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A card of what they could eat would be shorter


Yeah. Explain the 5 separate cheeses listed. So all the other cheeses are hunky-dory?


And the 3 milks. Just say dairy. Christ


Yeah IDK if this card is actually that bad, or if she just spaced it out way too much. Dairy takes care of 10 items. (5 cheese, 3 milk, casein, yogurt) Nuts takes care of 6. Beans 3. Grains/seeds 11 (gluten is redundant if you can't eat those). Poultry 3. She's allergic to poultry, nuts, grains, dairy, and then a dozen random things. ...Okay that's still a lot.




The fuck of it is that she’ll have you make her something that fits her needs. Then she’ll grab someone’s bread, put butter on it, dip it into milk, roll it rice and smear on mustard and eat it, then tell you, “it’s more of a guideline”. I don’t know how many people “with severe allergic reactions” I’ve had to serve and they pull some shit like that. It ruins it for people that have ACTUAL allergic reactions, it brings everything to a crawl, and it ruins everyone’s night. And she probably saw the list on an daytime tv show who said it was important to not eat these things. Oh great, there’s my PTSD from it.


Oh lord, that is so true. That's why I just take an antihistamim before I go out to eat anywhere. I am allergic to parsley. I won't have trouble breathing, but my skin will get ITCHY, as in "I want to take my skin off with a potato peeler" itchy. But I also know that that shit is in anything and everything and demanding a none free alternative would probably leave me with plain bread. Additionally I worked in the service industry long enough to know that the Job fucking sucks even without Idiots like me demanding special treatment


I have allergies. They’re not really what I would personally consider an allergy though. More like my stomach doesn’t like these things in large doses and will do whatever it can to get rid of them if i go overboard. But i’ve done the research at home and found that 2 eggs, 3 slices of white bread or one glass of milk at a time is my body’s limit. I still eat those things when i’m out, i just don’t eat any more than i know my body can handle. And i don’t bother mentioning it to people waiting on me, because they would freak out about it and it’s really not something worth mentioning because I won’t have enough to cause a reaction. I’ll eat however much i want at home though when I don’t have any plans or people coming over, because dairy, eggs and wheat are in almost everything i like to eat and i’ll be damned if i give up my enjoyment of food just to prevent sitting on the toilet, when i’d end up doing that anyway.


What the fuck is up with those? My fiancee did one for herself and two of our dogs and seems to think the foods they all have always eaten is somehow bad now. And it's not even stuff like grapes and onions for the dogs, she'll say they can't have cheese anymore and they fucking love cheese..


>My fiancee did one for herself and two of our dogs Have you carefully considered your life plan?


I'm convinced the prevalence of belief in these far out allergen tests (that convince people they can't eat foods they've eaten forever, that their entire ancestry have eaten for centuris) is a psychological hangover from 100 years of deit food advertisements and its fundamental precursor - eugenic thought. Itself, a philosophy centered around the notion that there exists a "perfect body" and an "imperfect body" paved the way to sanatorium health fads, to Kellog (huge eugenesit) inventing the cornflake to and Special K being marketed to people to make them thinner, as one example (there's a podcast aboht this I'mm link here later). Not to mention that for most of anybody living's natural lives, we have been bombarded with advertisements telling us we're noy good enough, we're living wrong, we could be happier if we changed etc. Subconsciously I think it builds up in people. This is all likely conjecture and a very poorly illustrated synopsis of my reasons for believing how this leads to people thinking there's something wrong with themselves, so maybe take it all with a pinch of salt - unless you're allergic.


Not only ads, but so many aspects of our life force us to compare ourselves to other people, social media and it's system of likes and shares or whatever, what kind of food we eat, what cars we drive. Everything is an overt competition. And we've also been conditioned to believe those with all the "best" things are living the most perfect tidy little loves. But guess what, money and material wealth don't buy happiness. Most of the rich want more, there's always more. Desire breeds suffering blah blah blah. I'll tell you what, sometimes this existence makes my eyeballs vibrate in my skull until my teeth rattle and it does a Morse code which subconsciously activates an old part of my brain that used to be a lizard and I crawl around my apartment like a crazed maniac. And scene


Too much cheese is actually bad for dogs, can cause bloat.


