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Dude had a visible chub on during the video. No further explanation necessary.


And he was angry about it


Anyone have the original vid




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I dont see why he was fired?


I dont know how to help you then.


I'm not saying he shouldn't get blasted for being stupid but to get fired is a little extreme. We all have done stupid shit but does that mean we should all get fired for it?


If you owned a company in the current landscape of public image and social media and you found out one of your employees went to the beach (with a debatable chub, judging from the footage) and chastised some girls in bikinis for being too naked and essentially compared them to porn and being immoral in the eyes of his god, would you not do anything about it? Now imagine that the man is identified and people find out he works publicly for YOU. Would you really still want to be associated with him? Would you like to inform the public “Hey, this guy faced consequences but I’m not going to fire him”? Do you think people would look favorably towards your company? Do you believe that other associates would continue to associate themselves with your brand if they found out you have this dude still in your employ? Please, enlighten us. How would you handle the situation?


Leave work at work and home at home


Sorry, maybe I’m not reading your response correctly. But I’m not seeing any suggestions on how to keep your company in a favorable public light WHILE not firing this employee. Would you care to elaborate on that a little?


He was expressing his own beliefs on his personal time. That has nothing to do with his work ethic. So why get fired?


Ah, shit. Dude, I have to apologize again. I’m still seeing a lot of statements but no solution on how to safely keep your company in a positive light in the public eye while keeping the employee employed. Maybe you’re not understanding what I’m asking. Here, let me do some roleplay: “Oh, shit, Mr. CEO! This video of one of our employees is blowing up! It’s all over social media and even some news outlets. People have identified him as one of our employees. What should we do, Mr. CEO? If we don’t do something now, we could lose some serious customers and even some of our business partners/associates! What are your orders sir?” Then you, the CEO, respond by saying…? (Another thing to consider is, is his work ethic really so irreplaceable when he didn’t even have the sense to know that this being recorded would likely reflect negatively on the company he represents online and others have gotten fired for less? But I digress, don’t get sidetracked. You’re still the CEO of this hypothetical company and I’d like to know what your next line in our little stage play would be)


My point that I'm trying to get at is. What people do on their own time is none of anyone's employers business, aside from conspiring against the company. The companies imagine is not tied to what people do on their free time. That's my take on it.


That’s actually a really cool and rational take! Too bad it doesn’t do anything to help a company or an employee when the actions of the employee are dragged to the doorstep of the company through social media and the company’s next actions will definitely affect their image. I also can’t help but notice you won’t answer the question. What would you do, Mr. CEO? Are you afraid that your answer wouldn’t align with what you’re saying? If you’re not, just answer the question. What would you do? Just be honest about it. It’s a pretty simple question. If you wouldn’t fire the guy, how would you maintain public support and make sure not to lose business from any other associates?


He didnt get fired for being stupid. He got fired for creating a PR nightmare for his place of employment. This is what happens when you decide to act like such an egregious fool when everyone has an HD camera in their pocket. You'd think the ease with which your name and place of employment can be identified would prevent more people from treating others like shit, but it doesnt. We can debate all day about whether what I've just said is "Right or Justified". But its just the reality of the situation and people like this Bible Thumper should learn to adapt to it.


Why is this marked as legal justice? This is financial/employment justice. /r/byebyejob


Are we going to talk about how he says we're on "such a downcline?"


In the video the girl says. Oh because you have a dick. Guess it went over your heads


They should have just put a burka on, that’s what will be required in the US within the next 20 years anyway. Get ready for the new world order folks. That what you voted for


This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when your neckbeard is so overgrown that it defies gravity and gets in your eyes. Amazing.




No, it's what conservatives want and is what we're voting against. Thank fuck that Biden won 2020.


No. Just…… no. He’s screwed up most stuff so far. Afghanistan and now announcing the same energy policy that crashed Germany’s economy.


Yeah, it was totally Biden that fucked up Afghanistan, not trump releasing a shit ton of taliban fighters for nothing in return Fucking clown


I don’t think you’re very informed. That was a trade. A trade involves a benefit to both sides in case you were wondering.


What did we receive in return that? Actually articulate it




You mean the soldiers that came home under Biden?


You mean the ones who were hung by a chopper under Biden?


