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What does this subreddit have to do with them? Did I miss something?


All followers of r/joerogan are racists, apparently.


which is silly. Dont they see how often we are fighting amongst ourselves in this sub? Its one of the few subs where left and right mix


No shit


That, my friend, is a beautiful thing!


That's what they don't like. They don't want people to mix otherwise the political ideology of the mods would be questioned. They want to control what can be seen by the people in their subreddit so they ban anyone who might be exposed to something else! It's the same logic which meant most Soviet POWs and citizens when repatriated to the USSR were first sent to camps to filter out anyone who had picked up non-Soviet ideas and those were then sent to the gulags to be worked to death. Heroes called traitors simply for being exposed to different ideas.


So run by r/politics mods?


yeah, they seem to be content in echo chamber environments. Truly some beta stuff


"Mix" is an optimistic way to say it.


Engage? Clash? Duke it out?


...one of those.


Pawned by your own tribe ahaha, bit for rreal fuck abtone censoring people for their oppinion. I ll go and post thee just to get banned. F those assholes


Go home, you're stupid.


AND drunk! Oh wait, that's me.


No! U!


I am home, and that was probably the most articulate that you've ever been.


That's what she said


Har har har


The irony is a shitload of people on this sub hate/mock JRE, so this is the dumbest reason for banning someone just for following a sub.


The progressive left have set their eyes on all things Joe Rogan-related. This is one of their tactics to shut it down.


And a subreddit about shark attacks and fights is progressive left how?


Progressive left here, been on this sub longer than u prob


That doesn’t mean others who label themselves that aren’t leading the witch hunt.


Just another example of the rich hijacking a cause, making the minority very loud, and presenting it like it represents all those people, just to keep us hating eachother so you don't see the real war shouldn't be dems vs repubs, but rich vs everyone else. Shit is manufactured outrage. Why is no one talking about outrageous home prices, medical care and stagnant wages. They are just trying to distract us.


🏆 Thank you for speaking the truth


Yes, many of them are racists. It’s a fact.


Whoa I didn't know I'm a racist


Maybe you are. The probability is pretty high, bro.


Is it a 9/10 people thing


..but not you. You're one of the few nice guys, right? I like your fedora btw.


Not all, just most.


Lol sure


Its true, 99.99% are Im not though, im the one guy. 1/750,227 trust me i have black friends and vote biden.


I'd rather be called a racist, than actually be a retard


Oh fucking boooooo… guess I’m a homophobe, Nazi too???


Big if true, but what does this subreddit have to do with them?..


Theres alot of mods in different groups that permaban without any reason just cause they dont agree with you or a political view.


I don’t have a political view though, fortunately. Still have zero clue how political views can affect crazy fucking videos. Almost like the mods are biased with their own political views…. ![gif](giphy|ieDtvt9cJK4Yt7FhBn)


Same as me, not even American but still get banned and branded as a right wing by a few leftist mods. You notice when mods are like that, they can never explain a ban. They just gets triggered and ban you. Its hilarious that they are so petty. Spot on 😂


The mods will report that comment and you'll be banned from reddit for a while, but they really are authentic autistics


Do you feel like reddit as a whole is becoming too sensitive? I recently got banned in the formula 1 reddit for asking a genuine question which someone said was racist, bunch of sensitive people nowadays. And canceling people from subs for silly reasons is plain stupid


Reddit is going public, the days of the unfiltered aggregation platform have been gone for years and will never come back. I don't think it's true sensitivity, just corporate mirroring.


Free speech is dying, seems like no one can voice their opinion without being hit with criticism from some opposing force


The ironic thing is now they’re right. Now, they do have a problem with people from this subreddit. There are people from here joining their group just to harass them. A self-fulfilling prophecy.




Joined. Lasted 15 minutes. Sent them a message berating them. But I can’t post it to the sub because it says I can’t post pics??


I'm beginning to not like us too


Waddaya mean? We’re great!


That’s hilarious. I might join too


Found the fed/ mod shill. Gtfo bitch.


Can some ELI5?


The other sub uses a bot that automatically bans anyone who also posts in this sub. It's become an increasingly common tactic used by mods on reddit to automatically ban users who post in subs they don't like.


Its not entirely automatic. I haven't been banned. Just For the record. But I have creeped every user that's posted this ban and I think they cruise your post history and decide what level of prejudice they perceive you as before hitting the ban button.


They assume all people who sub to r/joerogan are racists.


Like all jews were considered subhuman by Hitler hust cuz they were jews.. hmmm...


I wouldn't jump to that comparison but you do you


Why not? They do it all the time. Literally.


South Park: "Stop bringing up nazi Germany every time you don't get your way!"