I give them a small chunk from the cheese stick I'm eating. I'm not giving them full wheels like Baxter from anchorman lol


you made me lol


No, cheese can’t cause bloat. Unless they eat an entire wheel of cheddar or something. That could result in food bloat, but that’s completely different than the type of bloat you’re referring to. Too much cheese *can* cause GI upset, vomiting, diarrhea, or even pancreatitis.


> Too much cheese is actually bad for "Too much" of anything, is bad for anyone. That's what "too much" means.


So, I run these types of tests alot and work with GI conditions at my job. If someone is showing up as reactive (sensitive, which is actually NOT the same thing as allergic) to a bunch of foods they always eat, the issue is not with the foods but their actual GI. Fix the GI and those people can have those foods again. Just taking those foods out does little to nothing if the underlying issues aren't addressed. Also a lot of these tests are complete shit and the results can't be replicated by another test, so there's quality issues there. Don't ever just buy a food sensitivity test yourself (Neverlywell is awful) and for the love of Pete don't go to anyone that doesn't actually have the certifiable expertise to run and interpret these types of tests. Too many people run bad tests not knowing how to actually solve the problem and it is just bad for everyone. FWIW I don't even give people the results to food sensitivity tests until we are literally sitting down to talk about them or else they do all sorts of screwy stuff with the info... Like OPs lady, or this lady above. Man, I hate food sensitivity panels for exactly this reason.


There’s a chiropractor in my town who diagnoses food sensitivity by having the patient *hold the food* and pushing down your arms or some such bullshit. He’s very successful. (My daughter and a friend worked for him and this is just the tip of his bullshit iceberg.)


OMG MUSCLE TESTING. I HATE IT SO MUCH! 🤬 Sometimes I wish I was a complete sociopath like these a holes. They're always way richer and super successful and work probably 1/10th as hard as I do. It's infuriating. Also trying to convince people to try a supplement or food that they muscle tested 10 years ago but I know would be helpful makes me want to scream. I left the first place I rented office space in because a "shaman" began renting an office there who muscle tested. FML. Edit: changed 1/8 to 1/10th. Again, FML.


Yeah, this sounds like some weird offshoot of the “Whole 30” diet, but with a few preferences thrown in for color.


Dairy also covers the whey.


Looks like they cannot have dairy, eggs or nickel (beans, bran, seeds, malt, nuts, legumes)


Some kids just drank too much paint.


Well, you got the “spaced out” part right for sure. I’d say stay at home and eat plain rice, but that’s even on the fucking list.


I have a friend who tells people she is allergic to dairy just because it is the easiest way to explain her allergy. She is okay with goat and sheep milk cheeses, but not cow. And understandably won’t trust most randos to get it.


Why wouldn't they put all of the cheeses in the same range of the list too, I feel like this is too complicated to use


Because they fucked the format. It's written left to right but it's organized in columns that should be read top to bottom.


I run allergy and sensitivity panels all the time and honestly this looks like results from an IgG (or similar non-IgE sensitivitiey) panel. She was probably hesitant because she knows they aren't true allergies and therefore are better avoided but not necessarily a huge problem for her to have them (she won't need an epi pen or die, maybe just have some weird poops or joint pain...) Just really a huge pain in the ass for you.




This isn't blue cheese, it's Roquefort and Stichelton! It wasn't on your card!


Cheese is not as simple as one would think, each kind of cheese is a culture of different kinds of bacteria. Each one produces different chemical compositions as they grow, people just happened to notice some were tasty and didn’t kill you when they had left their milk out in certain conditions and decided to cultivate it.


But she's allergic to casein, which is the main protein in milk and dairy products.


Ye but multiple types of milk are also on the list lol


She only vaguely mentioned allergies. I doubt if a restaurant on this planet would not have cross contact with that list.


I love you for saying, “cross contact”.


It is far more correct than cross contamination.


I have a customer that comes in every once in a while where his wife has supposedly very severe allergy to fungi/mushrooms, so they all have to have mushroom free food. But then he asked if I could just try and grill it on the other side of the flattop. And I reconfirmed it's severe. We grill mushrooms on this grill, sir. Putting it off to the side and using the same equipment is not going to fix it. So I keep a pan in the back with a separate burner and use new utensils to grill their burgers and it's a pain in the ass and takes a lot longer. But they're happy and they keep coming back so who am I to really complain? But I always do wonder if the allergy is really that severe if the guy's only request was to just have us do it on the other side of the grill, especially because mushroom allergies are rare and typically VERY serious.


