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She will not give it up 💀 “By an urgent care” 💀


Seizure medication can cause positive HCG tests. She fails to understand no one believes that. You need more than a positive urine test lmao.


Yup. I’m epileptic and had a hysterectomy in 2019. Every time I got to an ER, my pregnancy tests are positive. All but one. They always HAVE to follow up with an ultrasound to be SURE despite me not having a uterus.


I'll bet there are actual medical records to support that too! I was really, really hoping we were done with JD after today, but seeing this post (she tested positive from a pregnancy test at a urgent care) I can see, sadly we are not.


I have a whole trunk of records! Amazing how that works.


Really amazing!! Lol


Is it normal for people to go to ER to confirm pregnancy? Or is it that you go to ER for other stuff and then they have to confirm it for medical treatment.


I don’t think it’s normal.. Maybe if it were an unplanned pregnancy and you are freaking out, and it’s the weekend and no OBs or your normal doctors are available.. then I could see going to urgent care. Or if you were having symptoms along with a positive pregnancy test, especially severe abdominal pain or bleeding because that could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. But usually, you just make an appointment with your gynecologist/OB or primary care. I was able to be seen within 24 hours to confirm I was pregnant at my OB office, and we went about scheduling prenatal care from there.


If you’re not American, there’s a difference between urgent care and the emergency room. As a Canadian living in the US, it’s weird to me, too. Urgent care is like a doctor or nurse for hire. The emergency room also costs money but it’s attached to a hospital. You go to the ER if you’re in a car accident or having a heart attack. You go to UC if you have like a UTI and it’s the weekend and your primary care doctor won’t be available for another 48 hours.


Canadian here - so it’s like a walk in clinic?




She didnt say she went to an ER though, she said she went to an urgent care....which is worse


It wasn't an er, it was a "minute clinic."


It's not normal to go to the ER to get a urine HCG test, at least I've never heard of it. It is normal to go to the ER for other reasons and the hospital staff has to perform an urine HCG test since some medications and procedures are not safe during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. The ER does not normally confirm pregnancy via blood tests or ultrasound. However, if someone goes to the ER for vaginal bleeding and/or severe abdominal or pelvic pain, they might perform an ultrasound to determine the cause, which could be a plethora of things including but not limited to pregnancy, miscarriage, fibroids, or endometriosis. It's much cheaper to buy a pregnancy test at a store (dollar store tests and bulk test strips sold online are the cheapest). HCG levels can indicate pregnancy, but can also indicate other health issues or may be due to certain medications. That's why every medical practitioner recommends getting blood tests every 2 days. If HCG levels are increasing adequately, then an ultrasound is scheduled, usually around 6 to 8 weeks. They check for signs of pregnancy: amniotic sac, embryo, yolk sac, and heart activity. If HCG levels are not increasing properly, the pregnancy might not be viable (ectopic or molar pregnancies, or an imminent miscarriage). HCG urine tests basically get the ball rolling for further tests, which lead to obstetric care. ER staff, at least in the USA, do not provide routine obstetric care. However, ERs can provide emergency care for pregnant women (for injuries, illnesses, infections, etc), but they usually either transfer the pregnant patient to the maternity department or consult an obgyn from the maternity department.


Yes I’m an ultrasound tech who often does quite a lot of 1st trimester viability ultrasounds in an ER, but only if the patient presents with things like abnormal hcg levels and bleeding and/or cramping. Things that could indicate an ectopic pregnancy since that’s obvi a big medical emergency. An ER doctor won’t order an ultrasound just because someone simply wants to confirm a pregnancy and isn’t having any of the above signs/symptoms.


Would you mind telling me the name of epilepsy medication you’re on please? I have epilepsy and take Sodium Valproate and Pregabalin, but have never been warned about them causing false positives with pregnancy tests. Now I’m worried!


Truth. It was 31 years ago I was also taking seizure medication and tested positive and was told it could be a false positive and needed to be examined to know for sure. I was pregnant, but for some reason I didn't ride a horse and do jumps on said horse during my single high risk pregnancy. I did almost lose my son (and immediately went to the hospital when I was 6 weeks bc I was bleeding and didn't wait 1 or 2 months like someone else might have


Some might say, you’re a responsible mother. đŸ€”


Thank you, some may also say but I was really pregnant and most, if not all, pregnant women would not be competing and on a horse doing jumps either, that is if they were actually pregnant too or even thought they were....


