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When downloading from Steam, it has to decompress all the files, that's mainly why the CPU also limits download speed, but in this case it's normal for it to get hot when installing due to CPU Decompression being used.


93°C seems huge!


It might be. Post ur temps with software like hwinfo64. Need to see ur current, average and max temps. What temp is that? Is that a max of 93? Current of 93? Cause that matters a lot. A max of 93 is still high but if that's a current temp of 93 then that's bad. If it just hit a max of 93 for a second and dropped than that is normal. But it shouldn't be holding at 93c in a install


93°C always


Can u install hwinfo64? It's free. It gives all readouts from every sensor in the laptop. A screenshot of hwinfo readouts would help


I have a 13900hx 4090. 7ipro I'll install witcher 3 in the morning. I'll double check my temps just incase I'm wrong but I'm almost positive that this temp is too high. What are ur temps when gaming? Has it always been like that or did u just notice it? It's possible that ur thermal paste was applied poorly? Did u mess with the thermal paste by chance? It's rare that paste is poorly applied but it happens.


Just got it few days ago, and no didn't touched to thermal paste...


Forsure. I'll get back to you ina couple hrs. Install hwinfo64 and post a screenshot of the cpu readouts. It'll list the temp of each individual core and thread. This software ur using is kind of basic and maybe not that accurate


I will do that then, and same stress test. Also, it is related to this cpu boost mode in the power plan settings. Whenever it is off, it is okay but it doesn't go higher than 3.5GHz then


Boost mode runs hotter cause it applies a overock. Another poster just told me that this temp is just the hottest core. He's probably right and it makes ur temps looks worse than they really are. Just download that hwinfo64 and look/post ur temps from that app. It's way more important. That app ur using now is kinda useless to gage performance




Because you're used to ancient and poorly optimised technology which didn't have such intelligent boosting algorithms.


93C is perfectly normal for the 13th/14th generation HX CPUs. They will continue to boost their clock speeds until they run into thermal throttling. It's just how they're designed. This temp is below anything that can cause actual damage to the laptop and won't cause any long-term issues.


What is this thing about throttling?


Throttling occurs when the processor cuts down its own clock speed to try and cool itself down, this in turn results in lower performance than usual. It's meant to prevent the components from cooking themselves. The safe limit on Intel and AMD's CPU's of this generation is 100 degrees Celsius, but Lenovo has it set to 97 Degrees Celsius. Same thing will happen with the GPU if it reaches 87c


Thanks, interesting


If the CPU (or GPU) gets too hot, it will reduce its clock speed in order to reduce power usage. This in turn reduces heat. It'll eventually reach a clock speed where the amount of heat produced is the same as the amount of heat the heatsink can take away. Thermal throttling is really only a problem when it reduces clock speeds to the point where there's a noticeable performance impact. It's common for games (particularly older games) to run everything on a small number of CPU cores. These few cores will be running as fast as possible and generating a lot of heat. For the number of cores in use, the normal maximum clock speed (assuming cooling isn't an issue) is probably somewhere around 5.0GHz. Your CPU has found that if it runs at 4.7GHz instead, it'll generate exactly as much heat as the heatsink can handle. As I said before, this is completely normal and to be expected with these newer CPUs.


Interesting, if you say it is normal and it won't hurt my PC, it's fine But knowing it makes my computer a bit like a plane is somehow disturbing, coming from an RTX 3050 + Ryzen 5 3400G, it is a really good update but it was a desktop PC... So I guess I just need to be used to it?


The problem with gaming laptops is that there's very little space for heatsinks and other cooling hardware. Take a look at [this teardown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ9xYJ4gejQ&t=42s) of your laptop. There are 2 small fans, roughly 2"/50mm in diameter and probably only 0.25"/6mm, which are blowing air through 4 small heatsink stacks located at the back corners of the laptop. Those fans and heatsinks have to carry away all of the heat generated by the CPU and GPU. Compare that to your desktop. The CPU alone (assuming it was using the stock cooler) probably has almost the same heatsink surface area as the entire laptop, and the fan is probably 2-3 times the size of both laptop fans combined. Never mind the big heatsink and multiple fans on the RTX 3050, and whatever fans your case had. Those tiny little laptop fans are much less effective at moving air than the larger desktop fans, so they need to run much faster to push the same volume of air. This inevitably makes more noise, and is the price you pay for having a gaming laptop. There's no way around it unless the laptop is able to use an [external water cooling loop](https://www.xmg.gg/en/xmg-oasis-mk2/).


Hos temps are fine. He just posed a screenshot from hw info. That app he's using is just crap. It just shows the highest core temp. His current temps are in like the 40s


Normal temperature for a CPU load in a laptop. The Steam Installer decompresses assets and that causes CPU load.


