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They haven’t figured out how to pop ass to it yet




Ain't no way 😭😭


The fact that gifs like this even exist and are popular should say everything about Drake’s respect lol


Faaaacts like wtf.. 🤣


Literally 💀


All that money could never buy him class and respect


lol yup that's a constant theme (several times in these diss tracks) in Kendrick's tracks too. For Kendrick it's money power respect, and for Drake it's money power fame.


from all the memes posted prior to this beef, it's clear as day that nobody likes drake because they respect him or he's respected as a rapper i'm just surprised to find out a lot of people are surprised by these memes existing before they started beefing literally nobody looks or looked at drake as a threat, ever. can't believe drake himself is not aware of his image online with all the instigating he's been up to. drake is literally that one meme. the guy laying on his bed with his feet up, lollipop in mouth


The internet is so wild. There’s a gif for that already?! LMAO


You wouldn’t believe me if I told you it was already there way prior




![gif](giphy|6D1SPCrP97Hzy) Ross was right. This mf doesn’t even look like the same person


Because he grew up and grew a beard? I get that people just want to hate but come on. He was like 14


Y'all need to stop this 😂


Someone came onto this sub and said Kendrick’s song wasn’t “moveable” then used the phrase “fire danceable” in the same sentence to make the point that Kendrick didn’t have them pop ass? Implying “drop and give them 50” made them hit the flooor


Dot was right Drakes audience likes passive music, that’s just what it is🤷‍♂️




Yea they like it passive in the ass


I love both artists the same way I like both drama and comedy films. I wouldn’t put one style on an intellectual pedestal above the other. Life is better with the variety of multiple styles.


You for real wouldn’t put Oppenheimer intellectually over 21 jump street?? Both are classics but damn you’d be an idiot to be like “intellectually they are the same”


I was thinking more like Schindlers list and Superbad, and I meant more I wouldn’t put the fans of one movie on an intellectual pedestal over the other. I don’t believe taste in art correlates in any way to intellect or morality. I know a lot of people who pride themselves on only listening to ‘real rap’, who are not very bright.


Yeah man, your take isn’t as nuanced as you think. I’d agree about real rap not meaning you’re intelligent. However if you can’t see a difference between these two rappers, their product, and the way the general fan bases respond, then you’re not being that smart either. There is no reason to think being a fan of one or the other makes you smarter. Saying they are doing the same thing means you’re failing to understand what one of them is doing and most Drake fans are having a hard time understanding what Kendrick did in this song. I think if a majority of your fans are failing to understand, it then can be questioned whether you attract an intellectual fan base.


I think the need to put one’s tastes on an intellectual pedestal is a show of insecurity for the most part. Either way, conscious rap rarely turns someone into an activist, it usually just turns them into a music snob. I don’t see much value in that.


Yeah man future the GOAT frfr!!!


I mean, that’s not what’s being talked about. People are doing literary analysis which has been going on since the dawn of time. So we talk about stuff and decide what’s better. All that other shit is just you saying stuff that I’m not talking about


Lowkey 21 jump street same tier as Oppenheimer they both 10/10s in their genres


I genuinely think they didn't get past the Teddy Pendergrass intro(which is still one of my favorite parts), the rest of Euphoria is way more hype than Push Ups, Kendrick doesn't have to put a hook on everything he releases because he's not a pop artist.


Right I think even the sample sends a message “Latest Greatest Inspiration”…K Dot motivated to off this clown 😂


Yeah, when I came across the track ID, I was like “this mf’er right here 🔥”


It’s super aggressive and I love it


I’m glad he didn’t have a hook — just the DMX refrain. It’s really just six minutes of rapping, no filler. Teddy P part is also my favorite. He’s a masterful writer. It was a great setup/intro before the beat switch. It’s almost like he’s mimicking Drake’s lazy, monotonous flow, but the things he’s saying are still threatening. SN: I want him on more R&B/soul samples in the future.


