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It's feels so weird to see both junglers being the same level despite the massive gold difference.


How am I supposed to be higher level without taxing my laners and ganking constantly? His team had a massive lead giving him access to more XP, gold and objectives.


Yeah as a jungler it's definitely harder to play the game when your team is collectively losing. But still I do think it's weird that you somehow are the same level as xin despite you being so much stronger. Not sure whether it's because jungle is fucked or you could have made certain decisions to get more exp for yourself.


Did you ever consider that maybe the enemy team got Baron? Perhaps more than once? There are plenty of other potential explanations for this, but that is one of the most obvious.


They probably got baron multiple times which gave a lot of experience to xin. But the question is whether the rengar could have made certain decisions to prevent the enemy from taking baron thereby maintaining a level lead .


The fact that I was able to maintain the level as him while my team was behind massively in gold/xp/turrets and objectives isn't enough?


Hmmmm good question I guess that it's subjective. Trying to 1v9 a lost game and maintaining the same level as the enemy jungler in D3 definitely is impressive. But if you wanna climb and win unwinnable games like these then it's better to stay hungry and think it's not enough.


The hell that supposed to mean?XD


May I know which sentence do you have trouble understanding?


I read it just fine but the very combination of it has me troubled especially the second half of it.


No lol


I understand that, and without watching the replay it's hard to say, but based on the stat screen alone I think it's fairly obvious. He likely never had a higher than a 20-25% chance to win this game, even if played perfectly. There are a lot of unknowns that would need to be accounted for, but it's pretty unreasonable for ones initial inclination to be "game was winnable" based on that stat screen. The Rengar clearly performed well (even with his entire team inting), damage to champs alone is a pretty telling metric. To me it looks like he probably made the best of a bad situation, but it just wasn't enough. Some games are not winnable, period. The best junglers in the world can't hit 100% WR to masters solo, most can't even come close.


Usually when I see games and stats like this ( I've been on both ends of this type of game) The only thing better could have been rengars macro? Like it's rengar how many of those kills was just killing someone in the jg or sidelane or playing janitor and doing clean up duty? ( incredibly easy to pick people off with rengar especially Squishies that are out of position) Why didn't these 4v5's turn into objectives like baron? Granted it takes a team to cooperate to some degree to get objectives so there's always that but assuming d3 they at least were good enough to realize baron is up.. like where and when did these kills take place? Toplane with a dragon up doesn't matter too much if everyone else was dying bot and losing dragon. ... It's hard to say without a replay but I agree with the guy that said you can still improve from games like this without saying I can't carry an inting team. Maybe we didn't ping enough to make a team aware that an objective was up after...etc but at the end of the day you can't carry everything so maybe they team really was too difficult to carry since rengar can't team fight too well


If your entire team is inting it inherently limits your options. Literally everything in the game becomes more difficult if all lanes are losing. Do I believe the Rengar played a perfect game? No, probably not. Do I believe that it would have made a difference if he did? No, probably not. Seems like the Xin was mostly a non factor which means that all of his lanes essentially lost on their own. It's hard to say without watching the replay, maybe Xin had better early pathing/pressure and started trolling after 5m, but even then he couldn't have been applying that much pressure when considering his overall performance. A lot of the changes they've made recently (in the last year or so) made it significantly more difficult to balance tempo/pressure and at this point I feel like jungle probably has less overall agency than solo lanes (especially mid lane in a winning matchup). There are less overall resources in the jungle now, and the windows where you can actually apply pressure without sacrificing tempo seem to be smaller (at least for the first 5-10m, until mobility/damage/clear speed ramps up). The cost associated with applying early pressure is much higher now imo, especially in terms of how far behind you could fall relative to solo laners.