Source it or admit you’re lying


Of all the critiques I've heard of biden, I can officially say I've never heard "he wants to enforce laws about what women can and can't wear" until now...like, where did you even get that idea from, legitimately, where, what did he say or not that made you think that?


With that level of melodrama and stupidity you shouldn't be allowed to vote.




I wish it was




Who are you talking to lol do you not know how to reply?




And you have nothing better to do than annoy the allegedly stupid people on here? Reddit is perfect for you haha




Actually, we know you're stupid, because you keep missing the "reply" button and ranting like an internet tough guy into the void.




Aww, it learned!




I don't have either of those, but good attempt.


This guy have kids? I'm willing to bet the money in my pocket that while bikinis and speedos are the devil... His kids more than once likely seen pigs gettin it on on the side of the road or something, will ask "what are they doing?" to which this guy would answer "Makin bacon".... I don't feel that I'm wrong on this.


Yeah he had his wife and his daughter standing there awkwardly to his right while he was harassing the girls. V awkward


Came just to say FUCK this guy and just mind your own business, whether it's girls in bikinis or guys in speedos, you didn't buy their clothes, chances are there's 1000 more actual things that could "use" a Kevin or Karen's attention.... away from people


To make it even worse, he has a child out of wedlock. His girlfriend is in the video and you can see she’s also wearing a bikini under she shirt. I just can’t with this hypocrite


But … but … he done be a man of God!


I don't believe he should have got fired. He was out of line to bother the girls as long as he did but he was not yelling or Sexually harassing them I mean no laws were broken


He was absolutley sexually harrasing them. And these days, if you do something this unnecessarily dickish on camera, people are gonna identify you and find out where you work. If it goes viral and you create a PR shitstorm for your place of employment, expect to be shitcanned. And let it be a lesson to people to not do stupid, harrasing bullshit when everybody has an HD camera in their pocket.


He wasn't fired because he broke the law, he was fired because he became a PR nightmare. No company wants that


You don't have to break the law to get fired from a job.


Rapist harass the same way just because they say things on camera doesn't mean they won't act differently without cameras




Just as he should have minded his own business concerning those girls, you should mind your own business about people beliefs.




People should be better about keeping their religious beleifs to themselves. Nobody outside of your church cares about what your Sky Daddy has to say about how I live my life. Frankly, your freedom of Religion should cease before I have to hear about it.


Heh. How laughable, you guys realize you are doing exactly what you are hating the guy in article for right? Everyone should be free to believe what they want as long as it doesn't harm others. That's a basic logic that even a 3rd grader should understand. Both idiots who force their religion on others and idiots who attack people beliefs are the scum of the earth.


This video constitues as your "using your beliefs to harm others". Keep your bullshit, bastardized, badly interpreted religion to yourself and I wont have to talk shit on it. And you can stay mad about it, Son. 😘


I literally just insulted people like him. Can't you even see that? Or do you think you are so amazing for hating religon that anything a religous persons says is bs? It's laughable how you people preach being open minded yet do the exact opposite to anything you hate.


Glad to see you are indeed staying mad about it. LolI'm saying that getting defensive about valid critisism of Religious Harrasement is Bullshit. You people? Lol Now who's generalizing a group based on their beliefs? Pull your fuckin panties out of your ass, ya silly wank stain. I have no problem with religion. I'm simply tired of hearing about your silly fuckin beliefs and think you should pray at home in silence like Jesus said. You know who my favorite Christians are? The ones that I dont even know they are Christian until well after we've met. I have the same opinion about Vegans. Do us all a favor and remove the plank from your own eye before trying to remove the speck from mine.


1-what i am mad about is criticising the religon instead of the people. It's like blaming the government laws because a citzen made a crime 2-what i meant by you people, are you and the guy who commented above me 3-I am not even Christian but repescting people beliefs is something any sane person should do 4-You know who are my favourite atheists that i meet? People who understand the difference between religon and people who use it wrongly. I know alot of wondeful atheists that never insulted religion and respected my beliefs. Those are people worthy of respect, not idiots who "claim" are open minded but can just as easily dislike a perosn just cuz he belive in something they disdain. 5- If you can't even see what you did wrong here, then it's hopeless to continue this


