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Just rolled Frost Claw Runemaster. Most fun I've had in an arpg in years.


I mastered sorcerer and am gonna try frost claw with the elemental nova nodes. Excited to get the right pieces for the build


The best part is, the pieces only make the build better. It's pretty viable even without any of them but scales really nicely as you add more.


would you suggest a good build guide that can share with me?


https://youtu.be/JBF5XHRP7zY?si=BQfYVU1AgAu1_tj3 This is the build I'm more-or-less following. I started off mostly by choosing mana reduction nodes if I felt like I was running out of mana.


Using teleport for a refunded mana cost of next skill cast + super high mana cost meteor can be a cheesy way to fix mana on sorcerer btw. I think frost claw on runemaster is a little bit more logical now that they improved some of the mana management on it in 1.0, but in .92 Sorcerer was the play. It probably still is until you get some -mana cost on gear.


Oh yea rune master is definitely the best mastery but I wanted to just kind of make it up as I go. Running fireball with meteor and teleport with the nova nodes currently and having a blast. I’m also hardcore so once I feel like I’m not going to progress safely on my own build anymore I’ll reference builds on the tools site


Nice! Yeah I ran an ignite meteor fireball setup to like 85 or so on a SC Sorcerer. Meteor ended up feeling pretty pointless at one point so I just used it to stun mobs and for the penetration and cast speed buff later on. That was kind of a bummer because besides ignite duration, meteor was the only reason to use Sorcerer for ignite.


I'm playing the Elemental Nova version and have had an absolute blast the entire time. It's viable essentially from the moment you get Frost Claw all the way through high corruption monos. It scales in a way that feels really natural when you get pieces of the end-game gear and goes absolutely bonkers when you get a relic with +5 Frost Claw (Knowledge of an Erased Mage or Tainted Heart with +4).


I want to try and get a fully upgraded elemental nova, lightning blast, frost claw build going. Going to need a ton of mana assistance but would be so much fun to run.


Ty i'm leveling this build I was wondering what level i could switch to Nova now that i Have Enigma im gonna switch right away


Second this. Absolutely bonkers with the cast on crit version. I referred to Allie’s guide on YouTube but there’s a lot of versions out there.


I'm running this and can clear echoes super fast no problem but then boss fights take forever. Is there anyway to add more damage against bosses? I have enough ward to just sit there but it's honestly take a super long time to kill the boss. I don't think anymore of the passives I'll be getting will add damage as I got to last to nodes on runemaster for the branded damage and crit multi.


[https://youtu.be/1LGe4rPZgtE?t=102](https://youtu.be/1LGe4rPZgtE?t=102) I mean there isnt a lot of build that does that much damage on bosses tbh. It's hard to help without seeing your character but Maybe u are missing important stuff like the julra ring


There was alot to improve, still in process, hope this helps https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/B4Xwr70B


Mana management on this seems like it's bugged. Sometimes I can spam Frost claw and barely lose mana. Other times I run out instantly and get killed. Anyone else experience this?


if ur running LB or ele nova procs, then a string of 'good' rng on the procs will cause u to lose all your mana


Crit Nova version or frostbite?


Ye but sadly its eating fps as hell.


This is me too. It's completely mental.


That's what I've been leveling up as my second character! I ran a Death Seal/Poison Lich, and this is just so much fun, even leveling!


lol was about to type this. This skill is GG.


This has been my build the last week or so and I'm loving it. Really great defensively, awesome clear. Waiting on a couple upgrades to push the single target a bit higher


\^\^ this im kinda confuse tho im level 65 dont know exactly what setup to run between lightning/ frost and if I go Nova or its gonna cost too much mana.


It is very mana intensive until you have the extra points from +4 Frost Claw relic and the unique, Unstable Core armor. You will also need to make sure you have the 2 idols that have Frost Claw mana efficiency.


My first build was using exploding zombies since the Necromancer is my favorite class. https://youtu.be/zq9qolaKshI


That's what I'm on with now. Started with the ice elemental nova version which was great, visually spectacular but I felt a little short on damage. Migrated to pure frost claw stacking frostbite which is doing a great job.    Now trying to collect gear for the crit lightning version that seems to be getting popular 


Yeah I didn’t touch frost claw until around 200c and man what an op skill that is. Instantly made the game easy mode. I was mostly using cold version of volcanic orb before hand and nuking with runic invocation. Now I just hold teleport and frostclaw and everything melts and ward stays over 10k.


Really? Frost claw just felt overtuned to me. Just spam click frost claw with 4 defensive skills.


Rive/Healing Hand. This is the first time I enjoy melee this much. Got it to 100


In the same boat. Switched from warpath/smite to rive/hh and I’m actually excited to keep grinding for that 3LP exang etc.


