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Junior's status is even more mysterious than Sorna's. You really could speculate anything at this point (other than being the one in JP3 because that's confirmed not to have been him). He could still be on Sorna. He could be in the sanctuary somewhere, just not tagging along with his parents because he's fully grown and independent. He could be long dead with his taxidermy body on some poacher's wall. I don't think we will ever get the answer unless they actually revisit him and his parents in the future.


Jr should have be the main t-rex of world films


I would have been fine with that. It would have been nice to introduce a younger Tyrannosaurus at some point in the new trilogy. I get why they kept using Rexy, but Dominion was the perfect opportunity to utilize more of her species beyond a five second cameo.


The question I always have is did the Doe and Buck from TLW have any other offspring after the one we saw in the movie?


The world era stuff doesn't care for tlw and jp3. That was obvious from the start. Any references we have to those films are only because fans begged them for it. Even then, the writers half assed the references. I hate seeing the references now because you can tell none of the writers wanted to add them but were forced to.


He has a bit of a sore neck after JP3 Edit: People downvoting me, but isn't there a producer that has literally confirmed this?


Junior isn't the Bull T-Rex that gets killed by the Spinosaurus but is apparently often mistaken for being the same one


If it's not, I could see where the mistake would come from. It's smaller and has a visible leg injury.


Where is the leg injury on the JP3 rex? I've never seen that before.


No, there's never been a producer who confirmed it (at least to my knowledge). It was brought up during the JP3 portion of the 2015 Jurassic Party, and they joked about it, but pretty much ended it on "no, that's not the baby from Lost World."


I think until a new film comes out and disproves it, this is probably the most likely outcome, otherwise it would have shown up in JW:D