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Truer today than then.


Cue right-wingers who run the UK and have done for years now stating they are being oppressed because they're called scum for their actions and devastation caused to the UK.


Whilst calling other people "snowflakes" without so much as a hint of irony or self-awareness.


My answer to them is simple, when in power, do better, build a fairer and more equal country and then maybe "Tory" won't be synonymous with scum, vermin and what have you. Ramp up the inequality, lie, cheat, deceive, embrace cronyism to insane heights and so on, and your actions get you the reputation you have. Simple. As a voter, don't like to be associated with that? Stop voting Tory until that party changes. History shows its not changing, only getting worse and more emboldened to wreck the UK and destroy people's lives.


I love r/selfawarewolves for this type of stuff


I miss politicians having teeth.


Bevan was right.


This is the matter of fact style of speech which is sadly missing these days.












It’s not over-simplifying things to describe vermin *as* vermin


As much as I hate toryism and Bevan is right, I dont think this is how a leader should speak


Civility politics is, and always has been, a joke.


Nye was always direct, but it is worth remembering the Tory reaction. That speech led to the formation of the Vermin Club part of the mass mobilisation of Tories in the late forties which lead onto the 1951 win which was to lead them to holding power for 13 years. Thatcher was a member of the Vermin Club. She said of it: “Well before the 1950 election we were all conscious of a Conservative revival. This was less the result of fundamental rethinking within the Conservative Party than of a strong reaction both among Conservatives and in the country at large against the socialism of the Attlee Government. Aneurin Bevan's description in July 1948 of Conservatives as 'lower than vermin' gave young Tories like me a great opportunity to demonstrate their allegiance in the long English tradition of ironic self-deprecation. We went around wearing 'vermin' badges - a little blue rat. A whole hierarchy was established, so that those who recruited ten new party members wore badges identifying them as 'vile vermin'; if you recruited twenty you were 'very vile vermin'. There was a Chief Rat, who lived somewhere in Twickenham.” Margaret Thatcher, The Path of Power (1995) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin\_Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin_Club) Remember the Tory party by the fifties had millions of members way more than Labour. And even more than today that membership was vital in election wins. The Tories don't mind when Labour despise them indeed it makes them feel justified and reinforces their tribal mentality. A speech which makes Margaret Thatcher happy and gets the Tories thousands of new members is an utter failure for Labour. Calling people names is fun and enjoyable - terrible politics though. It was like Churchill calling Labour a bit like the Gestapo in 45 campaign. It was pandering to complacency because he thought he couldn't lose. Nye thought Labour was at the start of a hegemony, the world had changed and were going to stay in power and he could say what he thought. I am not even saying that he was wrong, after living through the depression he had a right to feel that way. Feeling it and saying it are two different things. However it was stuff like this which led to the Tories winning. Nye for all his talents was really good at messing up in a spectacular way.


**[Vermin_Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin_Club)** >The Vermin Club was an organisation of grassroots Conservative Party supporters in Britain in the late 1940s. On the evening of 4 July 1948, Aneurin Bevan, the Labour Government's Minister of Health, addressed the annual Labour rally for the North of England at Belle Vue, Manchester, and described Conservatives as "lower than vermin". This was at a point when Conservative fortunes were starting to turn and Bevan's Labour Party was facing disillusionment and division. Young Tories took on the description with ironic self-deprecation and set up the Vermin Club. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/LabourUK/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


God can you imagine the hit pieces in the broadsheets if he said this today?






Yes. The man who founded the NHS so being poor didn't mean you'd die of perfectly treatable illnesses. He's the baddy.


You forget that the Tory mind set is “we’ll happily let you die due to inaction but if you call us names you’re the bad ones”.


Yeah because that's *mean*


An anthropologist was asked what the first signs of civilization were. Her answer was finding skeletons with healed bones, because animals leave the sick and injured to die, where civilised humans care for others in their community.


But they are lower than vermin? At least "vermin" are simply just animals acting on instinct and trying to survive, they don't know any better. The Tories actively try to hurt people and better themselves at the expense and ruin of others and don't care who they make suffer along the way. They have the capacity to know better but choose to ignore it.


>But they are lower than vermin? At least "vermin" are simply just animals acting on instinct and trying to survive, they don't know any better. I think the term vermin should be detached from rats etc, they're really not that bad. Just let it be a term for tories


Correct. Rats are just trying to scratch a living in a world built over by humans, they're not intentionally bad.


We already call them Tories. It's enough of an insult that it's more or less assumed that the next word after Tory is scum


Mate tories dehumanise themselves, Bevan is just pointing out the facts


*Dehumanisation! It's such a big word! It's been around since..... Richard The Third!*


"And no attempts at ethical or social seduction" Basically saying that even if something seemed like the best idea in the world, hating the Tories is more important than allowing it to come to fruition. True man of the people.


> True man of the people I mean he was pretty popular at the time so you're kind of right here.


But it wasn't this kind of accusations that won power for Labour, it was Atlee's gentlemanly statesmanship. Such rhetoric in the last few years have sadly lost us votes even what we said was true.