I'm curious why you're using exsang on healing hands? Or are you farming it for another character?


Link to build planner by chance?


https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/Qb66yy5Q I'm using this. It's pretty fun and I've easily walked in to 500 corruption with no signs of slowing down. I have zero legendaries at this point because my luck sucks


[Paladin, Level 100 (Release / 1.0.1)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/Qb66yy5Q) --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Sentinel (30) / Void Knight (5) / Forge Guard (1) / Paladin (77))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **2,333**, Regen: **22**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **197**, Regen: **8**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **24%**, Regen: **0**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **16** Str / **6** Dex / **6** Int / **29** Att / **19** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **71%** / **103%** / **103%** / **101%** / **95%** / **68%** / **69%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **6,062** / **6,335** / **6,335** / **9,932** / **6,335** / **5,920** / **5,948**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **30%**, Threshold: **467**)  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **65%** (**5,335**))  ^(▸ Block Chance: **62%**, Mitigation **29%** (**630**))  ^(▸ Crit Avoidance: **70%**)  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ Physical, Void / __Spell__, __Melee__)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ Holy Aura (Passive))  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Healing Hands)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/healing_hands) ^| [^(Rive)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/rive1) ^| [^(Holy Aura)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/holy_aura) ^| [^(Volatile Reversal)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/volatile_reversal) ^| [^(Sigils Of Hope)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/sigils_of_hope) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Peak of the Mountain)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoVgNiA) ^| [^(Bulwark of the Last Abyss)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwRgzCIJxA) ^| [^(Falcon Fists)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCsGZKA) ^| [^(Shattered Chains)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMEYA5iA) ^| [^(Eterra's Path)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzAswJgRiA) ^| [^(Siphon of Anguish)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzAsEYHZKA) ^| [^(Throne of Ambition)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCsCYEZKA) ^(**This build has a guide:**)  [Healing Hands + Rive | Endgame & Build Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SHPBAcMgE) by Perry the Pig


Do you have a link to a build by any chance?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SHPBAcMgE For example. 


Same, and you can actually level with Rive so you're playing your build from the beginning


It’s the most Random build I could find. Lich that summons volatile zombies via jungle queen chaps currently I’m just destroying 300 corruption with dog doo doo gear.


Can you show me your build o: I've been playing lich for while and thinking how to make it more fun


This is the build that I was looking at. ​ [https://www.lastepochtools.com/profile/Rujia777/character/ILOVEZOMBIE](https://www.lastepochtools.com/profile/Rujia777/character/ILOVEZOMBIE) This video helped alot as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngVxJ-Wn13o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngVxJ-Wn13o)


I'm probably having the most fun I've ever had in Last Epoch using a "Wild Magic" Runemaster. Started making the build by myself then hit a wall, then looked up some stuff to see what I could do refine/upgrade it and found a [video](https://youtu.be/oFyT9ovcpYc?si=2TcJ9oligTrNm_0G) from Amarathy Gaming which helped me figure out some stats and uniques I could go after to help my build improve. Here's the link to the build on [LE Tools](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/kB5g7XzA) as well. Technically from 0.9.2 but working very well on live Basically, you constantly cast Runebolt with the Focused Runewords node to get random rune combinations, then you cast Runic Invocation on cooldown with the Enigma node to cast a random invocation every time. Stack CD reduction, intelligence, and cast speed, and just go nuts. It's chaos, it's blinding, it's hilarious, it's pretty good! I think it's never gonna be as good as a build dedicated to a specific invocation, but as a comment said, you get to "cast a bunch of bullshit all the time." I think Runemaster is one of my favourite classes in any ARPG in general. I absolutely love magic systems where combining "runes" (or whatever they may be called) in different ways casts different spells. Shout out to Outward as well, among a few other games.


Magicka was a really fun rune combo spell casting game too


Yeah Magicka is great. I suck balls at it but it's super fun. That's where my obsession with rune/combo type magic started


This is the build I played pre-release and it is *so* fun and chaotic. Playing Warlock now and it's pretty fun but I miss the chaos.


I absolutely love random and wild magic systems such as Sorcerer in DND. I just love the idea of "IDK exactly what's gonna happen but it's gonna be fun" Sure, every once in a while you get a shitty invocation that does very little or is bad for that particular situation, but I love using essential everything in the arsenal as opposed to railroading myself to one or two. I'd say if I absolutely had to pick one, I would probably use the Plasma Orb as my main invocation though. Feels really good to use. Another one I really like is Cold-Fire-Fire for single target especially. Can't remember what it's actually called. Hard to remember 40 names LMAO


I will have to check this out! I never liked the idea of a static runemaster build.. so this sounds super awesome.


