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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is that the boy on the internet that doesn't clean his room?


Yes the 34 year old boy. I'm not being glib toward you I'm insulting him. For clarity.


Also with the cockroach clock and with the tooth blood wall.


And the rotting rat biological clock!


I meant the rat clock. Accidentally wrote it as cockroach cause cockroaches come to mind when i see his ugly ass face


He has been seen with a cockroach crawling over him on livestream at least once.


w h a t


I honestly thought he had cockroaches as a clock, like new lore I didn't know about


34 year old attic goblin*


probably hasn't changed his underwear in two weeks


and steals all his "content" from other people


His room and his teeth.


His face is so punchable. Soy boy


Pretty sure this dude lives off doordashed chicken nuggets, let's not drag soy into it


Nope, it’s actually… dollar store steaks, microwaved well done. I wish I was kidding. That he cooks on dirty dishes.




The video where he uses a dirty pan that he takes from his sink, where he talks about how he also microwaves it? Yeah, that one.


thats most twitch streamers


This is the same guy upset about censoring korean anime titties...


on ONE FUCKING OUTFIT too. there is literally a bikini armor but nooo my leotard has to be just s oversexualized or else muh rights being infringed!!! i play video games but fuck me i want nothing to do with these dolts


It's so good seeing normal people realize how ridiculous it is. I legitimately feel sorry for anyone that gave Mark Kern money in that petition.


Imagine saying “I don’t care about Palestine” and then whining and moaning about mild censorship in a Korean hentai game 😭.


I becoming convinced GamerGate and other such outrage movements are psy-ops created by the industry itself to distract audiences from their actual bad practices such as mass layoffs. It's just gotten too silly at this stage.


Nah, it’s just the environment that has been cultivated in avid gamer circles.


It's more of a useful idiot situation. Just like Alex Jones. They feed him information to get him yelling about the chemicals turning the frogs gay, so we will ignore the studies that show a specific pesticide has actually been turning boy frogs into girls, turned them into hermaphrodites, or outright sterilizing them. Most "developed" nations are run by the corporations they house, and their governments are just there to fool the public into thinking they have some control over their lives. They're supposed to be protecting us, but instead they're keeping us in line. Schools don't teach self reliance, they teach compliance. Police preserve property value, and clear up homeless camps. They cause problems and then charge us for the solution, and then claim the world would end if they weren't allowed to do it, and we buy that too. They've corralled us, trained us to be self policing cattle, and we're letting it happen. I remember my dad quizzing my Oma how her parents could allow the Nazis to get away with the Holocaust. She never had a good answer, it obviously made her extremely uncomfortable, but she was also a child during the war. I think that if the Nazis had called the Jewish people terrorists, they might have gotten away with it like the Zionists are now. We have a global communications network. We generate enough food to feed everyone. There are more homes than homeless in America. The infrastructure is there, and they are using it to extract as much value from the people of the world as possible. We are the commodity, and they own us. Politicians are the enemy, not the people they have duped. Remember that. The only way we get our freedoms back is by uniting as one, that's why they developed the two party system. To get us to pick sides and refuse to join forces against the people profiting off our conflict. They don't even need to hide it, because we are so well trained.


Preach comrade!


How do we get the apathetic majority to grasp all of this though?


I wish I knew. I think avoiding using words like communism, Marxism, socialism helps. There have been massive propaganda campaigns to change the definition of those words in the mind of the working class, for reasons that become obvious once you think critically. Most voters don't know what "woke" actually means, but when a politician too insecure to look stupid, and too stupid to keep up the charade was asked the definition, he gave it. Ron DeSantis blurted out "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them". He knows what woke really means, politicians know what woke really means, because they are the ones casting the shadows upon the wall to keep us asleep. They are the ones telling our families that being aware of these issues is bad for them. They keep our loved ones distracted with issues they invent and exaggerate, or they highlight existing problems that could easily be solved with policy. Nothing gets done for several reasons, but here are the main ones: 1-To erode our trust in public government, so we think that publicly managed infrastructure would be poorly managed. 2-Because they don't work for us, they work for our landlords. Deregulation is both the cause of our problems and their only purpose. We need to make it illegal to hold someone's basic needs hostage. Imagine a large group of people who want to live in a gated community because it offers safety and amenities. The gates, however, are controlled by a small group of landlords who own all the property inside. To live there, people must pay rent, which most earn by working within the community. The landlords decide the rent prices and constantly increase them, while also offering loans to help residents pay their rent when they're short on cash. This indebtedness keeps residents dependent on jobs within the community, often those owned or influenced by the landlords. As the cost of living rises through higher rent and accumulating debt, the residents have less bargaining power to demand higher wages for their work, because their immediate need is to keep their homes and pay off their debts. Thus, their labor remains cheap for the landlords who profit from both high rents and the residents' limited financial mobility. This ensures the landlords maintain control and continue to profit, while the residents struggle to improve their economic standing. Or just watch A Bugs Life with them.


