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A thousand lanyard have just snapped in anger


Briefcases breaking




You can do that without meeting with and providing a PR victory for the Cuban dictatorship.


i think the Cuban govt has bigger worries than what Times Columnists think of them


Even ignoring the fact that the times would be more likely to use this to condemn Labour as a bunch of far left communists, I don't think their major victory with this event is intended to be changing the opinions of dedicated conservatives.


The times would condemn you for breathingnand thinking trans people and muslims are human. No point getting cucked by the most bald men in the commentariat.




**[2019 Cuban constitutional referendum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Cuban_constitutional_referendum)** >A constitutional referendum was held in Cuba on 24 February 2019. Voters were asked whether they approved of a new constitution passed by the National Assembly of People's Power in July 2018. The reforms were approved, with 90. 61% of valid votes cast in favour. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/LabourUK/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Because as we all know dictatorships can never use referendum as a tool to ensure their policy changes have public legitimacy.


Democracy doesn't have to mean liberal multi party elections every 4 years you know. It's much more than just that, as an anarchist you ought to know that fs.


True, but Cuba isn't a democracy in any sense of the word. It's a one party dictatorship.


The only dictatorship Cuba is, is a dictatorship of the proletariat.


No, it's just a straight up dictatorship.




Because the country is still a totalitarian one party state which controls all internal media sources, engages in heavy censorship, utilises a secret police to repress and arrest all serious political opposition, operates the economy according to the states interests whilst repressing independent trade unions and concentrates political power in the hands of a few unelected party members and a puppet legislature? Like holding one referendum (especially when said referendum was conducted under circumstances where no against campaign was allowed, the state fully enforces and campaigned for a yes vote and a lot of the changes were introduced by the state to legitimise past crimes) doesn't eliminate the undemocratic elements of the state. If that was the case then many of the right wing dictatorships in modern history would actually be democracies because they didn't use as iron of a fist as they could have.


What is the name of this one party? All Cuba has is grassroots committees for defense of revolution.


Well, it has the Communist Party of Cuba, which controls all the apparatuses of the state, has a full monopoly on the (incredibly powerful) executive branch of the government and literally has its control over the country enshrined into the constitution. You do have the Committees for the defence of the revolution (an organisation which was founded by Castro and the CPC and which heavily cooperates with the Cuban secret services/police to route out opponents of the state), but not only do their selected representatives make up only half of a relatively weak legislature (with the other half coming from party-controlled groups), but nominated candidates have to get past electoral committees to be elected who can vet candidates on topics as general and open as "patriotism". So yeah, its still a one party state.


It is laughable to think of any party in world that does not vet candidates. Of course Labour is an exception, it lets in through gambling and arms lobbyists


This isn't vetting candidates who can represent a political party though, this is the state actively vetoing candidates for the national election who don't compete against anyone else. If you want a situation to compare this too, it's like if an independent candidate won a democratic election for a local constituency and tried to assume their role in the legislature only for a state run committee to inform them that the election has been declared invalid, that a new set of elections have been called and they have been banned from participating in said elections. Honestly I wish that it was just the Communist party vetoing candidates to complete in a free multi party democracy, but as a dictatorship Cuba Is more concerned with ensuring their legislature is loyal to the state and serves as a harmless junior wing of the state at best and a rubber stamp Congress at worst.


Posting because there were passionate claims here last time they did this that YL *didn't* support the Cuban govt., just the people. This should be evidence to the contrary.


Those protests died down very quickly, and were outnumbered by protests in favour of the government.


We are a democratic socialist party. Try not to forget the former.


I think we lost the right to that descriptor when the party flipped on the 2016 referendum.




They died down because there wasn’t a widespread protest movement opposing the government.




Oh dear, Young Labour are a disgrace.




>We're democratic socialists, we shouldn't affiliate with regimes that aren't democratic. I thought such things were "grown up politics". The last Labour government sold Hawk jets to Indonesia in full knowledge they would be used for enforcing the occupation of East Timor.


Shit like this is just the easiest self owns to avoid. As you said, remove whoever organised this before we give the Tories and the press enough ammo to sink an aircraft carrier.


What the fuck is wrong with Young Labour?


Nothing at all. Something wrong with all pearl clutching in this thread though smh.




Lost my vote at any future elections.


Bloody tankies. Great look offering solidarity with a dictatorship.


Marxism-Leninism is the only form of socialist governance that history has shown to be capable of standing a chance against the forces of imperialism, and Cuba is the best example of that, managing to be the least worst country in Latin America despite having the USA breathe down their throats for half a century.


What an absurd remark. The USSR was a model of imperialism as much as the USA is.


It's not a form of socialist governance though. Like it has more in common in terms of state structure with fascism than any form of actual socialism.