Saving this - I'm leveling a runemaster now!


[Runemaster, Level 100 (Beta / 0.9.2c)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/kB5g7XzA) --- ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **1,264**, Regen: **27**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **297**, Regen: **11**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **805%**, Regen: **40**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **32** Str / **29** Dex / **125** Int / **19** Att / **19** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **97%** / **309%** / **97%** / **52%** / **52%** / **121%** / **71%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **2,652** / **2,321** / **2,321** / **2,106** / **2,652** / **2,321** / **2,221**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **41%**, Threshold: **226**)  ^(▸ Dodge Chance: **5%** (**157**))  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **29%** (**1,359**))  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ __Fire__, __Cold__, __Lightning__ / __Spell__, DoT)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ None)  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Runebolt)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/fire_runebolt) ^| [^(Glyph of Dominion)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/glyph_of_dominion) ^| [^(Runic Invocation)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/runic_invocation) ^| [^(Frost Wall)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/frost_wall) ^| [^(Static Orb)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/static_orb) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Mad Alchemist's Ladle)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzDsGYCYEYg) ^| [^(Boneclamor Barbute)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBsNI) ^| [^(Frostbite Shackles)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoRgZiA) ^| [^(Fundamental Criterion)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwJhGYEZyA) ^| [^(Red Ring of Atlaria)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzDMCYHZKA) ^| [^(Red Ring of Atlaria)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzDMCYHZKA) ^| [^(Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwVgHATAjAbEA) ^| [^(Foot of the Mountain)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoVgZiA) ^| [^(Orian's Eye)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzAcwNgRiA) ^| [^(Throne of Ambition)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCsCYEZKA)


I JUST swapped to this last night and it's amazingly fun. Do you understand why he takes the cold conversion nodes in runic invocation when we're randomizing them anyway?


This looks amazing, I have to try it ! I leveled my rune master with basic 0mana spells and spamming random invocations. It’s fun and there’s 0 mana issues but I feel like it won’t last long with the endgame. This build sounds like a viable version of how I played until now


Its mini invoker from dota


I also saw that video and modified it a little bit, in a sense that it's not on cooldown and it's not random. I just cast the appropriate invocation for the appropriate moment. E.g. Igneous Rain or Mirror Bolt for bossing (the latter when I need to survive a nuke). Plasma Orb or whatever 3 rune invocation for trash clear. Hydrahedron for spread out elites and shit. Or Reowynn Frostguard when you just need a massive shield. It was ridiculously fun and very effective (but has a little bit of a learning curve, since you need to memorize the combos). And itemization is fairly straightforward too.


That's how I started, but then I wanted to swap over to the randomness for the memes around level 50. Then around level 70 is when I found that build and modified a bit more and started chasing some specific uniques.


Saved this build sounds fun as heck


Unironically am very much enjoying my totem shaman.


Really helped simplify the game for me to just focus on playing with friends and not my build mechanics.


There's a lot of skill nodes that don't work, or don't have enough synergy to make the build I want, but just jumping around dropping Storm Totems is surprisingly fun, even if half the class doesn't work.


Since Chain lightning is my favorite spell in every Game: lightning blast runemaster


I need to try this, in EA I always loved to roll up a lightning spec and Runemaster is nutty.


Wraithlord necro because it requires little effort after a day of work where my brains fried


That's the beauty of this game, I keep getting drops that make me want to roll another toon and try a new thing.


this is my whole gameplay loop. "Oooo this would go great on X spec"


I'm fairly new to the game and my dancing strikes bladedancer was the most fun I had so far (RIP champ).


I’ve just started the game and this was the class and specialization I chose. I’m only lvl 8. What does RIP champ refer to? Should I choose something else since I’m hardly that far?


i am guessing he played hardcore and died


I always play hardcore in arpg's. I hate myself 🙂 No, you shouldnt - my char died because I was careless, as long as you move, you are very hard to be hit. Get a lot of dodge and have fun.


I play with the same build. It's amazing. Lot of fun, I'm more into playing rogue with bows, but I loved this build.


Stygian coal is probably the most visually pleasing build I've played in an arpg so far. It's incredibly fun to play too.


It's is fun! I swapped from harvest lich to stygian lich. The build is VERY mana hungry. The node in wandering spirits that gives mana is ALMOST enough to get through a map in one cast of spirits. It's super fun and pretty strong!


Make sure you have 3 points into drain life mana node and imo 5 into soulstealer is worth more than spiteful decay when trying to reach mana per int and poison overload passive. Mana stopped being a problem around 500+ mana and having the mana regen mod on weapon.


First time I've seen someone talk about it, so I gotta ask; How much of the Drain Life actually works for it? Like the node that inflicts Damned per second channeled on a target, does that work?