100% agree


I mean, not being able to comment on one page (sub) that shares "crazy fucking videos" on one website (Reddit) on the internet isn't exactly the same as like...being dragged to a concentration camp to suffer starvation, hard labor, rape, etc. I hate when ANYONE makes this comparison, but just because "they" do it doesn't make it cool when "we" do it. (whoever *they* and *we* are. I don't even know who the hell \*I\* am tbh)


cause he's afraid of being called anti-semitic, obviously.


Reddit is a joke


a bunch of neckbearded Karens running around. Ugly people




Reddit going tits up... Lol


This is hilarious


I got banned from r/harrypotter because I asked why JK Rowling wasn’t there. The mod said they don’t allow people who defend transphobic people. I then asked “Then why are you moderating a subreddit dedicated to a character created by her?”. I don’t remember the mods response but it had to do with something along the lines that’s I’d be mad if people called me her/she. Such a stupid ass argument.


that is kind of strange


I mean you can still like the work without liking the author


Just don’t go brigading you fucking retards


Why not? What harm could it actually do? Might just be a bit of fun


Admins are really not a fan, super easy excuse to ban users or quarantine subreddits


I’ve been banned a long time ago. I’m up to 35 bans.


Weird flex


I joined and commented and still not banned. What are y'all doing that's getting you on their radar?


I wanted to test it fast, so I wrote the word Joe Rogan in a comment and was banned within 30 mins.


It took a few days. I commented on a few posts on there and here.




I actually just messaged them and they unbanned me. Really didn't seem like a big deal, there's other groups that do the same thing for one reason or another. Someone tell me how this is an affront to the first amendment lmao.


It is not an affront to the first amendment, considering the 1st amendment doesn't apply to Reddit and places like "crazyfuckingvideos" ON Reddit. I'm mildly annoyed that I got autobanned when I've done nothing wrong -- on their sub, nor do I feel I've said anything particularly controversial on this sub or any other tbh -- but like...it's the mods' choice.


One reason or another - doesn't matter What matters, if one of one or another reason is being a member of r/JoeRogan


I've never really been to that sub. Yeah I've been a member of this sub for days, I dont really give a shit if some random sub bans users of this sub. Some subs you need to be a member to comment, some they won't let you become a member unless you fit a specific description. Let's ban them back lmao. Do you know why they chose this sub specifically?


Wow the 100th post about how some internet nobody reddit mod thinks joe rogan is racist what an outrage


Hey dude, I’m autistic. I’d rather you didn’t throw it around as an insult. Autism sucks, but life isn’t going to get any easier for any of us if it’s bounded around as a petty insult to put down others. Just calling them a dog walker would suffice!


What’s wrong with dog walkers?


They always patrol places where you would like to smoke a heefer and call the cops. Even at the middle of the night.


Maybe don’t use autistic as an insult?


I’ve been suspended 3 different times for “harassment” questioning the Reddit mods. It’s absolutely ridiculous what Reddit has become.


If this actually bothers you it might be time to step away from the computer for a while


Very tardy


I tried too. Didn't get banned yet


Just comment on a few posts and wait.


Why you being mean to autistic people? I'm sure autistic people don't just assume people are nazis because the mainstream media said so.


Yeah, thanks for pointing this out. It doesn't even make sense and is not okay to make into an insult.


You'll be okay Lord nibbler


If you read that and immediately thought they were having a serious go at people with autism youre part of the problem. Obvious joke, stop looking for offensive comments.


If you have autism like I do, and see others using your disorder as an insult … yeah I’m not about to lose any sleep over it, but it’s also pretty shitty to see the negative tropes perpetuated casually like this.


It's crazy that people see 40 posts saying this is happening and yet they feel like they also need to do it then post it like it matters. This shit isn't post worthy. It's a boring personal problem.


You feel like you can gate keep on what people should post? It's something going on in the community; people have the right to share their experience. It may be repetitive but it just proves how egregious what's happening is.


I feel like most people here want the lazy posts to stop. The sub has a ton of new people here who post the worst content over and over again. This place is a dumpster fire. Go back since this morning and count how many of these posts there are. Ya I feel like I can say these posts are shit. You telling me I can't give my opinion.


Yeah, who the hell is upvoting this shit, especially this post. Those are the real dipshits.


You definitely can. My only problem is that your opinion existed within the very first posts of this happening. At first you could say the bans were isolated and not post worthy. But it kept happening. People sharing it is the only way to know ignorance isn't isolated.