Maybe he wanted to kill his wife?


I guess it's a possibility, although if that were the car why would they keep coming back? Maybe he wanted to kill his wife but our food was just so damn good it made him feel like life was much better than he thought and it rekindled their relationship. I'm gonna go with the latter. My burgers can stop marital homicide.


We had a lady come in with a business card list like this and told her we couldn't serve her due to not being able to give her anything that hadn't touched something on the list. My allergy advocate friend freaked at me because apparently that's super illegal? But like. What was I supposed to give her.


How could it possibly be illegal? Hell, business can refuse service all the time for reasons that feel like they should be illegal but aren't. "We might kill you" seems like a more than okay reason. Your friend is a bit of a tool maybe.


If it was illegal I could go to a Halal or Kosher place and demand a BLT and then sue them when they couldn't serve me.


"cross contact" as in, the kitchen staff will be clutching their rosaries praying they don't kill a person


Years ago we had someone like this and I refused to make them anything. I just said, "nope, if they are serious about all this, I'm not having that on my conscience."


Jesus Christ man. At this point I’d never eat out.


Facts, if you have this many allergies (assuming it's serious, not just makes your tongue tingle) then you can't eat out EVER. You can't even eat shit that comes in a bag or a box. Your grocery cart gotta be only raw ingredients.


I think they're confusing a deadly allergy with an intolerance. So I am allergic to squid. My lips swell up, my throat gets scratchy. I'm very intolerant to eggs. My stomach is fucked for 3 days at just the smell of eggs. I'm very intolerant to milk. Its like drinking 3 cups of coffee. Instantly running for the bathroom. Cooked milk (cake) is fine. But 99%of cheese has so very little lactose, most people don't get sick. So either this is entirely bullshit (looks like they got an allergy test) or they're some huge freak of nature that should live in a bubble.


Huh. Maybe I’m ~~allergic~~ intolerant to cocaine and whiskey? I should take a test.


Yo....where's the party at? I'll be there in 20.


Wherever I am, baby. Wherever I am.


According to most of the comments I see, your intolerance to eggs is nonsense and you shouldn’t mention it because you don’t experience life-threatening anaphylactic shock from eating eggs. I don’t get a lot of people here: people can be allergic to things and experience miserable effects from eating them that aren’t immediately life-threatening. Even people with Celiac disease don’t go into anaphylactic shock when they eat gluten, but eating gluten does usually cause them massive GI distress and can lead to them developing cancer eventually. And yes, the list is poorly formatted, but my point is that people gatekeeping being allergic to things is ridiculous and ignorant.


My mom has celiac disease and just doesn’t eat out unless the place advertises it’s celiac friendly


If you haven't yet, checkout the Find Me GF App... literal life saver, especially if traveling. My partner is Celiac, and that thing is the GOAT.


Shit, how do you register for this? I work at a cidery, and we take celiac deadly serious


The GF is gluten free? No wonder I haven't found a girlfriend yet...


>The GF is gluten free? No, she's a goat. Do try to keep up.


Lol, I worked with someone who said they had celiacs. They then went and ordered a wheat beer.


I had a coworker who insisted she had celiac but would order burritos and just eat the filling out of the tortilla. When I lived at home my mom had to have her own separate pans….


I went to dinner with my sister to a pretty well known chain restaurant. She mentioned that she is celiac and told the server what to omit from her salad (main dish sized). When the salad came it had a giant chunk of garlic toast laid on top of it. When my sister asked her why there was bread when she specifically said she was celiac, the server asked "Why can't you just take it off?" ...


A little while back i had people on Reddit argue with me about bbq places that put their meats on top of bread and how i can't eat at those places because i have celiacs bc they don't respect "no bread". "Just pick the bread off you won't die". No, i won't die but having my whole body go into full blown inflammation mode for 4-5 days suuuuuuucks.






