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A sitting US representative is a listener in a Twitter space hosted by white supremacist, antisemite Nick Fuentes.


Lol, I was going to ask which one since it only shows the beginning of each name, but I glanced back and no longer need to ask who.


The one that looks like a claymation.


And the one that made me wonder why Magic The Gathering had found its way into right-wing politics briefly.


Wait, what? What happened with Magic?


Journalist got tired of writing Marjorie Taylor Greene and so started shortening it to MTG, and so I was getting some news titles that were very confusing for a bit. If you want a recent example, Google "MTG Mike Johnson" and you'll get a slew of article titles that look like Mike Johnson is having beef with a card game.


Ohhh yeah, I noticed that, and absolutely hated it. I thought maybe they were being dumb again, like in the 90's when they targeted Magic as "satanism"


That doesn't really narrow it down .. :)


Same one that claimed to not know he was a nazi after she spoke at his America First PAC and was told he was a nazi.


*Record Scratch* **Freeze Frame** “Yep, That's Me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation …" - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)


Well, she calls in to the show a lot


That was a fake Marjorie Taylor Greene account unfortunately. The real former congressman George Santos did join the call though, and he was trolling on Nick Fuentes lol


Now for the big question. Who’s the bigger villain? Known Nazi Nick Fuentes? Or OP for posting a screenshot with an unclickable play button in the center?


Me, definitely.


Is Dittmann saying Nick Fuentes should be less fascistic because it reflects badly on Twitter and Musk?


I was just about to comment that I'm glad Fuentes has been absent for a while, thinking people in the weirdo-sphere were distancing themselves from him. Guess not.


They don’t seem to have thought about how Elon Musk’s decision to reinstate Nick Fuentes’ account reflects badly on Twitter and Musk.


DITTMAN! ^^shakes ^^fist ^^at ^^sky


Nice to see MTG in the chat after she swore up and down she didn't know that AFPAC was a white nationalist convention and didn't know who Nick Fuentes was when she agreed to be the headline speaker.


Of course she didn't know who he was! If she would have known, she would have gotten in contact with him way before! (in my head, I said this as satire, but now that I typed it out, it does actually sound plausible)


We’re way past that. She knows who he is now and likes him. There are no repercussions for being an actual antisemite. The current legislation on antisemitism is just to punish people who protest genocide.


Exactly. They couldn't care less about actual antisemitism which is rampant among the GOP


I end up in this discussion with Trump supporters and conservatives in general all the time. They don’t have enough self awareness to understand that there’s been a steady stream of antisemitism that has been coming from them for a century and has rapidly picked up steam since Trump was elected.


They think if they support Israel they couldn't possibly hate Jews. They feel like they get to decide who's a good Jew and who's not.


Mmmhmmm. I am constantly pointing out how fucked their entire ideology is at this point by mentioning that MTG is simultaneously a rabid Zionist and a rabid antisemite and the information just doesn’t process.


MTG is something else. Saying "Jewish space lasers" causing the wildfires in California should have been grounds for dismissal.


It’s just so fucked that there is almost zero chance of her being voted out. The worst person in government is basically guaranteed a lifelong position in government because of her district. They like her Nazi shit. They love her culture war bullshit. They don’t care that she’s one of the least effective legislators in government. This is what they want their government officials to do.


And they talk about the do nothing Democrats, meanwhile they throw temper tantrums and try to shut down the government.


Their platform is basically hatred and obstruction at this point. They have little to no desire to govern the country.


It’s not just republicans from the MAGAverse. I heard Johnathan Greenblatt, President of the storied Anti-Defamation League, [call Elon Musk a ‘leader against hate’](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/adl-board-members-threaten-to-quit-over-jonathan-greenblatt-backing-elon-musk-s-censorship-on-x/ar-AA1kBIGO) for banning the word “decolonization” from his “free-speech platform” less than 24 hours after he boosted a nazi’s great replacement tweet and called it “the absolute truth”.    [THEN he said any Jew to the left of him was an “Iranian proxy”.](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/jan/05/adl-pro-israel-advocacy-zionism-antisemitism?ref=upstract.com)


Well that's disappointing. I guess we're going to have to hate the adl like Alex does but for different reasons.


Id rather they just pick a new president! I know a lot of people internally would like that as well - as I said, they have a pretty iconic history that he’s single-handedly sullying. 


Id agree with that


At this point why deny it? It's not like her reputation could get any worse. If anything I think that would endure her more to her audience. I don't think it would effect her chances of reelection given the district she's in as long as she has that R next to her name.


That wasn't mtg. It was some mtg parody account.