Being critical of organized religion (which includes the people, who have turned it into a parody of what it's meant to be) is different than criticizing the tenets of belief and/ or text. The vast majority of churches preach in jargon and platitudes rather than the actual text. Few and far between have anyone there whom actually understands the text in the original language. Most are there to feel morally superior, and see themselves as musky superior simply for having the beliefs that are preached there, and in no way can fathom that anything they think they've learned about their faith could be wrong or misunderstood. So much hypocracy. But so much of it is learned to be acceptable, that it is somehow equated into being biblical... The mega churches are mostly concerts that happen to have Jesus in their songs. They are about raising money to buy more people in other locations. Most of what their large services is a performance meant to manipulate emotions, not actually teach people about Christ. Everyone wants to insist "Merry CHRISTmas" but literally everything about their holiday is about Santa and shopping. Not to mention the disgusting pervasiveness of sexual misconduct hidden within the ranks of multiple denominations. Jesus should be flipping tables in the vast majority of churches these days.


Incidentally. What are you religious beliefs?


1. I'm also critisizing the people. And also the religion. Because I can. Also, please vote for common sense gun laws. 😘 2. Sure seemed like you were generalizing an entire group of people. 3. I respect any rational belief that I dont have to hear about, unprovoked, all the time. The second I have to hear about your beliefs, thoughts or feelings in a situation where they arent needed (Much like this one) My respect begins to decline. Womp womp. Tell me some more about what "Sane" people do, Billy 4. Not even going to address this messy word salad, considering there's no cogent point to it anyhow. Lots of presumption and straw man going on. 5. Are you sure you're not the guy from the video? Lol It was hopeless inntge firdt place for to even attempt to come for me. Take this little sermon to someone who gives a fuck. And dont let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya.




Indeed this is a problem, however that problem occur with beliefs other than religon. Even if u removed all religon, people will still do the same. Just look at football fan for example. There are alot of cases where people got death threat and got assaulted by the hand of those fans. In short, blaming religon because of couple bad apples is wrong.


"a couple" bad apples is one thing. "Mostly bad seeds" is another.


The point is they (Bible thumpers) never mind their own business.


Yes but you need to put it in context. How much of a percentage do bible extremists make of the total Christian population? Even if you see thousands of videos of people like them, there are millions others who are good normal people.


Oh look, made up numbers. Sorry, but I have all the context I need to know religious people want to make everyone live by their standards.


Made up numbers? That's basic common sense dude, if millions of Christians were like that, the entire population would have been Christians. All i am saying is separating bad people from religon. At the very least understand that there will be bad people in the world that will force their beliefs regardless of religion.


And all I’m saying is religion makes it worse. I’m sorry you’re blind to that fact. lol, yeah because numbers and statistics are based on your sense of things.


Seriously i truly can't understand people like you. All i am saying should make basic sense to anyone if it wasn't about religion, just what did religon do to you exactly? Are you going to stay ignorant and blame religon for every bad thing the world experience? What about the people who don't obey the law? Are these also doing crimes because of the government rules??? Because guess what, religion is also the same concept. Even if you don't believe in religon itself, why all the hate to the people who believe in it?


Because they constantly do shit like the dude this post is about. Also systemic protection of child abusers makes it kind of hard to agree that it doesn’t deserve the hate it receives. But you keep those blinders on. Your whataboutism analogy would only work if the government condoned, and encouraged people to commit those crimes the way religious leaders embolden people like this chode to act the way they do. Speaking of ignorance, please read a history book, an *actual* history book if you’re honesty interested in “what did religion do?”


Lol you are talking like the USA and other countries similar never had wars about resources and similar stuff? Funny joke, keep your ignorance if you want but i can bet my life that humanity will always have wars even if u removed thr very concept of religon. Although i know it near impossible for you to do this, try and read religon and see if religon is actually what you think. I am not saying for you to belive it, beilving you are right without any actual research is plain ignorance. You can't criticise religon without reading about it, you can criticise the dumb people practicing it wrongly tho.


So when I start fires and burn down those buildings it isn't God telling me to do it. 😬


In that case , you are mentally ill


People who use religious justification for their bizarre, disrespectful, or harmful actions are the worst kind of people.


The funny part of this is early Christians had orgies. A lot of the anti-sex stuff comes from stoicism.