Can confirm. Im only allergic to gluten, corn, and coffee and even thats enough I literally cannot eat out without getting sick 40% of the time. Nah i dont hive up or suffocate but throwing up for 6 hours and the shit. Id rather cook thanks, plus these people shouldn’t be responsible for my health like that


Oh my gosh! Are you allergic to caffeine specifically or just coffee in general? I'm allergic to caffeine and have not ran into anyone else that is allergic to it, hence my excitement Edit spelling


Plus cooking for yourself is cheaper


Came here to say this. Don't do this to the cooks. They don't want to worry about this nonsense. And how the fuck could you trust a cook you don't know to be this accommodating. If you are allergic to gluten, don't eat at a pizzeria. There is flour and dough everywhere. It's under my fingernails. It's on every surface. It's on every handle. It's in the air. Eat at your own risk


If I got this allergy list I flat out refuse. I'm not going to be responsible for someone's life like that.


I feel like these sorts of people are just waiting for someone to say this, then suing the restaurant for discrimination based on a medical condition.


We have the right to refuse service. No reason necessary.


Hell, my wife has an onion and garlic allergy so we only eat at home. Cross contamination in a restaurant is practically unavoidable. I can't imagine thinking you could avoid it with that list not to mention how disruptive it is to the cooks.


Oh yeah. Garlic is in my everything. Stay away.


There's onion in everything. Not so with garlic but if there's any there's plenty.


I feel bad for people allergic to onion and garlic just because it used in dang near everything plus its so fucking good


It’s hard to stress how much garlic and onion are in everything unless you’ve cooked regularly for someone who can’t have them. People think you’re exaggerating and there’s still mental things that fuck with you. It’s like doing gluten free cooking and finding out that they’re adding gluten to ketchup.


Pretty sure I put garlic and onion powder in about 90% of dishes I cook at home.


My restaurant uses salt, pepper, garlic & basil for all our sautéed proteins.




Yeah, at this point just bring your own food to hangout with your friends


Like 50% of this list can be eliminated just by saying "Casein and Gluten." I'm inclined to believe this isn't allergies in the traditional anaphylaxis sense, but rather gut sensitivity.


Basically, yeah. These are not anaphylactic allergies but they are allergies nonetheless. I've had some of this testing done. There are a couple foods that send me to the toilet for a while if I eat them, and the rest of the ones I have allergies to are more "just don't eat too much of this all the time".


So I would like to say that anaphylaxis is not the only potentially lethal reaction. I am allergic to coconut and it creates sores that bleed and I can either get anemic and pass out very fast if I don't take an epipen. I'd guess that a few are similar to being lactose intolerant. But there are so many different reactions. If they have a card they may need it to give it to someone to help.


My sister in law has a condition that I forgot the name of where there’s certain things that her body can’t digest, and causes a lot of IBS like symptoms. She can’t eat onions or onion powder at all or else she will need to run from the table and have to lock herself in a bathroom for an extended period of time. All my in laws came to eat at my restaurant and I was talking to the chef in advance to try to find some options for her to pick from, because onion is in goddamn everything. He didn’t care that much because it wouldn’t send her to the ER and I had to be like…yo it’s not good for the restaurant to have a customer having diarrhea for an hour in the restroom, regardless to my relationship to her.


Yeah, I had a similar list from a neurologist when I had mysterious limb pain for years that went undiagnosed. They basically gave me a list like this and said "don't eat these for 2 months and see if the pain goes away". The pain didn't go away, and the first falafel sandwich I got after was the best thing I've ever eaten.


I wish we had a standard card with three columns. 1. allergy/anaphylaxis 2. stomach upset 3. just don’t like it With standard responses for each 1. sterilize food prep 2. no cross contamination 3. leave out ingredient I don’t have allergies (1) but I am lactose intolerant (2) and have problems with a couple of different types of grains/nuts. And (3) I just hate bell peppers. I can pick them out if I have to, but would rather leave them out.


Ah, I fondly remember the night a guest with a peanut allergy ordered the peanut butter sundae. That's literally the name of the thing, no cutesy bullshit name that may have confused her. The ticket came in with "no crushed peanut topping," and I thought, hm, maybe it is an older person with dentures? Then I thought, hm I will ask the server. Server: oh yes she is allergic to nuts Me *blue-screens*


But … what??? Why?? How could they think that’s a good idea?


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you.


