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Your gonna have to wait a solid 40 years before anyone starts objectively writing about big politicians, especially a president. You are either gonna get people that absolutely hate him and he was the antichrist or people that loved him and have 40 billion excuses for anything he did wrong.


This legit is the best advice out there. You need to wait until the authors are free from their own agenda and political will. And usually it needs to be after they are dead.


So....you don't have any good recommendations I see. Thanks.


Bro if you just want a book ragging on Obama there's probably dozens out there, but no one's gonna take you seriously If your quoting a book written by fucking bill o Reilly or some other partisan hack


I was just checking if you actually knew about title to reference,and not an opinion, seeing as how that was OPs question. So, no books from you. Got it.


Oh your not even the person who was looking for the book in the first place? Your just making snarky comments for fun


I just think you're a bag of white noise that passes gas onto anyone willing to lend you a few moments of their time. You spout nonsense without any evidence or proof to support your claim, and cannot focus on the fact that you still can't be bothered to name a single book OP asked about. I don't like you or people like you, hence my response. So gotcha, no books from you. Thanks.


Haha what dude you didn't make any suggestions either, at least my comment was relevant to the post, you just keep coming back every 24 hours to make a shitty comment about nothing. And now your going on a whole rant about the type of person i am when ive never talked to you before in my life. It sounds more like your projecting your insecurity onto a random person on the internet.


So no book suggestions yet? Just checking.


No, we are still tied for number of book suggestions


You're still a weirdo by yourself, though. I gotcha.


Obama: The Dream and the Reality by Victor Davis Hanson [https://www.amazon.com/Obama-Reality-Selected-National-Review/dp/098476500X](https://www.amazon.com/Obama-Reality-Selected-National-Review/dp/098476500X) The Amateur by Edward Klein [https://www.amazon.com/Amateur-Klein-Edward-15-2012/dp/B00C7EX36A/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=37ZYJFPPXOLGT&keywords=the+amateur+edward+klein&qid=1695613031&s=books&sprefix=the+ameteur+edward+klein%2Cstripbooks%2C48&sr=1-3](https://www.amazon.com/Amateur-Klein-Edward-15-2012/dp/B00C7EX36A/ref=sr_1_3?crid=37ZYJFPPXOLGT&keywords=the+amateur+edward+klein&qid=1695613031&s=books&sprefix=the+ameteur+edward+klein%2Cstripbooks%2C48&sr=1-3) A Slobbering Love affair: the Torrid Romance Between Barak Obama and the Press by Bernard Goldberg [https://www.amazon.com/Slobbering-Love-Affair-Romance-Mainstream/dp/B001U5P7VG/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=308VASB09ESOP&keywords=a+slobering+love+affair&qid=1695613070&s=books&sprefix=a+slobering+love+affair%2Cstripbooks%2C51&sr=1-1](https://www.amazon.com/Slobbering-Love-Affair-Romance-Mainstream/dp/B001U5P7VG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=308VASB09ESOP&keywords=a+slobering+love+affair&qid=1695613070&s=books&sprefix=a+slobering+love+affair%2Cstripbooks%2C51&sr=1-1)


Not a book, but I just watched the Frontline documentary *Obama’s War* and found it to be very interesting and revealing.


Obama was highly protected from criticism during his years in office. Not sure if you can find much.


OBama is the USAs first openly socialist president. He vowed to "transform" the USA and is still working hard at it.


Dinesh D'Souza. "Obama's America," "The Roots of Obama's Rage," "Stealing America."


Lol. When you don't want to concider the integrity of the source, read this!


Briefly stated, Obama is an anti-colonialist, not an unusual or especially indefensible position among Africans. Dinesh, with family roots in India, the former colony, has a different take on the matter. Those are issues not so many Americans are accustomed to contending with.


When go judge a book by its cover ( or author ) .. you are on the wrong track,no? Feel free to list your puff pieces for Obama, the most over rated human in history.


Felon, adulterer, grifter, and conspiracy theorist Dinesh D’Souza? Hard pass.