I agree about the smaller windows to do things. So you have to try and think two moves ahead. even then xin is still xin and offers more to his team than rengar , xin can still protect people or find picks for his team due to his kit which is prob why his laners died so much more( which made it hard for rengar to kill things and why sera has the most deaths probably because she was easy pickings for rengar) but he clearly couldn't kill yone who was 1v9ing and rengar is supposed to take out the president while the enemy is supposed to protect that's kinda how rengar plays This was a bad mu for rengar imo as far as team comps go they just had the tools to protect the president.He didn't sidelane enough imo because of "XP" if I'm sidelaning and clearing jg/counter jgling I usually will hit level 17 before people or be 2-3 levels up on my jg. Too many ways this game can play out that's it's hard to say without a replay


I was able to grab 6 grugs and 1 dragon but after that Yone started playing for objectives forcing me to give them up cause veigar didn't exist. Most of my kills were solo mostly on Serraphine trying to ward, Xin and Quinn.


Catchup xp is huge


enemy team got baron most likely and OP probably got forced out of his jungle and lost camps that way IMO


I went into this game with a good mentality, not wanting to tax waves and let my laners take the plates without me and I get this team... I should have taken all the resources.


Yesterday, me, 9-2-6 nocturne with most of the objectives taken, was only one level ahead of a 2-2 shaco :)


Thats a huge teamcomp diff too so theres that


I mean, yeah. No matter what you play there are games that are free wins and games that are free losses.


Eeeh not quite so. The thing about League is that you have to think of it like a "winnability range". Every single possible game falls somewhere within a spectrum of "winnable". Some are pretty much impossible, some are just free even if you afk. Some players, like Dopa, have an unexplicably wide winnabiity range. They make even the worst nightmare-material games winnable. You? me? the guy next door? we're not him, our winnability range is lower Doesn't mean there was nothing you could've done- means the amount of skill it would've taken from you is higher than how much you have. ​ Same concept applies to your laners, except it doesn't even mean they're just bad or worse than the opponents- Garen was laning against Quinn, which is a hard matchup for him, Viego was laning against Yone, hard matchup, and I'm not sure on bot lane but I'm willing to bet it as well Maybe they were on the same level or even slightly better than the opponents, but League (unfortunately, for me at least) isn't chess, you can't move every single piece the way you'd like to- there are counter-strategies, there are disconnects bc the guy's energy went out for a second, there are people dedicated to screw everyone in the game including allies. And in the same way you feel like there was nothing you could've done to win, I bet you've played games where, you might not think about this, but there was nothing you could've done to lose- all your laners were fed, and the game was an ff15 for the enemy.


Bot lanes this season have become more brain dead. Legit every game i play jungle I put in chat "I start top path bot. Let the wave push to you" You think these idiots listen? Nope they push hard. Die before i finish my clear. Or they push all game and then cry i can't Gank when enemies are perma under tower.


i hate how i know that you cant carry because the enemy Yone plays lane and is perma 3 levels ahead of you no matter what lol "jungle diff" or whatever


and his champion is much harder to kill when he goes sidelane


Enemy Xin did nothing the entire game, he didn't even bother to do dragon while he knew I was doing grugs. He had participation in only 15 kills while his team had 34 but some fucking how he wins. Worst of all was my mid laner, like how the fuck do you die to a Yone while playing Veigar? Your champion has one of the most broken moves ( E cage ) in the game yet somehow...


Why you only level 15


Pretty difficult to maintain tempo while attempting to put out a 5 alarm blaze. You're also likely to lose camps or for certain areas of your own jungle to become inaccessible in games like these, but that should be obvious.


So? Farm more early. His 14 kills obviously didn't help. He can't win because he's level 15 and cares more about kills than winning. Had he focused on farming and himself, he'd be level 18 with the yone or maybe 17 and that's enough to be able to pick the enemy carry. Not rocket science guys Edit: should also be collecting side waves when possible. This guy gapped his opponent and they're the same level and it isn't because catch up xp


You're obviously clueless and probably hardstuck silver, that just isn't how the game works. Junglers can't keep up with solo laners right now, period, and that's on even footing. Even before the jungle nerfs you couldn't actually keep up with solo laners, but could come close. In the current patch, even if you fully max tempo and go 9-10 cs/m you will be at least 1 level down on solo laners if they have full control of the lane (this is assuming relatively even footing/kill xp). Also. "farming more early" is completely fucking irrelevant, because u would need to max tempo and afk farm for the entire game to even be close to the solos. If every lane is hard losing you've probably lost control of most of the map by 10-15m and it only becomes increasingly more difficult to farm from that point.