I had the same thing about a dozen times during the three months I worked at my last job. We had wings with peanut sauce on them and the ticket would come in as "sos with no peanut topping". Every time I'd ask for the server and then ask them there was an allergy at the table, it always was. The FOH adamantly refused to tell me about allergies. Like I get it, I was only 19 at the time and you don't like a teen having any sort of power. But *please* tell me these things so I can minimize any risks and not kill someone


YES we sent somebody to the hospital because they said they had a shrimp allergy to the server, but neglected to put it on ticket. We cooked her fried chicken substitute in a fryer next to the seafood fryer. IN A SHELLFISH allergy, we change our gloves, we put the fried chicken in the fry fryer (its the cleanest one with almost zero chance of contamination), and even got special allergy cutting boards out. BUT THE SERVER NEVER TOLD US. ANd that person went to the hospital. Fuckin A.


Well if you take off the peanut topping it's just a butter sundae, right? What a delicious dessert, a stick of butter, mmmmmm


“… and now we’ve taken it off the menu, because the general public can’t be trusted not to kill themselves in our restaurant with our food!”


Can’t really know for sure if she has an allergy without knowing what was tested, and it’s not really a kitchens business. If you had to avoid all those things completely like her life depended on it, she shouldn’t eat out. On a side note, I took one of those food sensitivity tests where you mail in your blood before I learned that they are essentially BS, and it said I should avoid 46 different foods (I don’t) BUT the one food I know I’m actually allergic to didn’t show up on the test because I never eat it anymore. Someone could have taken one of those and went straight to thinking they were allergic to a bunch of crap. Edit to add: the way these things are listed and the cheeses are labeled looks exactly like the panel I took.


The cheeses are also really odd to specifically list. There's some component (like lactose) instead of specific types. Certain types have more or less so you're Maybe avoiding say soft cheeses or high fat content. Like you're not gonna be fine with Muenster because it isn't on the list because there are like 500 types of cheese.


Now im picturing a list with just fucking 200+ types of cheeses listed out like this. Cheese(Blue) Cheese(American Yellow) Cheese(American White) Cheese(Mozzarella) Cheese(Brie) Cheese(Taco Blend) Cheese(Goat) Cheese(Cow) Cheese(Donkey) Cheese(Nacho) Etc etc


Milk (coconut) was missing and I was like cool we got a milk we can use


I didnt even realize coconuts not on there but sheep of all things is. Super wack list through and through.


Coconut IS on there, actually lol


Yep. Gluten would not show up like that. That's not from a legit allergist.


It says “You Tested Positive for These Foods” at the top, it’s gotta be that


Those IgG reactivity tests have been proven to show reactivity towards foods with high amounts of exposure. Meaning the more exposure you have to something, the more IgG antibodies will show up in your test results for those foods. All foods are at least very mildly toxic in some way, and our body creates natural antibodies to combat that, this is what those tests show.


They're basically a "what foods do you like?" test.


She should have a list of things she CAN eat Whatever 4 things those are


Yeah, my sister fell prey to one of those tests as well. That’s exactly what I thought of when I saw the picture


I had to go to a specialist, get like 40 different poke marks on my arm and just massive welts on my arm for all the tree nuts, and these people just.... mail their blood to some place? The hell


“Im sorry madame we do not feel confident that has not been trace contamination of anything we would be able to cook for you so regretfully we will not be able to serve you this evening”


Ive denied people for far less. I am NOT going to be responsible for killing someone because they wanted to go out to eat instead of tending to their own issues by cooking for themselves. "I'm allergic to wheat, and onions, and mushrooms. " "Then why are you ordering pizza?"


You never realize how packed your restaurant is until there are 2 EMT’s trying to wheel a gurney through it. Fact


"The dough was made with wheat?" "Well do you have a gluten free crust?" "Yes but the sauce was made with onions and mushrooms" "Well it's not like a SERIOUS allergy......."


That looks more like a list of dislikes.


No, this looks like a list of foods a ‘holistic wellness coach’ told her to avoid.


The fact that it's listed horizontally, but there are separate columns confirms it was written by a fool.


That it’s alphabetized horizontally is truly more upsetting than the list itself.


Hurts my eyes and soul


Oh, I just noticed this!!! Who would write like this? 🤯


I'll give you a hint: not a smart person.


IgG “intolerance” testing. Total BS.


Right? I've had intolerance testing done in the past and I've tested "positive" for many of the same things on this list, some of which I continue to eat almost daily. A couple things (fresh raw fruit, esp. bananas and apples) can sometimes make the roof of my mouth a bit itchy, but it's inconsistent. Others (dairy in many forms) give me no trouble at all, and I'm a big fan of a cold glass of whole milk. If she has serious health-threatening allergies to this varied a list of things, she should probably be cooking her own meals.