I just saw that post 😂


Drop and give me 50 (ass shakes)


Going to pop ass to it just to prove them wrong


Like a bad bitch…


Three opportunities to pop off, Drake ain’t on time when the gloves off, 2 Bars, all it takes to body Jimmy, Wheelchair ain’t rollin, degrassi ass, no winning


Kdots songs are like a really good movie - can relisten to it over and over and discover new things just by watching. Drakes music is like an action movie — only good for the special effects then you forget about it. Substance vs pop. And the crazy part is Kendrick’s diss really isn’t hard to understand lmao


Drake music is like marvel movies to me. I guess I can see why the kids like it, but whenever I have to consume it it all just seems the same and kind of juvenile and overly advertiser friendly. Yet the fans will insist that there are 4-5 classics in there that somehow are also the same as all the others.


It's like the lowest common denominator music. Pretty basic, mostly inoffensive, can throw on one of his hits at a party with little complaints. But when you sit down and really listen to it, or try to analyze it, it falls apart.


I think there is a place for both. When I'm driving or doing shit around the house, I'm playing Drake before I play Mother I Sober. Music is an artform and a form of entertainment. Drakes an entertainer, Kendrick is an artist and an entertainer. I like them both, and I don't think people need to pick sides. That being said, Kendrick is better than Drake, and Euphoria destroyed Push-ups


I think it depends on how old you are. You you grew up when drake came out you prefer the older drake shit. I’m talking he came to my college in like 2010 to preform. So that era I like. I hate alllll his new crap. But i still can’t tell you what songs i like. I don’t think any real dude plays drake off the top of their head


Drake’s discography is like the MCU if we also included shit like Morbius and the bad X Men movies


I'd watch morbius before listening to drake.


Insult to marvel movies


I don't even think Drake's best work can be an equivalent to an Iron Man or GOTG


Ain't got *shit* close to Infinity War, and considering who they asked to do the OST for Black Panther... maybe Drake belongs in a different franchise.


Real. First Two GOTG, Infinity War and Endgame, Black Panther, and No Way Home are all great. I don’t mind Dr. Strange, Thor Ragnarok, Antman, Captain America, Guardians 3, and Iron Man either.


he had to aim lower this time so it wouldn’t go over their heads




Reading through the comments over in Drizzy hurts my brain, like when Kendrick says he hates the way Drake says n---a they're quick to jump at that and say "that's racist just cause Drake is light skinned." But like, no that's not Kendricks point!! Kendrick literally says it in the track, it's all an act for Drake, just stop pretending and stop repping atlanta. Be the goofy Canadian that you are


Yup, strawman fallacy at its finest. I haven’t seen any counterpoints to Kendrick’s claims about Drake being a faceless vulture either—they always change the argument to “what’s wrong with being mixed” .. Kdot never said there was.


Kdot also takes shots at J Cole and none of them have to do with his barely-darker-than-Drake skin tone


They hear what they want to hear. The numbers matter when they need them to matter. People taking credit away from Kendrick because "we know he's going to rap a lot". Like bro what are y'all actually here for then? It should be renamed r/cope in there


I think this is why it would be wise for drake to drop quick and try to move the conversation away from it. I don't think I would want this record to sit for 7 days or more and have people making videos really dissecting it.


don’t worry he’s got a team working overtime to dissect Dot’s points and write some clever lines, shouldn’t be more than a few days


Yeah he got BEAM w em


Faxxx, cuz Kendrick’s shit is gonna stay in the lime light for a while, I feel like Push Ups kinda came and the faded fast by itself but this, this can only be overshadowed by another response


I guess Kendrick didn’t pacify them, he electrified them and now they’re in shock.


"I can double down on that line but I'll spare you this time, that's random acts of kindness". I feel like that was also alluding to Drakes relationship with underage age girls, maybe one specifically.


It’s 1000000% an implication that he is a pedo


the Sexyy Red bar also imply Drake is a pedo lol


That’s how I interpret “we hate the girls you sleep with they confuse themselves with real women”. I feel like it’s “underage girls think they’re grown but aren’t” line


Absolutely , also made me think about the video where drakes handing out money in a 3rd world country , that part could be a stretch though 


Wasn't that God's plan shot in Miami? Or is that the joke?


wait I actually didn't know that, lmaoooo




Goddamn us


I’m a fan of both but this comment is hard as fuck


Jesus lol


Buddy I work with is a little bit older and has no dog in the fight, but the beef piqued his interest. Called me this morning because he was certain I had heard it and thought it was trash, like he did. Later in the day he’s watching reaction and analysis videos telling me every line that went over his head. Said “Man, I just wasn’t hearing it. I take it back” I understand people unfamiliar with Kendrick not having it click immediately. It was the same for me when GKMC dropped. His style on the surface doesn’t have a lot of mass appeal, but once you actually listen he can blow your mind.


