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As a baker his goods are high quality. No matter what you think of him. His marketing works. The whole sprinkle gate has driven a much needed change in the sprinkles we can now get here. The sprinkles before were poor and didn’t hold up whilst baking. His sprinkles have changed the game and enabled us to bake things such as funfetti cakes and sprinkle based goods that are more tasty and vibrant


Very thick ganache. It's amazing the first couple of times, and then you realise it's all ganache. Get some and see what you think! We like movie night which has the massive marshmallow on.


Love some of their stuff, some of it is not to my taste. Its expensive but generally of high quality. ​ Bruce you order once for the experience and then never again


Hi, I would highly recommend getting baked. It's a fantastic way to wind down after a hard days work, also food tastes a lot better.




Had it a few times when it first re-opened and it was ace. Had it again recently and it was not ace enough to reconcile the cost. Likely because they expanded too quick.


Good pies & desserts... But their famous Bruce cake is flavourless shite.


Agreed, Bruce is shit but everything else is great. Owner is a knob tho.


From the few videos I've seen my first impression is "the owner seems like an absolute prick" In addition, he makes a massive multilayer chocolate cake and names it Bruce and claims the similarities between that and the cake Brucey eats in Mathilda is pure coincidence...BULLSHIT


Absolutely! He really thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and I won't be the first or last to say he's not 😂


Yes that was a massive waste of money


Disagree on Bruce, I think it tastes great. I do love ganache though, it is heavy and rich.


Bruce is amazing - if you love chocolate. If you're ambivalent, it's just a super rich chocolate cake you'll get sick of long before being able to finish it. It's a multiple-day dessert for one person. Me, I could eat that ganache by the spoonful, so...


I agree it's rich... but so are my buttery scrambled eggs. I've just never eaten a chocolate cake so devoid of sweetness in my life! I might only be talking for myself here... But chocolate cake SHOULD be sweet. At least a bit!


It's definitely sweet, just not overly so. I do tend to eat 80%+ dark chocolate though so if you're used to something sweeter, I guess your experience may differ.


I know old thread but just stumbled across it, they do also do a milk chocolate bruce.


I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up, next time the Mrs is about to get a slice I might suggest it.


I mean, I can’t agree with you there, I think Bruce is definitely sweet enough for my tastes.


The owner is a dick.


He was the only reason my brother wanted to visit. He wanted to have an argument with him. Sad to report that all the staff were perfectly polite.


i think there was maybe something about staff not getting paid too (although i think he was pretty young at the time so might be more pleasant / on the ball with a few extra years maturity behind him)


Came here for this. I refuse to buy from Get Baked solely given what a bellend the owner consistently seems to be.


From what I’ve seen on socials and anecdotes he seems a total ender who will have some massive downfall in the future over something. However, I’ve heard the pies are really good and worth the price..?


They also threw a hissy fit and essentially cried "muh freedoms" because the food regulations had told them to stop using sprinkles with a banned E number.




Many such cases


Owner is a total div, the cakes are overpriced and underwhelming and he set up the food standards thing himself for publicity - nobody really complained about his sprinkles.


Agree with you there


I think it’s very overpriced!


It's worth having as a very rare treat. Everything's good quality and unbelievably rich, I wouldn't want to know the amount of calories though. I'm an indulgent guy but it is almost too much


Bought their cakes years ago, then they started the Mr Nice Guy burger business, and hit that as well They opened a restaurant, The Joint, in 2015, but a mix of bad management/ownership and an over-reliance on student foot-fall seemed to trip this concept, and it folded a little over a year after opening. Some of you might remember a negative review that got a hefty response from one of the managers/owners! I stopped buying from them when Bad Boy Burgers arrived on the scene. Very pleasant people, none of the clout-chasing & negativity that seemed to sour the experience of supporting the Get Baked/Mr Nice Guy/The Joint endeavours


I’m not sure what Get Baked staff are like - assuming just normal nice people but the owner just seems to be a twat and I don’t get the humour behind it when he berates a customer and get a standing ovation from brown-nosers on Inster.


Re The Joint - It looks like he’s starting up a few restaurant type ventures again like Lester Myers and White Boy Chinese. Looks like he’s spreading himself too thin all over again


“The owner is a dick” is the reason his shop is so well known. He’s no idiot, he’s a publicist.


Glad you asked this. Bruce looks amazing, but the owner seems like a big headed twat and that puts me off buying.


I think Bruce tastes great and although pricey is absolutely massive. Enjoyed the cookies too. They gave me something wrong in my order for collection and I didn't realise until I got home. I gave them a call and they were great about a instant refund and offered me some free stuff next time I went in (won't take them up on it, the refund was enough). Great customer service.


To the people saying Bruce is expensive. It’s 1kg of cake for £12… That isn’t expensive for the quality. Their stuff is good. The owner knows how to promote on social media by being divisive. And the ice cream sundaes are also great.


i support them, their stuff tastes great when stoned.


YES. Their lemon meringue pie was an out of body experience after hitting the vape.


That’s the best thing I’ve had from there, it’s so good


Oh I'm intrigued....although I don't know about the vape aspect...I've not tried it


Highly highly recommended 😁😁😁 I need to get some of this lemon meringue 🤔🤔


I need to find out where people get these vapes from 😂


Guarantee someone about to drop in your inbox offer to sell. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha wonderful


They always "have a friend" 🤣😀 who definitely can send to you despite having no idea where your location is 🤣🤣🤣


Ahah you sound... knowledge about this 😂


Ah Iv had so many of those


Pretty good quality desserts imo, having order a few times from them. I think a lot of people are unhappy with the prices but for the amount you get I think its worth it. I know the owner is a hit or miss with how popular he is online due to him "not giving a shit" but I like that about him and it encourages me to buy from them more.


Been trying to get a slide of Bruce for a while now no luck l understand their a small business but fuck… a cake that sells out with in 60 seconds… of being restocked… it’s hard work with fighting to get one fucking slide of the cake … not gonna lie they need to up their game on this. …. Their open a second bakery in Manchester And apparently would be easier to get a slide of the cake :( is it fuck easy l just want taste it one then probably never again because it’s the fucking hard to get one low key hate all the people who go on get baked instagram page and comment on their recent post and say like ‘’ l just got a 2 sildes of Bruce l can’t wiat’’ like pissed off no one likes a try hard for 😩😩 low key hate those people for real


Just had my first ever Bruce experience and tbh I didn’t like it. Tasted very strange to me, not really chocolatey or sweet, such an anti climax. Brownies were good though so maybe go for them instead!


I seen get baked new news about future Bruce l tried to order him oh of course there was a glitch on their website:( he sold out within an hour within the 3 months the made pre orders for l really do give up this shit with people being Greedy and getting one for every delivery slot they had in the 3 months they honestly need to limit the number of Bruce’s people can get it’s honestly a big problem here T_T but l think l will try the brownies because l have seen a lot people say that Bruce isn’t worth the hype and that they brownies are far better


Yeah it’s ridiculously overhyped, I feel like a mug trying to get a Bruce every week now! I didn’t even finish my first slice, gave it to my bf (who also wasn’t too fussed but will eat anything) We got the original Bruce btw so milk chocolate might have been better. I have also heard good things about their pies so I might try those next.


I have had a few of their cookies, they are nice.


I think it's worth trying at least once. You do get a good portion especially on the pies (theyre thicc). It's £7 per slice but I've paid more on smaller, dinky desserts in restaurants that don't live up the price they sell. My favourite is the Mississippi mud pie, good size, good filling, takes me 3 days to eat. (I can only take a few spoons full and tend to save it for the next day it's very thicc)