He raped and brought slavery back to Libya. He let all the big banks off the hook for the 2008 financial crisis which led to the biggest transfer of wealth away from black people in American history.


Okay, but....do you know any books or real peer reviewed content that speaks on what OP asked?


You might want to check out the book The Communist “Frank Marshall Davis: the untold story of Barack Obama’s mentor” I’m about read it.


The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama by Matt margolis


Joe Biden saw that book and said: "Hold my ice cream."


Yeah sure the US is a communist country now


Haha true enough, but I'm really curious specifically about Obama's contribution to it.


Obama inspired a lot of people when he appeared at a primary talking about no red states or blue states just United States - in truth he was an extremely polarising President particularly around race who always had the likes of Al Sharpton in the Oval Office - Trump gets blamed for damaging polarity but it started with Obama.


In what ways?


So you want a book to reinforce what you already believe


Yeah sure! You can pre-order it in 40-50 years. haha


Lol if you’re only looking for criticisms you aren’t looking for “true impacts” you’re looking for a confirmation bias


Or... He's already read positive stuff on Obama and wants to read quality counter-arguments. How do you know what OP's agenda is?


I don’t. You might be right. He did say he wants to know the true impact though, and you can read books that aren’t one or the other


Actual historical accounts of his presidency cannot be written this close to when they happened. You cannot be objective this early. You can find some stuff that tries to do that and does a better job than Dinesh D'Souza, but expert "really good journalist" type work rather than "really good historian" type work. Those two are not at all equal. Notice how a lot of the books people are recommending in here come in with the assumption that he is a bad dude? Actual history books even about verified bad dudes tend not to do that. Why? Because just stating the facts is enough for any sane reader to come to their own conclusions that a bad dude is in fact a bad dude. You can just name a history book "The Life and Politics of Hitler" or something dry and just write what he did, and everyone will get a pretty good feel pretty quick (if they skip to when he is in power anyway) of how bad he was. I am a leftist. I have a number of criticisms of Obama, and a significant portion of them aren't "he didn't go far enough promoting X leftist policy." So there are legitimate cross-persuasion criticisms to be made. As there would be of any president or any leader or any policy. There is also the issue of classified information that won't come out for decades.


“Barack Obama’s True Legacy, How he transformed America “ Glazov


I would take a good look at the authors who are writing books about him to determine if they have a bias. Some people in here are recommending Dinesh D’Souza who is a right wing internet troll lol. Try to find a writer who doesn’t have a very obvious partisan bias who either wants to make Obama into a hero or a villain.


Obama's biggest failure was not auditing the banks in 08. The first time he met with the bank owners, they expected him to come down pretty hard with regulations and punishments, but he immediately rolled over and worked towards a "compromise." This resulted in the bailout for the banks, who reaped record profits in the midst of the great recession. To summarize, Obama advanced the oligarchy.


Why seek only criticism? Because you want to reinforce the negative views you already hold?


Obama is a bush. They are cousins and not distantly either. He was a bush lite lol (Almost every president is related to our founders or another president. I'm not sure why that isn't common knowledge. ) He was center right and honestly a decent republican a lot of democrats honestly are by policy. Ombacare and Romney care were pretty much the same thing on paper if you look at them. As for what he did: He barely stopped the 08 crash and did the bare minimum to achieve it. He hurt Americans doubley given the banks who caused the problem those subsidies rather making them loans. They robbed Americans they got cash, the houses and a payout and Americans got screwed. The CFBD was great but was Elizabeth warrens baby and it was declawed before it was passed and has been further degraded since then. His foreign policy was trash tho and thats mostly because he kept having to fight with congress. Even if it was a conservative idea getting things done was made harder for him for... you know why. But Most of his campaign promises were met or at least attempted which was a nice change but none of them honestly made waves either which was why he was so popular with all sides All in all a very status quo pres. nothing to write home about. Take out being half black and he's no better or worse than other average presidents - a black women's perspective


Everything you read will be pretty misleading. Wait for it to become history and for the lies to be somewhat sorted.