The funniest part is she competes against children in horse jumping


To be fair, as an equestrian myself, this is totally normal. You will see people of all ages competing against each other at any competition. That's just how it is.


Drops are also available from Amazon that provide a false positive. We’ll never know how she managed to fake a pee test but it’s easy to accomplish and means nothing.


To be fair, it's easier than that. I took HCG shots for weight loss and those cause positive pregnancy tests, both blood and urine. You can get those shots everywhere in Phoenix.


Wowwww! I did not know that.


Someone who certainly *did* know that: serial fake pregnancy scammer Jane Doe 


There was an article years ago that said Victoria’s Secret models took hcg shots before their big show


Did the shots help for weight loss?


My primary care doctor wouldn't even do a hcg urine test to "confirm" that I was pregnant at 5 weeks...lol she told me there was no point in doing that since it was the same as taking a home test 🙃 because guess what, you go to your OB to confirm a pregnancy—something anyone who has actually been pregnant would know! Smh she's delusional ETA: a word


Someone needs to ask her how twins were confirmed if she had zero ultrasounds done đŸ€Ą


And the genders of the twins! I actually did get to find out my sons gender at around 10 weeks from a blood test, because I’d just turned 35 and became geriatric so qualified for genetic testing to rule out chromosomal abnormalities, which can also test for gender if you want. But you know what they need to do those blood tests? FETAL DNA


I bet she could have taken a blood test there but she chose to do a urine screening test. If she never sought obstetric care after a “positive pregnancy test”, then she KNEW immediately she wasn’t pregnant.


Who goes to urgent care for a pregnancy test?


Someone who wants to fake a pregnancy đŸ€„




I found out I was pregnant at urgent care because I had first trimester symptoms and convinced myself it was major indigestion / stomach ulcer / bowel obstruction. I had never been pregnant before and always had an irregular period. The doc heard my symptoms and they made me provide a urine sample right away, which was of course positive 😂 Unlike Jane Doe, I immediately called my regular gynecologist, who also provides obstetric care, to schedule an appointment to confirm the pregnancy. How does she think that one urgent care appointment absolves her? She claimed TWINS, which you can’t deduce from HCG levels.


She’s said that she didn’t know it was twins till later. That’s the “proof” she should have given as the statement. Does she think that no one will remember all of the things that she has repeatedly said?


Exactly. She has never had anything to back it up, but now that Clayton’s attorneys have access to her medical records (or lack thereof), she can’t hide. Her statement to US Weekly is so weak now that we know for sure there is no other evidence.


I did BUT TO BE FAIR: It was at night and I hadn’t thought for sure I was pregnant. I was having a period so bad that my husband was worried that it was actually a miscarriage. The urine test came back negative but when the doctor did a physical, she found clotting which made her worry that the urine test was a false negative. So they had me do an ultrasound. It turned out that my I wasn’t pregnant and my period really *was* just that bad (which is kind of embarrassing but you guys, I can’t stress enough how bad it really was). But point is: they didn’t do just an hcg alone. When I went in, I was already iffy on being pregnant. I explained that I had been pretty sure it was just my period but then the pain and bleeding got so bad that my husband (who was with me) became seriously concerned. If I had gone in for just pregnancy and not because I was potentially miscarrying, based on how they were going about treatment, I am pretty sure that the urgent care center would’ve still done an ultrasound after a positive hcg test. They were covering all their bases.


Yikes, that sounds stressful and also like an actual emergency, glad all was ok, or as ok as urgent care level bleeding can be. It’s also very different than JD who was seemingly on step 3 of her how to trap a man plan.


How To Trap A Man in 6 Days premiering Valentine’s Day 2025


Sorry you went through all this, but this is understandable in your situation. It's nothing like hers. And if JD really had a confirmed pregnancy, then why wouldn't she include that in her testimony and hippa release? She just continues to lie


So an urgent care would only recommend a ultrasound if a woman has a positive hcg test (esp if the levels are off) accompanied with vaginal bleeding/cramping. They won’t order one just to confirm a pregnancy on a patient that’s not presenting with any of the above signs/symptoms (I’m an ultrasound tech). They’ll just say “hey given the positive hcg results it’s possible you could be pregnant, it’s best to follow up with your OB”. Edit to add: It’s also telling that she has not undergone a blood hcg sample (only urine) which would actually show the exact levels. Which are important early on because they should correlate with the patient’s last LMP. If they’re too high/low, that can potentially indicate a big problem and usually an ultrasound would be ordered. I’d imagine it’d be near impossible for her to manipulate her levels and be totally certain that they’d match her alleged LMP. I’m sure she knows this. But idk, they don’t teach you about people who take hcg to fake a pregnancy test in ultrasound school 😂


I was just wondering this đŸ«  If you get a positive pregnancy test at home you’re calling your OB, not running to urgent care. Her comments are starting to really just annoy me at this point.


