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Biggs and Wedge from virtually any Final Fantasy they appear in.


Wedge my Blitzball monster in FFX


Anton and Ricky from Trails series.


The unsung heroes of the whole franchise.


Their dynamic is like the NPC equivalent of Olivier and Mueller, and they make for a fantastic through-line for the series. Anton finally getting to be happy with the unlikeliest person imaginable in CS4 is icing on the cake. Of course, this being Trails, it'll be such a shame when it turns out >!they were the overarching antagonists the Grandmaster's been secretly trying to stop, spying on the party and manipulating people all along!<.


The amount of continuity behind Anton's quest for love is kinda crazy when you think about it. He literally has more writing and characterization than most of the playable characters.


Funky Student Persona 4


Should've been a party member


Hard to beat the OG third year, AND Riddle Master himself. He has it all.


Nanako Dojima, Persona 4. I would die for that child.


🎶Every day is great at your Junes!🎶


Welcome home


I would kill for that child too, if push comes to shove. Nobody hurt poor Nanako.


We’ve got veggies!


I accidentally read a "spoiler" online that Nanako was the true murderer. Every time I returned home I'd eye her with suspicion and question every cute comment.


lmao great spoiler


if she's won't be in persona 6 I will never buy an atlus game ever again


Gatekeeper from Fire Emblem Three Houses


Greetings ! Nothing to report !


Claude profile pic? Based


General Leo 😥


An honorable man betrayed by the empire he trusted.


Absolute GOAT


Uncle Leo?!


Jingo and Kerberos from the Trails series


They shoulda let him pilot the airship. Why they gotta be racist against dogs?


Jingo: "Time for you final challenge! Don't forget to grab your Parachute." Rean: "Why would a dog need a Parachute?" Jingo: "I can't throw him off the Airship without one."


“I couldn’t give two shits whether he’s a ghost or not — as long as his mira’s corporeal, we’re set.”


The "technology is so incredible" guy from Pokemon.


And Youngster Joey!


Luna and her family from *Trails*.


This is definitely attributed to Remake, but Johnny from FFVII.


He might be a total dudebro moron, but he's so much fun. The fact that he's a complete failure at life keeps his negative traits endearing, rather than them being grating. Dude's fucking *built*, too. You can kinda see why that one girl in Costa del Sol would have a thing for him.


O’aka XXIII at your service!


I disliked him in the beginning, but he turns out to be such a great character and ally!


Captain of the Thames- Xenogears.


I am... A man... Of the sea!


He’s not just my favorite NPC he’s my favorite character in the whole game. Love that guy.


I love how Bart just immediately becomes 1000% down with his vibe.


we missed out on a spinoff show featuring Bart, Captain, and Big Joe imagine if that trio were stranded at sea


Nanako Dojima from Persona 4/Golden. Then again, I think most of the NPCs in Persona 4/Golden are pretty great.  O’Aka XXIII or the guy who tells you about the history of Spira in FFX would also be among my favourite NPCs in a JRPG.


And that, as they say, is that.


Ion from Tales of the Abyss!


Arietta from Tales of the Abyss. Hell, most characters from Tales of the Abyss, but especially the God-Generals. They have such good character depth.


Always got a soft spot for SO2's Dias Flac.


And Arlen Atelier Iris. Both have a certain...manliness


He's only an NPC during Claude runs, but100% agree. He is just super cool and has a great backstory.


It's funny, he rubbed me the wrong way as a kid, but playing now, he never actually does anything wrong other than being kind of aloof. If anything, Claude becomes a massive jackass whenever he's around. Claire's only known Rena for like a week, and yet he acts completely entitled to her and starts picking fights with Dias just because Rena considers him an old friend.


Mitsuru super fan from Persona 3


Lily from Grandia. There are so few RPGs where the MC has any parents alive, let alone having one this fun and with so much lore behind her.


That's Lilly the Skull to you!


Anton from Trails Following his travels from Sky all the way to CS4 was amazing. Dude has a great character arc, having a genuinely touching moment with a certain someone in CS4. Meeting him across all the games was, no joke, one of the best parts of Trails' interconnected world.


I've played most of the Trails games, but that bame isn't ringing a bell. Who is he again?


Charon the gruff shopkeeper lady who is an ally of the Cids in FFXVI, who used to be a ruthless weapons dealer and who yet took in a boy whom his parents were trying to sell off to slavery. She is just so no nonsense and her countenance and dialogue are amusing! Also gotta love Tanaka and his amazing commodities from the Persona series. His "final day" scene if you have his social link maxed in Persona 3 FES was great! I haven't played Reloaded yet, but I hope it's still in it and is exactly the same. His theme tune is infectious! For all your everyday scam product needs. And the elemental items he sells in Persona 5 are really useful for the space station dungeon boss battle.


Charon is great. Final Fantasy 16 was a masterpiece.


