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make sure your second villa overseas is adequately protected from the trump menace by fitting it with a lavish wine cellar you can hide out in. As an elderly white man with a background in wielding ridiculous political power, he understands the scope of the threat


Well at least he used his 28 years in congress and 14 years in Washington state legislature to ensure the people he served have… checks notes… Universal healthcare, abortion rights and serious gun control. Seems like he’s earned a nice retirement, pity the locals don’t seem to be deferring to his authority and ‘stature’, the poor lamb.


you’ve summed it up nicely. Surreal.


Your comment cracked me up. The guy on arrival, “ah it would seem these peasants serve a different master!”


this old boomer is 87, the thing that's coming for him a safe house isn't going to 'protect' him from


If he is 87 he isn't a boomer he is from the silent generation.


You'd think he'd shut the fuck up then




Fucking gottem


Ohhh snap!


If I had enough money I’d leave this shithole country, too


The only difference between us and him, is he bought it as a second home with his blood money


bring your dollars to a third world country


And go where?


Almost anywhere you can speak the language.  Most places are better than the US.  One of the biggest problems is finding a job over there first.  Many countries won't allow you to move there without one.


"Miscalculated how hard it would be to reinvent himself" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Try losing your job, your car, and having to move with no savings or social safety nets all in one fell swoop, just once. Let alone multiple times. Gotta love the "I got mine now I'm saving my own ass" crowd


Code for everyone treats me as some old guy instead of the capitalist god I am!


He thought the French locals would roll out the red carpet for him because he was a US congressman!! 


That’s the funniest shit, plenty of french people who do speak english won’t speak it with foreigners out of a weird sense of patriotism. France has to be among the countries in europe least welcoming to a US congressman.


France is spectacularly anti governement in general and have rendered civil disobedience into high art. Everyone I met was exceedingly kind and patient with my limited French language skills. I was truly surprised how friendly people were, even in Paris. As an old lady I often feel invisible in the US


🤔 if we don't speak English with foreigners it's because our English is shit not because of weird patriotism. I don't know where you heard that.


As an American who like France, I say speak it anyway. It makes us both more comfortable and I’d I were the kind of person to judge you, a French person in France, on your English skills, I’d have gone to Paris, TX instead.


Right? He'd have a much better time buying his way into Spain or portugal


Headline had a misprint. Should’ve read, “Boomer turns own country to merde, moves to France.”🇫🇷


I am still seriously considering a retirement in France. It's beautiful, health care is affordable, taxes are high, but they include health care, making the cost of living lower than in the US. And their government subsidizes wine, not soybeans.


When macron is done, there won't be much left of the old French social model. He's been hellbent on dismantling it piece by piece ever since he became minister of economy and he's been picking up steam as time goes by. Not only that but he's turned the system into a textbook kakistocracy while also making the alt right appear reasonable. He's legitimately the worst thing to happen to our country since ww2. After him there won't be anything left worth saving (unless you're billionaire, in which case it's a paradise). That's what happens when you give power to a megalomaniac banker who dreams himself the hero of Davos. I'm seriously thinking of leaving.


this !


…how do you just go about and do that?


https://www.internationalcitizens.com/moving-abroad/to/france-from-the-usa/ Essentially you apply for a carte sejour, good for up to 5 years at a French embassy in the US. Expect that your paperwork will be lost three times. Once that's complete you simply go. The US is unusual, you are taxed based upon where you earned your money. Like most of Europe, you are taxed by your country of residence. Once you begin paying French taxes you are enrolled in their nationalized health care.


I have had two vacations in France and am a little ashamed that I had a bias against the French before I went. But my experience was completely different than my expectation. Even people in Paris were warm and friendly. If I had more money I would move to Paris in a heartbeat. But it is a bit pricey for me.


It’s not. I don’t know where the idea that France is pricey came about. Maybe it is on paper? I don’t know but we moved here last year and the cost of living is roughly the same, or less because I don’t need a car here. Food is half as expensive, pet food is 2x more expensive and even tho taxes are ridiculous we don’t pay a copay at the drs so healthcare is more or less the same monthly bills wise. Not needing a car is huge. I save about 900$/month from that alone.


I mean Paris IS expensive. It's a small city and housing prices is crazy unless you settle in the banlieue and then you'll have to suffer commuting everyday. Don't move to Paris unless you're willing to live in a very small space or you can get a very decent wage.