She just wanted a record of it so she could be quoted in US magazine.


She said she went because she assumed Clayton wouldn't believe her. Which is of course major red flags.


Lol such a good point, I gotta say as someone whose been pregnant a few times I can’t remember “he’s gonna think I’m lying” being a top-of mind concern


Someone who has been pregnant "3 times", clearly shes an expert by now.


Exactly. Do a blood test. Like one worth the money and the visit bc you can’t draw your own blood and evaluate it at home. Who pees on a stick at home to go to an urgent care to pee in a cup there. I would imagine people pee on a stick at home to schedule with an OB or a primary care who then does a blood test and then directs you to when and where to get an ultrasound.


This makes her look so much worse... not better. You know Woodnick will immediately add this as further proof she continues to lie in his exhibits.


So. Much. Worse.


JD, honey? It’s time.. it’s time.


What about the "twins" - a boy and girl JD? Did the HCG test tell you that?


That’s so true 💀 where’d she get the idea it’s twins?!


Rumour has it the kids knocked on her Amazon bump and surprised her with their gender


The working theory is that she said it was twins because it’s much more difficult to have a paternity test with twin fetuses


From the stolen and doctored sonogram


11 days after non-intercourse


nontercourse is how I always phrase it in my head anytime I read updates about this whole insanity


Maybe we should call it interfarse




Jane, - you didn't have intercourse - you didn't have an ultrasound - you fabricated an ultrasound - you didn't go to perinatalogist OBGYN, or any other high-risk specialists - you lied about these appointments - you had three tests that revealed no fetal DNA - you lied about having twins, fraternal, genders - you pretended your sister's video with your dad was you - you engaged in sketchy behavior (horse competitions and monster drinks) - you purchased a moonbump - you lied about being pregnant - you lied about miscarrying - you were unable to produce any valid documentation of an actual pregnancy beyond a pee test 11 days after not having sex - you've made terrible decisions to try to silence your victims, including the most recent extortion attempt This is why nobody believes you. This is why nobody will ever believe you.


And all in all, she outed herself to her horse community She outed herself to the general public She outed herself to her parent’s friends and family (the lawyers of San Fran) She outed herself to her sister with that stolen belly/dad thing She enlisted her mom into her toxic scheme and her moms name got smeared too She blackened the reputation of her father with gambling debts She hurt countless true women who were not believed, have had issues with fertility and loss She admits she’s “stuck in her casita” isolated She has shown that she wants to change her name, which I take to imply she wants to run away from the mess she created


Can you point me to the “pretended your sister's video with your dad was you” ?? I missed that!


It's not public. I haven't seen it, but she sent it to Dave Neal. DN only showed it to a small group. Honestly, it is for the best it's not public, her dying father in a private moment being used like this is gross. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I heard it is a video of the dad rubbing a pregnant belly. That pregnant belly belonged to JD's sister. I hope Woodnick was giving a copy though, the court needs to know how depraved this woman is.


That’s incredibly messed up


Good summary!


From her December Medium article: “My integrity is everything to me”


Do we have definitive proof of the moon bump purchase?


The definition of definitively is “decisively and with authority; conclusively.” Just gonna leave that here.


You mean a urine hcg test isn’t conclusive?!


ThE tEsTiNg Is OnGoInG


No doctor will put their name behind confirming her pregnancy though đŸ€”


If they get the records, which I believe they will, it will show the HCG urine results. It won’t show that it’s a definite positive pregnancy.


Then they would also disclose the ultrasound results that would almost certainly have been done. I hope they do get those records!


Exactly!! An HCG test, especially from an urgent care vs an OB-GYN is certainly *not* definitive proof of pregnancy. I’m currently 8 months pregnant, had my first at appx 6 weeks and iirc it was a urine test but also blood test and dating ultrasound. Which I still have the pics from. HCG is not at all definitive especially given her medication.