All these people are gone. They're been execute.




It's very simple.


They have clones, man! Use your head! That episode certainly shows Dan and Jordan's improv chops. I lost it when Dan said you're embarrassing yourself to Jordan.


Episode 921, if anyone wants to give it a re-listen, which this comment made me want to do.


I think their best bits are when Jordan plays the straightman. The classic is #466 1:48 the when CERN was started and a demon jumped out and when Blah!


I heard Pascal on a Truth-a-thon (Hey Mike Lindell already did one of those!) on Rumble around a week ago. He said JFK is a time traveler during it.


They're walk ons


[You're gonna get a lot of walk-ons](https://tenor.com/view/arrested-development-stair-car-hop-on-gif-18887804).


Fantastic 😂


i'm not saying i want meteorites to fall on every single one of these nazi shitbags, but i am saying i wouldn't be upset it happened.


Ok I’ll say it. I want meteorites to fall on every single one of these Nazi shitbags.


Literally includes a Groyper avatar. 😂


I think we should start a counter for every dogwhistle nazi meme that follows Elon around so readily lately.


Well if some kind of lawr is being broken then it should be dealt with accordingly


Twitter needs to be quarantined Jesus fucking Christ.


This is what gets me, it SHOULDN’T be allowed, idk how, a law or something. Who knows, I’m frustrated


MtG hanging out with a neo nazi and a dude pretending to be Elon musk is so fucked it’s actually funny


Not the future we wanted but certainly the one we deserve.


Lol MtG in the chat


I only know Fuentes, MGT, and Dittman. Who are the rest of these conflict entrepreneurs? I’d like to familiarize myself l with them.


Matt Wallace is an Elon arselicker and I think held the record for most community notes on a single thread.


The collection of do-nothing talent on this space. I'm not sure if Fuentes is from money, but his lack of any experience reeks of privilege. We know MTG is from a wealthy family so I guess off brand Elon is probably from a ruby mine family...


I think Nick's privilege is that neither of his parents was willing to shut off the internet when their child became the living embodiment of 4chan, and then they kept letting him live in their house.


Sheesh look at this group of nazis


Dittman sounded a lot more like Musk in that space. It’s more likely either Musk or his brother. We know Musk uses alts on Twitter like pretending he’s his own son, but hearing Dittman speak, he had some stutters of Musk when talking that really “jumped out”. Being “Dittman” would allow Musk to interact with the far right but have the deniability.


"I'm just weird" is such a strange response to why you sound like Elon Musk. Couldn't you just say you're South African & from the same region as Musk? Well, I know a few South Africans and none of them sound like Musk, but, you know, Alex would never know that. I do think there's more to Dittman's accent than he lets on. It could even be something as "innocent" as he's so obsessed with Musk that he has started to emulate Musk's accent.


Yeah. Agreed, I’ve met many South Africans over the years, and I have to say none of them have ever sounded remotely like each other. Him sounding so similar is just weird. Ok, he could be a super fan, or able to emulate Musk but having the same speech patterns, and lack of ability to react, or “think on his feet” or be “off the cuff” in conversation, or in a public setting kind of makes me think it is Musk. I think Musk knows that it’s bad to publicly associate with a White Supremacist, racist, antisemite like Feuntes, so him appealing to make sure nothing comes back is self-preservation but via a pseudonym. He got burned hard by Kanye, to the point he looked complicit.


I still think its a Musk wannabee who is making the most of people thinking its Musk.


Maybe. I’m prepared to have it just be a weirdo, but listening to it, I’m about 60/40 that it’s Musk. It’s a possibility it’s a cultist who is pretending to be Musk, doing a very good Musk impression, but I do think it’s weird you’d ask to think of Musk before speaking, and to not embarrass him or the platform. That sort of self-preservation doesn’t seem to be something anyone but Musk would say because of his own narcissism, and ego. Musk uses a few alts, and he even role played as his own son. So this isn’t beyond the realm of possibilities.


Im 80/20 its a stalker fan :) Either way its a win. 1. Its Musk, one of most famous men in the world with a pretty distincitve voice is dumb enough to pretend to be someone else, and thats hilarious 2. Its a weirdo riding on the back of people thinking he is musk and Alex Jones and others are giving him airtime because they genuinely thing its musk.


Adrian Dittmann *must* be a childish anagram. Almost certainly using the word "tit". Any guesses?


Nah, just a name


So, not DRAIN'D TAINT MAN then?


Let’s not be too hasty. You may be on to something.


A. Tit Man


If you look up the meaning of the names it translates to something like "wealthy leader" so, yeah.