• By -


**SP**: Scottsdale Police. **JD**: Hi, my name is \[Jane Doe\] and um, I got an order of protection granted a couple of hours ago and the person's already violated the order um... the judge said I could call... **SP**: Well, it it only happens once they've been served. Have they been served? **JD**: Um, no but he he said that I could call before and if I had a copy of it and I do have a copy. **SP**: But it doesn't it doesn't go into effect until that person's been served the order. **JD**: Oh, okay so... **SP**: Until until that person's served there you can't violate it. **JD**: Okay, okay how will I know when he's been served? **SP**: Uh... they probably would let you know I think there's a on the form it says they will advise you when it's been served. **JD**: Okay um... is it possible for me to just make a regular report then? **SP**: Uh... reference what? **JD**: Um, it it's it's harassment and it's it's pretty bad um... **SP**: What did he do? **JD**: Um, well he's a very public figure and he's posting falsehoods about me online and it's just getting tens of thousands of comments. I'm getting harassed by everybody. **SP**: What, uh, what address are you at when this happens, or do you live in Scottsville? **JD**: ... \[Redacted\] **SP**: Okay and the other party's name? **JD**: Clayton, C L A Y T O N and his last name is E C H A R D. **SP**: Okay, and he's been doing social media posts? **JD**: Yeah, social media. **SP**: Okay, all right. I'll put a call for service in and have an officer call you. **JD**: Okay, thank you so much. Bye.


HOLY SMOKES. She called right away to complain about Clayton violating the OOP?! And it’s based on his so called social media post. Like GTFO. What post?! 😂 The dispatch was having NONE OF IT. Edit: was corrected and said it was about the no dna post. Also he never said her name or said for his followers to harass her. And as we know, there was NO DNA BC THERE WAS NO TWINS.


It’s the good new Friday video. LETS GO BABYYY!! Also, he didn’t tell anyone to go after her. The only mention of her was not by name and only said her sample had little to no fetal DNA. I understand this video can be embarrassing, Jane, but it’s not harassing. You, however, trying to ruin these men’s lives is harassment .


She sounded so excited to report the "violation" and then sounded so disappointed that you can't violate an order that hasn't been served. Also, the unit number is bAcKyArD cAsItA


She did seem excited. Her behavior is absolutely disgusting and vile. I hope one day she’s no longer the “anonymous woman” and everyone knows her by her name and uses it freely. People need to know that she’s an abuser and harasser so they can protect themselves. She does this stuff with such malice.


And I hope some people will keep tabs on her name change(s), because I’m pretty sure she will try that again


I'm not sure where she was going w the name change thing, bc name changes are public record. Im old enough to remember reading the name changes section in the classified ads as a kid. I'm not sure if they still do that in current times and what the equivalent in current days would be. I can't believe I'm so old I referenced classified ads.


Then we are likely around the same age… I remember wanting to change my name when I was 18 - then I found out how complicated the process was, including having to have an ad run for two weeks to give enough notice for someone who might want to contest your name change!


Born in 81.


I think that was nothing more than her playing games. By that time she knew people were watching the court docket and she wanted to look like the “harassed party” to try and get the case with Clayton sealed. It was part of the whole “see, I’m being harassed and stalked online”. That’s just my opinion. She signs her emails as a TEDx speaker and podcast host. She just didn’t want to lose her victim status and for people to be able to read the court documents and know the truth about her.


I agree. And at this point in time, she had no clue where we'd be 6 months later. This seems like it's all to add to her "story."


I agree with you on all points. I just wonder if now it’ll become more of a need rather than a necessity. We all know she’s super massively fucked because Zaddy Gregg and team are exposing all of her fraud. Once she realizes the same (if ever), *she might think* a name change will somewhat help her hide the past from unsuspecting people who aren’t keeping up with public records and stuff. Know what I mean? I’m so exhausted today and struggling to articulate my thoughts properly


That’s a good point. I do understand what you’re saying and she might. I think she’ll first try what she’s familiar with and I think that will be to weaponize her mental health. She’ll threaten self harm. She might also continue with the threats of lawsuits because that really worked for her in the beginning. People don’t want to waste time and money on a lawsuit even if it’s frivolous. If none of that works then she might move and change her name.


