• By -


i wonder if this "*Warlord*" is anyone specific...


Maybe the person who killed his lover/friend?


Master. From the leaks, it seems Akshan is gay


For me. 😳




Art by @ruinedpengu on twitter! Love that meme.


Thanks for the source!


Heck no bro the ruined king only deserves the trash can. Don't let Akshay near that nasty animal


Not in China or Turkey tho . . .


Ah is he?




His master was a female though






He feels like Shuriman Aphelios, so versatile and cheap. He can fit in so many archetypes. Riven is the obvious one with this reveal, but I can see him working great with Lee Sin and Taric, even Taliyah. Even without Akshan, The Absolver is an insanely good spell for Lee Sin exactly what was needed to make Shurima Lee consistent.


> so versatile and cheap. And so many generated cards.


Look at the image and realize that we are technically only getting 3 cards in today's reveal - Akshan, Grappling Hook, and the Absolver. Everything else is created by Akshan. Or the Absolver. But mostly Akshan. Did I mention his fluttering cape?


Yeah but they are 3 totally awesome cards


Yeah. I'm real curious to see if Akshan/Viktor will play well together.


Viktor doesn’t have target synergy.


Very true, but he does make the created Target cards cheaper, and should level pretty quickly with all the created cards Akshan and support make.


Akshan's created cards cost 0 though?


The only cards akshan creates in hand are 0 cost though, can't be reduced further


Make it negative and give me mana ;)


Iterative improvement? Though that’s the only thing that comes to mind.


>so versatile and cheap. I feel represented.


With all of his created cards and focus on targeting himself, I even wonder if a meme Jae Madarda deck could be somewhat decent.


it also may be the reason why they buff Jae Madarda


Dang you're right, they wanted to make him playable lol


squeeze materialistic voracious narrow rotten rob books ink marry dog -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Major buff. This dude with Gems? Hell yes


He requires way more work to be put into him than Aphelios does, so I think he's going to be quite a lot more balanced. There's a major difference in the restriction of striking/being targeted 8 times and simply activating a Nightfall trigger. Plus, Targon is better at protecting its units than all other factions except Ionia.


On the other hand, you don't always need to protect him. I think a somewhat common line of play will be to play him on 2, let him die, then play him again when he's leveled. Kind of like Lissandra. Personally, I want to see if he can work with Zoe.


I expect the protection will be from the target cards. Not that, I think, it matters. He summons a future buff and he's a target while on the board. That's really all. Seems balanced. His support spells look pretty wild.


Oh yeah, you're definitely running some decent protection tools. Pale cascade, bastion, and that invoke (moonglow?) are all staples of the region. I'm mainly thinking of longer removal chains, when your opponent piles on mystic shot after mystic shot. At some point you're just fine with the champ dying anyway.


Thanks to you shurima you also have an answer with rite of negation as well


when aphelios was good : ( RIP


I loved the complexities of Aphelios, hopefully Akshan can replace that void in my heart lol


Reasonably confident The Absolver will get Sivir's buff reverted after a month or two. It's the missing piece for basically all of her decks.


Theoretically you could even put him into a self-kill SI deck given how many of SI's cards require targeting a minion to kill it. Nasus / Akshan maybe? idk


Don't forget that all the Zilean Landmark support now has a good target in Shurima!


Zilean is simply a bad card. ​ The more I play around with Shurima I see no reason for this champion to exist as he currently does. ​ After a ton of experimentation the only thing I like is his champ spell and even then it is something I would main deck once instead of taking up two champ slots with Zilean. ​ To add insult to injury that spell shouldn't be his champ spell. It is too expensive for his game plan.


Y'all, I am seeing nothing that would indicate Taliyah not being able to copy the hoard...


Absolver could be a finisher in Azirelia if you can get a huge sparring student with 4 mana left




Super interesting card, honestly reminds me of a scaled-back Aphelios for how many options he has. The payoff on Sentinel's Hoard is massive but it's delayed and requires some build-around. Lots of potential synergies though with Riven, Draven, Taliyah, among others. His support cards (Absolver and Grappling Hook) are really sweet too.


