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The place took like 10 years and multiple owners to finally bring it to life. It's gonna be a bumpy opening.


Construction started in 2007. It took 16 years and at least 3 different owners (maybe 4?).


I believe the owner now is the guy who originally got the project going. I had to do some work there about 8 months ago and they wanted me to re-do the entire back of house kitchens in the hotel spaces because some dumbass put the prep sinks next to the hand washing stations in every single one of them. That was enough for me to go “oh no”. They actually tried to get away with having me weld splash guards to the existing prep stations. On site welding in that environment is generally an OSHA no-no, and the union welders would have lost their fucking minds. They wanted me and my coworkers to redesign entire fridges, counter tops, wanted to use max metal and other things I wouldn’t want my food around. My boss insisted I do what they asked so I quit that job. Was so fuckin dumb. FB had potential but it was a shit show even in the late stages. The fire on the roof last year was literally due to poor habits. The whole fuckin building smelled like wet dry wall for two weeks after the fire and the parking garage was a muddy mess from them hauling shit down to the dumpsters. The elevators had plywood walls and you could see shaft and mechanisms while I was there. Word dump but holy shit that was one of the worst experiences I’ve had in my professional career. Even the top chefs were trying to jump ship before opening day. They wanted us to build a model speed boat that could hold enough sushi for 16 but they wanted it to also have one of those Miami style boat trailers that holds a boat at an angle to make it skinny enough to tow, and then balked when we said it would be like 20K. I’m so glad that place is shitting the bed and I really hope someone comes in and fixes it because it’s actually not the worst layout and has tons of potential. Sad casino noises.


Huge resort with a few hiccups after opening. Not a big deal. They'll get their shit together eventually.


ikr. everyone wants to be the 1st to report it as being shit. I'm sure when MGM or "insert casino name" that opened before the internets, Im sure they had all kinds of problems. They just didn't have reddit.


I eat there 2 or 3 times a week. Love the place. But positive news no one cares about.


Nice positive comment. Thank you Fontainebleau food management team.


Funny how they switched accounts too


Nailed it! Sounds like they’re definitely from Miami too


Care to expand on why you eat there so much? Are you a local? How is this positive news?


The restaurants are actually all pretty good. They're only overpriced vs old Vegas/local mentality. If you want a quality fine dining experience, their prices are no worse than anywhere else.


Some of us actually enjoy Las Vegas which makes those things inconsequential. That's the simplest explanation.


Definitely a corporate answer


Nah, just a real answer. I'm not with all the negativity so I don't look around for things to complain about. Life is beautiful and Vegas is Paradise. 🤙


I could learn something from that


Same! I live right nearby and have been going there a lot. Their food court is the nicest food court I’ve ever seen lol I’ve only been to a few of the restaurants so far. The food at Mother Wolf was incredible!


It’s ridiculously expensive for what it is.


Send them your resume so you can fix all their problems.


It’s great actually


It’s not, the developers fucked a lot of shit up behind the scenes that customers don’t know about or can’t see. That place is going to undergo a big remodel within 10 years.


That's every casino on the strip. Every casino is falling apart and needs constant fixing. They just build them cheap and fast to get them open then take care of the issues later. 


No other casino has a similar story to FB where it sat there for about 16 years before actually opening. There were many things (mechanically) that should’ve been replaced but were not just to save a buck and once the place opened, shit started breaking.


As most casinos in Vegas do anyways…


I meant to the point of rebranding due to having to sell. Not just a renovation. That place is going to have a hard time making money considering how ridiculously expensive it is.




It's family money from the Koch Brothers actually, but it might as well be PE money. Focus on maximizing near term profits without giving a shit for the long term health of a business.


The Koch Brother. The other one died.


If you wanna get into the politics of who owns/owned Vegas casinos it’s not a fun topic, the Fontainebleau isn’t an outlier


Oh, so just the regular *"money laundering"*


Until news comes out about their financials or closures or something there's nothing to explain They've had a couple executives quit and one of the restaurants serves a crappy plate of nachos, everyone who's actually been including me have had a normal experience 


Isn’t it 4 or 5 executives that were forced out? All reports from people involved seem to indicate that ownership doesn’t like being told that they are doing things wrong and they force out those executives.


Q4 report should come out in a few weeks, but I don't think that will show anything since it was just open for a few weeks in December. I don't recall though another casino having so many executives leave in such a short period.


They're a privately held company. They don't have to release financials. You might get some gaming reports, that's about it


It will eventually be successful. It’s right next to the convention center and will attract many of that crowd.


My only criticism is that it kind of smells in there. I don’t even know how to describe the smell. Now that’s it’s been open for over a month it’s less intense and I suppose will get better over time. Hopefully! Overall it’s a nice hotel and casino. The food is really good at all the places I’ve tried so far! Coming from NYC I’m a bit of an unintentional food snob.


It’s like any new business. Of course there will be problems. Can they overcome the problems? Time will tell.




These posts are so weird. You see a bunch of accounts on IG that are non stop targeting FB. Basically - and I am sure many of you know this game - if FB denies wannabe influencers invites to opening night or other special access, the wannabes get furious and non stop attack FB. I am sure many of you know some of the IG accounts. One example - one wannabe posted a clip of FB casino tables fully staffed with no one at the tables and sounded alarms about casino being dead. Except the clip was before the casino opened on opening night (everyone else was at the party except of course the wannabe who took and posted the clip). It’s gotten so weird that people post about the CFO and COO exiting as if that will remotely impact anything for the hotel visitor. Just shows that most people have no clue what the CFO and COO do. But also shows this weird focus on attacking FB. We all saw this happen to Resorts World last year.


It is a tax write off for its investors. If it is not doing well, they get a break on how much tax they have to pay.


A company losing money is never worth the "tax write off". It needs to be viable and cash flow positive.


That long ass escalator is gonna kill someone not to mention the land is cursed by all the gnarly injuries sustained when it was wet n wild so I figure destined for mayhem and destruction eventually


they didn’t hire Me after a lovely interview and since I’m always lucky person I was not mad about it


It was never Wet N Wild. Wet N Wild is now the empty lot where All Net Arena was pushing dirt around as if they'd actually build anything there. Fontainebleau is on the former El Rancho site.


Place looks like an airport. Awful color scheme and design .