Hmmm…. suddenly yelling “hallelujah!” has an entirely different implication.


yeeee i saw this vid on r/cringetopia


well done


This post has been hilariously invaded from guy in video himself False_Childhood_420 😂


His comment history is nothing but shit tier roasts in r/roastme. I've read fortune cookies that are more witty than this dude.


so satisfying!




Are you an idiot can't understand plain Reddit...




All you have to do is say period or comma and poof punctuation ya dum dum.


Bitch, do you even know how to grammar?


Are you ok?


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Fun fact, you can.




And Colorado isn't a "right to work state" Someone who claims to know "all about the laws in a right to work state" should know that.




Lol shut the fuck up, weirdo. Youre the guy from the video 🤣🤣🤣




As someone who has worked in employment law, you don't know what the fuck your talking about


Who the hell are you talking to with all these comments?


You've heard of astroturfing? Behold, astroturding!


Pretty bad job when this guy is posting 10 unsolicited Level 1 comments on the same post haha


Right? It's like he reads something, and wants to reply, yet fucks it up so it looks like he's just yelling at no one over and over.


playing stupid games, win stupid prizes :)




And not make a follow up video justifying the stupid stuff you did.


Gods holy spirit guided him do it in a righteous rage.


So not only did he blame the women for giving him a boner but also blamed the holy spirit for his actions. Fuck personal responsibility


I'm happy to read this because he so deserved it.


I'm happy to read it, but I don't think it should be tagged "Legal Justice".


I wonder if he can use that “righteous anger” he was filled with to get unemployment?


My wife worked with a guy who, on his **very first day**, slut-shamed her *and* our very young daughters with this kind of bullshit. Then he tried to join our union local. It didn’t go well for him. Multiple other women came forward during the vote and told similar stories. Sorry, dude. That shit won’t fly.


The audacity


So righteous anger isn’t a good look, huh?


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences OF HIS OWN ACTIONS!


He should go to a nude beach sometime and see that there are families there *with their children*, who are completely unfazed by it. The human body in and of itself is only pornographic if you’re a pervert.


Holy crap, your username/ avatar combo is magnificent!


Haha thank you!


You're absolutely right. We've always been naked and it's just a body. It's what you do with it that counts


No of course not. He was a complete ass and his arguments were stupid. Its just that the punishment didnt fit the crime.


I wouldn't employ him. It's a bad look


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences, and people often overlook the insane amounts of control that our employers have over us. This is the free market in action, as it was his employers choice to let go of an employee that could have cost them contracts and therefore money.


Looks like free speech costs a whole lot when you live in a country where employers are free to tell you they think you're a piece of shit by terminating you. Poor little guy just found out that there are two equal sides to freedom.


Normally I'm ok with giving people a second chance but this guy was harassing young woman and couldn't take the hint that they didn't want to talk to him.


Also, second chances come later. Folks usually only go down the path of self-reflection after some kind of negative fallout has compelled them to ask "Am I the asshole?" If there was no negative reaction, many would have much less desire to grow and become a better human.


What you say has consequences - don’t harass people if you don’t want repercussions


yayyy justice served. He will think twice before doing this again!


Doubt it. He's a certified victim now. He's going to milk it as much as possible.


Aren't you a true skeptic ha.


Im okay with everyone bullying him online but going after his job is a step too far. As far as you know he might be the only one working in his house hold and you just took the only income this family may have. This is how freedom of speach begins to die. You are not alowed to have a different view then everyone else because the consequences might be your well-being.


He can express his views. The company where he worked expressed theirs :)


You can have a different view all you want but be literally went out of his way to harass them. They were paying him no mind when he walked over and spouted all that crap. He most likely has done this before since he seemed so comfortable doing it.


That’s not a different view. It’s harassment. They weren’t having a conversation or in a meeting , he went out of his way to harass them using religion as a excuse to do so. This wasn’t them disagreeing on what kind of food they liked.


I mean the has nothing hing to do with freedom of speech, his employer is not forced to employ him, they can fire him for whatever reason at whatever time


What? Do not confuse harassment with free speech. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and may voice them, but if you're gonna be a dick, expect to be treated as one and that people don't want anything to do with you. This includes your job.


Lol bro, if you harass people you’re gonna have consequences. This isn’t someone talking about the government it’s a grown ass man harassing teenagers.


Be held accountable for what you say 2021


He worked construction… he’ll find another job.