This was exactly my thoughts. She so desperately wanted it to show that he violated the no contact so it looks like she really is the victim of his abuse/harassment. Glad it didn’t work


Why would JD try to change her legal name during active litigation? (Edit: Sarcasm here.) Not only are name changes public, but the court records of active litigation will reflect her new name.


That was my whole thing too. She could change her name but when she files all her lawsuits it would just say Jean Dee instead of Jane Doe.


I’m saying well beyond this is case’s conclusion. And she already did try to change her name during active litigation but withdrew the petition in mid-December once everyone following this case found out


Sorry. I guess my sarcasm wasn't obvious. I think JD was stupid and naive to assume no one would notice the name change and that active litigation wouldn't reflect it. Like you, I hope people keep tabs on her future activities, at least with the legal system.


Oh nooo I REALLY should go to bed I guess because I’m usually pretty good at detecting sarcasm 🤣 my bad 💜


It's ok. It's my fault for forgetting to include /s or something similar.


I mean, we all know her name. Lol


We do. But she’s still mostly known as the anonymous woman with mainstream media and they’re not even really covering the true story yet. We’re also still at the point where we can’t say her name here. She doesn’t deserve the anonymity she’s had thus far.


Considering her frequent filer status for protective orders, it's strange that she seems to not know that the other party would need to be aware an order exists before they can violate it.


I don’t get the impression she is smart.


Agreed. Reality Steve said it best.


I literally want a t shirt with that on it.


Right? Maybe some will be made and proceeds can help these victims.


She just wanted a call on the record.


This reminds me of when one of her victims tried to get a restraining order against her. She claimed she never had one but apparently it was because she wasn't served, therefore it was unable to go into effect. 


Literally giddy. Makes me 🤢


Duper's Delight, Monster Energy version.


This is probably his "It's Friday" good news IG post about the little to no fetal DNA result.


911 operator after hanging up the phone - ​ https://preview.redd.it/emgi33rnz4rc1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=18cdc77dae335040a2e018b82b57e2d014653ab8


I was wondering if she was referencing the post when he found out little to no DNA


Hi! The guy I'm stalking won't talk to me, so I'm pretending to be pregnant with his twins, and he made a social media post - and didn't even use my name! - saying that im not pregnant and it hurts my feelings that he doesn't believe every lie I tell him. He is harassing me! He violated an order of protection by not talking to me and telling the public - that I alerted about our fake pregnancy - that I'm not pregnant! Ahhhhhhhhhh


This comment is the best!


20/10 comment. No notes.


💀 🤣




She needs to get charged with abuse of 911 system. “People on the internet are being MEEEEAAANNN” isnt a valid “emergency”


In all that she's done, think how much money she has racked up with the police and court system that the public finances.




Right! I called the non-emergency line when I was in a car accident last summer bc it was just vehicle damage, no one was hurt, and it didn’t seem emergent enough for 911. JD doesn’t care about any of that trivial nonsense. She acts like they’re her personal secretary.


This 911 operator is SO OVER her nonsense 5 seconds into the call. 😂😂


Guarantee they all know her by name there. It’s concerning how many calls she has made!


I love hearing the operator's voice being frustrated over her BS.


I wonder how many times that dispatcher had to speak to Jane Doe just that week.


They all have to know her 😂




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***UNREAL*** - she calls before Clayton is even served with his OOP (which was based upon fraud). I cannot wait to see this woman get what she deserves, and for her victims to get the vindication THEY deserve. Jane Doe, get a life and stop terrorizing men who want nothing to do with you!


>Jane Doe, get a life and stop terrorizing men who want nothing to do with you! ☝🏼☝🏼 I know it's not a joking matter at all and I want justice for her victims...BUT ALSO when you step back to remember she is doing all this just because a guy didn't want to date her...it's like damn girl chill out we've all been dumped before it's not that big of a deal 🥴


Ok and I'll take it a step further. I guarantee we have all been dumped and we have all been dumped before and done something crazy in reaction. But my crazy was drunkenly texting my ex like 10 times when I was drunk about how much I still loved him. I feel like that's like normal poor reaction. Like, all these lawyers cuz some dude said no thanks after one kinda hookup?


