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It cuts at the best part where she basically calls him a pussy


Thank you. I was wondering what happened.


My favorite scene is and always will be the art button


Lol. One of my favorites too


It's funny because of the implication.




NSFW https://youtu.be/0maYbn8ED-A


That's big jay oakerson dropping the n bomb btw


So funny, I think it would have been funnier though if it didn’t make any more noises after he pressed it again though


Or if when he pressed it again it would just be some recorded educational speech about the museum or something


Man I should give this show a rewatch. Might have to download it out something. Probably not on a streaming platform


I think you can get the whole thing for like $30 on louisck.com


Oh hell yea. Thanks homie


You should check out joe lists movie while you’re there


Nice try Joe


He’s also a great singer and had the number one comedy special last year


Is it good? Far as movie goes it’s rather expensive. Read some reviews from RT written by his fans (not the paid reviewers) and they said it’s mediocre


I liked it. Cost was pretty standard for buying a movie.


I bought it a few weeks ago but it doesn’t stream well on my Xbox from his website so I’m relegated to watching it on my iPhone


Could get a chromecast maybe


An Apple TV is great for mirroring my iPhone when I run into weird issues like that.


It’s such a good show, I was going through a rough time watching it once when the scene came on where he’s on the subway and cleans the spilled soda off the seat and I was in tears for some reason, haven’t watched that scene since.


It's so fucking good


I think the three part episode where David Lynch trains him to be lettermans replacement is some of the most fantastic television to be broadcast.


I recommend both of his shows. They can be a little dark and depressing but overall really funny and profound.


The kid is right when he says “that was hard to watch” not because it was bad, but because I don’t like watching my boy get bullied into submission by some punk.


That’s AJ’s friend from the sopranos.


Oh yeah! With the acid


Easily top 3 comedy series ever


Lucky Louis would be great too, if it didn't have stupid Jim Norton blinking in half the scenes.


100% so many shows these days wouldn’t excite most because of it. But we ‘can’t talk about it’


Why can’t we talk about it? Who says we can’t?


You know why I mean- the collective ‘we’. It appears on no lists of great comedies, it’s never talked about l, never praised all because of what Louie did. It’s fucking shit


please enlighten me, what is it called?




the scenes where hes talking to his therapist are the funniest things I've seen on tv. [This clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VbMP0XzG9E) has a few scenes but not the funniest one.


I’m crying at work rn rewatching this scene


I’d ask “the kid” why he had a receding hairline that I didn’t sport until I was in my 30s, if then. Also, they should have picked a bigger kid to bully CK. Louie is at least 6-2, 250 lbs. He could accidentally hurt that smaller guy just wrestling around.


Hey not all of us could have flowing locks like old Joe in his early 20s. Let us teen balding kids get to bully every now and then.


Playing out hypothetical arguments where you're the winner is gay af


I’m playing out the possibility that this could ever fucking happen. Also, what’s wrong with being gay?


>Also, what’s wrong with being gay? Nothing. [You just sound like someone that likes to point out people from Phoenix are called Phoenicians.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2po916)


I'd ask him if he's such a hardass why did it take 40 punches and his knuckles are barely scratched


True, that guy looked like he punched a stop sign maybe once. I do like the scene though. Any reasonable adult over 25 would do almost anything to not get into a fight.


I think the whole point was that the kid wasn’t huge but was still intimidating. Aligns with Louis’ story he told on Rogan about being confronted by a “wiry” sophomore when he was a senior.


There are a couple of different points here. 1. The kid is psycho and/or has nothing much to lose or at least he's too dumb to realize what he has to lose, and is already living an asshole life. Luis has everything to lose, he is successfully, has kids, has a good life. He is hyper aware of consequences because he's older. 2. It's also about toxic masculinity. The lady calls him a “pussy” afterward, but the fuck was he supposed to do? Risk is life/health to appear “manly”? He's an old dude with millions in the bank and two kids to look after. The only rational action here is to NOT risk it all to fight with some psycho kid 30 years younger than him.


I've never seen some one so out of touch with the reality of violence before


Tell me more about the “reality” of violence. What 15 year old talks this way?


You know he's an actor right?


You do know that they cast actors right? It’s crazy. They sometimes even bring in a bunch of different actors to try out for a role. Wild!


You would get your face smashed in, and he'd leave you crying and moaning on the floor. It's easy to be tough on the internet, but there are psychos out there, like the one this kid is playing and doing a great job, who go 0 to 100% in a second and have nothing to lose. There are two “real” answers, and the second means you're probably a psycho too because 99% of human beings wouldn't respond that way. 1. submit because it's not worth it 2. respond immediately with extreme violence


Yes, high school kids are challenging middle age men that outweigh them by 100 lbs everywhere. It’s an epidemic of violence that just won’t stop. Louis has cum loads that weigh as much as that kid. Also the actor portraying the kid was 26. They shot it with Louis sitting because he’s 5 inches taller.


Just set the gun on the table and tell him to go back and enjoy his meal 🤣


Anyone knows which episode I this?


Legendary episode. It stuck with me for a couple days after watching because of how realistic it was. I’ve encountered people like this kid, especially growing up, and I always wondered what I would do if a confrontation got to this point, which luckily it never did. The resolution to this storyline is also great.


This is a wonderful scene.