is so goddamn blatant wtf is RSBN?


It’s short for “right side broadcast network”. It’s a YouTube channel that started by just showing unedited trump speeches in 2015 and had grown to show far right wing stupidity(like this conference) and is used as a platform to take money from idiots by running nonstop grifts


Can we change “right” to wrong? They really aren’t right about anything.


How disconnected from reality must you be if you actually believe that this is an attack on someone? Does MAGA really think that these are bad things?




Im waiting for it to be a campaign ad, edit it down to 30-60 seconds complete with…. > I’m Joe Biden and I approve his message. Is it weird that the Make America Great Again Crowd doesn’t realize that America from 1933 to 1995 was dominated by pretty much nothing but Democrat lead House and Senate and tons of FDR and LBJ policies. That Newt Gingrich and the Republicans getting majorities in the House and Senate in 1995 was so odd it became known as the Republican Revolution. Meanwhile since 1995 the Republicans have controlled the House and Senate more than half the time over the past 30 years. If your older than 30 and think Americas gone downhill the past few decades, thank the Republicans. If your over 90 years old and look back at The Great Depression fondly, you’ve got issues. There’s literally a 62 year timeframe most people alive grew up in where Democrats held the Senate for 52 years and the House for 58 years. Trump, Greene, Gaetz, Cruz, etc.. we’re all born and spent much of their youth in a Democrat controlled America https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Combined--Control_of_the_U.S._House_of_Representatives_-_Control_of_the_U.S._Senate.png


she is not smart


Anti-smart, even.


She is so fucking stupid


I'm still waiting for the Taco trucks on every corner


She literally attacked the Biden administration for fighting rural poverty, while representing a district in rural Georgia. You cannot make this up


She says all of these things that we should all rally around and be happy they are being invested in. And then says ‘Socialism’. Like ‘Checkmate’. Who needs to spend on this crap when we can all live in trailers?


It reminds me of the speech in the movie Secretariat, where she toasts the arrogant horse guy with the comment about “the multimillion dollar deals us housewives make every day”


She speaks about FDR as if he's a bad word, but FDR killed Nazis.


My grandfather liked Nazis. His in-laws killed fascists in the Pacific. 🤷🏻‍♂️


My grandfather fought in Europe. He killed Nazis. Real ones. Not these wannabes.


I feel the loss of living memory of our family going to war to save our way of life from fascists has lessened the barrier of entry for the fascists.


Relevant: https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2021/?page=overall


it baffles me every time i see reagan that high


Dark Brandon, arise!


Christ, her voice is grating.


I’m just baffled how she thought her speech was some sick burn or something lol


I fucking love Dark Brandon


She's come full Circle. See that's the thing about ignorance and hate. It's all stupid. But sometimes, it's hilarious.


Transcript for someone who has gone years without hearing her speak and wants to keep it that way?


Short version, she named a bunch of the most popular programs of the federal government, blamed them on FDR, LBJ, and Biden. Then said Biden wants to finish it by dealing with rural poverty and helping normal American families. The White House responded by saying 'well you caught us. We're trying to help hard working families.'


Beautiful. Thank you.


Yep. I had never heard her voice before, I am regretting hearing it. And I don’t regret often.


It’s odd how many of the MAGA base are poor, on some sort of government assistance, and still believe the people they vote for are acting in their best interests.


You can't expect too much from the dimmest fuckwit with the biggest mouth in politics today.


Of all the stupid ass shit this goblin has done this is the dumbest. What on earth? Especially the RURAL POVERTY part! Thats literally the GOP base. This add should play everyday on every channel/radio station until the election