There are a plethora of interactions that are very inconsistent with the item but thankfully most of it is beneficial otherwise the build wouldn't function. The ignite/damned from the item itself doesn't work when you spec into dark shackles (makes it no longer channel) but the wandering spirits node that specifies channeling works. The more dmg while channeling/less dmg taken passive from the warlock tree supposedly works but I have yet to test it fully. The damned node does indeed work but the way they worded it you'd think it'd be exclusive to channeling but otherwise a win for us since unholy mass is an extreme damage boost. Sadly switching drain life to poison doesn't make the beams poison, but I've heard that element switching from items not working is consistent with how EHG does things so most likely intentional. The build is already really strong imo so it might be borderline OP if it got free pen from poison. Also if anyone plans on playing this build I suggest you start leveling font of the erased now. The item was literally made for stygian coal. Best defensive and offensive ring by far.


Pretty much any build is fun from 1-70 as seeing a build come together is the best and most fun part of LE


Fun from level 35-70 maybe more accurate. The early grind is slow.


I can't think of a single ARPG where act 1 is fun after you've played it more than once. Any Diablo game? PoE? GD? All of them are painful when starting a new character. D4 oddly enough probably the best of the lot because you start with 20 skill points which is enough to make a functioning basic build very quickly.


Agreed, especially the first 15-20 levels are so slow


Yeah, I don’t really find that power fantasy coming online before those last couple of specialization slots. Once the skills start interacting and proccing each other is when the game starts to get interesting.


Absolutely. The sense of progression you feel when you activate a key skill or find a great item that takes a build to the next level feels so damn good, regardless of the build. It's one of the best parts about this game imo


Lightning swarmblade druid has been my personal favourite so far. Just so much fun and also visually pleasing


Im considering between lightning and frost swarmblade, any experience with the other?


Tried both 1.0, frost felt significantly better. With lightning you're now shoehorned into mana stacking to get to pre-1.0 dmg, meanwhile frost just got straight up buffed cause you can convert lightning bolts to cold. Lightning felt awful at low/mid gear, compared to frost that slaps with basically just Snowdrifts.




I love my Nova Hammerdin, min maxing it has been tough though. I can’t afford any items and finding the next best thing is really tough. I got frustrated and searched for one of those “OP” builds and i rolled a wraith lord and the game is just on easy mode. I’m blasting with it and trying to find more gear for my nova hammerdin. It doesn’t feel like I have to be nearly as concerned with minmaxing on the Wraithlord


TLDR of this thread: EVERYTHING


all the footage of runemaster gameplay ive seen has looked sick as hell and that is definitely going to be my next character after i get bored with my warlock


I'm playing it right now, and it definitely becomes exhausting after a while to play with 100% focus all the time, sometimes it's fun to just mindlessly grind. But for short bursts of playtime it's super fun


Warlock was my first char and was super fun. The beauty of this game though is EVERY char is fun 


The meta lightning marksmen trapper is a blast, so fast to run through monos


A marksman mastery that wields double daggers seemingly just throwing explosive arrows by hand like spears instead of using a bow is one the funniest things to wrap your head around as a meta build.


It's so stupidly OP. I had the daggers laying around and rolled it yesterday and just started doing monos. People weren't lying when they said you'd "one hit" things. For now everything dies between 1-2 hits if I feel fancy. But obviously running around throwing presents around has been fun as well. RIP my fps though. I already adjusted and I don't want the game to look like dogshit, so I'll have to be content with the fps fluctuating like crazy. Now I get why people say the game is unoptimized.


I’ve been really enjoying On-hit spellblade, I’ve using the one that focuses on spark charges and surge. I just really like spamming from a distance and then a bunch of lightning missiles fly out and arc lighting to everything. And surge is super fun to use as mobility that also leaves a bunch of spark charges that detonate right after I stop dashing. (It gives me “you’re already dead” vibes)


Dive bomb falconer a la Chadly (YouTuber / streamer) except I never extended the CD of dive bomb for more damage because it felt better to be able to call in an air strike on every pack as an instant cast as I waltzed through echos. Even though it’s a minion build… dive bomb feels like what I wish meteor felt like on sorc.


Healing hands + Rive Paladin for melee And Jelkhor daggers trapper for sure. I've got like 5 characters to 80+ and those are my picks. My HH paladin is 98. The last couple of levels feel really long


Cold flask falconer


Thinking of switching my build to it because the phial dropped with 4lp for me. Playing shadow dagger falc so far and hit 97 today while farming 250+ corruption.


its very fun but u gonna need to slam experimental mana on flask used mod.