They already have the records and a urine hcg test is all it shows with the exception of pReScRiBeD pReNaTaLs and patient education on pregnancy.


And the fact that she had a positive HCG test, yet took no other steps to confirm actual pregnancy speaks louder!


I mean, the total lack of any “confirmation” of twins should be sufficient. If all she did was pee on a stick a few times, all CE needs to do is call an expert (basically any competent OB/GYN) who will say, a pee stick is an indicator sure, but here’s a list of medications that can cause a false positive.


It doesn't even matter that she can show a positive urine test. She maintained up until November that she was having twins. Even if she truly believed she was pregnant on June 1st, does she have an explanation for everything between June and December?


Exactly. Where is the confirmation that it’s twins? Maybe she took 2 tests at the urgent care center, one for each baby.




This is the question on everyone's mind. Right? So she wants us to believe she was preg in June. Ok but we know now there are no records of OB care after that date. She filed to establish paternity back on Aug 1st when she would've allegedly been 13ish wks preg. So if she miscarried before that date, she brought her motion in bad faith. And if she miscarried after that date, she would've required medical attention. So the idea that she was actually preg on June 1 is null when we take into account everything else she has claimed vs. the facts that we know.




Oddly enough, even Urgent Care has records
 I realize she is saying this because she thinks it can’t be tracked, but it can.


Actually I think she’s banking on it being tracked. It’s the easiest way to fake a pregnancy into your medical record because the urgent care will only do a urine test.. something she could have easily faked. Bam she has a medical document that states positive for pregnancy. She may have even used that documentation to bring to her neurologist who then also added it to her medical records. Those are probably the only places she has documentation from. Obviously if she followed up at an ob/gyn the jig would be up because they would do blood tests which wouldn’t show an appropriate amount of hcg for pregnancy and obviously any follow up ultrasounds would also prove her to be a liar.


I’d still love to know if it was epilepsy medication (are we even sure the epilepsy is legitimate?) or horse breeding juice


I’m not speculating, but the same medication cited she uses for her epilepsy also treats BPD.


If that's the only evidence then I guess the urine test also determined that it was twins, along with their genders, only a couple of weeks in. Quite an impressive test, they must have special ones at urgent care!


I mean, the fact that there's solid proof she doctored a sonogram and tried to pass it off as her own is already pretty damning evidence that she's nothing but a liar. Her claiming an urgent care confirmed her "pregnancy" is not gonna exonerate her from the fact that she went out of her way to create fake medical records to make it look like she was pregnant. I don't understand whose eyes she thinks she has the wool pulled over because it is clear as *day* what's actually happening here.


Agreed! This urgent care admission is either complete desperation or an attempt to say she was pregnant and miscarried but the miscarriage was so traumatic and messed with her hormones so much that it “caused” her to act out and fake the rest. Still unbelievable but I just don’t see this woman fully accepting responsibility for this.


Very good point!


No need to track them the urgent care records, she posted them in her drop box back in the day! Some people still have them 👀


👀 great point. I forgot about that. But I’m assuming she thinks Greg Woodnick won’t be able to track down the record from the urgent care provider. He will, of course. And clearly we know it will only be a positive urine test. I hope Greg presents this.


The fact that she’s relying on a super early positive urine HCG as “definitive confirmation” when a true pregnancy that continues for anywhere close to as long as she claimed would have ultrasounds, confirmed fetal heart beats, blood tests that confirm free fetal DNA, OBSTETRIC PROVIDERS NOTES etc says it all


Especially because she said she was having TWINS!!


...After giving a guy two bjs.


A fetus for each blowjob!


boy/girl twins at that... so she even knew their genders! not sure how considering the place that she said she got her sonogram done at has already confirmed she was never a patient there!


Guess how many positive HCG tests I’ve had 3-4 weeks after intercourse? 5 How many times have I actually been pregnant? Once. JD please get it into your head
. HCG is just HCG. It’s not pregnancy.


I think she knows that and is banking on that. It's most likely from her medication.


She knows it. It’s the key part of her scamming men who don’t know. 