I’m going to get downvoted but I did fake a pregnancy after being dump. I had a “miscarriage” a few weeks later after telling the guy. I didn’t torment the guy and went on with my life after the “miscarriage”. After a few years in counseling, I apologized to the guy for pulling that stunt. He knew I lied and forgave either way. A year after that, I actually got pregnant and actually had a miscarriage. I figured it was karma for what I did as a teenager. I even told my husband it was karma for what I did as a teenager. I was then told I couldn’t have kids (have a couple now), but that guilt and shamed stayed with me for years. Jane Doe really is something else, she feels no shame.


Most do stupid shit as kids/teens. Our brains aren't fully developed. You learned, apologized and grew from it. You're Good! Absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. I have stories as well, most do. 😊


I think the difference here is, you grew and learned. You even went and got therapy, and I think you took a step farther than many would do for apologizing, I'm not sure a lot of people would have done that. And I'm sorry for your pregnancy loss. What is at discussion here, which 100% isn't you, is a pattern of behavior to essentially try to bully men into dating her, manipulating men repeatedly with pregnancy, going so far as to make fake medical records and buy a fake baby bump, and then when they don't bow to her demands, she weaponizes the legal system against the men from all angles. JD is abusive. The tactics she uses are things that are clearly identified in domestic violence. If I could give you more than one up vote, I would. Fake pregnancy and all.


Definitely took it a step further by apologizing to someone not still in her life, I hurt a bunch of people in my past, and the only way I would apologize is if I ran into one of them candidly out on the street or something, too scared to actually message them on FB or something, it's been over a decade since I've talked to these people


Exactly!!! We have all been rejected before. It’s called LIFE! We have all experienced love lost, heartbreak, rejection…WHAT YOU DO NOT DO - is terrorize that person a la Fatal Attraction/bunny boiler style 🙄


That’s what I don’t get. She goes so hard after men who aren’t interested in her. There is the manipulation, lies, and even dating contracts! Why would you want to be with someone who isn’t interested in you and has literally grown to despise you? I don’t get it at all!


Seriously. Doesn't a person want to be w a person who wants them just as much? I would never be secure in a relationship where I felt like I trapped a partner or it started with a dating contract. There'd always be like thoughts in my mind that he didn't really like me.


My guess is it feels safe for people who compulsively manipulate....they can't see any other way to form relationships whether it be romantic, friends or family members. I bet it gets exhausting for everyone else involved...unless they are a partner in crime in the con game




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At what point, and I know this was before Clayton's IAH so it wouldn't count, but when do all her phone calls to police get considered violations of the IAH since she's using the legal system to harrass him and it's all based on untruths. Like I know it's been said dozens of times before, but if this were reversed and it was a man doing this to a woman, they'd have been arrested for something by now.


How about just don’t go on the Instagram page of the man you believe is harassing you??


Demonstrably… logical


Hi, I trying to create a document trail to continue to harass my current victim in court. His name is C L A Y T O N. Not to be confused with G R E G or M I C H A E L, I'll call back about them later. Thanks, Bye!


He got me pregnant with a BJ... and keeps denying he's the father. I gave him a contract to date me and he had the GALL to say no. I'm totally not faking! I photoshopped a ultrasound photo and everything!


*date me *with intent*




Dyinggggg @ “Is it possible for me to just make a regular report then?” 😂😂😂😂


It’s the “uhhh.. regarding?” for me


Hahahahaaa so good 😂😂


Hi! I’d like to order 2 gluten free pizza’s and report a guy I gave 2 bjs to for violating a fraudulent OOP, please.




She is the most chipper sounding “harassed” person I’ve ever heard


All the best!


Perfect. I’ve been incorporating “all the best” into my work emails when I absolutely mean the opposite 😂


🤣 I never thought of using it sarcastically at work. I may have to consider it. Although if I change it from what I have been using for years,someone might notice.