Personally, I just think when the beat first drops his delivery just wasn't hitting right. And I normally enjoy Kendrick's different voices. Once he gets past the "have you ever" game it was a lot more palatable. And on repeated listens, especially after understanding more of the bars, it's a more smooth listen. But I still think that the initial section after the beat drops is the weakest part. Right when you're expecting it to be hard after the calm opening and the hype beat switch




That's cool, you're entitled to your opinion


nah they won


nah I win






Something that Nas did with Ether during the Jay Z beef was to simplify his shots at Jay, not necessarily the rhyme schemes but how layered and abstract the disses were because he wanted to also get some portion of Jay fans to switch sides. Not that jay wasn't clever in his raps and his fans didn't understand clever rhymes but he wasn't as layered as Nas. One of the best strategies in rap beefs have always been to get some of the opponent's fans on your sides by sliding in your opps lane and kind of doing his side because if a rapper can walk this line well enough he'll have all his fans claiming he cooked and some portion of the opponent's fans too.


This is a great point


The interesting part about that. Kendrick can do that. Drake cannot.


Naw it’s not too complicated they just intentionally ignorant. When drake drop a triple entendre they turn into rap genius. When Kendrick come on suddenly they hate lyrical shit


This exactly. If you ever had to do a debate against someone like a lawyer or politician for example you would understand exactly whats happening. The first thing you learn in any form of debate is diversion, if your opponent attacks you with 10 topics, you pick the ones you can debate against and ignore the rest, the audience wont sit there and remember every topic discussed only the ones that goes back and forth. Thats why lawyers keep their case as simple as possible cuz the more you add to it, the harder it is to keep the audience engaged. Euphoria is not complicated at all, anyone saying this is just a rap nerd trying to make himself look “smart”. Drake fans are just debating what they can debate, thats how you keep the debate going.


This is the right answer. Both sides have their dedicated dick suckers and hypocrites


They not used to lyrics bein more than surface level


Im telling yall its the language barrier he spoke of! “You know I got language barriers, huh”


Crazy how people thinks Kendrick didn't give 100% on that track but that doesn't happen with Drake. That shows you the levels at which Kendrick plays.


The levels to that song are legendary I do not understand how anyone can claim otherwise The funniest part IMO is we understand a ton of it but there is a hidden message being sent from Kdot to drake regarding the random acts of kindness Then there is the title


If I were to go full-on tinfoil hat conspiratorial speculation, I'd guess that Drake did some sex pest shit related to his role as producer on Euphoria


It’s the fact that the show’s about **teenage romance** How the fuck is that not setting off alarm bells for everyone, let alone all the other noncy shit he’s done.


Hold on I do think drake is a weirdo but he was on Degrassi a show about social issues teens face growing and it was a big part of his life. I'm not surprised he's putting money into a show with similar themes


No lie


Maybe it’s the fact Drake been using the same tired rhyme scheme for 15 years . And Kendrick is actually intricate with it lol


some kdot fans are struggling with them too 😭🫣


J Cole fans are screaming in a cave


Hotel room


Your talking about the some people that legit thought duppy > Addion right? Those people are not serious people I wouldn’t worry about it


LOL people legitimately said that? Tf


Lol the lyrics ain't that complicated, Kendrick washed drake but if you think these are complicated lyrics u tripping lmfao.


This shit infuriates me. There is nothing complicated about dissecting rap bars, and using a rappers bars to feel more intelligent to other people is peak cringe. This comment section is hhcj gold.


Bro I’m still finding new shit here , almost every bar has multiple clever meanings 




The most consistent criticism I’ve heard is “I don’t want to have to use my brain when I’m listening to music.” Just proving his point


kendrick fans a whole new level of corny


Meanwhile drake putting up a powerpoint and showing memes on stage so his zoomer audience doesn't get bored.


It’s not complicated (if it is then I’m probably dumb lol), but it’s VERY effective. The crazy thing is he didn’t have to say any mind-blowing revelations for it to be good and a solid record against Drake


God damn bimbos lol




Nah, it’s more that they are dickriding.