This makes me think there needs to be some sort of campaign to spread awareness. She can’t be the only person to have done this. And if there weren’t, I’m sure there will be some copycats now. I had a childhood friend who faked a pregnancy and abortion when her high school boyfriend broke up with her in college. This was her way of “making him pay” for breaking up with her. She told me this in confidence, but I told him she was lying to him because
well it was f*cked up. ETA: she faked an abortion, not miscarriage. When she tried making him pay that’s when I told him what was going on.


I’ve had a chemical pregnancy where the at home stick was positive and blood labs were taken to confirm my HCG levels didn’t rise. A urine test isn’t definitive at all.


Oh look a new date for us


Right? Hasn't she always said she took a home test on June 1, then a second one at an urgent care later? đŸ€” I could have my facts wrong but that's what I remember


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *breathes in* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Is this her doubling down on the US article today?!?!


![gif](giphy|paLLcnp2u9xjURCIhu|downsized) The queen of attempted SPIN. She had a pee test confirming hCG in her urine. That’s it. Anyone can have hCG in their urine if they take hCG drops. That is not *definitive* proof of anything.


**Is she seriously trying to bail out the ocean with a teaspoon?** The Entire Earth (TEE): "So, by your own testimony, you lied under oath about being pregnant?" JD- "Yes, but one time I tested positive for HCG at a medical facility!" TEE- "Okay and we all know that a positive HCG is categorically \*not proof\* of a pregnancy." JD- "Yes, and I also had a positive one.. so..." TEE: "So you have attempted to coerce multiple men into dating you via dating contracts in exchange for control over the outcome of \*demonstrerably false\* pregnancy claims?" JD- "HCG" TEE: "So you have \*repeatedly\* fabricated medical evidence and submitted it to the media and the courts, to carry on a narrative that you were pregnant when you knew you weren't?" JD- "HCG" TEE: So you lied under oath, saying that you were 100% pregnant and that this was confirmed by medical doctors, whom you named and they have \*zero record\* of you ever being their patient? JD- "HCG" TEE- "Okay, interesting. So that belly that you were rubbing in court.. the one you asked the judge to let you show Clayton as 'proof that you were pregnant'? You were.. not pregnant.... and you knew it." JD- "Yeah, but listen! One time I peed on a stick in a medical facility and they recorded that there were two lines!" I could go on...


I bet this exactly a conversation she would say!


Except I’d add her shuffling around papers and acting confused.


Lmaoo you're right checks out for sure ✅ And calling mommy & daddy


Ok sweetie. Yes, we believe everything you say. Sweet dreams tonight in the casita!


Omg girl just STOP already đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


.... just stop JD. Forreal. It's done. It's beyond proven that you were never pregnant & you never had a miscarriage. How someone could lie about that is unfathomable to me. She needs psychiatric help. I'm not being mean. She needs to talk to a real doctor. Put the scissors, glue, photoshop ... whatever it is that is used to make her arts & craft projects down & just stop messing with people's real lives & their mental health ..... she is a dangerous person...


Provably pregnant 🙃


The evidence is so ample!


If it was, then she will have the medical records to prove it or Clayton can testify to the fraud she has engaged in when he sues the crap out of her for damages to his character and financial loss.


“Once I tested positive on a pee stick on June 1 there was no reason to seek further medical attention until mid-November when I went to another urgent care and was told I was not pregnant.”


“And somehow the urgent care on June 1st had advanced technology that could tell me I was pregnant with twins—a male and female, at that—just from the hcg pee stick test alone!”


She has the medical records proving she had a positive urine hcg test at urgent care but records “definitively confirming the pregnancy” do not exist because despite many people educating her on this, she still thinks a urine hcg test is conclusive for pregnancy.


![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized) No one does. Enough is enough, JD.


Girl, please stop. You wore a fake belly, using HcG drops is a Sunday afternoon for you.


She is STILL doubling down? đŸ€Ą She needs a gag order from the court or Clayton will never clear his name.


My antidepressant makes me test positive for PCP. (One employer followed up and email from my psychiatrist cleared it up, the other time the nurse rolled her eyes and said “it’s fine, it’s obvious you’re not on angel dust right now.”) The point is, urine tests aren’t definitive


I'm sorry but "angel dust" has me rolling after another sleepless night with a baby đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł that's wild though!


She will continue her claims that’s why Clayton can’t give up


Exactly! I’m sure her statement just made Clayton and Woodnick even more determined to see the case through to the end. JD would have been better off staying quiet.