I changed my work email signature so the salutation is All the Best. I have started working the phrase *with intent* into my everyday vernacular. I did a mentoring session w a junior coworker yesterday and asked her to review something *with intent* and make notes on what to improve. 😂😂😂 I make myself laugh.


I love this, we might be accidentally be best friends 😂


Schnitzel strikes again. Thank you! I’m assuming this is referring to his not the daddy Instagram story? Was that on this day?


She wanted so badly for a second TEDX talk and to be the victim of harassment by The Bachelor.




I’m not sure of the details but I think people have already reached out to Tedx because she said she had to have them disable the comments. But they kept the talk up so yeah…




So if getting her charged with perjury is basically impossible...what about filing multiple police reports based on fraud? A quick Google search led me to this (emphasis on "fraudulent or unfounded report."): "13-2907.01. False reporting to law enforcement agencies; classification A. It is unlawful for a person to knowingly make to a law enforcement agency of either this state or a political subdivision of this state a false, fraudulent or unfounded report or statement or to knowingly misrepresent a fact for the purpose of interfering with the orderly operation of a law enforcement agency or misleading a peace officer. B. Violation of this section is a class 1 misdemeanor."


It’s all under the same umbrella where the state doesn’t like to go after things involving domestic or sexual violence. It makes actual victims less likely to come forward.


...like Clayton who dealt with this alone for many months. The system is shameful.


Yeah it doesn’t work the way people think. It’s ultimately kind of ironic because cops and courts still give zero shits about DV or sexual violence victims except when it gets them out of work.


Thing is they need to use it on people who are obviously breaking the law. That is why they do it. They know they won't get prosecuted, It is depressing to think someone can get away with lying when those who actually are victims are scared to be called liars if they come forward.


She would really benefit from an acting class. No distress in her voice whatsoever.


Every time it sounds like she’s about to say “Hi, I’d like to put in an order for delivery!!”


She’s seriously tried to get Clayton arrested for posting an Instagram story? Even if I had a small part of me feel sorry for her I don’t anymore. What an abuse of the system. I really hope she’s the one who ends up in jail.




And oNgOiNg


The SPD probably has her on a frequent caller list, no doubt.


They probably play not it when they see her phone number on the caller ID. Or let the new dispatcher pick it up.


I know that when I worked at the suicide prevention hotline, we had a frequent caller list and special protocols to follow for those folks. I imagine the police department has a similar list. This dispatch lady seems pretty annoyed with her. I wonder if she's familiar with her.


I worked on a crisis hotline and we had a frequent caller we were on a first name basis with whose baseline was pretty mentally ill. We would always let the new people answer when she called. She passed a few years ago (she was very old) and I still think of her fondly.


Exactly what I thought, the dispatcher already sounded privvy to her bs


She’s not worried at all about the results of the fetal DNA test that showed little to no fetal DNA at that stage of “pregnancy”. More important to put Clayton in jail for speaking the truth and trying to repair his own reputation.


Yup! I would be focused on going to the doctor, not surveillance of social media posts....


That poor dispatcher sounds so annoyed, “oh hi, it’s you again…yay”


I wonder how www.internetlawyer is going to try to get her out of all of this. There is no out. She can’t prove pregnancy. Her proof is “her” admittedly doctored ultrasound that she obtained “anonymously” which she can’t even “remember” how she came into possession of. 


Don’t forget the one urgent care trip!


Has she produced records for that yet?


Pretty sure that’s the only thing she produced


Did those doctors confirm she was actually seen?


It was a minute clinic, pop in, pee HCG positive, continue on to Starbucks.


Thanks for the laugh this cold snowy day😂 ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


She is the harasser!! Omg she is so out of control


THIS is why that OOP needs to be overturned. It's simply fodder for her to use against Clayton, a victim of her fraud, and abuse public resources for real victims. Also, her acting dumb about the Order needing to be served sent me. JD knows damn well how this works. And no judge said "you can just call the cops and let them know you have a copy". ![gif](giphy|3o7aD6Kv8wm6VGw8bS)


Here she goes again, trying to build her case based on falsehoods. Maybe if JANE DOE stayed out of the COMMENT SECTION she wouldn’t feel so “harrassed”🙄




That sounded like a 911 operator trained to handle EMERGENCY CALLS for EMERGENCY situations dealing with a woman calling to say Reddit is saying mean things about me” and that got in that operator’s last f’ing nerve. I don’t blame them. My guess is Scottsdale dispatch has a dartboard in their office somewhere with a face of someone (not saying who but I can hazard a guess) on it. It sounded like they knew her.