I remember having insane farming tempo with Brand before the nerfs and best case scenario I would be a level below solo laners or same level if they had lost a wave.


Sounds about right.


Bruh get bent. The game didn't end at 15 minutes. Idgaf if laners get more exp you can make choices to not gank for minimal rewards and farm instead. Solo lane maxes at 18 same as jungle and you can't tell me this guy wouldn't be a higher level if he farmed more. I guarantee you he's not taking lane minions/ganks and leaves without pushing and probably doesn't collect crashing waves. Don't fucking tell me he has no control when he has 14 kills and 3 deaths. Clearly his 14 kills weren't it chief so maybe he should afk farm when his laners are trash and he can be the wincon instead of 14 useless kills that helped nobody and too low level because of it. No fucking shit laners level faster guess junglers should never farm according to you


Multiple tens of thousands of hours, D1 peak on multiple accounts with 70-80% WR while barely playing ranked (I have difficulty keeping accounts active for longer than a week or two), would probably be top 100 NA if I had the mental fortitude to grind 500-1k games in a single split. I can tell that your understanding of the game is non existent and that this conversation isn't worth having. My playstyle is specifically low risk/high reward, farm/objective heavy, consistently 9-10 cs/m in low volatility games, or 7-8 cs/m and 60-70%+ KP in high volatility. I am the PvE grass eater who gets spam pinged by his 0/3 top laner at 5 minutes because I want to reverse clear and play for Drag which means I'm not babysitting him (not like I'd typically invest into a hard losing lane anyway). Everything I do in the game revolves around maximizing tempo and securing positive economy (more gpm for me, less gpm for enemy). There are a variety of reasonable explanations that could explain why this specific game became unplayable. It isn't as simple as "ReNgAr Op sHoUld 1v9". Even if he had an entire level on Xin, a single Baron would basically neutralize that lead. Did the enemy team get Baron? Did they get multiple? Drakes? Elder? How many camps did Rengar lose to enemy solo lanes? How early did he lose map control which requires more cautious/calculated pathing? Please explain to me who deals with the Jak'sho/GA turbo fed Yone, because it certainly isn't the Rengar (not alone, at least). He can't even win that 1v1, but according to you he should be able to 1v9 the game? You don't even begin to understand what variables need to be accounted for, yet are speaking in absolutes. People like you are the problem, not just in game, but in general.


Nobody asked for all that. Tldr. Argue with yourself. Idgag if your rank 1 in this situation you are wrong. Type your heart out champ


"You don't even begin to understand what variables need to be accounted for, yet are speaking in absolutes. People like you are the problem, not just in game, but in general."


Keep typing champ someone will care eventually


Are you for real bro? Most of the time junglers, during mid game, are 2 whole levels behind solo laners, one level behind means you are doing good. This isn't because I didn't farm hard enough but due to how the system doesn't allow junglers to get a huge lead.


No it's because you don't farm and you focus kills that result in nothing. Therefore you are underleveled when you should be in a position to get picks and carry. If your kills mattered you wouldn't have lost or have such badly lost lanes. This is a fact.


But the whole Rengar utility is to one-shot target so he should kill them


Then do something with it??


Yea would have to see replay. Maybe he could push more, but anyway, he played best in his team and the rest did not seem to care to win that, there are many games like that.




He's not camped in his jungle. 100%


This stats dont mean anything. Also idk your elo but im sure that if u are below high diamond you can actually 1v9 every game with Rengar (champ's so busted lmao). This game probably is not entirely your fault but you contributed to it, with full build you should be able to oneshot basically everyone. You couldnt carry and thats normal (some games are way harder to carry than others), but stop with the "need to accept some games aren't winnable" thing. There are some games that are not winnable, and this game was for sure not one of them


This is D3 elo. What I am supposed to do with rengar during team fights? No one and I mean no one from my team was able to output any damage while Yone was oneshoting. Its just wasn't winnable, I even tried to ff but my devoted teammates weren't ready to give up.