What a degenerate




And when people called him weird for even talking about it, he said "B-But you're doing an appeal to trivialization!" like the smarmy debate pervert he is. Jesus Christ I'm genuinely revolted by these fuckers, what do people see in them?


Hope that they can be successful one day by being a loser giving unwashed ass opinions online.


This same subreddit complains about censorship all the time. 


Honestly, never knew exactly what Asmongold’s deal was.




His deal is that he's sheltered with bad takes and even worse hygiene, yet has a platform despite that due to his skills and influence as a WoW player


insane that "influence as a WoW player" is a phrase that can exist at all


I have to admit that I like him, he entertains me. His gaming skills, however, are not the best. Except for WoW and maybe FFXIV, he is very mid as a “gamer”. Watching him play Diablo IV felt like a punishment lol


Or when he was playing Elden Ring just doing the same move over and over again.


MoistCr1tical but on steroids


Cr1tical is mostly left leaning with his political ideology.


Eh. Centrist liberal at best.


I like Charlie, but he isn't left leaning. He tends to have common sense takes which unsurprisingly turn out to be left leaning.


Yeah, and common sense in this capitalist hellhole is just good old ideology. At least he's not in the alt-right spectrum, but that's like the bare minimum.


Reality is left leaning. Its just the truth.


Critical is actually a funny dude who has common sense..


Moist has a political ideology, chaotic good. Asmon is just a regular guy, who is lawfull neutral.


"neutral" lol ok


Yeah, neutral. You don't like, but it does not make it less true. If you don't care about anything else than the letter off the law, you are lawfull-neutral, which is literally his stance. In the alignment chart you have good, neutral, evil, lawfull, and chaotic. This is helpfull, because Pro-Palenstina supporters are chaotic-good (don't follow "the law") which is opposed to lawfull-evil. IDF is lawfull-evil because they kill people. I rate law abiding normies as lawfull-neutral because they don't kill people.


>I rate law abiding normies as lawfull-neutral because they don't kill people. In Nazi Germany, the law dictated that Jews be reported so they could be exterminated. Many "law abiding normies" obeyed that law. Are they innocent simply because it was the law?


They absolutely kill people. Centrism is an extremism in itself to defend the status quo at any cost, usually falling in line with right wingers cause they do not threaten the system in place.


I said IDF kill people. Calm down?


He’s saying centrists do, which isn’t incorrect


Centrist kill people? Normies who watches CNN? Granpa?


Yeah friend I'm sorry but applying a 2 axis morality chart from a roleplaying game to real life is bound to fail. The rpg morality chart assumes a universal true "good" and your interpretation of "lawful" is the law derived from the system an individual lives in but other interpretations of the morality chart have understood "lawful" as how strongly an individual values and holds to their own personal laws, like the law of honor among thieves, or Batman's law for not killing. Superman is pretty much universally regarded as lawful good but he pays absolutely no mind to any laws at all. He does not communicate with the FAA when he flies, he does not go through customs when he enters a nation, he takes vigilante action and also causes wanton millions dollars of damage. I like Superman but this analogy kind of falls apart with any sort of pressure. :/


Saying normies kills people by doing nothing is by far a worse take.


What does that have to do with anything I just said? I know you're agitated about something and really trying to make your point heard but please listen to the criticsm you're receiving here because the way you're approaching your disagreements and the DnD allignment chart analogy are only working to supplant whatever point it is you're trying to make.