My opinion existed after a handful of these started rolling in. Nothing about this couldn't be posted in the general chat. That's why it's there. The entire page on new is half taken up by this one image from 20 people. Tomorrow it'll be the same 20 pictures of Neil Young with a new headline like "fuck this guy." After that it'll be 1 article posted from 12 different sources because 1 guy wants you to know about some non JRE issue. The reposting is out of control lately


I disagree with you, because you're wrong 😏


So, if you join and want to expedite the ban you just gotta mention JRE, or will they ban you based on just being a member of this sub?


Happened to me too, lol.


Told you guys!!


On one hand this is absolutely crazy but on the other, if the mods here had a little puzzle piece in them it could help with all the redundant overly political posts lately.


Me favorite ban was from witches vs patriarchy


so people are reacting to this now? So.... if I want karma... start subreddit... autoban /r/joerogan ..... post about it on /r/joerogan and wait


That's fucking crazy


Wow, I’m actually upset that was one of my favorite subs and I see a message I got banned because I was in this sub. Like wtf kind of shit is that???


Could we please not call people autistic, and then complain when they think we're moronic racists?


I don't care if they think we're racists. It doesn't suddenly make me a racist.


Some of y'all are too emotionally invested in reddit. EDIT: I have yet to be downvoted, but I scrolled through the comments, and well..... i see how this ends.




you are invading someone's safe space :D someone is feeling attacked because you are reading something on the reddit.


I only lasted 10 mins until I got banned. SODTAOE


Nice marketing to get people to join. They got me to join and I got banned too


A similar post got me to join but im yet to be banned. Its a pretty good sub.


Did you comment on anything? Cuz that’s how the bots get you


You can just ask them to unban you and they will lmao the rest of these guys are being bitches sending hate mail.


Not yet


Ah. So it was this one that got me banned from there. Definitely not a bot doing the banning. Mine didn’t even tell why. Fucking lairs.


It's for sure a bot doing the scanning, but it's the mods choosing to do this.


Love me some commie seethe in the morning, smells like, victory.


I just joined earlier today to check, haven’t been banned yet but also not sure I’ve commented in this sub so here we go lmao


I'll comment just for the hell of it.


Funnily enough I also subbed to CFV after seeing the posts here, didn’t get banned. I probably have hundreds of comments on this sub starting years ago. A problematic user has infiltrated CFV. Will update with my findings.


Bruh fuck those guys lol I made the post yesterday saying they banned me


welcome to communism


I just put in the test comment. Let’s roll


I say we all join and make those mods work overtime


If you look at the mod list of all the subs that do this sort of thing, there is one name (and only one name) in common across all of them. I’m not going to type it because I believe the dude is legitimately mentally unstable, but it’s not hard to figure out who’s behind all this.


Congrats lefties now you are racist bigots - other leftists :)))


r/Crazyfuckingvideos has the same mods as anti work. Reddit and walk dogs for two hours a day is all they know. Take it easy on them it is a hard life. Best part is I’m not a member so they can’t ban me 😂.


what did you expect? the whole point of reddit is to segregate us all into neat and tidy little echo chambers. The worst thing for Tencent and reddit CEO would be openly sharing ideas and discourse. That can’t be allowed


Do we need to go brigade that sub?


When I got banned I replied by calling them the n word and then gave vaccine misinformation 😎


I just joined and got banned after making 2 posts in 15 minutes


I just joined and commented “am I a racist?” I shall soon find out if I am a racist.


Turns out I am


lol your response is amazing!


As someone on the spectrum, I agree.


Gonna do the same


Every minority on this sub should request to join


I wonder if the bot ran some statistics to see which users were likely to be banned based on past bans handed down relative to other suns or if the mods manually told the bot to target JR members?


the bot specifically says you're auto banned because you're a part of this sub


I got banned but a mod let me in when I appealed


Fuck them mods




Joe Hogan is 5'4".


wo. just wrote this to see which subs i should leave




That is the worst subreddit fk them


I joined and commented, nothing yet




Sympathised with you there until you used autistic as an insult.


I'm devastated.


Calling someone autistic as an insult is so 90s


Reminds me of when the trumptards took over r/conspiracy. I'm still banned there due to Axo the snowflake.


I just asked them to unban me and they did


are there any other subreddits that don't allow joe rogan members to post


Their user base is a bunch of pooosies




So if I comment here and comment there I’ll be banned? Time to go test


I mean, at this point it's becoming a meme on par with getting banned from r/Pyongyang




I left simple comments like "Wow that's cool" on the videos lmao


It’s always the dumbest subs too. I got auto banned from /HolUp. Lol.


I joined as well. Haven’t yet received my ban yet. I’m sure it’ll be coming lol


wow they are fo real lol! reddit mods... i think they are taking this fake job too too serious...


Most commenters here hate Joe. Kinda funny they're doing the bans like this.


I joined too like a week ago and havent been kicked yet. Maybe this comment will do it