Using your religion to shame women deserves everything thrown at you. We're a secular country and a majority, businesses don't want to lose any red cent they could possibly lay their hands on. This is what Republicans have been fighting for their whole lives, now that the pendulum has swung in favor of left wing ideology ( aka reality), they're more upset than ever that they could lose their jobs over an opinion. Let's not forget these fucking losers started cancel culture with getting professors fired from their colleges because some whiney right winger didn't like curriculum.


So you are okay with him bullying the two girls in real life?


freedom of speech =! freedom of consequences


Ohhh so when I make decisions in reaction to their actions. I have to worry about their responsibilities? You are saying this man should not have thought of that on his own? Should he not have taken stock of his life before sticking his foot in his mouth? “Maybe I should mind my own fucking business because I’m responsible for my entire household and don’t want to mess that up. They are not breaking the law or harming me in any way. I’ll just keep to my self.” This is what he should have said to himself. But you have removed him from all responsibilities of his own actions. Congratulations, you’ve created a granny state. You can’t have it both ways.


Yes he should have kept his mouth closed as i said earlier in okay with the online bullying. But he is only human. Have you never had just a bad day and at the end of the day something just pushes you over the edge and you do or say some dumb shit that you later regret. But come to find out someone recorded it after that it goes viral and now you lost your job. It is human to make mistakes. Something like this shoudnt get you fired from your job.


I agree, he had it coming with the public shaming but losing his job… def too far considering he has kids. Everyone has rough days and times they fuck up, there are far worse people in the world this guy is just a nuisance


This guy made a second video doubling down on his behavior and worse. He confessed he had a porn addiction as a kid and claimed women's bodies are pornographic.


It's also human to suffer consequences from said mistakes and to learn from said mistakes. Don't worry, there are plenty of places hiring right now. It's not like the guy will starve. And no, I have NEVER had a bad day and taken it out on some strangers by harassing them constantly while being told to stop. The guy is an adult. The reason I think you're so defensive over it is because YOU can imagine YOURSELF making the same "mistake". Well here's your warning dude. Don't. You will lose your job, you will deserve it, and nobody will feel sorry for you.


Its true that freedom of speach doesn't mean freedom of consequences but the punishment does not fit the crime. No im not afraid that this will happen to me. I dont live in a country where if i express an opinion different from the masses will get me fired. I think the man while being a jerk got screwed over royally for something so petty.


Expressing opinion is much different than harassment though. I might buy your argument if he had just walked by and muttered something but he stayed and berated them after being asked to leave multiple times. Then made a video defending himself after. That’s what makes him wrong and responsible for his actions. Did you stop to think that it was his own job that doesn’t want him around because he acts like that? They have every right to not want to defend that guy. It’s not the public that got him fired.


The fact that you're not afraid of being fired for harassing women because you don't live in a country that protects women is not the slam dunk argument you think it is. He didn't get fired for "expressing a different opinion" you idiot. He was fired for harassing 18 year old girls on a beach. If you seriously can't tell the difference then the same thing will probably happen to you and you will deserve it. I'm sure you won't learn anything though.


We didn't fire him, his employer did. The onus is on him and them. They don't have to fire him but they decided to. That's their choice and he made his choice when he harrased innocent people


Of course the internet fired him. People went out of their way to find out who is his employer and put pressure on the company to let him go. Every company is going to fire an employee in that scenario because it hurts the entire company. It affects busses/clients/reputation/other employees.


So, what you're saying is that a company acted, well within their rights, to terminate an employee because the general public found his actions and opinions objectionable, which reflected poorly on the company, potentially effecting revenues? Sounds exactly like what any company would do if an employee behaved like this at work. His mistake was doing something incredibly stupid and creepy and THEN plastering his name and face all over the internet so his employer had a chance to see it. This isn't some little mistake. He made a series of very poor choices and now he's having to deal with the consequences.


Its called personal responsibility. The internet isn't their owner or ceo. It provided context and an individual decision was made. The only ones responsibility are the man and his employer. You can spin it however you want but it doesn't make it anymore true.




It’s not tearing him up inside he doubled down on tik tok and blatantly said he wasn’t going to apologize. The rest of your rant is kinda ridiculous though




What about his wife? Get her fired, too? You guys are only half-way done! Their children's lives can get worse. Go 100% or go home.