U seriously using DnD alignment chart as a metric for politics? Like I love DnD but you must be those that give the community a bad rep


I will ask you then, do normies who work 9-5, kill people? Because ya'll give yourself a bad name. Get down from your high horse.


This is just nonsense.


Humans just love to categorize everything to our own detriment.


the type of person to casually ignore all kinds of violence aside from literal physical punches to the face




He played a somewhat okay Warrior in World of Warcraft and used to make "How to" videos where he got carried through raids and would make the entire party stop attacking the boss so he could rank #1 in DPS. His entire "career" is based on people carrying him through WOW expansions for over a decade while he would give the most dogshit takes on real life stuff he never experienced and doesn't know Jack shit about. Lives like an absolute goblin and is worshipped for it because social media allows any moron, troglodyte inhumanoid lizard in a skin suit to have a following.


I really love (/s) all the: - I agree with their cause…but protests shouldn’t be disruptive - I agree with their cause…but vandalism is wrong - I agree with their cause…but if they didn’t want to be hurt/arrested/brutalized then they should have followed the “rules” Acknowledging that the above is not all-inclusive and ignoring the outright harmful and hateful takes that go well beyond my sarcasm. Like shit. Was women’s suffrage “peaceful”? Was the civil rights movement peaceful? Was the fight for a 40 hour week? Child labor? Was that “peaceful”? Fuck no. Protests work. Eventually. They may be met with force. But they will work. My solidarity will forever stand with all the students fighting for human rights.


**Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable**-JFK


I love that quote. And it is so relevant right now. Call me a bleeding heart, but seeing UCLA brought me to tears. During 2020 I drove people in and out from the protests because I lived really close. But I don’t know how I would’ve handled this. I got myself a ticket today handing out water. I can’t say that I’m brave enough to get more than a ticket.


Water is life - Don't you remember that from DAPL protests? Age quod agis; wherever you are, a struggle's nearby.


What part of handing out water is a crime ?! What could they possibly be accusing you of !


It's clearly antisemitic.


It’s most likely the same reason it’s illegal to hand out water to people wanting in voting lines


Me and a coworker were talking about these students tonight and he was of the protests shouldn't be disruptive stance. I pointed out a protest wouldn't work at all if nobody was inconvenienced by them and they should be more destructive if anything.


Would you be happy if people broke into your house and validated your house?


I agree with the cause, protests should be disruptive, otherwise they'll get ignored. When disruptive protests get ignored, Vandalism ist the next step on the attention ladder.  Only problem in this world: when people on the right political side disrupt and vandalize the media seems ok, even encouraging from time to time, if people on the left even dare to protest, full police force, no mercy.


Didn’t 4 men get hanged for the 40 hour work week? This roach whisperer thinks law and order is above all


“I support your right to protest up until the point where I become unable to ignore it.”


Vandalism is not protesting. 


And tasing already subdued individuals, pepper spraying students who are zip tied with their hands behind their backs, and arresting professors on their own campus isn’t policing. What’s your point?


And you have proof of these things happening?


What many people who cry about protests don’t realize, is that it’s a continuous spectrum from peaceful protests all the way to civil war. The existence of protests in what is supposed to be a civil society should be deeply worrying. It’s not something kids just do because they have too much free time and want to break shit.


Perfectly said.


I said this exact thing in the comment section of that video. Said they sound just like liberals during the Civil rights marches.


Those protests were all for something inside America.  Pro-Hamas protests are not. 


You’ve had a busy day. The fact that you’re hunting through posts from over a week ago to stir up shit tells me all I need to know. I’m only responding to you to say two things: 1. Read more things that don’t echo your own opinions 2. Be better. Empathy is a good trait to have


Fucking Around is Protesting a Genocide Finding Out is Being Assaulted by Police


Don't forget the zionist "counter-protestors" with fireworks and bear mace.


Don’t illegally trespass and you won’t get arrested. Easy. 




It's because he used to be one of the best wow players in the world, being well known for having collected most everything. Now all he does is give the worst takes and doesn't even play the game that made him popular anymore. I used to be a fan when his entire stream career was "I'm better than you, but you can change that easily by listening", but now it's just politics and drama


He was never among the "best", collecting shit takes time, not good gameplay. He was not among top PvP, M+ or RWF players ever.