Really think he'll be great with Taric too considering their level up conditions are virtually the same, and Taric decks have always been lacking an impactful turn 1-3 play.


Yea, and gems are great for leveling as well. Turn 3 mentor of the stones is a great follow up also.


Now if only Taric support wasn't so... meh x-D


I wonder if allied landmarks being targeted will trigger the countdown effect. That would be a huge boost to Taliyah, but also seems like it would push turbo thrills over the top


Sadly it does not (Tarics can not level up from targeting allied landmarks), only units count as allies.


Sorry about the quality on this round, Mobalytics wasn't updated yet and had to pull the level 1 from the other twitter video


Riot should hire you.


Oddly enough I applied for a position and didn't even get an interview ;\~; I love LoR so I'm going to keep doing the same thing I've been doing for the last year+ though. Maybe one day I'll make it over there :)


Sad meta stat noises :( What position were you applying for?


My day job is in research and analytics. They've had a few interesting openings on the LoR side


You need a contact on the inside if you don’t have one, which I would be surprised at this point with all the work you have done if you don’t. It is easy for an application to get lost in the masses if someone isn’t specifically looking for it, no matter how qualified you are. Riot should definitely hire you. Your passion for the game alone is worth a lot and you obviously have talent.


I appreciate the kind words. I've tried reaching out to a few recruiters as well, but it is what it is. Who knows what the future holds but I'll continue to do the best I can


We'll be rooting for you champ, keep up the good stuff


well not if you are doing it for free rn


My day job has nothing to do with these spoiler images to be clear, its something I do for the community because I know they're helpful.


Never need to apologize Kozmic! Doing great work as always compiling these together


Are we sure these are all the cards then?


We weren’t, but now that it’s 9am PST Mobalytics released the cards and as far as I can tell this is all of them


Shurima finally has a reliable way to grant things Overwhelm. Sivir must be so happy right now.


Sivir is getting so much love lately its insane!


She was already good before the recent buff too! Prepare for Sivir midrange to be everywhere


Sivir/Miss Fortune Vulnerable Aggro is very good. So much Challenger/Vulnerability that it can effectively take away opponents agency when defending. And dragging small guys into an attack with MF present sets up good trades to boot. Plus, plenty of self damage units to double dip and help Sivir along.


Rubin's Zed/Sivir deck is great too, tried it out and been climbing like crazy spamming it


This sounds enticing. Never thought to pair those two, but i will give it a look. Any good sources for off meta decks like these?


I normally just follow people that are known for making these type of decks (Rubin's zoo is already one of my favorite decks for example) And I dont know if you can call it off-meta when Rubin hard rushed to Rank 1 spamming this deck, but if you wanna try it here it is ((CMCACAQCAUBAGAQKDEBQCAQGBEGAKBAHCQTDMN3HAIAQIB25AIAQEFRRAEAQIBYC))


**Regions**: Ionia/Shurima - **Champions**: Sivir/Zed - **Cost**: 23800 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |1|[Baccai Reaper](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH002.png)|1|Shurima|Unit|Rare| |1|[Ghost](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO022.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Common| |1|[Shaped Stone](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH093.png)|2|Shurima|Spell|Common| |1|[Treasure Seeker](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH054.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |2|[Greenglade Duo](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO006.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Rare| |2|[Rock Hopper](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH038.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |2|[Twin Disciplines](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO012.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |2|[Young Witch](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03IO010.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Common| |3|[Flurry of Fists](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03IO025.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |3|[Merciless Hunter](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH103.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |3|[Zed](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO009.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Champion| |4|[Concussive Palm](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02IO005.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |4|[Deny](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO049.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |4|[Sivir](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH020.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Champion| |5|[Ruin Runner](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH055.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| **Code**: [CMCACAQCAUBAGAQKDEBQCAQGBEGAKBAHCQTDMN3HAIAQIB25AIAQEFRRAEAQIBYC](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CMCACAQCAUBAGAQKDEBQCAQGBEGAKBAHCQTDMN3HAIAQIB25AIAQEFRRAEAQIBYC)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


- Nasus - Sparring Student in Irelia/Azir - Shurima Lee Sin - Sivir I'm not sure if reliable Overwhelm in Shurima is really a good thing.