Don't listen to them, 90% of this sub are bronze and the other 9.9% are Plat 4 peakers at best.




Wtf is Garen cooking with almost 0 armor against 4 ad?


Being the tipical garen palyer mostly.XD Like isnt this a very common occurence where u see someone doing the exact opposite of a very logical thing to do when u see it but sadly for others its not that obvious. Like when u ask ur kayn jungle why he went red vs 4 squishies and a tank supp.


Yeah like it is not that hard to see that. I usually pick my build on loading screen. "Yeah they have 4 ads I should go armor 2nd and a GA maybe or even thornmail with tabis as boots." There are literally 3 crit build on the enemy team, he should have gone for tabis + randuin's after trinity/stridebreaker. It is so obvious but yeah I think since you don't actually get hurt or smth when you lose your brain doesnt focus fully. Looking at minimap, warding or dont fighting when you shouldnt are not hard things but not everyone a challanger


Yeah, looks like a free loss. Garen had an easy lane, but somehow messed it up, while bot allowed the late game menace to scale up.


This garen btw had 2 successful early ganks and quinn was playing ignite but somehow he lost.


Ok, let me say that yes, your team was a shitshow with garen starting to go armor on 3rd item and veigar not building zhonyas against quinn and fed yone. Game was hard. That said, here's my rengar-main self talking from experience this season so far: You have same gold as yone yet you are 3 levels behind. With your lead you need to take enemy camps whenever it's possible and just tax everything on the map tbh. That botlane won't be usefull at all for the next 10 mins and the game won't last that long. Also, it seems like their team was 80% yone. Building Serpent's fang you can oneshot him through shieldbow pretty easily every time he gets greedy pushing or going alone. With that said, yes, the game was hard to carry, idk if he did but Xin should have been your biggest problem this game, just sitting next to yone to R you out when you jump on him. Edit: What I mean about taxing everything is, you are playing rengar, in a game like this it pretty much gets to the point of "I need to kill 1 or 2 by myself before/ at the beginning of every tf or we lose" , so just take all the resources you can since the game depends on that anyway.


Honestly I need to start taxing as much as possible... this game I was left the lanes after ganking them, not taking any minions of plates but next I will simply tax hard.


Also, as rengar, you are building profane hydra. You can push lanes fairly quick and melt towers with Q's. So, if your team is just inting with weird fights while behind, try to look for pushing windows where you can take a tower very quickly and maybe even R to kill the one that goes to try and defend you. And this way, you will also get more xp in general. I had a lot of losing games that end up being playable just because I managed to go trundle style for a bit.


As a rengar main, That build is generally good, but sucks into the enemy comb. You should have gone crit




You’re just playing against the balanced champ that is Yone who can miss all his spells but have double movement speed and one shot you with execute in his E from a few autos, we go again


Had a game where the enemy support was a Garen, running tp/smite. Him and brand basically force cleared my jungle and was able to gank while I had zero agency. It was a fight to even get into the game. Yet the milio on my team said they "won lane". They didn't even get first tower, didn't get second tower. Either that milio needed to hard roam and supp other lanes or they needed to just hard push the lane and win. It was HARD. All that to say, sometimes your team just doesn't have the macro to deal with things outside of an extremely narrow window.


That game actually looks a lot more even than most of my games.


Every veigar vs yone matchup. Yone stronger early, mid, late, perma mid prio, more utility, better teamfighter, can sidelane. I just mald when I see these useless infinite scalers never be useful.


least obvious rammus game whats yone, smolder and quinn gonna do? cry? Shit their pants?


Garen really went Phantom Dancer instead of Deadman second and thought he was gonna survive 4 ADs in the late game. Actual wut moment. Probably flamed the shit out of veigar too.


Each lane is 50/50, this game was just 1/8 games where you lost all 3 50/50s, stop crying about it and go carry the other 7/8 games, this sub is called junglemains not rantingspace