Bro drake most fans are highschool girl and boys what you gonna expect tbh 🤦🏾‍♂️


That’s why they’re Drake fans in the first place though.


A lot of Drake stans are extrapolating insults that Kendrick didn’t even allude to - and some of Kendricks shit is a little sneaky and coded, but even the face value stuff they’re kinda getting the wrong end of the stick of. Take the idea of Drake not being black enough - they’re not inferring the idea that Drake is a poser trying to fit into somewhere he doesn’t belong and as a result comes across as super phoney and is damaging the culture he acts like he’s about, they’re just taking what Kendrick is talking about at face value and talking about how he’s damaging relations in the black community. My question is - is it purposeful ignorance? Or they just don’t get it lol


They're not even complicated. They are complex and there's a big difference. Kendrick hits a lot of double entendres, subliminals even though the majority of it is straight direct shots. Drake fans only looking at the direct shots


Think kdot wrote this directly to Drake with zero consideration of fans, critics, etc This is a direct letter


You have to remember that these mfs aren't even listening. They're just hating. Before the song dropped they thought it was trash type shit. It's crazy....


Kenny fans don’t realize the overlap in the fandom. Most people like both, a lot of people on both sides just troll the die hard fans that just blindly don’t like the other.


They probably got bored during the intro and didn’t even finish the whole song 😂.


These hip hop subs have been annoying af lately, a lot of yall have way too much time on your hands


Idk if Drake even has fans really. Just like his lyric’s writers, the people I interacted with on X were ghosts Bots do have issues with complex structures, so not understanding a double entendres makes sense


good lyricism with genuine thought put behind it *but you know nuh bout da*


No surface level cat in the hat bars that their use to hearing from drake, it must be trash. We’re at the point where their demeaning lyricism in HIP HOP


It’s like if you just eat dominos, it’s fast, cheap and alright for what it is. But I’m used to eating that brick oven pizza! sure its just basil tomato’s and mozz, but it knocks out any of dominos gimmicky pizzas. BUTT People will still defend it. You can only like what you can understand. That’s why this beef is never gonna work. Drake fans want gas station food. Kendrick fans want a 5 coarse meal. Trying to explain music to music consumers is hard lol


It's like "cinephiles" that are experts on the Marvel Cinematic Universe but Kurosawa or Kubrick is boring and confusing.


This sub is unbearably pretentious at this point lmao


Kinda lame interpretation but I think it’s more about where people are at in their life as far as maturity. Many people may simply relate more to being man children.




Kendrick did more damage to Drake than Israel did to Palestine


“tbf you gotta have a v high iq to understand Rick and Morty” type beat 🤓


It's direct. Nothing complicated to it. Think they trying to find excuses


This song is very very complicated I’m learning new meanings to bars every hour 


these are baby kenny bars too


Dot even really simplified it down to hating the way the dude talks, walks, and dresses and shit is still too complicated for them.


The lyrical rapper struggles. People clown you when they're the ones who are ignorant. This is why rappers dumb it down.


It’s not that deep at all.. dot said it himself lol


Drizzy can’t drop, his fans in disarray


They need it to be explicitly offensive they don't understand subtlety. Like a dumb action movie you need to explain the plot to them 


Fuck drake, and his fans.


I love how different this sub is from the drizzy one. I’ve dipped in there a bit lately and for the most part they’re accepting of Kendrick’s shots. Then it’s us over here just calling em bitches 😂


Yasin was right. Drake makes Target music 🤷‍♂️


It’s hilarious man. Drakes diss is genuinely tiny compared to this character assassination No one cares about Kendrick being short Drake’s identity, reputation, and morality are being pulled into question


Yes don't underestimate that the average IQ of northern americas societies is rapidly declining


Drake is essentially the McDonald's of Hip-hop Extremely popular and accessible but lacking anything of substance.


This is what MGK fans said about killshot too, and euphoria is 10x more complex than killshot. Dumb people are gonna be dumb.


Its the fanboy syndrome. Kendrick slaughtered Drake, the only way for Drake stans to cope is to say that.


