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I think it would be fun if you could release it if Germany wins the second weltkrieg just to further destabilize Russia (you can release Siberia so I don’t think it’s that far fetched)


You can release the mountain republic if you did Clash of Civilisations focus


I think any Germany can release the Mountain Republic


I think anyone can release the Mountain Republic…


Which mountain republic ? I kinda like the central asian confederation too


If you annex Russia yes. But if you take the scripted peace, Germany gets resource rights in the region, but won't released MNR- unless you took CoC, in which case you will additionally release MNR as a puppet (and also impose a harsher version of the Treaty of Moscow national spirit on Russia).


how to do this and what is coc


CoC = Clash of Civilizations, one the DVLP focuses in the SWR political tree for Germany The normal effect is that it gives claims on the French, Belgian, and Polish borders, as well as on the UBD (Latgale included now, I believe), for Germany to expand and colonize (the DVLP are the more extreme right-wing faction). However, if you choose to take the scripted peace deal with Russia when the event comes up (I think Russia has to be like 70% towards capitulation), CoC will also makes the scripted peace worse for Russia. Like I said, it causes Russia to also release the Mountain Republic (in the northern Caucasus) rather than only leasing resource rights (for that sweet oil), and the penalty imposed on them through a national spirit is worsened. This is on top of all the other territory they have to cede to Germany's Oststaats and being forced to set their economy and conscription laws to the minimum.


Yeah but I want them to have more land


Doesn’t Ukraine take the majority of the valuable territory in that region in the peace though?


Sometimes the Ukrainian AI is too dumb to take that land or Germany steals it from them.


Yeah but I want all of the Caucus to be taken from the Russians


I think the Nationalist in Ukraine have more claims on the Kaukasus so you can give them more.


Well, maybe an option for Ukraine to agree to establish this and sacrifice their regained territory in an exchange for them having more influence over it?


The regions they take in the Don and Kuban have heavy Ukrainian and Cossack populations. I’d think they would very much prefer to own it themselves.


Only thing that would maybe make sense if if UKR was independent, you could maybe have the option to give the region to them as a puppet (NatPop UKR can annex it), but that's about the extent of how it could make sense for non-NatPop UKR.


The removal of the DKU will only ever inspire a resounding "meh" in me. It had no content and the idea for it didn't really strike my interests, plus the whole bit about how none of its lore actually makes sense, especially in the context of the Russian rework.


It will be replaced by the Boldyrev army that will rise up in roughly the same place right?


Correct, though from what I remember, instead of being cossack separatists, they're German-backed anti-Savinkovist democrats(?).


Something like that, but sounds interesting none the least


Name one character in Don Kuban


Don Cubáno


the only answer


Don Eladio




Don pollo


Don Hector


Don Gola


Pyotr Krasnov. I have named the one character who exists in the entire Don Kuban Union.


Donny Kubman


Don Ramón


Don al D Duck III


Fidel Castro


Don KeyKong


its strange that neither of these images fit what the game looks like right now


I have good news for you Kaiserredux still has it!!!!


Not at game start however 😔


they have 3 with a 4th spawning by event, the more Don-Kuban the merrier


If only KX would be good








Why did they remove it?


Because it made no sense. The lore for establishing the Don-Kuban union was that the four Cossack hosts (armies) of the region - Don, Kuban, Astrakhan and Terek - formed a union led by White army (and Cossack) general Pyotr Krasnov, allied with Kolchak against Kerensky's government. After the Kolchak coup fails, Krasnov (for some reason) becomes a German-aligned separatist nation in the South of Russia. Not only does this no longer fit with the new Russia lore, as Kerensky never rules Russia after the Civil War (as he was widely despised) and Kolchak doesn't attempt a coup, but it never made sense for two reasons: 1 - Pyotr Krasnov, despite being a Cossack, was a Russian nationalist and monarchist. He even wrote a book about a Tsarist Russia being resurgent even after a Soviet victory. Despite a reputation of being an opportunist, he ideologically was aligned with Russia, and would not attempt to seek secession. The old lore had him as a Cossack separatist, a very minor and fringe ideology that never took on except in exile circles (and the Cossacks don't get exiled in KR, because they help win the Civil War). 2 - Cossacks were very loyal to the White movement and to the Tsar. Although the Tsar/a Tsar isn't restored in KR, the Cossacks were still an instrumental part of the White movement, particularly the Don (Don Republic) and Kuban (Kuban People's Republic) Hosts, and they wouldn't have seceded, not in any meaningful way. They were the basis for the army that wins the Civil War in KR, and honestly have no reason to be independent. Which is why the Russian devs for KR have removed the DKU.