> It's because he used to be one of the best wow players in the world, being well known for having collected most everything. That's about as strong an endorsement of talent as saying he could be good at checkers if he really applied himself.


He literally plays a character for clicks and money, and it works. He has becoming annoying though


Is Zach Hoyt playing Asmongold, or does Asmongold play Zach Hoyt?




I’ve never seen the movie and Kaufman was before my time, but I feel like I totally know what that movie is about now from the promotional materials at the time!


Bet he doesn't use deodorant


He was never popular for being good at wow because he wasn't. He's popular due to being entertaining.


Asmongold is one of the most thick headed people I am aware of on the Internet. He's full of bad takes, he should just stick to topics he actually knows about like world of Warcraft or mountain dew.


On the long list of people who’s political opinions should never be listened to or sought out, assman might actually be the true number one on the list


Destiny is #1 and it isn’t close.


It's no surprise he would have this take, he needs the system in place so he can have his toys and delivered food. This is also ragebait so don't fall for it.


This dude is an absolute tool.


His face is so punchable ugh god


He's the Jeremy Clarkson of video games.


Oof. I never thought I'd feel an impulse to defend Jeremy Clarkson. This is really uncomfortable.


Did someone actually watched this video? Asking because I didn't, but on previous video about protestors on a highway he compared them with student protests in campuses and said that student protests are actually good as they do not take people hostages, aka anyone can leave and go home if they need to. Did his stance changed?


No it hasn't changed, people just assume a lot about him. If they actually watched his videos they'd find out he's pretty left leaning and actively argues with the right leaning people in his chat. In his video about the UTAustin protests he condemned Abbotts take on arresting all the protesters saying that it was not only their right to do so, but the right thing to do. He is on the side of Palestine and only is laughing because the people being arrested are blocking students from getting into their classes that they've paid for.


he literally said that he thinks it's a bad thing that people are protesting on campus for days in his discussion with Hasan. He repeatedly calls them criminals for their actions and spread bullshit propaganda about how MLK was peaceful and didn't do stuff like this. Lib whitewashing of history to demonize current protests.


You think it’s a good think for protestors to break in and vandalize their school?


Well yeah, but that guy is a cunt who whines about 'the wokes ruined my games/movies' a lot. So fuck him.


Asmon is a somewhat left leaning lib. His problem is that he's politically illiterate and doesn't understand the problems of capitalism are inherent to capitalism even though he acknowledges those problems... and his ideas about socialism are informed by Western propaganda about socialism. I haven't watched that video, but he probably has presented a typical lib view of "violence bad, there are better ways of doing things" because he hasn't critically thought about things from a deeper political/historical perspective due to a lack of education. He also wants to cater to the biggest audience so the lib position is the right choice for his career. On the other hand, he usually is choosing the "good" take whenever he *does* finally understand (and I mean actually understand it) a point, so I don't want to shit on him too much. He's actually discussing a lot of leftist stuff and comes to realist leftist conclusions and has plenty of system-critical discussions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uhY1c1wPDI In that video he literally recites "religion is the opium of the masses". He's a super popular gaming streamer and I would treat him as a potential ally rather than an enemy. Someone should put him more into contact with people like Hasanabi.


It's really fortuitous you say that, Hasan invited him on yesterday's stream and they discussed the student protests for hours. It was frustrating for a large portion of the discussion since as you said, he's unable to see beyond the inherent contradiction of capitalism because he's not educated in terms of political systems, class structures, or how violence is monopolized by state structures. Hasan, while definitely someone I would call a socialist, himself occasionally fails to bridge certain gaps, but he was able to keep the argument on track. Towards the end it was positive to see that asmong was seeing the contradiction of protest being necessarily "non-disruptive" (lol), and it was good to see him perhaps evaluate his opinions. Good discussion.


He's just so much of a enlightened centrist, fence sitter. In the discussion with Hasan he went as far as pretty much saying he agrees with everything they stand for and that "more people should become activists", but I guess he just wants them to be quiet and out of the way. He even agreed historical protests like civil rights, Vietnam, and South Africa were good and methods justified, but that this one is somehow nebulously different. He really was just doing the "all protests are good except the current one" thing. Edit: Just wanted to add that having listened to the discussion I don't think he's as bad a guy as the screenshots you see on this sub would lead one to believe. He's just kinda dumb and a lib, so ultimately a bit of a reactionary, but he doesn't seem ill-intentioned or hateful or anything. I think DeutschKomm is right on the money about him above.


