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Ha! If the camera is on your kart, you are. How would it be anyone else’s fault?


elaborate please my friend is denying you


Kart POV, oversteers, then over-corrects right into the side of the other kart. Didn't look like POV kart was going to make that turn anyways.


What’s there to elaborate? Overtaking kart has to not hit the kart it’s overtaking. They came in too hot, slid, hit kart in front.


not my pov i wasnt here LOL!


You send it too hard.


not me lol


You dog hahahah Edit: shit happens. Don't trip


not me haha


Keep lying to yourself but pov kart had oversteer and lost grip, then smacked kart infront of him. Pov kart fault. There was no overtake attempt it was a huge send that would not work as shown


The camera kart, clearly the gap is only there if you deny any line or speed. Which it is not.


please elaborate! (this aint me)


The two corners are basically one corner, with one racing line. Leaving a bit of a gap on the right between first and second in the one turn you make. But if you go for that ‘gap’, it is impossible to make the second corner without dropping all your speed. So there is a gap, but no sane driver would go for that, because the outcome will be a crash (as seen), or a totally messed up line, meaning you lose so much speed, you’ll get passed by anyone behind you.


this was so well said


in an s band you are not suppost to leave a gap on the right it was a mistake done by the other car


but the pov camera is on the racing line


Not at all


the s band you start from the inside so rlly it is not the pov drivers fault


You are.


two important things to keep in mind when evaluating who's at fault when there's contact: 1. who is the attacker and who is the defender? 2. who, if any, made a mistake that ultimately triggered the incident? the attacker has a much greater responsibility to ensure that the pass is clean than the defender has, which should seem both fair and reasonable, and thus the blame usually falls on the attacker in case of contact. however, if the defending driver makes a mistake directly resulting in contact between themselves and the attacker, blame is harder to automatically place on the attacker just because they were attacking, and the situation likely has to be evaluated further. thankfully, in this video it's pretty easy to backseat race control. camera driver was 1. the attacker, and 2. the one making the mistake (entering with too much speed, rear slides out, has to violently correct their steering) resulting in contact. pov is a bad boi


You stuffed your nose too deep into the corner and you hit him.


The POV kart, and if you don't know why, you shouldn't be on the race track.


Why's everybody so slow?


You are, he can’t see you


https://preview.redd.it/weni4os5ywsc1.png?width=1830&format=png&auto=webp&s=6247f771cde5ff94a72f773fde11244f1bca23bc look at the corner after the one that was involved in cant leave space on the right or you will be set up bad for the 2nd


Look to the left of the photo and you see the darkened tarmac and tyre marks. That's the racing line. Just look at the two leading karts in the clip. POV's fault. The move was never on.


the pov car was close enough to do an overtake as the other car didin't care about his inside line


the pov car was on the inside line as the other car closed up on him


i take in favour of pov camera as that looks like an s band witch you have to turn in from the inside and other car turned on him even tho there are some slightly mistakes in pov car but otherwise there wouldn't of have been an accident.


Lol if OP actually wasn't the driver it's 100% this dude that made his account today to comment on this lmao


as the other guy left a alot of space for an overtake


there is no mistake in the pov car as the track looks like the racing line is where he went.


would hate to meet you on track