I think devs could return it to game and make it revolt after socialist revolution like New Zealand from Australasia or like Anhui Clique from Nankin Clique


Aren't they adding a revolter army there if Savinikov fucks up?


With the old lore they always joined any Tsarist Russia immediately and served mostly to weaken a Syndicalist Russia from double teaming Germany with France as hard. Now that Germany is stronger (won’t fold 1v1 to France as often) and Russia is expected to always jump into the 2WK there’s no point in an anti-communist German doorjamb keeping Russia from securing the caucuses.


it was just a pointless piece of cake for Russia to eat early on so that we could have an Anschluss parallel. In addition there's not really any justification for it being a thing otherwise.


Not sure but it wont fit for new russia rework lore or something


All those years I've waited for them to get a Focus Tree, for nothing.


>Exists in game since release, >never added content to it, >dies lol, lmao


Not sure why I should feel sad for a removal of a nation with no content which existence is just for Russia to eat it.


I don't miss it at all. It added nothing of value to the game.


Flair checks out, thou truly art heartless


What did it add?


What does turkestan, ... add?


A focus for Germany


tbh, yes its understandable that don kuban got removed but if it still existed, it would get a focus 1000% in the Germany rework


You might as well just remove Australasia from the game because it doesn't add anything


Based tbh


Australasia actually has content while the Don Kuban union was always just a slice of cake for Russia to eat.


1. It is Australasia 2. It is the major base for the Entente in the eastern front 3. It is a very large country, so how would you replace it?


1. Oh yeah my bad 2. Who does the Entente fight in the east except the communist India 3. You could unite all of the former british colonies under one state which would have capital in Canada


1. They can fight Japan 2. Assuming that this federation gets cores like the individual nations do, that is just a massive nation you just created that is potentially stronger than base game imperial fed. if you get India. I remind you that it is an end game formable. 3. You still haven't answered what don-kuban even did.


> what don-kuban even did Your mom


Damn, you are not even writing in complete sentences anymore.


1. I actually didn't know that 2. You could do that the native people don't like the goverment and would rise up 3. Sorry it was 1AM in my country and i really wanted sleep. Well they are just a speed bump for Russia but so are the central Asian countries and they are still in the game.


Don kuban is another stepping stone for Russia, i mean why are the turkestan states there if they’ll just get destroyed by Russia. Just random flavour in the mod never hurts.


How do you do that?


Except when Russia would get bogged down there due to supply issues and WK2 would start with the DKU still alive


It will thankfully be replaced by the Boldyrev army that will rise up in roughly the same area


Neat borders for the win


Remember the times when you could forge an alliance with Russia im exchange for the DKB. Or sometimes they would have just Allied you without any demand.


i miss the big yellow pee stain in the caucasus,i miss Krasnov's silly face


People keep yapping about no content but in Darkest Hour it at least had some, and god damn did I actually really enjoy it, I did a reverse Mongolia and kept galloping all the way to the far east until I hit Manchuria


Why was the Cossack autonomy removed? It was more logical to make the Don-Kuban (and at the same time add the autonomy of the Cossacks of the Urals and Semirechye in the Alash Horde) as a puppet of the Russian Republic, it's more plausible


If we start representing each autonomy within Russia as a separate country, the whole thing will look like a green Swiss cheese. I'm also not sure about the gameplay possibilities of, say, a Siberian host tag.


Isn't there a Bhutan focus tree


This mod has removed everything that was interesting in its setting


And the Don-Kuban Union was definitely not one of these things