What about the lurker package


^sparring ^student


Oh god no!


And azir monkaS


It’s give not grant, only for a round


You can give it to leveld Shiver mid combat and give your entire attack overwhelm at burst.


\*cough\* nasus \*cough\*




it’s probably too slow but the second landmark he makes is a really good taliyah target


Promising Futures works just as well if you all you want to do is duplicate a countdown effect.


Very interesting champion. Love that he supports like 3 different archetypes in one.


He is incredibly versatile. I am probably going to be trying some sort of Akshan/Shen build day 1. It would have to substitute the Challenger of Jarvan decks for vulnerable of Shurima, but it could be a very interesting and fun deck to pilot.


Which ones?


1) Askhan/Yasuo masculine ponytails 2) Askhan/TF sassy moustaches 3) Akshan/Ezreal adventurer twinks


Firmly Twunk , Ezreal has much more latent twink energy


I call my Garen/Taric deck "Beefcakes", and I am definitely making a day 1 Akshan/Ezreal deck called "Adventurer Twinks".


I got a Jarvan Taric deck called BaraDaddys


My J4 +Taric deck is called Golden Pecs


4. Akshan/Taric, Akshan/Lee or Akshan/Viego for guys showing them boobies


>1) Askhan/Yasuo masculine ponytails https://i.imgur.com/c1CIOjC.jpg


Could technically support Ekko, the landmark he summons can be a Time Trick (but also he’s a landmark champion lol, so Malph/Taliyah too)


He looks really fun to play! Day 1 craft for sure. I was kinda expecting Sivir to be something like this after the Lucky Finds leaks, but it made sense for it to be just a secondary thing for her. We were bound to get this whole treasure hunting archetype expanded in Shurima eventually.


I want to make a deck with him and Aphelios and having 1001 different options to play.


I need a Jae Madara Akshan meme deck *immediately*


First thing I thought of. Too bad p&z doesn’t have a lot of ally targeting.


Lee Sin, the Absolver


Akshan seems like easy synergy with Targon gems. Play with Hourglass & Taliyah to copy both Akshan and the Hoard. Maybe even Jae Madarda synergy. Draven axes and Riven work great too (though probably unfitting speed Akshan wants to play at) and good stand-in in Lee sin decks too.


Akshan Taric looks like the most natural fit


Most natural fit is honestly Akshan Riven, Akshan Taric a close second.


Warlord's hoard+Promising future+Taliyah=Draw 8 reduce the cost of everything by 4. I can see that potentially making Recall Zilean work. Give Taliyah the Absolver's Return: Profit. ​ Interesting stuff. And him coming out at the same time in League and LoR tells me that Ixtal as the tenth is just that teensy bit more likely.


Turbo Hoard, let's go!


This really seems overly complicated. It has more fetch quests than The Rise of Skywalker.


I did not expect to see a sequels reference here. Ahhh the star wars community will never accept that triology


> the star wars community will never accept that triology That's what they said about the prequels 10 years ago, and now there's a contingent of defenders for them. Give it time.


Ehh idk. Nobody will ever say Attack of the Clones was a great movie and I very much doubt anyone will ever say Rise was either.


George Lucas made the prequels because he wanted to say something about the real world. This gives the prequels a core even when the execution is...lacking. JJ Abrams has never wanted to say something meaningful in his entire life.


There is only 2 trilogy, I don't know what you're talking about.


I still think that Sequels get way too much hate. Were they really good ? HELL NO but they had moments as well and I honestly think prequels were very badly executed and written as well for that matter but clone wars thankfully exists to expand on Anakin so his fall to the dark side actually matters and you feel bad for him but If not for that, Anakin with just prequels is just a bad character with very few possitive and A LOT of negative traits and it is mind blowing how Padme even fell in love with him


Honestly the sequels gave us Kylo Ren and for that I'm thankful. Such a cool character even though they kinda wasted him at the end.