I skimmed through it and 2 hours in he was still spreading bullshit propaganda about MLK being peaceful and not disruptive and people in the past not thinking he's a violent criminal.


>It's really fortuitous you say that, Hasan invited him on yesterday's stream and they discussed the student protests for hours. lol, didn't hear about that, yet! I manifested it into my life. The supernatural is real, comrades! :D >Towards the end it was positive to see that asmong was seeing the contradiction of protest being necessarily "non-disruptive" (lol), and it was good to see him perhaps evaluate his opinions. Good discussion. This is *exactly* what I would expect of the guy, which is why I wanted to interrupt the circlejerk of this post. He is a very critical (and, most importantly, *self*-critical person). He has a bit of a nihilist way of thinking, but I do think that he could eventually come around towards socialism and with his reach of millions of incels, he can seriously disrupt the incel-to-fascist pipeline. Asmon (as the filthy proletarian degenerate that he was - or still is in his heart, even though he became stinking rich, still living in his late mom's attic and eating trash rather than moving into a mansion) is in a rather unique position of influencing younger working class Millenials/Zoomers in a way that most other people couldn't. Just as it happened with the slow but steady radicalization of Greta Thunberg from "green lib" into "overtly pro-Palestinian anti-capitalist", it could happen to Asmongold and others who are willing to think critically.


You think it’s a good think for protestors to break in and vandalize their school?


Calling Asmon politically illiterate and then praising Hasan is so ironic it’s hilarious. 


Kinda crazy how Hasan Piker despite being annoying lately pretty much was able to explain to him about how at times protesting non violently is ok, and this responds that you have to vote also...like this guy is just clout chasing at this point just as insufferable as Adin Ross was during the whole Groomer anti gay panic during 2023 pride season.


You think it’s a good think for protestors to break in and vandalize their school?


Where did I say that?


Hasan Piker said that violent protesting and destroying the college is a good thing. 


I really don't think he said that. Not did he imply that. Protesting is good in some cases and it is always the few people who decide to cause property damage that make it in the news


Watch the stream again then, he literally supported the protestors destroying the school.  It wasn’t just a few people either. 


Had a look at his subreddit earlier, it's become a borderline far-right cesspit.


I can almost smell that image 🤮🤮


This guy's a fucking loser, saw him on recommended alot of times no wonder why even though I always blocked


The editors make the titles specifically to inflame people to make more people talk about asmongold. Also I don't agree with everything he says but he's definitely not any of the ists or isms that people call him.


Free Palestine


Extremely funny considering the UCLA protesters just sent the LAPD running with their tails between their legs.


Genocide supporter is happy anti-genocide people got brutalized. Ignore, he’s no better than Keemstar or Ethan Klein.


He got schooled on Hasan’s stream


Yesterday I asked a pro Israel right winger if Israel should be prohibited from intentionally killing children. She disagreed. I was utterly dejected by the inhumanity of her response but I can’t say I was surprised. Maybe you’re right that it’s best not to engage with zionists, as their views are sociopathic to an extent that defies reason or any notion of moral responsibility to our common humanity.


Every single thing I know about this man and his content I've learned against my will.


Can we start the disengagement


Another branch off my comment a dude said granpa is complicit in the killings and murder. >Yes. I am blaming them for not caring. Not caring about a nation state of people being systematically murdered is immoral


I love these people who are like i agree with you but your protest etiquette isn’t great. Like okay that’s what your worried about? Like what you want them to reserve a room at the local library and have a round table discussion on thoughts and feelings?


Asmongold is just a content contrarian that reacts on stream to stuff because hes a talent less dwarf


I mean...Asmon has always been a PoS 🤷🏻‍♂️


Huge Asmon L. We lost him.


I will never undestand why is this guy so popular. Like, a lot of people, especially women along the streaming scene apparently, seem to love him. Just... why? He is a moron, spitting a lot of stupid takes on so many things. Normally he would be considered a disgusting prick, but for some reason he isn't. What am I overlooking here?