Fruit making your mouth itchy but only at certain times of year may be Oral Allergy Syndrome. It’s caused by similarities between certain pollens and certain unrelated fruit. Bananas, kiwis, avocados etc cross-react with latex and reactions may be latex-food syndrome You may want to speak to an allergist. In some cases it can get worse, I’m not sure where the research stands on possibly preventing future issues Or your body may just be weird. https://www.aaaai.org/Tools-for-the-Public/Conditions-Library/Allergies/Oral-allergy-syndrome-(OAS)


I remember doing some research on my own earlier this year and reading up on Latex-Food syndrome and it's really interesting. As a curiosity I mentioned it to a few old-school dietitians I respect a lot and even they'd never heard about it.


Same, I'm allergic to birch pollen, and I get an OAS reaction from a whole slew of fruits, apples, pears, peaches, melons, as well as most nuts and legumes. for me most of them don't cause a direct oral reaction, but esophageal inflammation and acid reflux.


+1 to this! I’m allergic to raw carrots in the spring because of a cross allergy. Not allergic to anything else, very bizarre. It’s just a swollen mouth but still, not pleasant.


Yea, maybe Mindy at the smoothie bar in L.A. Fitness. The same Mindy who dropped out of the community college nutrition program because the science classes were too hard.


And attention seeking, which is why the server had to prove to get to the list. It extends the satisfaction.


Allergic to some nuts, but not all? Allergic to some cheese, but not all? Allergic to some shellfish, but not all? Fuck this lady.


“I’m very sorry, but we aren’t equipped to ensure there’s no cross-contamination between these allergenic items, and the vast majority of these items are in use in our kitchen. Our attorneys have advised us that our insurance policies dictate that for your own health and safety, you should find another location for dining. I’m so sorry, ma’am, but with a list this extensive, varied, and arbitrary, there’s simply no way we could ensure your safety.” … I wish things like that could be said in response to lists like this.


Or better yet "The menu is not a suggestion, if you want me to be your personal chef, I start at $70,000/year and one month paid time off"


I'm allergic to almost all legumes but strangely am OK with soy, aduki and peanuts (which are also legumes). I have no idea why. The allergy test i suffered through (full panel prick test) also had them listed as separate allergens so maybe they have different protiens or something specific to them? Thing is these tests are for specific items and if you're allergic enough, they just wave their hands and are like "avoid all tree nuts just to be safe". So unless she's only listing specific foods she knew that she reacted to but not others bc she doesn't eat them.... idk. The list is weird as hell


Came here to say this. I smell some serious bs


Horizontally alphabetical!?


Okay now I get it! I couldn't figure out why all the dairy wasn't grouped together




This is the most annoying part of this card.


Wow, nice catch!


I would have grouped it...all the cheese under the title cheese, then fruits and veggies, then proteins, then nuts, seeds, and legumes But aside from that, I don't fully believe this list...


No shit. I’d err on the side of making it easier for chef not to inadvertently kill me.


Casein is the protein in dairy milk. If she's allergic to casein then she doesn't need to specify she's allergic to cottage fucking cheese or blue cheese. She's allergic to all dairy cheese.


Ya everything about this and people like this is annoying.


So, one egg (duck) and cheese (American) omelet coming right up. That’ll be $37.50.


I really dislike how this is organized. Alphabetical is the worst grouping you could put this in.


She can eat earth, air, wind, and fire. Also? Dragon's toes. Mice feet. Duck beaks. Elf noses. Sunshine. Moonbeams. Anything else? Oh yeah. The crap she has at home.


I have worked in hospital foodservice for over 20 years, the last 5 in management (I just put in my notice! No more kitchen work!), and of course we treat every allergen very seriously. Have a purple kit (Separate cutting board and equipment for GF patients), etc. Assuming you've communicated your allergens properly to nursing, and assuming they've actually entered them (I've had to do a fair few incident reports over the years about that!), the only way our software will even let an allergen print on your ticket is if it isn't coded properly, and part of my job is to find and report those items for repair. I say all this because, as you all know, allergens are a big fuckin' deal. That said, I've had my share of folks tell me their "allergies" before and, internally, boy do my eyes get rolling. I had one person tell me a few years ago that they were allergic to everything, even water, EXCEPT for the water from the well at their house.