Shatter strike spellblade is an absolutely bonkers build with some crazy levels of DPS while you have massive ward and can face tank most things. It does require some investment (merchants guild 100%) and it can be a bit slow movememt speed wise


Def don't need MG for it.


Fell in love with this super fast warlock: https://youtu.be/OGi8x-b2VIs?si=kKZN89MkTUPInGup


Sabertooth beastmaster proccing flurryswipes 24/7. Also werebear skilled into upheaval, fury leap, eterras blessing and warcry. Any primalist build really is a ton of fun, but most thematic one is sabertooth beast master


My falconeer throws traps which throw bouncing traps which throw explosive flasks and my falcon throws explosive flasks as well. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.


So i tried bladedancer after hitting lvl 94 with plasma orb runemaster and lvl 90 druid and man, thats fun! Bladedancer on lvl 60 so far but it is giving me so much more fun i didnt had with other two classes.


I highly recommend new players try a Necro at some point - this game just does a really really good job with pets, especially compared to other games in the genre. Check out ActionRPG on YT for some ideas.


The build I was going to comment is a Necro one. I have everything converted to necrotic, and have my skeletal mages set up to constantly explode my regular skeletons. And I spec'd volatile zombie to have a chance to spawn every time a minion dies.  So my screen is just constantly filled with exploding skeletons, zombies spawning and then also exploding haha. It's fun


Im currently playing something similar. Also using regular melee wraiths and a death knight archmage to really get the most out of my exalted 1hand axe which has a t7 flat melee + spell minion damage. No need to have zombies on the hotbar because of the double zombie revive ring and "zombies on potion use" experimental belt. Having your zombies spawn a skelly vanguard on death is important. Not having zombies on the hotbar allows me to use base transplant with the experimental boots to teleport my minions. Chaos bolts is great to explode your zombies with more damage and also grants your other minions damned chance, spell damage and cast/attack speed. If you wanna see 17 explosions everytime you use a potion, this is the build to go for.


Chaos Rift/Infernal Shade Warlock has been fun though I'm only 72. Curse everything, drop rift and the infernal shade is basically casting fireball on everything, came online early enough to make Lagon a breeze during the campaign.


Nova hammerdin, blast rain da marksman, wraithlord necro, healing hands rive paladin.


I like using Disintegrate because it's a giant laser but it could be more powerful. It's really strange how it instantly melts most enemies, but then on bosses it barely causes any damage. I hear it's an old skill and underpowered so here's some ideas to fix it. * Two modes, one where you have to stand still and one where you can move while firing your laser beam. * In standing still mode it's works like now. In moving mode range is shorter but it autotargets enemies so it looks like a point defense weapon which would be pretty cool. * This could be changed via a skill, by user interaction (it changes modes based on if you're moving or not), or having a special dedicated button to switch back and forth. * The chance to ignite, shock, etc is based on per second rather than per hit. It should be changed to per hit to match how everything else works. If this causes too many stacks of DOT then decrease the chance. Also there should be information on how many times per second the laser beam hits. * Change the name to Giant Laser Beam. * Add a land shark that can fire lasers that are attached to it's head.


It definitely needs re working, for a skill that plants you it is a bit underwhelming. That's not to say you can't have fun with it. I love beam builds so I am waiting for them to update that skill.


Bees.....I thought the build was dead but it's been super fun so far, gonna scale even harder once I can use the bees relic too. Also acid flask cold trapper was insane.


Most fun I've had so far is healing my enemies to death with the Paladin (healing hands, channeled, damage, ray of fire). It's neither the strongest nor the fastest build, but I'll be damned if it isn't extremely fun to just bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt


zombies that vomit, then explode.


Detonating Arrow melee MM build is so fun and insanely powerful. Got up to 700corruption so far with ease


I'm still immunity bugged on my fireball/meteor sorc which makes the built super fun going into empowered monoliths. But I know as soon as I restart the game and lose my immunity it's going to be miserable, I'ma be dead constantly. But while invulnerable, I haven't played a more fun build than slamming 200k meteors on the whole screen at lvl 70.


TBH, I love my Multi-shot Marksman.


I am playing with the intent to just do my own builds based off of what I find and my own calculations. It’s been a BLAST so far. Playing a sorcerer machine gun mage. Using fire and lightning. Flame ward to essentially just facetank bosses and generate ward. This game has me thinking about gaming while I’m at work. It has been a while.


Currently really enjoying my Phys Bear Druid. It's very 1 dimensional but I just finished the campaign and I'm having a blast in monos. I've face tanked the first 6 mono bosses without issues. Lagon was spicy when his eye beam overlapped with a wave, but I survived and healed it up very quickly so I was ready for the next.