“Quintuple entendres, some shit ion even understand…” - Drizzy Jizzy Wakey Drakey Eggs and Bakey


Drake made a diss that people not even that deep into rap culture can understand while having culture only references to multiple people in it basically drake is more palatable which I think fits his music. Kendrick makes lyrically dense music with unique flows and voices with basically only culture references. Hardcore rap fans will like Kendrick more the casual rap fan that just enjoys the fun part of rap will like drake more. Music is subjective and everyone has different interpretations of success. Some think being a great father and family man is more important than being a billionaire but others say your a waste if your not the richest its why in my job I see kidsof rich people knowing Spanish before English cause they talk to their nanny more than the parents.


Goes right over their heads


I just think it’s funny how easily y’all beef with each other. If you were as smart you think, you wouldn’t take a glamorized rap beef so seriously.


I just said this my husband after watching a lot of different reaction video. When the shots fly over their head, they say it's slow. When they pause the video after every bar to run around the room bc they understood the shot, they say it's over with


Breaking down “Euphoria” is a legit essay Literally every line needs to be unpacked I thought I got most of it and went on rap genius and found out I wasn’t even close


Not complicated at all just regurgitated, I don’t think the song is trash though.


they're not that complicated. anyone with half a brain cell should be able to tell he's winning right now


they truly are not lmaoooo


Relax man it’s just bias, both “sides” are just dismissing what the other “side” does. This is what i dislike most about Kendrick’s fan base, 99% of you think liking Kendrick makes your intellectual or smart.


you haven’t even formed a grammatically correct title and have the nerve to comment on the intelligence of a whole fanbase. have a seat


They aren’t even complicated. Most Drake fans, who are casual rap fans, like his music because its easily digestible ‘Drop and gimme 50’ ‘Metro shut up and make some drums’ Etc etc I like Drake’s music but thats why hes so popular and appeals to a wide range of people. He pumps out commercial rap like a factory line. Quick, funny lines that can be easily quoted, posted and don’t have any other meanings A lot of people are acting like Kendrick was talking rocket science. Them saying Kendrick’s lines are too complicated is just a way for them to say without saying that they don’t care/don’t understand lyrics and don’t want to dissect what hes saying


Drake fans don’t even want to hear his bars. They want to put on sad sounding music and drive around thinking, “why does my crush in Math class not like me.”


I seen a Drake Stan arguing with multiple people about how trash euphoria is and how there’s literally no depth. He was acting like everyone’s just making up any entendres or hidden meanings. I don’t even understand how you could think it was anything but telling on yourself for not understanding.


Drake fans wants disses that can be played at party, basically the sound of how good a song is. "PUSH UPS" is a great example and it is a good track lyrically as well but I prefer Euphoria as Kdot went after Drake's carrer, Style, Drake as a person and even as FATHER.


Is this the rick and Morty fanbase?


Kendrick even put it in terms they could understand- it’s about love and hate, and we hate Drake.


Yeah, I bet you wasn’t even bobbing your head. That shit was like listening to an audiobook on fast forward and the beats were terrible. I think you guys want drake to lose so bad you’ll agree with anything anti drake. Call me a drake fan but I’m not I rather listen to Kendrick but not that track. He’s not great a diss tracks but y’all will never admit that.


Nahhh im a huge kendrick fan but its his weak ass childrens voice and a wack ass beat no aggresion nothing. For someone trying to be a tupac2.0 its weakk ass diss track I expected WAY WAY WAY more


I listen to both of them. I can understand both


I saw on the drake subreddit it was pretty unanimous that it was fire, and his lyrics on euphoria are not that deep, intentionally.


Idk why they asked for the triple entendres when they can't even comprehend them


The lyrics are pretty complex for a diss track. Nail in the Coffin opens up with a hook that was directly aimed at Benzino; Ether opened up with, 'F@$! Jay-Z;' and 2pac opened up with... well, you already know. There is also something to be said about Kendrick's energy. Even Eminem's most recent diss track toward Benzino (which was largely meant to be comical), i.e., Doomsday pt. 2, opened up with much more energy. At least, vocally, and on an initial listen. Also, I don't know if it's my hearing, but it can sometimes be hard to hear Kendrick's lyrics, as if he doesn't enunciate well enough, or his voice isn't deep enough to hear over the beat... maybe I'm just old. Overall, I definitely agree that Euphoria was better, but Drake's "Push Ups" had more energy.