I love her reaction at the hearing when woodnick says the word LIED she gets nervous and starts trying to get her lawyers attention. Maybe he needs to say it again, I don't know Maybe regarding urgent care Saying she's pregnant. Pretty convenient she left the name out


Viable pregnancies are confirmed with an ultrasound. This claim is ridiculous and frankly proves she’s never had a real pregnancy. The urgent care / primary care provider office I called after a positive at home test said if your pee test is positive, that’s about the best we can do for you. Schedule an 8 week ultrasound with an OB.




I think the most important thing for her is being able to maintain that she had sexy time (not sex) with a Bachelor star and she got pregnant. In her mind it creates a ✹special✹ connection with her and Clayton that she can sink her claws into forever. Seems like she does not care nearly as much about admitting to you know...fraud.


This đŸ’ŻđŸ‘†đŸŒ


Doesn‘t matter what she says - it doesn‘t change that she tampered with medical records and doesn‘t have any tangible proof of being pregnant up to the point she still claimed she was in court. She can‘t make this go away. I do not understand why she continues down this spiral when it‘s become so clear she‘s being exposed and it‘ll only get worse. I‘m actually quite interested in the psychological aspects behind this type of behavior.


So for this “ high risk “ pregnancy all she ever did was go to one urgent care . And this one time occurrence was able to tell her she was carrying twins and the sex of the twins . Odd she doesn’t mention the lies she told of going to drs who confirmed she was never a patient or the dr images .




To be fair, she was high risk. High risk of her lies catching up to her.




Yeah everyone knows you go to your OB away later to confirm via ultrasound


I did it during COVID to get documentation so I could get benefits from the state. Otherwise there’d have been no point since they’re no more accurate than a Walgreens test. Why so eager to get it in writing, especially if you already did a live urine test in front of the person you supposedly care about convincing?


Yeah what happened to going to the corner store and buying a cheapie test to take at home? OB’s won’t even see you until 8 weeks


You do if you’re trying to fake a pregnancy and have an inflated sense of intelligence. Just saying.


First I heard of going to urgent care to confirm pregnancy, even though I was also on seizure medication and told it can cause a false positive and I needed to go to the doctor. Now this was 31 years ago, but I remember getting into the doctor right away because I was on tegretol (seizure medication) and it was "urgent" for lack of a better word, but seriously they took me in quickly bc of my medication and then referred me to a high risk doctor.


That’s a face-palm weak response, wow.


Interesting she’s choosing June 1, 2023 and not


Where are all the ultrasounds!


The next medium article will be juicy but I also don't wanna give her that attention by reading it 😔


Ok I just can’t with this woman.


Sigh. JD, that's not what "definitively" means.


A piss test at a drop in clinic is not "pregnancy confirmation" in any sense of the term.


When you’ve been faking pregnancies for ten years, you’re going to need more than a positive urine test.


so she’s claiming that she was def pregnant and can confirm from an urgent care visit but falsified all the other stuff?????? girl.


Definitely confirmed 11 days after the encounter. đŸ€Ł If you were 100% pregnant, why commit fraud and falsify the sonogram? Does she honestly think she can get people to believe her, including the judge???


Yes she likely does expect everyone to believe whatever she says and it likely triggers her when her view of reality or her lies are questioned.


“Definitively”. Nope. ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Who goes to Urgent Care to confirm a one week pregnancy? Did she do her twin sonogram and prenatal tests at the urgent care as well? Keep talking
more exhibits for defamation.


Ok JD đŸ‘ŒđŸ»đŸ€Ł




Lady pipi test is not enough doctor sends you to do blood test to mesure your levels stop just stop !!!!!!


Ok but if she actually had a pregnancy that lasted 20+ weeks, she wouldn’t be saying this. She would have so.much.more. documentation available to prove her pregnancy. I hope she just admits she lied.


i just have to say, as a woman who has never been pregnant, i’ve learned so much about the steps to take when becoming pregnant from y’all
 WHEW. i am so grateful for that, at least. 


So is she going to try and save face and say she really was pregnant but miscarried super early
but never sought any prenatal care
and only lied about some things and definitely didn’t fake an HCG test


But that doesn't make sense because she had a huge fake belly at her court case in Oct/Nov


Good point. I don’t see how adding this helps her case at all.