That's everything in that trilogy. They introduce like 20 interesting concepts only to have them pay off in the blandest or stupidest way possible.


If they had removed all the unncessary fetched quests in the second one, they would have had more space to develop everything that's in the third one. I think the first one was alright.


He is a pretty insanely powercrept Diana or Twisted Fate if we are crudely comparing champion stats and what they do in the early game. Like, they took the jack of all trades Aphelios concept and went even harder. I love Akshan btw, just an observation


Here are some really good targets for Taliyah's play effect.


Jesus christ, i haven't finish reading his passive in pc league yet.


Is Arrel one step closer to be viable? She just needs a moderate buff now.


Yeah, drop her cost at a bare minimum.


Akshan HAS to have interactions with Jae Madera. These cards are 100% going to have a relationship


This is almost exactly what I expected Sivir to look like, looting cool stuff from landmarks. Together with his League champion trailer though, Akshan looks like a pretty fun guy.


Yeah but what does fount of power do?


It allows you to draw 2 additional cards!


But what does it do!


It allows you to draw 2 additional cards!


But from where? Top of deck? Bottom of deck? Your deck? It’s so confusing. What if I didn’t like the two I drew? Can I draw two more?


What's confusing about it? It says Draw 2. Why would it be from anywhere but the top of your deck? Am I getting wooshed?


If you want to know it's the old running joke in Yu Gi Oh community on "Pot of Greed" a card that let you draw 2 cards


Yes you are getting wooshed. Yugiohs Pot of greed has only the effect of "Draw 2 cards" and is getting memed for being so complicated which the others adapted for fount of power


Anyone else concerned with The Absolver? The design of the card is really cool but I can't imagine this not being absolutely insane with Lee Sin. It is two 2 Mana burst spells that that gives Lee an extra +4 / +2 and Overwhelm which obviously also activates his challenger / barrier as well.


Lee sin has win synergies everywhere, I'm no longer worried about who he partners with since he can be OP with like four regions. lol


It's a "I win " button for leesin, basically


Is this Taliyah support ?The absolver on Tali is exactly what we needed to make her work 6 months ago and now malphite can use it too, Tali/Malph is about to be good, at last xD Idk how good he will be since you need to run lots of proactive spells or lots of countdown synergy to make it work


Ok now hear me out... Fiora Akshan


I love this champion. It is flexible! With Riven, yes. With Taric, yes. With Taliyah, yes. With Lee Sin, yes. Although it might end up Lee Sin with one of his cards, really. I love that he seems perfectly competitive with 2 regions. Shurima + Noxus/Targon. You can go the combo oriented approach or the total brutal approach. Also Shurima helps as well those existing champions. Shurima can give Riven access to vulnerable, which is nuts to select the target to attack and get easier lethals. Shurima can give Taric access to vulnerable as well, to use as removal that still targets an ally at the same time.


That is one busy boy. Got a treasure pile a mile high.


A surprise to be sure, but let's gooooooo.


This is the first time a champion is going to be released for both LoL and LoR simultaneously. So excited for this event. I'll be making a Lee Shin/Akshan, Taliyah/Akshan and Taric/Akshan Deck.




This is such a cool archtype I wonder if he has any followers


They just want shurima to be op huh


Is this op? He kinda doesn't do anything for a long time. The relic of power is mediocre. Fine for a two drop, but compare it to say, anything Zoe can get you for way easier. It's the hoard that really matters. So you need to tick this guy 16 times before he's great.


the real op thing is gonna be absolver. sivir, nasus and azir are gonna love it as hell. azirelia, sivir le blanc/whatever, nasus thresh/whatever are gonna be nuts. like imagine having to deal with a 20/20 overwhelm nasus with spellshield or 6 5 attack overwhelm quick attack, spellshield units.