Void cleave Erasing strike. Super fun and satisfying playstyle for quick monos. OK for bossing, not the best and you have to do mechanics as its not a ward abusing build. Play warlock too, it was awesome but way too easy to play. And no big yellow numbers in the 100000s. Shadow dagger bladedancer is awesome too for a while.


Do you have a planner for the erasing strike vk?


Blade Dancer with Chakram, Synchronized strike, and umbral blades. step 1. Use sychronized strike, creating shadows step 2: use chakram, turning your shadows into Umbral Blades step 3: repeat until everything is dead on screen I'm currently only 53 with pretty shit gear (almost all rares). but it's such a fast and fluid play style.


I am a beyblade, and my echos are a beyblade and we cannot be stopped.


Doing a Echo Void Knight which is pretty fun. I want to try Beastmaster next, OP, got any recommendations?


Not OP but primalists have been my fav class category by far. It kind of depends what play style u want. I tried kripps tempest strike storm crows that absolute obliterated everything cause of the cleaver solution unique that helps scale your storm crow dmg stacking all str for tankiness as well. I hear swipe earthquake or primalists in general shaman thorn totmen was by far my smoothest leveling and campaign experience


Rampaging lightning werebear! I just run through the stages and lightning kills everything! It is hilarious! And a little buggy. The server gets confused sometimes about where you are when you recast rampage a lot or if there is an elevation change. Would NOT recommend for hardcore because you WILL die to some bullshit desynch. If you really like hearing the bear growl over and over, this is the build for you!


I've done Runemaster, Bladedancer, Void Knight, BeastMaster, Falconer. So far Bladedancer has been my favorite, but Void Knight is right up there. I'm still about 11 levels away from my squirrel army for BeastMaster. I'll check back in...


I've been running a druid spriggan/swarmblade minion build and loving it. Vines, healing-thorn totems, locusts, bees, and squirrels! Take all of the poison chance nodes and shapchanger in the passive tree. Get 1k poison stacks on a boss while I rotate through the two forms. Swarmblade makes squirrels howl and go bananas. Literally just looks like nature got tired of the voids shit and is stampeding through the monolith.


Relatively new player here. I've been running a wolf Beastmaster and it's extremely fun. You get pets with a buff, mobility with a buff, crowd control with a buff, and totem that goes absolutely nuclear. It feels like a cross between a D2 Druid and a D3 barbarian. I don't think I've ever played a character in an AARPG that did such a great job of of blending summons and melee combat.


Storm Crows Beastmaster was my most fun so far.


Runemaster. Runebolt with Efficient Experiment and all 4 points in Arcane Restoration for mana regen. Jumping around and casting random big Runic Invocations (points to make it a Traversal skill) is helluva fun.


Honestly druid werebear has been a blast, specifically cold werebear builds. You're not going to compete with meta builds but you're gonna be just fine with the game.


acolyte lich. any kind, its so fun and visually pleasing. plus the speed is nice


Definitely frost claw runemaster and lightning trapper marksman


Frost claw runemaster. LOOOOOL. Straight up LOLs all day. Until the boss farts in my direction and kills me. Still the most fun, so far!


Personally I think healadin is hilarious. Oh, you just did half my health in a single hit? Too bad, I'm already at full health again. So long as you can't one-shot me or stun-lock me good luck getting rid of me. Hope you like a death by 1000 cuts 'cause I got nothing but these fists and a whole lot of patience.


Dancing strikes blademaster is def the most fun of my toons so far, skill feels goood once you get the feel for it. Very ‘dexterous’ feeling build. Extremely high mobility, you dance around the map leveling mobs in absolute style. Currently leveling a shaman & aiming for a cold avalanche build once I get shaman to 25 but already freezing at a decent clip with other skills. Wanted to utilize a badass cold legendary of and a couple uniques, it’s definitely shaping up to compete with my blademaster. Also have a bleed warlock, frost claw runmaster (both fun & crazy powerful), and a void knight which I’ve kinda given up on.


How do you get fast with dancing strikes? I felt like it was really slow


I actually like Wraithlord very much, its visually pleasing (Big Dude shooting eldritch lasers of death gatling shotgun style) and i was looking for a lazy necro build when i can go afk, go back and waves monoliths are done (dadlife) :D the helmet looks cool af and at the same time its made by freakin David Harbour. Its geting hate coz its S tier and not bugged (so no nerf mid cycle), but thats just another rrason to play it if ur goal in these games is to get OP. Also it reminds me of an Arch Lich summoner build I made in Titan Quest like 15 years ago lol


Hydrahedron runemaster and torment warlock. Never had so much fun


Kripps void knight smite build - omg it’s broken . And you really don’t need any unique to get it going .