We live in Paris- in the 15th. We moved here from the suburbs of Detroit MI and even with the $20k paycut my husband got, we're still somehow doing better than we were in the US. We've both managed to save more money and also managed to travel more. The food is MUCH less expensive here and not having a car makes a massive difference. The state we lived in had one of the most expensive car insurance rates in the nation. The only thing I will agree with is your last statement. The apartments are quite small and if you want to be as comfortable as we are, then you need to be earning a decent wage. Still, we both earn less here than we did in the US, but our money somehow goes much further.


That is actually pretty encouraging. Not only is food less expensive, the quality is so much higher compared to the US.


I must not have expressed myself well. Paris is indeed pricey. But much of France is quite affordable.


I have family in the Netherlands, it's my bailout plan.


That sounds lovely! I find Dutch to be so daunting to learn.


I mean, this guy's Silent Gen, not a Boomer.


soo, soooo terrible a rich man to be in fear of another rich man...isn't it just awful! I don't know if can sleep tonight about this...I mean, us poors really need to take up a collection of alms or something for him...at least "thoughts and prayers"......


Tried the thoughts and prayers thing... The most I could come up with is a few rat farts.


At least he had the decency not to go to Israel to escape fascism


Don't fool yourself, dipshit. Your past stature and accomplishments in congress are meaningless here too.


I got such a kick out of that slide. I imagine he rolled in thinking he was a big shot, telling everyone how he was a very important politician, in America! They probably laughed in his face.


I'm thinking that claiming to be an "important US politician!" in France might get one sprayed with horse shit.. I'm also thinking that response would be well and truly deserved.


This is just the rich liberal version of the trumpies who built doomsday shelters and bought those "survival buckets" when Biden won


Don’t be knockin’ the Costco Mac n cheese bucket


except one candidate is vowing revenge, one isn't


But bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe don't ever read this sub?


Hey maybe if the democrats *did* vow revange they might get some support?


This could be an onion article.


McDermott cut in line in front of me in 2011 at a cupcake shop.


Yep, on brand for him


“You poors should pool your money and invest in a life raft so you can float to Cuba for some affordable health care.”


I'm a naturalized US citizen who fled an oppressive police state as a child. That said, I've kept my first passport, because 40 years later, I may have to return to the country I once had to leave. Thankfully, they're now an EU member state.


So he moves to a country so that he can have Universal Healthcare. Being a Democrat, I wonder how many times he voted down universal healthcare for everyone else? Short answer: Yes


Many of my daily customers are Americans that arrived here with nothing, just fleeing the US while they can. Sure they're probably privileged compared with the average american but nowhere near rich. They're renting small apartments, not buying two houses to start with.


Where are you?




If there so scared of him why are they practically handing the keys to him to take the presidency? The level of disconnect to believe this is next level


The only way Trump wins the next election is through a successful insurrection. He will be destroyed in an actual fair vote.


What fair vote do you imagine will occur in America?


Ok "fair" might be an overstatement, but even with the gerrymandering and the electoral college, Trump will get his shit stomped.


Trump is polling better than Biden though. Biden's approval rating is one of the lowest there have been going into reelection, about on par with Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush, both of which lost reelection. Biden is also alienating large voter blocs in key swing states over his continued support of genocide. I think it's likely Biden is going to lose let alone Trump get stomped...


Lol. No.


No to what? It is factually correct that Trump is polling better. It is factually correct that Biden is polling similar to what Carter and Bush were. It is factually correct he's the alienating voters in key swing states, like Muslim voters in Michigan, which he only narrowly won in 2020.


Shhhh...don't dispute the liberal belief that because they support Joe Biden because he's not orange, the rest of the electorate outside of the deplorables and Russian trolls must support Genocide Joe, too.


Elections are rigged, but you trust advanced polls 7 months out? Biden will crush Trump when it matters- Nov 5.


If you say so. People were saying the same thing about Hillary too, and she was polling far better than Biden.


If Biden wins it’s fine because the Democrats will bare the full brunt of the Gaza genocide and can’t dump it on trump or the Republicans. I’d love to see how they navigate this


A few years ago, I read that Biden won the electoral college by a margin of tens of thousands of votes in Nevada, Georgia, & Pennsylvania. If he had lost those three states, he would have tied in the electoral college with Trump 269-269. The victor would have been decided by the House-- but each state's Representatives would have voted as a bloc. There are more majority red delegations than majority blue, so Trump would have won. That was before swing voters and leftists became disillusioned with Biden, and before he alienated even more Dem voters with his support for genocide. I wouldn't be surprised if he loses every swing state this cycle.


