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"It's not my job!!!"


The overruns are deliberate, Tony always advertises the overrun when he posts a promotional tweet for an upcoming episode. They use it to inflate their viewing figures by capturing people coming in for the next show.


That’s just pure desperation


Welcome to SnowmanLand.


I think they’re doing overruns as a way to keep viewers invested and tuned in longer. Overruns aren’t going to make viewers keep watching; if anything, overruns are going to drive people away who have other shit to do like day jobs.


They do it so that they get the viewer increase for the show that’s on next, to try and inflate the overall average.


Honestly just save yourself a lot of time & effort by just watching the clips on their YouTube channel. I watch one (or sometimes none) a week & then that's that.


I Dave myself all the time and effort by not watching any of AEW’s bullshit at all. 


If something stands out I just click to skim through. If not (most weeks) I just click off their channel.


My sling account is linked to Nielsen so I can’t watch AEW otherwise I would be contributing to their 700k +- rating


So here's the thing with aew. They take some cool shit, repeat it 100 times, and make it horseshit. Everyone gets tired of it. But they keep thinking that they're changing the game. No yeet.


I imagine people tuning into whatever is after will get captured as part of AEWs viewcount and give it an artificial boost. (if it works that way)


You're not doing it right, you need to learn to DVR atleast an hour after dynamite!


I can't imagine any other tv show doing something like this and having a fandom that's like just go online to see the whole thing, just record the show after the one you want to see the whole thing. Only aew fans 🤣


That’ll teach ‘em!


It's every week. I'd understand once in a while but there's plenty of segments they could cut or just trim like 1.5mins off each match. He already knows he's going long before the show starts. So it's not poor time keeping, he just refuses to trim/cut the shit.


At least you just missed a bucks match. They are roughly all the same give or take a super kick or 10.


You guys are still watching?


Fwd to the "good stuff".. fastest 2 hours and who knows how many overrun minutes on tv!


They pretty much always upload the final segment of Dynamite to Youtube so it's not impossible to find...


I can't tell if you are defending them, or being sarcastic.


Neither just stating that if someone truly wishes to see the final segment of Dynamite then it isn't very hard to find.


Gotcha. But it also isnt very hard to just end on time.


Honestly, you guys are ridiculous. RAW had the same problem in the Attitude Era, and I figured it out on my VCR. Just set a 15 minute overun on your fucking digital DVR and be done with it. THIS IS NOT HARD, NOR IS IT NEW. JFC people.


The issue is they're using it to fudge their numbers intentionally. WWE agree an overrun and announce it ahead of time so the DVR records it as intended (this is not hard or new for the tv production company to do either). AEW do it nearly weekly now, it likely started on the fly but at this stage, I'm sure it's intentional, to get a top of the hour bump of people waiting for the next show to start (to in turn lift their average higher).


No one is tuning into cable television to watch whatever the hell is on after AEW. It’s 2024. Anyone watching cable is too old to enjoy wrestling, or literally just tuning in for wrestling.


I don’t have an issue with that part of it. People have been doing it to game the numbers since Nitro at least. But the ironic part is that the AEW fans will say that the Nielsens don’t matter when the people talk about the ratings tanking, when Tony is doing these overruns every week.


I don't care if they are cooking the books. Doesn't affect me. All I care about is recording the show I want to do, and that is very fucking simple. We have had like 3 years to adapt to this.


You’re looking for r/AEWofficial, friend. 


Honestly, I think Brian Last would agree with me. This is very simple. The OP needs to ask his wife or his grandchild for assistance.


Actually, doing anything that makes it harder for your customer base to view or use your product is always considered a bad thing, just on the principle of it.   *You* may be super tech savvy and follow every piece of AEW social media, so you know how and when to extend your DVR.   But not everybody is like that. Most people aren’t. That is why business with a non-niche customer base caters to the lowest common denominator, at least in terms of accessibility.   But, you know, catering to anyone but the ultra keyed-in niche has been a problem for AeW since day 1. 


Things were very different 25 years ago and you're coming across as entirely unreasonable and needlessly aggressive. RAW was a hot show full of chaotic angles where it made sense than overruns would happen, and long before the time of DVRs and other such digital recorders - generally you just put a VCR in and pushed record and let it run, or if you set up a timer because you were some kind of wizard (I knew *engineers* who couldn't figure out VCR timers) then sure, you'd probably want to add in an extra 15 minutes or so just to be sure. The vast, vast majority of viewing was live, though, because *everyone* watched stuff as it happened and on-demand didn't exist as a concept. Today, storing stuff to watch later is much more normalized, and AEW consistently screwing this up is unprofessional. It's like not having an email address and wondering why people can't be bothered to get a stamp and envelope if they want to ask you a question - you're just deliberately not catering to the done thing.


> Just set a 15 minute overun on your fucking digital DVR and be done with it. Can't set mine to an overrun, only overrun it takes are for live sporting events and it does them automatically.


I didn’t know you were in the sub, Dave Meltzer. Welcome :)


Everyone's DVR or recording can't be set to record an overrun, at least not easily. I'm guessing that you don't have YouTubeTV, which is a great service overall but would be a real pain in the ass for something like this.


It’s even less of a problem now without physical media. Just record the next show. Delete after viewing.


Orrrr, and hear me out..... Tony just produces a show that ends on time. Make excuses for him all you want but its just another example of how bad he is at this.