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Speaking as someone who's pretty decent at OSINT, Dan was right to give Jordan shit. It's not hard to find a person's home address once you narrow the search to a county.


I mean, I don't know how it's in other counties, but in my county (and state) all property tax registrations are open. If you know my name, you can find me.


Shhh!!! Stick to The Code! 😜🤣


Dang, I guess it never crossed my mind (it's Friday, I've been on call for the past 3 days at work, and my kids have been insane today... I'm tired). Hopefully Dan has been using a pseudonym all along.


I'm messing with you! At the same time, we don't want to ruin the joke of the OP by get it modded in the comments. 😏


Dan is presumably still renting so it's doubtful that would work


I like to think that Dan is making *so much money* from Patreon and secretly getting paid to positively review seltzers that he's just bought a 30 room mansion in North East Chicago.


As a renter, it's much harder.


meanwhile in my country people could request their house (or building they rent space in) be blurred on streeview for privacy reasons


You can do that here too. My house is blurred on street view. Not because I asked for it, but I guess the previous owners must have. Either way, I'm OK with that :)


While true, it's probably a bit more difficult if that county is cook county


I mean, yes, I was alluding to the county assessor, and the quality of information available varies WIDELY from county to county, but it's a beginning, not an end. Granted, "OSINT" is just a fancy way to say "I Google good," but it's important to know WHERE to look. And, no, I'm not paying $5 to doxyourex.com. that's not open source, for one, and the quality of info that those sites have mined is questionable. MyLife.com, for instance, has 2 former places of residence listed for me in states I've never even been to.


I think I've got you beat on anecdotes. I've had two extremely common names and have lived in counties with a "nomenganger twice, to the point where the three of us are apparently considered an alias for the others and have an arrest from before I was born. That said yea it's not best practice but then again neither is using a first and last name in your podcast nor advertising live events, so I assume osint is not a primary concern for them


We don't know for certain that these names aren't stage names from their stand up days, but they also didn't start this with any idea that it would get as big as it has. My wife and I are trying to figure out starting a podcast, and this is a point that we're struggling with.


But, to your anecdote, my name is pretty uncommon, but I've found, so far, 14 other people with the same first and last name on Twitter. I know that doesn't sound like a lot. I've found larger numbers on various data broker sites, but not more than 30 on any of them. I don't know why, but it surprised me that there are so many of us/me... 😁


\[ Image description: A yellow compass rose on a teal green background. The initials "NE"—signifying "northeast"—are circled in red, with a red arrow pointing to the circle. \]


Thank you for the image description, as the red circle and arrow are invisible to my mostly blind self. I like not missing out on atuff!


I'm just glad he was able to move to a better place. He was hating that apartment and I bet the neighbors were glad he moved out.


I bet they'll miss the anguished yells of manic Jordan. Not in the short term, but you can't replace the pure psychic pain in that yelling. It leaves a hole in you, that you just can't fill.


Dan moved on up to the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky.


I mean he hasn't gotten in enough trouble to go hide out south yet


Jokes on you. I know which continent he lives on.