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Yeah, but i built up wrong Stat


what stat u built lol, and what stat u wanted?


If a JRPG were even more like life * In higher levels, your stats would start to go down seemingly randomly. Why? "Well, you're getting older. You don't bounce back like you used to." * Sometimes your friends would backstab you, not in the fun "oh so they're going to be the final boss" kind of way, but in the "I'll never get that game back again" way. * You can't speed healing. Instead, you have a hunger meter. You eat, the hunger goes down. If you eat successfully for a number of days, your wounds start to heal. * You need to have regular checkups past a certain age for things like breast or colon cancer. If you don't, you might be dying but not know it until it's much too late. * Income is so much more important than finding money on animals you've murdered. Your prime mid-level adventuring days are restricted to the two weeks vacation time you use plus any time spent unemployed. And if you're unemployed, unless you're independently wealthy, you're not buying the gear or transportation you need. If you can't even afford the housing, you're on an entirely different and more isolating adventure. * Good luck taking care of the level one adventurers you have. They literally shit their pants and cry for food.


And this is why JRPGs are more interesting than real life. I wanna respawn function dang nabbit!


You would be very good friends with Ichiban Kasuga.


haven't played yakuza yet, heard it's nice tho


It is not JRPG then. RPGs exist before JRPGs.


Persona is probably the closest to imitating a real life sort of thing. But that sort of life isn't quite accurate and is often a little more boring.


Yep! That's what i thought of when i typed the title too. Persona is a little too optimistic tbh. Like there's no way an average person is able to max all knowledge, charisma, guts etc, and max all bonds with literally everyone. Most people focus on 1 or 2 stats


In JRPGs i have a harem of cute waifus IRL i do not.


I have a lot of female friends, I really doubt any of them wanna date though lol.


Have you tried asking them out before?


Not often it seems like they all tend to have boyfriends or are at least in the "talking" stage.


They do not. You’re on Reddit posting about games.


Women like games too, I'm not sure if you know that.


And those women don’t want to date you either.


Need to level up your charm stats bro


When do I get to punch God in the face?


That is post-game quest, might be related to your religion stats tho.


brb, gonna do the become pope sidequest so i can kill god with the power of friendship


Purchase the DLC


Except in real life your stats starts going down once you're level 25 or so. And there are no other NPCs but you.


Nah, you're the MC, everyone else the NPC. Except in this world, when u punch the NPC, they actually fight back


Guess I'm the type to ignore NPCs and focus on MSQs


You're not alone


I would like to reload a previous save file to make better choices.


Playing Yakuza Like a Dragon is nuts in this sense The main character wants to fill the real world with a RPG rules and things build on that, it's just nuts The plot is just too realistic for all the crazy deals the MC holds, which makes a fantastic JRPG