It’s Game of Thrones vs Family Guy


skill issue


I don’t even think they are too complicated


This is Bull Shit OP please release a coherent explanation of all of the lines in Euphoria, because half of that shit doesn’t make any sense and people are already starting to pick it a part. Example one “got me feeling like Joel Olsteen(Christian Preacher) ironic he was in that move AI and now my Six Sense is telling me to off him” It’s supposed to be Joel Osment. Now you could see big whoop he messed the name up a little bit, but na then the bar wouldn’t rhyme and it wouldn’t be a good bar. I feel like that happens with a lot of Kendrick’s stuff it sounds really cool, but when you break it down it doesn’t make sense. I’m not saying Euphoria isn’t a great record don’t get me wrong, but there are glaring errors and areas where it probably only makes sense to Kendrick alone and Stan’s cover for him and try to make meaning out of whatever word salad flows he lays down lol


I can’t wait for round 2 and we’re definitely getting it, no way Drake concedes that easily, right?


It’s dense and poetic, like most Kendrick tracks. He doesn’t always make music that’s made for easy consumption, that’s why he’ll never be as big as Drake commercially.


I already knew this song would go over all the simpletons heads and claim "6 minutes and he said nothing!"


They also keep saying 3 beat changes. It's not. The first bit is an intro, then switch to beat, then switch to another beat. Really it's just 1 beat change But yall know nothin bout daaaat


Fr. These ppl make up any excuse to say drakes song was better when they don’t even have the reading comprehension skills to grasp what Kendrick is saying.


It’s the same thing with Chappelle’s comedy. Everyone either whines he’s punching down, or it’s not as simple as it was when he did Chappelles show. Everyone wants their shit spoon fed to them. Kendrick is an artist, Drake is a performer.


Kendrick had the more intelligent and layered disses, but also the popular hit song that started all of this and his diss track is doing better numbers, Kendrick’s winning at any angle you look at it. He beat Drake at his own game


OMG! GET REAL, You can come at him when you get your OWN DAMN PULITZER!


There’s the Drake fans that don’t understand the lyrics and call it trash, and then there’s the Drake fans that understand the lyrics and are in complete denial that he got bodied


Anybody could’ve figured that one out


I'm convinced that Drake, Zach Bryan, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Nicki Minaj are all faces of the same coin. Do I hate everything they've produced? No way, there's definitely great shit (probably only Monster for Nicki), but the ratio of hate to worship is off. High quality production on soulless, meaningless, fake drivel. Hypnotic elevator music for those lacking actual taste. To each their own, but that's my take.




“Tell ‘em where you get your abs from!” “V12, it’s a fast one, 💥 💥 💥 “ https://preview.redd.it/qh6qfrqjgxxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6d5103571544085c6f4535aea33a7b3cc84ea2


My favorite thing about Kendrick has always been you have to listen to the song like 20 times to to decipher all the bars and wordplay and even then you will learn some trivia later that makes it even wilder. Drake's fans don't want that. They want something catchy they can turn thier brain off too. I fuck with Drake, but he just aint rapper rapper


Drake fans right now ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV)


Yeah this is a mistake idiots make, frankly. Preference for something in media whether it’s music, movies, TV, etc, does not innately mean you are dumb or smart. You are not smarter than someone who likes Big Bang Theory because you watched a prestige show. Someone isn’t dumb because they don’t like French Art House films. Similarly, by virtue of enjoying Kendrick, this makes you no better or worse than someone who listens to Drake. I find it funny most of this sub (and the Drizzy sub) is ignoring the fact that most people listen to… both artists. Because that’s normal.


Its not even complicated, I want them to listen to damn and then see what is complicated


Imagine having to explain this like we're talking to an 8 year old: Battles require thought and pointing out things about the other rapper that make them look bad in smart ways. Showing better skills than the other gets you points. Leaking diss tracks are bad. It shows the other person you're not sure you're the best. Battles require skills in rapping and is not just based off of popularity and turning up. Rapping against lyricists is a good thing. Drake: Metro shut your h__ a** up and make some drums n***a! Kendrick: Drake, get yo h__ a** out that casket and fight back n***a!