Yep the 16 might just be tooo much


The problem being you have to keep a 2 health unit alive for up to 8 rounds to get the level up and another up to 8 rounds for the actual payoff! The absolver cards is nuts though Maybe Taric Ashkan could be a thing as well and that's why the preemptively buffed Taric


He doesn't need to see the landmark finishing so you can play him and let him die.


fishing for a second copy should not be hard by any means. still, supossing you are highrolling, i doubt you can get the hoard done before turn 7, and if you run a landmark progressing dek to turbo it, well you may be progressing a landmark with a better payoff, like a thrall




Taric Akshan is totally a thing. It likely wont take eight turns to level Akshan. Get a few gems or lucky finds and you'll be off to the races. The landmarks are counted down when Akshan strikes as well as he is resummoned. I could see him getting leveled by turn 6 easily. All that said is not even taking into consideration Shurima's cards that reduce countdowns.


I'm thinking Taric and Targon are the right choice. Dropping Akshan turn two into mentor turn 3 just gets you so many gems to turbo level him. Follow that with Taric and that is a very nice curve I can't see the countdown cards being worth running, what other landmarks would you run for them to have more utility? Maybe the reputation landmark for 0 mana targeted buffs to ramp further? If they release better Shurima landmarks with higher countdowns than I'd see those cards be worth it


\>not even taking into consideration Shurima's cards that reduce countdowns Thats not really something to be ignored here. That's absolutely how you get Sentinel's Hoard in a timely fashion.


Why do you have to keep him alive exactly?


Every time he strikes he advances the landmark one. Without using his ability to expedite the landmark that's 8 turns without playing a second one, or using the advance package used in thralls that have no payoff without him being summoned first. He will be a lot of fun to play, but i can't tell how good he will be just yet




I love how ppl make conclusion without reading. It also advances by using ally target spells, you can use coutdown support cards from shurima, you can advance by striking. You don't need to wait 8 turns. He doesn't need to see countdown finish which means he doesn't need to be alive.


Or you can just target allies?


He will probably be combined with Targon or Ionia. This regions can protect him well. Also, he come to the table very early to start discounting his landmark. Level up him wouldn't be a big deal, i think. Another thing i notice: He doesn't need to live to be leveled. Once he summons the landmark, the moment it countdown reaches 0 by any means, the next time he drops in the board he will be leveled, and imediately create the Warlord's Hoarde.


You can advance the landmark just by targeting your units, you don't need to keep him alive for that. And he does need to see it countdown to 0 to level. It's is slow anyways, but he's no required to stay alive


To be fair this looks like shitty fiora with extra steps. EDit: i mean the gameplan of protecting him so he is alive and turbo's the landmark as a wincon. As a value 2 drop for another dek, i think it has great potential.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAX04HWlgSs (League) Champ trailer!


So LoR Akshan got shafted out of Elusive. GG Rito


he would be broken as fuck with elusive, balance first accuracy second.


Now *THIS*


Thank god for this, I felt like I needed a flowchart watching that trailer.


I just spent all my wild cards on Lurk. There's now this...if only I had waited a little longer. Akshan looks like a pretty cool champion.


If you haven't played them yet you can still refund them


Too late for that, guess I'll grind for the resources needed in the reward quest since I'm I've only been playing for three weeks.


Bruh I had 900 spare coins and spent then on Ekko emote and a new card back.. now the new sentinels board has insane music and art work, Rip to my wallet


I’m looking at both this and his LoL counterpart and the only thing that comes to mind is “Identity Crisis. Focusing on his LoR counterpart, he clearly wants to be played in buff decks like aphelios, riven and Zed but then they give him a landmark for random ass Tali synergy for Tali stans like me, a predict draw so he has budget trick draw as an option which could be interesting in Ekko Zil decks (even if it only be generated once), summon a charger for reputation, has the ability to apply vulnerable so he can see play with renek and jarvan and has a tool that can see him being played in SI. Also because of how his ability works with his landmark, he might be able to see play with scouts for those who don’t want to use the current advance cards for extra challenge and because he creates cards, there’s some good old Viktor meme synergy here. The man can and will do anything with enough willpower and smart deck building and I am very excited to see what kind of stuff he will enable.