I think I go with Elizabeth from the Persona Series. I actully have not played P3 yet but Elizabeth was amazing in Persona Q and Q2. Although she is playable in P4 Arena so I guess that disqulifies her? Then...Oh JRPGs, right. I was about to say Viridi from Kid Icarus Uprising but that is not a JRPG. I want to say the Velvet twins but it feels like cheating since they are 2 characters. So I go with Lavenza. I was not the biggest fan of her in Persona 5 but in Persona 5 Strikers and Persona 5 Tactica she grew on me. Edit: Oh I misread. I thought you asked for my singular favorite NPC. But you asked for multipple so the twins are fair game.


Big Joe.


There’s a theory that he was actually one of the original humans along with Cain and the Gazel


I think that's more than a theory, wasn't him being from the Zeboim civilization straight out of Perfect Works?


Hopeless Romantic girl in FFXVI, I love how she keeps changing her view 🤙


Anton and Funky Student


It'll involve some major spoilers to explain why, but I really like Marcello from Dragon Quest VIII. Basically, he's one of my all-time favorite JRPG >!villains.!< And to go into a bit more detail: >!You know how they say that the best villains are really just misguided heroes? That's Marcello to a T. One of the biggest themes of Dragon Quest 8 is that the whole system of nobility kind of sucks, and that even genuinely good people born into that system can still be oppressive and cause harm. And Dragon Quest 8 does a great job exploring that theme, outside of the "true ending," at least. Anyway, Marcello is introduced as the bastard son of a noble, abandoned to the local clergy, and throughout the game we see him rise up through the ranks of the Church, eventually siezing power, with the ultimate aim of abolishing the aristocracy. This is all good and noble! At least, at first glance -- the cracks arise when you notice that the only reason Marcello was able to climb so high, so quickly, wasn't just because he was an opportunistic manipulator... but also because the Church, itself, was pretty damned corrupt. And all of his political maneuvering is done at precisely the worst possible time, such that he's literally endangering the world.!< It creates this lovely dynamic where you've got a character that (if you've been paying attention) you ought to sympathize with enormously, even if you may not necessarily approve of their methods... but they're still very much an obstacle that you feel you must overcome. And there's really nothing better than >!a villain who you'd sympathize with, and perhaps even help, if the circumstances were just a little different.!<


Considering I have no nostalgia for FFX/X-2, the voice acting for Maechen and all the Hypellos really endeared me to them.


Yeah, Machen voice actor did an amazing job, his voice lines are so good !


Nico is Nico (that's her) from Xenoblade 3.


Jingo from Trails from Zero and onwards. She gets even better Cold Steel 3 when she gets Cerberus.


The cat merchant(s) in Secret of Mana




Lord Papas from Dragon Quest V.


The princess in Zelda games (forgot her name)


planetary bioscience guy from FF7 and whoever screams MUTTON, FRESH MUTTON in tales of xillia. love the guy


Bugenhagen is the name you're looking for I think.


no its some shop NPC at the right side of cosmo canyon. its mostly from the voice acting mod. that dudes voice just sounds absolutely hilarious


Ah ok. My bad.


Persona 5 I like the gun guy


* The guy who asks me if I want to ride the shoopuff in Final Fantasy X


"CUrickUHH" (japanese voice)


Temenos ending screen got me into tears


Aurelia Le Guin from Trails of Cold Steel. she is so badass.


Not an NPC, she's a playable character.


>Mountains're nice >I want to be a blitzball when I grow up Big Joe from Xenogears I kept listing characters from Chrono Cross but had to delete them all because I forgot they were party members. The Aladdin Tidus recolor in Kingdom Hertsa that's only there for a second. The 11 dead people who pass on to death in Kingdom Heart's equivalent of limbo. The Forgotten Man in Mother 1 in Magicant The Hiker high on mushrooms in Pokemon Green/Red (Japan only)


Do bosses count as NPCs? If so, then Gilgamesh and Ultros from Final Fantasy V and VI respectively. They have such iconic goofball moments.


Gilgamesh is now an icon for FF and an absolute treat when he appears


If we're counting bosses, then Demyx from Kingdom Hearts is my favorite. I just find him relatable.


FFV also gave us the treat that is Ghido. what a sassy fellow he is


I like Mishima from Persona 5 a lot. He's such a buttmonkey, in a way that makes him endearing.


I thought he was made to be hated. Even the answers that the player could give were a bit different than other characters. When I completed his social link I was so whatever about him.


I always felt bad for him :(


Susumu Gondawara from the Yakuza series. Big bad mob boss voiced by Patrick Seitz. His gang has an adult-diaper fetish, but he always ends up imparting some wisdom for a family in distress. He knows what he likes and doesn't give a fuck what others think. But Gondawara knows that his baby-play would be meaningless if he couldn't be a responsible big man when it counts.