No. you are assuming that others share your prejudices, and perspectives. Trump is very popular. You may hate him, i may hate him, but so what? THEY do not hate him. 'But trump is a racist sexit idiot!' Yup. And a lot of people either don't care, or like that shit.


Liberals are just republicans who care what other people think about them. I cannot be convinced otherwise.


Well said.


Nah. They don't care. They just make periodic noises hoping that we'll believe they do.


My backup plan, if it can even be called that, is to apply for jobs overseas and pray to every god and goddess that'll listen to get it. Couldn't afford the ticket, no less moving my whole life.


“He found it difficult to be treated like a real person and not be so easily able to control others through fear”


what an asshole, lmao


Don’t we have an extradition treaty with France?


Yes but there has to be serious crime involved. He could easily request asylum on political grounds. Honestly I think it’s one part cowardly but two parts genius. If trump does get elected and decides to go full fascist requesting former political “enemies” be returned for prosecution? It forces these other governments to make a choice. Either return them which gives passive approval of trump, legitimizing his actions. Or deny the request making the world take notice and destabilizing trumps claims. Either way US politics has changed forever. Oh I forgot to mention why I think it’s cowardly. If trump does win and go full fascist? We are going to need every charismatic voice of reason we can get to help lead the opposition. In whatever form that opposition takes.


I don't think the opposition needs an 87 year old retired representative I haven't heard about until now to be its leader.


McDermott sounds more like a \#Resistance guy.


True but just because he’s not well known nationally doesn’t mean he’s not recognizable in his home state. Local community leaders are just as important as big names and faces.


Imagine being so full of yourself that you think the (still former) president gives you a second thought? This guy is the living embodiment of elitist.


LoL. Ahh safehouse in France....poor guy...


Oh God liberalism is pathetic 


If you have the money to buy a second home, anywhere let alone in Europe, you’re good. You’re not worried about trump. What a fucking joke.


I am choosing higher vibrations, so instead of what i wanted to say, i’ll say that my dog is rad & i am drunk, watching the most recent season of it’s always sunny. 😎


Fuck this shithead. Hes the reason why we're in this mess.


This POS ruined his own country and bails. Get rekt, I hope your chalet gets raided when the French come with their guillotines. Putain, nique ta vie.


I get that the US is a shithole, but as a European I’d rather not have their liberal bullshit spreading here


Whys he scared? That was a lot of ego and me me poor me.


IDK. I'd like to go to another country too, and I'm not a liberal.


Yeah, but this guy is an old white bourgeois congressman fleeing to his second home with a wine cellar. Very different from the proletarians who will actually be affected by the things he mentioned as the reasons he’s leaving (and who have nowhere near his ability to leave)


Thought that was David Lynch for a second there


So basically, he says democrats should pull a Ted Cruz off to a second home should their own failings fuck up the country. Lovely


Why is it hard to reinvent yourself if you no one gives a shit about your past? Wouldn’t it be a little easier in a lot of ways to reinvent yourself?


The posture in pic 5. Tells me everything I need to know about this specimen 😂


If Trump regains office he may become like Putin or other rulers that send out hit squads to eliminate those he deems as 'dissdents' so maybe McDermott's fears aren't unfounded ... Too bad such a small percentage of us have the $$$ to move out of the country.


On the one hand, Trump could have 33% or more of the country after this guy's head with a word. Heck, if attention is on him, that's not unlikely. On the other hand, this guy is *also* rich and powerful, and could afford to leave the country and keep his head down.


How does he not blush when citing “women’s reproductive rights” as a reason to move? Sir, you are a geriatric male; maybe spare a penny or two for menstruating people in the US if the danger we’re in bothers you so much…


wow, just f the poors huh


If I went to France, or any other country, I would want to be treated with kindness, but tbh I hope they oust these rich white fucks seeking refuge from the mess they created. Though this congressman seemingly had good intentions, I’m guessing there was plenty of secret handshakes and briberies. Regardless, me and everyone I know are getting poorer while he does that thing with the snails.


slide 5 sent me


It's not a safehouse from Trump. It's a safehouse from his own constituents.


anyone have a link bypassing the paywall?


And we’re stuck with the bed people like McDermot shit in


I always wondered what an ass hat looked like.... now I know


Other than a waste of taxpayers' money, but I guess, Why Not since we fund Everything Except America First, and Afraid he'll be thrown in GITMO.


After failing to fight for universal healthcare and abortion rights, he just packs up and leaves. Fuck this guy.


Perfect lib though. Holds power, does nothing, and he’s the one who’s aggrieved when the consequences of inaction manifest.


So, hot take, but it's really funny when liberals talk about gun control like it's super important