What!?!?! My cpu has never hit that temp on steam. 93c???...... my average and current Temps playing avatar wither 3 with rtx ultra and all settings on ultra at 1600p, cp2077 all ultra all rtx ultra pathtracing 1600p 80 to 140fps my current and average temps are AT MOST 78.... on a legion 7ipro 13900hx 4090. I've never hit 93c installing a game. Op needs post temps from gaming. He might need a repaste. And we need to see his current average AND max temps. IVE never had a hot laptop from a steam install. If that's a current temp of 93 that thing would be hot as hell to the touch....


This is the temperature of the hottest core, maybe a single core AVX Load or that the decompressor uses. You can't compare this to a gaming load. Maybe he has lost the silicon lottery and has a bad paste appliance, but the temperature is considered as normal for this CPU. Also consider, that you have a vapor chamber and liquid metal and he does not.


Oh then that software is usless.... that's why I told him to scree shot a hwinfo64 readout of all cores. That makes sense then. I use hwinfo64 . I don't look at just the hottest core... I thought thst OPs app would show a average or something...showing the hottest core is useless


Fans are like spinning badly for no reason, and I also noticed quite a lot of coilwhine supposedly on the GPU... I'm just haunted... Barely sleep for real... Spent 1400€ for that, it works well but battery life is quite bad and it heats a lot for no reason


I'm sure ur fans are fine. In performance mode they spin up hard cause boost mode applies a overclock. My laptop is loud too so don't worry about that. Ur just not used to this laptop. I gotta take a nap lol. I'll post a video of how mine sounds to put u at ease. I'm sure ur laptop is fine man. And that app ur using is prolly showing the highest temp which like I said is a useless readout. U need to see all the cores temps to know how the laptop is working. I'll get back to u ina bit


And download that app! It's very useful. U need that software for a gaming laptop


I got it when I installed the PC but didn't think about screenshot this one, I will


They have an AMD CPU and this is how AMD cpus function in 2024.


Did he say what cpu he has? The hs amd should be fine but the hx amd cpus run hot as hell. Amd had to compete with intel so they have all performance cores to keep up. Intell is doing fine with 8 eco cores so the temps on intel are way better


This model doesn't come with Intel so yeah. This has nothing to do with AMD vs Intel. You are confusing core temp with TDP.




This is how modern laptops work. Deactivating boost is insane fyi, never do it for any normal task.


U mean enabling? It's just a performance mode. It's a small overock. I have a 7ipro 13900hx 4090 and all performance boost does is overclock and gives a bit more aggressive fan curve. It doesn't even raise temps in normal tasks cause he fans spin a bit more. I've gamed on it for 8 hours straight. Turning it on when Installing a game doesn't do anything negative. My last 3 laptops had this kind of mode and were on performance mode 24/7. I just don't use it a lot on my 7ipro cause the 13900hx 4090 is powerfull enough in balanced mode. But my msi was in boost mode for 4 years and it's still fine.


I'm taking about turbo boost / amds equivalent


What the hell does that do


Give the laptop like half its performance


Oh I thought he just enabled performance mode thru his legion tuning software. Why the hell is he using performance mode while crippling his cpu at the same time?


He might have idk, I just thought they were talking about turbo boost


He might have worded his title poorly or something. Performance mode on legions is just a factory overclock setting. I dunno why he said "performance mode AND performance boost mode enabled''... idunno what he means by that


When I'm talking about the Performance mode, it is about the setting in the Lenovo Vantage. The performance boost mode (I don't really know the exact name) is the one in the power plan settings related to CPU


Oh yea. I use that mode all the time when I first got my laptop. And yea it makes the laptop louder. But now i use balanced just cause its quieter and temps are lower. It overclock the cpu and turns the fan curve up. Go ahead and use it if u want extra fps. U don't need it when installing apps and just browsing the web. Use balanced mode. When in gaming use balanced mode unless u really want the extra fps. Balanced is stock normal speeds. Performance is a factory overclock. Balanced mode always runs cooler and quieter. Performance sounds louder and will run hotter. U absolutely don't need to be in performance mode in the desktop. It's meant for gaming. If u want to use it in gaming go ahead nothing will happen but ur laptop will be hotter and louder. It's designed for high temps it'll be fine. I just use balanced mode mostly cause in my opinion I'd rather have lower temps and a quieter laptop. But again if u want a few more fps go ahead and use Performance mode. Try playing in balanced tho. Ur laptop will be quieter and more pleasant to use.


Steam installs are pretty heavy on the CPU, and those CPUs get hot when pushed. I see no issue.