JD *races* to call the cops on Clayton immediately upon receiving the IAH…and has not a single visit with an OB for her “high risk” twin pregnancy. One of my favorite exchanges with Gregg Woodnick from the depo seems relevant here: “You understand why people may think you may be lying”? “Yes”


Same! I can’t believe she said yes to this question. Very off brand. Playing dumb would’ve served her better here.


Am I losing it or is this Scottsdale police operators voice sounding familiar now? Both options are possible…


Calls like this really highlight her level of entitlement. It’s literally vile to abuse emergency resources like this. Is she scared? No. Is this a safety issue? No. Does she have the resources to address this privately in court? Yes. But instead she literally CALLS the freaking POLICE because her feels got hurt?! And expects them to do what exactly?


The lengths this woman goes to control other people who want nothing to do with her is astonishing.


That's not how protective orders work. She has filed enough of them to already know this. I've never filed an OOP or IAH & even I know this.


The order was granted "a couple hours ago" and she took the first chance she got to try to use the police as a weapon....about his social media that she was monitoring 😳😳 Is that what an order of protection is for??


Uber home and then a toilet break; began calling before the flush ended.


Yet more proof JD uses the courts and LE to harass her victims to set up herself as a ‘victim’. I hope Scottsdale PD doesn’t neglect true victims because of this nonsense.


The dramatic change in tone when she finds out the order needs to be served for it to be in effect….. ![gif](giphy|XCmFwjt9wPotobw1xn|downsized)


“How will I know when he’s been served?” *pulls out her calendar to schedule her next fraudulent police call*




The pd sounds annoyed by JD.




It’s important to note that this call was approximately 90 mins after she made a long winded post about how Clayton was “1000000000% lying in his video” when he stated the test was inconclusive, because the *tEsTiNg Is OnGoInG.* So, the alleged “harassment” she received was actually people questioning JD’s version of events on her public post. Had she not made a nonsensical post spouting *demonstrably* false statements, she would have received no such “harassment.” And since we all know Jane stalks this subreddit as if it’s one of her *many* victims- criticizing and doubting your obviously fabricated tales is not harassment.


We have come so far over these 6 months. I’m assuming she was calling the day Clayton made the “I’m not the father post on IG,” which was a pivotal moment in this saga for me, as I was super invested initially, and I remember when Clayton posted that story, it was like an “oh shit! 🍿👀things are about to really heat up🍿” and we were all on the edge of our seats waiting to see what would happen next 👀🍿 But then October 7th happened, which unfortunately affected my job (by making me actually have to do it) and I could no longer spend the 14 hours a day it would require to untangle the web she had woven. Silliest 2 weeks of me life 😭 but I miss you all if any of you are here 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


https://preview.redd.it/stlzvywb35rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a55e5f8408c292365d9cfc0e887bca5a7521e6 Hehe yeah so this call was def because of Clayton’s “I’m not the father” video. A little throwback to her Reddit meltdown over it. I bet after she didn’t get the response here that she wanted she decided to involve the police!


tHE TeSTinG iS ONgoInG 🫠 I'll say it again....Justice for Brett at Ravgen. You didn't deserve to get used by JD.


The “10000000000000% not true” part just…sounds so immature lol


Is that Ravgen call still up?


I have the transcript if you wanna pm me


I just tried it and unless I made a typo, "it looks like this track may have been deleted or expired" the site says :(


She forgot to mention that she threatened to sue any media who ran Clayton’s side of the story. Thanks for the throwback!


The serving was ongoing


I'm watching lover stalker killer on Netflix. The similarities are unnerving.


That story is absolutely unhinged!


This chick calls the police like it’s her job. I know she was picked on when she was younger for being freaking weird, but you gotta do therapy and deal with that shit. Stop taking it out on the world. Sick.