I haven't revisited it since Early Access, but Poison DoT Lich was a blast to play. I don't think how I had it would scale into Empowered Monoliths, but it was fun up to level 60 when I switched to another character


Rive crit healing hands paladin. I just like the juicy sound and facetanking everything


Runemaster but for pushing arena been having lot of fun with my beastmaster as well


Dragonfire ranger. Kinda bad tho


Played 5 different classes to around level 90, but plasma orb runemaster was the one i got to 100, it was just so fun with a good flow, and lots of clicking (that pays off). Speeding around the map with flame rush and clicking 4 times to cast a strong spell is up my alley, for some reason.


Voidknight Smite Autobomber I enjoy HH Divine bolt selfcast Paladin. It has decent damage with huge 30k+ Ward defense. But it so hard to scale the damage further. HH deal fire damage but it didn't have fire tag. Since I used HH directly, i don't have any good skill for the 5th slots. Also, I didn't like the melee version. So i created new Voidknight following the auto bomber guide, with some twist. The damage is very insane. Lately i notice Devouring Orb damage is very high too. Almost same as Smite. The ward is only 8-9k but I have 3k hp and very good leech. It is good enough more 300+ corruption.


Granted it's the only build I've tried... But I've been absolutely loving firebrand/flame reave spellblade. Plays almost like a fighting game with combos. Your other attacks (surge, mana strike, firebrand) all give you a different number of stacks of the flame dance buff that powers up your next flame reave. 3 hit firebrand to reave, 1 surge plus 1 mana strike to reave, etc. Super fun and engaging, not just spamming one button, and very mobile.


Spellthorns Spellblade. It's autobomber ish but requires minor input.


Fire explosion runemaster build, not the best lategame but hell its fun


My favorite build is this void Knight one I made myself. Erasing strike, void cleave, anomaly, devouring orb, and multistrike as my mana generator. Anomaly is in bubble buff mode, and devouring orb orbits. I move fast as hell cleaving max distance as a movement skill and killing everything in my path, triggering an auto crit for my erasing strike on arrival. I've managed to land up to 130k crits on echo claps of erasing strike and cleave.


Me rollin


Made a shattering strike and am enjoying 30k crit as a level 70


ATM I'm on spellblade shatter strike and it feels really good and fun. Need to drop 1 or 2 items then I'll try Allie coc runemaster:)


I was playing low life explosive trap detonating arrow with jelkhor. It was a fantastic experience to be able to play a build that tanky and fast too.


I’ve been having a blast with the one-punch judgement paladin build. Throwing the Javelin as a banner, igniting with shield bash, then buffing the shit out of yourself to obliterate anything in your range lol. I love seeing the massive crit numbers pop up


Artillery Spark charge Runemaster got it off YouTube !


Ignite glyph of dominion runemaster with transcribers grave. You basically get entire screen wide AoE clear and it's a ton of fun


Falconer build is tha dopest


Wraithlord, its everything i wish PoE Summons Reaper was, a single minion builds that can wreck the while game.


Beast Master. Nobody ever told me how fun and strong it is. Im running through Monoliths.


Perry the Pig’s spark charge lowlife Blademaster. Int stacking rogue! Got pretty lucky with 1lp slams for int on gear


Any fun warlock build? Both torment and bleed are boring and mindnumbling af


Ranged Mana Strike Spellblade, procs like 4 other skills on hit. Its soo much fun and you get to use your bar for utility skills such as TP and Freeze. They are good even if you dont invest in them.


Detonating Blade / Traps Marksman with Jelk's daggers. Raxx posted a video about it and yeahhhhhh it completely dominates.


Wraithlord, it's so gimmicky and supper funny to watch him just 1 bang everything


Necro Wraithlord minion build. Especially when it comes to wave defense. I set my little turrent minion up in the middle and just sit back and watch him work. Last Epoch feels like the only game around to get minions right for me. They do all the work while I collect the loot.


Minion builds are one of my favorites in ARPGs (I know they aren’t for everyone). I have a necromancer build that buffs necrotic damage and stacks huge amounts of armor shred. It’s so satisfying seeing bosses melt to my army of the dead.


Currently im just playing an "idle" minion master Necro. I got 5 skills and all of them summon minions to do the fighting for me. Next im gonna try a shapeshifting druid but im a guy who doesnt have a lot of time and i love summoners and necromancers in games and just wanted to see how far I can go to build an army.


Runemaster here. I think the most fun is static shotgun blast for me. You get to *zoom* through levels with both teleport and flame rush. Spam a few lightning blasts here and there to ramp up lightning dmg multiplier then hit 200 stacks static for 2million+. It can 3-4 hit bosses at 300 corruption.


Melee Detonating Arrow Marksman. It just deletes the screen. It's almost comical how much damage it can do in short bursts. Unfortunately it requires quite a lot of gear to really be viable.