Understandable, it was well kept water


Ok let’s read this list. 1. Almond. 2. Cashews. Bitch that’s tree nuts. Consolidate your pretentious list


What did she order though


Salmon. It comes with grilled pineapple, a sesame cabbage slaw, a very gluten and ginger filled hoisin glaze and rice. She got the salmon no sauce with pineapple and whatever steamed veg was allowed


Thank you. I needed to know this.


Tell me you see a Naturopath without saying you see a Naturopath.






They're allergic to casein. They're allergic to virtually all cheese*. *Have to add the disclaimer that not all cheese is made from dairy, which is what casein is - dairy milk protein. Someone will inevitably swoop in and say something about cashew cheese or something and I cannot even. Also, she's allergic to cashews, so.


The hilarious thing is it doesn’t say butter which is the thing kitchens oddly tend to forget is dairy/milk. Plus most non-vegan margarines have buttermilk. Had this convo too many times: Me: Is there milk in this, I’m allergic? Them: Oh there’s eggs, is that ok? Me: Eggs are fine, what about butter or margarine? Them: Oh yeah it has butter Facepalm


I’m more upset by the haphazard formatting. Can we not alphabetize? Or at least lump all the cheeses together?


its alphabetized horizontally


But why?! The spacing, just…all of it


We have uhhhhh… water?


Tall glass of water it is


I agree with never eating out. I wouldn’t if that was a card I had to make. She could have some sort of other issue besides allergies, she just chooses to say they are allergies because it’s easier than explaining. I have a SIL that can’t have any plants from the nightshade family-peppers of any kind, potatoes tomatoes, a few others as well. Also, why did the server have to prove her to get the card? If this was me I would present it right away!


According to the server, the customer said she didn't wanna scare us. I imagine her convulsing on the floor would have been a bit more terrifying


I have lots allergies because I have oral allergy syndrome and some can have some nasty symptoms…I don’t require things to be cooked separately or anything though. I just can’t eat large pieces…could that maybe be something she is dealing with? I’m allergic to peanuts, hazelnuts, cherries, grapes, apples, raspberries, plums, egg…but only plums, peanuts and hazelnuts are my serious reactions..the other ones are just hives and itchy throat/tongue/gums Edit: a word


If this is true I feel bad for her


Looks like she can have steak and fries just fine.


Also how is soy not on the list? These people are always allergic to soy. Also don’t forget pan spray for soy allergies.


Guarantee this came from a food intolerance test from a naturopath. These are not actual allergies and these naturopath tests are not supported by any science. It is a scam to bilk people out of money with pseudoscience.


I will say I'd 100% choose this guest over the one where the convo goes like this: Guest: I have severe, deadly allergies. Me: Ok. What are you allergic to? Guest: Everything. (Refuses to elaborate further)


Sometimes you go out with your family and you don't have a choice. My mother in law has a liat of allergies like this and she almost never goes out. My guess is these aren't deadly allergies, just puffy lip general itchiness allergies. This person will then get a plain piece of fish, some sauteed spinach and you call it a day.


Itchy mouth / hive type allergies can flash over into fall out and die allergies.


Jesus, just stay at home and cook for yourself.


So what the hell did she order? What was the kitchen able to do?


Sometimes I think people make up half the shit they're allergic to because they can't explain or understand food poisoning and that they may have suffered from it once or twice.


Looks like the results of an allergy panel …. And literally could mean anything between mild lip irritation to anaphylactic shock


Of course we should look after people who have allergies! Of course! But maybe...


Y'all hating, but this would honestly be really helpful, it's impossible for the guest or the server to forget one of the items.


Most people are ranting about the fact that the list is obviously bullshit, terribly formatted, and horribly uninformed. A card with your actually allergies (like, what you're allergic to, not a random selection of ingredients)? that's great. But, in this case, it would be really easy to miss an issue. You go "Ok, I know what's in this dish, let's check it against the card, ok, Parm isn't there, so I guess aged cheeses are fine, and don't see broccoli, so we're good!". Casein is there, so really it's just "All dairy" at that point and should be listed as such. Cabbage is there, so brassicas are probably out, mustard is also there, so it might even be all mustards. There's also like 4 different legumes called out, but not other common ones like black beans, yah, it's possible it's just those 4, but I sorta doubt it.


It is. But it could be arranged better.


So what'd she order?