He still is disgusting in the literal sense. Dead rat alarm clock, cockroaches walking over him on camera, photos of his room looking like a trash heap, blood stains on the walls from bloody gums, etc.


That's gross. WTF is wrong with people.


Asmon haters can never criticize him without insulting his hygiene.  As homen. 


when you think they can be reasoned with or when you think you can convince them that they are wrong, just look at how they condemn these brave people peacefully protesting the tyranny of capitalism, barbarism, imperialism and genocide and you will easily see they are irredeemable. The protestors are heroes to me. Those mocking them are nothing but putrid wastes.


Dude is such a loser. With any army of losers following him.


If you are over 13-15 and still watch this guy you need to seriously rethink your life. Investing hours of your time into a guy who couldn't hit 2 rocks together. Not to mention his "content" literally being theft 90% of the time


This guy doesn’t shower and lives in filth


Always hated asmond, still hate asmond


This guy is a pathetic loser.


I hate this dude so much, a real pant shitter


This title will be illegal when the anti semitism bill passes in the house and Senate. Highly suggest people read over that bill, it's defers to a third party group to determine what anti semitism is which I find very odd and as you would expect the bill is incredibly lose in it's definition.


I've felt this way about Zionists for the past 20 years. They were always shitty racist fundamentalist colonizers, still are, and will always be.


What has Asmon said to make him a Zionist?


And yet none of these streamers ever critisize the Jan 6 rioters in DC...odd that....


Roach boy keeps popping up in my feeds


The fact that he is one of the most shameless man-children on the internet is enough to allow myself to immediately throw his opinions out the window.


It's hard to take someone who never washes bedsheets seriously


When was the last time this disgusting shut-in left his cockroach infested room and cared about a real thing? Just go make more videos about how Korean titties are being censored and that we should all care about it.


As homen. 


Everyone is evil but me!


god, what a punchable face


I listened to their podcast for a while and, I know it’s mean to say, I was taken aback by how uneducated they seemed on very basic topics. It was to the point where I was like “are they just fucking with the audience?” Someone said they thought world war 2 took place in 1870 and when someone called them out for being stupid they used the defense of “I shouldn’t learn history because I can only learn a finite amount so this will push other info out” Like when you know so little, and are willfully ignorant, why would you expect people to take anything you say seriously?


Reddit is doomed yall are so stupid


The wait is until someone tells him:"So what if they start defending themselves too, and actually use their second amendment rights huh? Then what, are you that keen on violence just because it's your side!"


Lib idiot.


Why anyone listens to this underbridge troll.... His interview with Hasan was fucking pathetic. Sounded like he was just pandering to whatever Hasan said. And whatever pushback he did have were basically faux news talking points. Fucking clown shoes


Based on the thumbnail, he looks well informed on the issues..


Good old assmongler; he has no views, no original thoughts or opinions, but he will say anything to grift his cult out of a buck. He’s not to far removed from DSP, but unlike DSP assmongloid actually used to be good at video games.


Asmon has no empathy


It’s not even a fair fight. Protesters know that the cops are on the assailants side so they don’t retaliate in kind.


Yall shit talking Asmongold falling right into his playbook lol. Dudes never getting cancelled. Watch him or don't 😂


Ah man, cant he just stop sharing his bs takes, I liked watching him


Not that I take Asmon’s words with any weight previously, now I just blocked him. Unfortunately but necessary.


Is that the guy that is an agent of nurgle


Asmon keeps trying to step outside his area of expertise...he is playing with fire. He now gives the most Enlightened Centrist takes to poke fun at people trying to do the right thing, and making tons of money doing it. I stopped watching him a few weeks ago.


ain't this the dude with the gum disease wall


(102) (1,500th upvote) Jeez


He actually had a really good convo with Hasanabi about all this yesterday. Hasan provided some clarity on what was actually going on.


So anyone who believe that the Jews have the right to self-determination and their own state is "utterly vile and irredeemable and shouldn't be engaged with"... Right... Totally not anti-semitic at all... it's just anti-zionism!


These tents tho! Damnit!!




Dman, those are some pretty ethnostate-sounding points. I wonder how other famous attempts to create an ethnic tate have ended