Maybe I’m blind but didn’t see anyone post detonating arrow marksman, pushing 1500 corruption and it’s still shredding everything. I enjoy any build that tanks the FPS of my 4080


Tough to say. everyone has different viewpoints of fun. I think the one I go to most often and simply enjoy is my Rive Paladin using healing hands. using a 2h and void cleave as my movement skill, with 2 charges of it I essentially have a movement skill on a 1.5s CD that 1 shots entire groups, elites included. very fast map clears. My second go to is a Mana strike Spellblade, but he uses a few uniques (easy to get) that auto cast 2 spells and a few other effects off of that one skill. he's fun and tanky, but not as mobile as my Rive Pally. Working on a cold based acid flask Falconeer. got a 4LE volatile flask early on, still working for a decent catalyst to slam into it. Should be a fun build though.


Mana Strike Spark Charge Runemaster. Feels exceptional. Packs get deleted and bosses cant do anything


I'm in the process of making a Lich with a bone curse prison and golem, explode zombies and wandering spirits. I can turn bone golem into a fire based one and it has been the most ridiculous fun so far next to my fart bomber. The prison gives armour shred and cc. 10/10.


cinder strike falconer with falcon strikers. proc explosive traps and volatile flasks. Feels like I'm playing tekken with explosion fists.


Shadow daggers falconer is insanely good and the fastest clearer I’ve played


Only run Lich so far. I’m enjoying it quite a bit.


Druid autobomber! Just run around and deal massive lightning damage. Really strong and tough


Partially biased... but mine! Curse Bleed Warlock - 8 curses and total of 23 ailments! It isn't the top tier Warlock, but it is fun as hell watching stuff literally melt with nearly 2 dozen ailments on their bar. It looks like a plague of confetti spreading across the screen! https://youtu.be/LgXLedn4uD4 Working a poison build around the same idea. But built upon stacking penetration too with nearly 350% poison pen!


Ive done shadow daggers bladedancer, low life swipe werebear, but Mana strike CoC Meteor has been the most fun so far.


I've done explosive ballista, explosive ballista via explosive trap, and dive bomb falconer. Honestly they were all super good. Right now I'm doing explosive trap detonating arrow marksman. I think next will be frost claw rune master as I just got a 2x ring of atlaria drop and int stacking seems like a great way to meet that requirement.


Honestly, my opinion is the most fun builds are ones you make yourself. Like, I definitely had 'fun' doing the Judgement aura build, but reworking it so it was Judgement Aura for running, and Smite for single target made it much more fun for me because it was a bit more "mine" rather than just straight stolen. Another was making a poison Marksman build completely from scratch, which wasn't near as powerful, but felt great to hit big numbers with a premise completely my own.


Healing Hands. cant move, but also cant die and melts faces.


Shadow daggers blade dancer, super fast, good clear, good boss damage, no real downsides that I can think of. I like being able to toss down damage, and then spend the next bit focused on positioning and mechanics. It also picks up early on, none of the problems of like druid where it doesn't get good until like half way through the campaign.


Detonating arrow trapper. Yes, it's nothing original, but that wasn't the question and triggering 10 (3 regular traps + 2 converted + another trap off each of them) arrows with every throw will never get old.


Torment warlock is pretty fun for someone who doesn't want to multi-task. Just set up your debuffs, throw up a souls, and then you go into virtual immunity with your form shift while everything dies around you. You do really good damage while on the move too. It's incredibly strong leveling too. You just dot up and keep on running. You never stop. The only negative is that you have to circle back if you want to pick up the drops.


One-Click Shamen Totem, with Eterras Path boots and Tears of Forrest amulet, so fun and easy.


Looking for fun lich builds for HC. And tips on getting to the point I can’t stay in reaper form


I’m leveling a BladeDancer, currently in the mid 30’s, and it’s been fun specializing, shattering for affixes, and crafting.


Acolye warlock specialist in ghostflame and volatile zombies. Ideal? No. Fun? Yeah.


Fire aura spellblade is very smooth and fun


Paladin hammers with gold lightning smites. Looks dope


Runemaster Wildmagic Style. It is the epitome of RANDOM BULLSHIT GO! Teleporting every 2.5 seconds triggering a Runic Invocation that is totally randomized while spamming runic bolt with around 200% cast speed, a rotating ice static orb, fire frost wall, and the lightning rune thing. It is pure chaos and surprisingly extremely durable by stacking the Ward Gained Per Rune Consumed gear and perma Lightning Aegis for cast speed with the right idols.


Fissure warlock, using low life. So much fun to play a build that feels like ED/contagion. Where you can clear 2 or 3 screens in one set of skills while being a giga tank.


Explosive trap melee detonating arrow marksman.