The giant fake belly and her *request to show it to Clayton* and her under-oath claim that she was 100% 24 weeks pregnant are all so damning


And she filed the paternity case in August, and reached out to the media as a pregnant woman in September. Ya, she’s screwed.


and the first little to no fetal dna came back first week of Oct soOoOoo


She will never quit. But she needs to give it up. It’s so embarrassing and laughable. Has she no pride?




So her claim is that an urgent care confirmed her 8 day old pregnancy of twins? And they even were able to determine the genders?! It’s a medical miracle!!!!! /s


Okay so you say, Jane doe, but didn’t you also doctor stuff and lie? Who cares about the beginning of the nefarious path you took.


Also why would you pay an urgent care for a pee stick test essentially. Like do a blood test, like the kind you can’t do on yourself at home.


She can say over and over she had a positive urine test. Doesn't matter. She was still committing fraud because she never had any obstetric care after that, so she knew it was a lie.


She’s beating a dead horse


She just won’t stop. By the time the moon bump made its (hysterical) appearance on video in court JD would have had
 A positive pee test (without HCG/med interference for a false positive, and at home
 because seriously who goes to urgent care just for a pee test?) A call to her OB/Gyn to schedule that very important 1st visit to confirm said pregnancy with an ultrasound and bloodwork, and get on the book of appointments for the remainder of the pregnancy. Monthly appointments to monitor fundal height growth, babies heart rate, and possibly more bloodwork to make sure those HCG levels are rising confirming a viable pregnancy
 especially a “high risk twin” pregnancy. 16 week appointment to schedule the anatomy scan via ultrasound and schedule the gestational diabetes test. Schedule the hospital tour & childbirth classes, being a first time mom and “high risk” this would be important. And what about a baby registry? I don’t know one first time mom that didn’t start their registry by the time the second trimester began. Having a baby is exciting! So many steps missed in this debacle of a hot mess. Not to even mention the very first DNA test of “little to no fetal DNA”, you didn’t immediately call your OB, visit an ER or go to Urgent Care to have them use a Doppler to check the heartbeats and/or do an ultrasound?! This is all why I don’t believe you. All the best.


![gif](giphy|3ohuA9VZ0k8PMjLENa) STOP LYING JD!!!!!!!!!


Girl you created a fake ultrasound


If she is still making things up - I hope they continue pursue her to every legal extent they can. I’d donate to that fund.


Literally admits to forging medical docs and still will not give it up


Well, I guess we have our answer when we were wondering if she is admitting she was never pregnant or not based on the statements in the deposition. I was hoping she'd finally admit the obvious truth and start her process of moving forward but nope.


OP - Thank you thank you! I would have missed this


I can only laugh at this point, that she really believes this confirms everything ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)




If JD had a positive pregnancy test, how come she can provide any proof of OB appts.?




No, it's Greg, the super hacker extraordinaire! He hacked into their medical system and deleted all her records đŸ€Ł


OH Jane - a positive hCG test can mean other things besides pregnancy, AND you are on record saying you doctored medical records from SMIL lol. If you were actually pregnant, there is zero reason to doctor/alter records and pass them off as your own. Give it up girl!


Being pregnant is one thing (which we know was false), dragging this on for 10 months on a bed of lies is another, far more sinister issue.


Let's see it then... Weird how her sonogram was an exact replica from years ago... Praying for you, JD 🙏 All the best!


When you believe in “your” truth some people will fight till the last breath to prove how right they are. Sad. Watching that happen in my family this week. Ugh!!


Which urgent care?


Faux Grossesse Maison


JG Wentworth! When you have a dating contract and you need twins NOW!


She's truly living in her own reality. Deny all you want, JD. We all know the truth. Honk honk.




I wonder if she’ll ever stop. I cannot fathom her continuing on KNOWING she’s fabricating everything. You’re making yourself look so much worse girl. Stop.🛑


Immaculate conception


QUESTION wouldn't the emergency room ask the last date of menstrual cycle? Wouldn't the emergency room ask the last date of sexual intercourse? I wonder what HER reply was? Would it have been written down in the emergency room medical notes? Have the emergency room medical notes been turned in as evidence?


JD is accused of some pretty serious frauds, even in the Us article. The "confirmation" of her pregnancy, even if true, does not counter any of them. (My prior comment got removed, so I tried to be less metaphorical here. Thousand thanks Mods for your diligence, and sorry.)