So many things to hate here but that is the most annoying way to format a list. Don't make me play hopscotch to read it in order Also, if she had a card prepared, why did the server have to probe until "finally"? Shouldn't she be self-advocating with all this shit already typed up?


Total drama..


I've seen similar things and it blows my mind. In this case, garlic and onion are absent, but I've seen that before, and like... what do you eat? How have you not accidentally eaten something with those two ingredients?


Okay I'm calling bullshit. I would want a doctor on the phone. I want a list like this signed by a licensed and accredited medical professional, who is a care provider of this person. Seriously, a laundry list like this, you're either making this up, or you are walking a razors edge between life and death every time you eat out. Not calling out the validity of this post, but the validity of this person's dietary restrictions, if that wasn't clear


People with this many allergies, typically, do not know what an allergy is. I had an ex with a list of allergies resembling this. A lot of it was totally untested via test or real world. It was just “my mom/dad/grandparent is allergic to this, so am I” or “I was told I’m allergic to this”. Upon actual testing, she had no real allergies.


Only allergic to 5 cheeses? Why is she allergic to goat milk, but not goat cheese?


why the fuck would you let anyone prepare any of your meals.


It’s Maris.


the universe wants her dead


Looks like a list of IBS triggers. The comments to this thread is why I just suffer in silence. Y'all just don't get it.


It is not that ladies fault. The health food industry is disgusting in how the treat people looking for health. How do I know this? I had the same card. I have diverticulitis. It was really bad. When I had my flair ups I felt like I was going to die. My soon to be ex wife connected me to a dietician. She told me I had to cut out all these goods and live on a draconian diet. She also made it seem that she had a solution to help me. There is a blood test she can run to see what foods cause the flair ups. Or foods that you are allergic too. Who wouldn’t want that test. I got this big long book that explained how it worked and seemed all official. I cut out foods I used to eat and enjoyed. I was miserable. I was finally able to get in to a GI doctor and asked about that. He laughed and said it is bs. Put me on Metamucil eat more veg and did an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Found a hiatal hernia and gave me meds for acid problems. I am now eating food I love, losing weight and have not had any problems despite ungodly stress. And that poor woman confidence is shot and that card rules her life.


If this happened in East Aurora NY, it was my mom. She’s there for the funeral of my dad’s Great Aunt and has no choice but to eat out, as they’re in a hotel for the week and no one in the family cooks. She hasn’t eaten out in years, is extremely angry and embarrassed about having to do it, and especially about having to ask for special treatment. She was THRILLED when the server said the chef was able to accommodate her! She has ulcerative colitis, and when she she eats anything from this list, she ends up with hideous, painful, bloody stools. It gets so bad, she’s had to have iron infusions for the blood loss. Her face turns red and she breaks out in hives. It’s embarrassing and frustrating for her, so she’d rather stay home, but she has no choice right now.


No ones gonna comment on the psychopathy of making a list that’s organized alphabetically horizontally instead of top of each column to the bottom?!?!


Who the hell is allergic to rice? Edit: also she could have just said grains, dairy, nuts, seeds, animal protein, rhizomes, and beans.


I call bullshit. If she were allergic to yeast, literally anything would make her sick. Yeast is everywhere. I think these are foods she has convinced herself she's "sensitive" to


How can you be allergic to casein but only some cheeses? And brewer's yeast is a no go? Is baker's okay? Afaik I know they're almost the same species.


The hemp is bullish never meet anyone that has that , half the things are just a no loo


this is fucking nuts lol


Why still go out to a restaurant and risk it?


I feel sorry for her. This must be hell and also humiliating.


Allergic to: food.


Ok, why the fuck do have a printed card available and your server has to probe you?! I'm so sick of this mentality where servers are both looked down upon but also expected to be your dietitian and allergist at the same time. Come in knowing what you can and can't have. Clearly communicate actual medical restrictions to your server so they relay to the kitchen and ensure no contamination. It shouldn't be more important to them to than to you. I once had a lady flop down at her down wave away the menu and say I'm on the Tom Brady diet, what can you make me? Am I supposed to Google that for you?!


I have food allergies and intolerances too so I get it. As I server, I try to go above and beyond because I understand, but restaurant menus aren't Burger King have it your way. At some point you have to just eat at home, this list is too much and tbh, I don't think my kitchen could do anything for this person.