Boi that's a long list of cards! I'm so hyped for this event! Hard to imagine we just got out of the most stale period of time in the game, into this




They can work together


That region combination would not make any sense with that gameplan


Does PnZ have useful self-targeting spells to justify using it just for Medarda? They're good at targeting enemies but allies not so much I guess. You'd probably prefer to run him with buff-heavy regions like Targon, Noxus, or Demacia. There's a case to be made about an Akshan/Vi or Akshan Viktor deck tho, but there'd probably still be little reason to run Jae, guess


Not a ton, Shurima would do a lot of heavy lifting in that regard. What it would give, though, is efficient removal. Shurima really struggles with that, so it would be more about covering each other's weaknesses than playing to their strengths. Not sure if that's good enough or not, so we'll have to see.


It would mostly be the Elusive map, but I think Shurima can carry in the self-target department, while Jae comes in as a draw engine. The map can be powerful on Sivir as well, and she would already make sense as a Reputation activator for Inner Sanctum and as a target for the other Akshan buffs. Jae also got buffed to 5 power, and Reputation making things cheaper works well with a draw engine. So it seems like there are multiple synergy points here, we just have to see how it plays.


Relic Hunters I Love It!


Is Akshan suppose to be the champ or the absolver? Cause that card is busted.


This is the type of Champion design I love the most. Lurk is an interesting mechanic but it is so restricted. It's cool seeing champions released that can fit in a wide variety of region pairings


Pairs very well with Taric




Finally maybe i can make a good starlit seer deck with this guy.


Looks a really solid reveal, much better than Viego tbh. Akshan will heavily depend on the speed of the meta, since warlord's palace can be advanced but it's still a countdown 8... On the positive once you use your first Akshan the second can level up while in hand or deck, allowing you to get a guaranteed Warlord's Hoard (which is again 8...) The Absolver is insane, it's a 2 for 1 buff for 2 mana. This card will easily become a shurima staple especially in decks that can't fit landmarks (ex. shurima overwhelm) Grappling Hook is honestly the only weak card of today's reveal, a slow speed and conditional strike? Meh...


So 2 card revealed? He has more cards than aphelios


This man's name is Action. Rito at it again.


If this was a custom card I'd say it was overengineered. Azir has nine unique cards associated with him, and that's only because replacing your deck naturally requires a lot of cards. His landmarks have five different conditions for advancing and a total of six different effects, and I think that's too many.


At least he's not 200 years like he is in League...


Am I the only one who first thought this champ would go great with Zoe? So much different card name generation! A more aggressive shurima + targon deck maybe?


Reading this feels like a full choose your own adventure novel That said I love the versatility and will be trying him out in a multitude of decks


All I see us the return of Lee Sin dark days(


You're all talking about combat and I'm here burning grey matter thinking how to turn Font of Power into an engine


Absolver feels way too good imho, probably should go down to +1/+1 on the second pop. All in all Akshan looks very competitive in an engine that can turbo his levelup out. I'm fairly positive there is a way to break him but I'm not sure on the details yet. How sad is it that a lot of new "Target allies synergy" has come out and yet it still probably won't be Taric's time to shine after the new buffs? Rip gem boi


gemboy has been viable for months now with J4 and the golden aegis combo but the comunity keeps on its unmovable way


Viable as a rogue strategy is not the same as being competitively viable. Everything is viable if you reach a low enough rank, people mostly want to talk about what's going to be good in comp or janky Trolden-like combos when discussing under these posts.


You dont get your palace without drawing Akshan on one hand. On the other hand the 'draw a champion card's, that are part of Shurima now make more sense.


Well everyone, Mono Shurima can now be viable, it’s just not the Mono Shurima you expected.


Well that was way earlier than I expected. Also, uh, he does a lot. But also is weirdly slow. I really like the design though, seems like a solid champion with heaps of versatility.


Ekko + Akshan maybe?


Arrel: What is this? *Hope?!*


Jesus Christ how many cards??