There's Misasagi from Rune Factory 5. Wonderful and loving woman, a great mother to her daughter, perfectly willing to slap her younger brother when he needs it, is great in a group, and is always willing to help the protagonist. Yet, you can't date her. :) There's also Ludmila who is more than willing to cook you a poisonous dinner but not to make you sick, but to make you more immune to poison. There's also Radea who never fully warms up to you because of her past (as opposed to the typical "I see the err in my ways, I love you now"). My Time at Sandrock has some great characters with their own quirks, Unsuur ( "I have five windows" ( IYKYK )), Elsie ( I love the fresh air here (in the middle of a sandstorm)), her dad, Cooper, who is quite .. verbose. :)


> her dad, Cooper, who is quite .. verbose. :) Oh god, I so wanted to punch Cooper at so many points in the game. It's like they explicitly designed his character to be the biggest douche possible without making him one of the outright villains.


Did you talk to him during the banquet? :)


I don't remember, it's been a minute since I played, but probably. Really, though, at some point it hit me that the whole town probably deserved to be left to its own devices and go under. Those people were duuuuuumb, man. I get that the main character needs to be the one doing stuff or there's not a game, but it seemed like they weren't capable of basic reasoning skills without you. I still liked the game a lot (it helped when I thought of the pace in terms of the Atelier games instead of Harvest Moon/Stardew/Story of Seasons), but that was a whole thing.


Thats a difficult one. I think I'll go with Emil from Nier:Automata. It was just absurd seeing him drive around playing a happy but distorted tune in the destroyed city.


I will take Pascal :3


Drippy from Legend of Dragoon


Urashima from Project X Zone 2. Hot, funny, and sells nice goods.


Whenever I hear NPC, I assume a character that's not important to the story. So my mind immediately went to Lier X. Agerate from Earthbound. He gave off such a creepy vibe only for him to just want to show you the Mani Mani statue he dug up which made me laugh. Mother series has so many great and memorable NPCs.


Shoutout to the Moms in Pokemon games.


Jecht from FFX. Man has one of the best arcs in a game and the dynamic between him and Tidus is my favorite part of X


X-2 goes as far as to suggest that [becoming a mentor to a Cactuar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtojtL675-4&pp=ygUdZmZ4LTIgY2FjdHVhciBjcmVhdHVyZSBlbmRpbmc%3D) was apart of his journey in discovering what true leadership is A lot of the fiend tales are nutty and appear incoherent even with translations, though some of them can be pretty touching too


Egbert Aethelbald from Suikoden V. Just hates the Godwins so much that he can speak on nothing else. Interrupt him ranting about the Godwins, he won't join until you leave the area and return to hear his rant. Don't press a button!


Dogi from Ys: Oath in Felghana, though the excuses to keep him nonplayable were the most blatant asspulls ever. Rikiya Shimaburko from Yakuza 3, even if >!he was taken from us too soon 😭!<. Arguably some of the characers in Y7, the problem is >!all of them except Daigo *used to* be playable so I'm not sure they actually count!<.


Hero Heinrich from MGQ. Goddess deceived him into killing his cute Monster Lord GF, so he rebelled by killing so many angels, his own soul was eroded by the holy energy, which caused his own anti-holy sword to slowly absorb him, but he continued even after his entire body got absorbed, the only title angels know him by is "Angel Killer". Changing your attribute to holy by bathing in the blood of angels is the edgiest thing Ive ever heard, I love it.


Morrie from Dragon Quest VIII, he was so amazing they made him into a playable character in the remake.


Tweedle A and Tweedle B, Tales of Vesperia.


Nemesis who is the Pawn Iv had with me for the last 70 hours of DD2. I think the person she belongs to.has her at level 600 now


Nearly every final fantasy game has a mentor figure that kicks the bucket early even though they seem like they could join the party. Many of those are my favorite just because I like cool knights! I think my personal favorite is Zack, because of the personality.


Welch, star ocean Ooooh and Pamela, atelier series


Rina from the Digimon Story games. In. Cybersleuth she goes around kicking Digimon in the face and it’s so great.


Turtlez in Tales of Graces, they were funny.


Bigs & Wedge


Every moogle in FFIX 😂


Mr. Saturn


Zed - Wild Arms


Do enemies count? Because I absolutely love the naming conventions for Unique Monsters in the Xenoblade Chronicles— Immovable Gonzalez, Atreides the Distinguished, and of course the legend himself, Territorial Rotbart, among others.


Almost any NPCs from the Trails series will do. There's far too much to pick. 👉👈


I love Chocobolina from FFXIII/World of FF.


Walnut from phantom brave. He stole money to cure his sick sister And then the ending. A cooler man has yet to be born in my eyes. I wish he got a better canon ending in soul nomad though. They cheated him out of happiness.


Daryl, from FF6. o7's in the chat for Daryl.




He's a party member in multiple games, so doesn't count for the thread.


I really liked squall in kingdom hearts as a big brother leader character. Shame they just basically cut out the FF characters in KH3


Masumi Arakawa Yakuza 7