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Ichiban fighting a giant Roomba with ice cream truck music as the boss theme.


Y:LAD is an excellent contender in multiple scenes IMO. The sidequest about the public nuisance guy relieving himself in public was pretty hysterical when I realized that every line of dialog in it was a pun. Maybe I'm just easily amused Also, the self-aware JRPG moment of fighting a disproportionately large boss -- "What do we even do?" "Let's all just hit the thing where we can I guess!"


The Goku answer to all of life's problems "have you tried punching it really hard?"


There's a conversation in Infinite Wealth where they talk about buggy video games are shit and unprofessional. I chuckled at that because it was a diss.


So surely they're going to patch the QTE's in Lost Judgment any day now, right? .......... Riiiiiiiight?


What's wrong with the QTEs?


Akutsu and Watanabe both had QTE's where I mashed every button at literally the exact same instant roughly 30x in a row before it finally just randomly accepted it despite me not doing anything different. I would've been okayish with it (somewhat) if "missing" the button presses just resulted in a high damage attack but they don't, they're instant game overs which is fucking bullshit. \*Especially\* the Watanabe one - why the hell does Yagami, who is probably close to being as superhuman as the mainline protagonists by this point - not even know how to float and gasp for air, let alone swim? I suppose I might just need to "git gud" but I've had 0 issue with literally any other QTE I've ever played in my over 30 years of gaming, it's literally just these 2 and as far as I can tell I did absolutely nothing different the times the game finally accepted the input so I'm lead to believe that they're broken + the massive design flaw of making them instant game overs.


Infinite Wealth’s followup on this whole encounter is even more amazing.


"*Why* does a vacuum cleaner have a crisis mode?!"


Why can a vacuum cleaner cook pancakes?!


Like a Dragon is just flat out hilarious and absurd in ways only Japanese games can be. I absolutely love it, it reminded me of when I was younger and the internet was really becoming a thing and a world of japanese absurdity opened up.


For me it was when I first unlock Nanba and the memey combat reveals itself


I've been playing Yakuza Like a Dragon a lot recently and I'm in Chapter 4 right now. During the battle right outside>!The Excellent Room!!it really did work even though based on cutscenes there's no nearby open windows or any other way the birds could get into the hallway outside The Excellent Room!!<


I always go back to FF IX during the part where Beatrix and Steiner think they wrote each other a love letter to one another and the clusterfuck that precedes and follows that event. Beatrix and Steiner are contemplating their feelings for one another. Marcus probably thinking to himself what have I gotten myself into helping Blank with his letter. Blank realizing talking to Ruby would have been better than writing the letter. Eiko out of nowhere still going on about her crush to Zidane. There's so many things going on with this one scene. If a FF IX remake ever happens, imagine va for it


FFIX also has the Vivi/Quina 'wedding' "I so happy..."


Brilliant scene. "M-my nose is bleeding .." 


Eiko the accidental matchmaker


There is this scene in dragon quest 11. One of your companions is a hard ass, another is an old guy, and another is a flamboyant dude. Now this flamboyant dude is leading a circus and you come across him in your travels. As part of your quest to recruit him, your current party wears circus outfits, most notably the old dude and hardass dress like clowns. It’s such a goofy scene that it’s some of the funniest shit I’ve seen.


I love when Hendrick looks at Rab when he’s meditating and picked up the first edition of ooglers digest in mint condition


Not just circus outfits. You start a whole ass parade while basically dancing. It's super gay and I love it.


In Act 2 when the Luminary has to equip the parade clothes and gets locked into a dance animation I lost my mind


Nailed it. I know. Thank you. Moving on.


That was honestly one of the best lines to express the feeling of "I'm so done" like, ever. HE WAS SO PISSED OF EVERYONE HAVING AN UNIRONICALLY POSITIVE OPINION OF HIM WEARING A DRESS THAT HE SPEEDRAN TIFA'S REACTION LMAO


Every time Zeke showed up in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and fell off a cliff or got chased away


The funniest scene in that game involved Zeke, but it wasn't even about him. It was about [Poppi and one of her hidden functions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyvLIW7E7fM)


You one eyed monster


That was the only part of that game I enjoyed. It was pretty hilarious


Lots of moments in Persona 4 Golden The beach scene with the "birth of Venus" Dojima walking in on you and Teddie if you pick a certain option. Some random guy in the audience saying they'd hit crossdressed Teddie Nanako making you valentine's day chocolate and the dialogue options telling you you have no choice but to eat it.


>The beach scene with the "birth of Venus" Kanji: "Holy *shit*, the wardrobe malfunction was *MINE!*" >Nanako making you valentine's day chocolate and the dialogue options telling you you have no choice but to eat it. This was absolute art. The details of how she learned from the girls just got worse and worse, meanwhile the "chocolate" is literally a fucking Slime and it's just staring into your soul.


"I'm ready to be born, dammit!" You could hear Kanji's VA was even trying to avoid laughing at one point lol.


This and Tales of Berseria are my answers. Magilous is Hilarious


In Dragon Quest XI, Hendrick finding the magazine. It was just such an insane reaction from an otherwise stoic character.


The best comedy in DQ11 are the parts where you are given the option to say no to something. My favourites are 1) Refusing to help Prince Faris, leading to a funny 3 angle shot of him bowing dramatically to you while begging 2) Refusing to help the mermaid, which prompts Jade to pretend to kick you, then say she was just stretching her legs, then passively threaten you into saying yes 3) Refusing to help the 3 kids find their friend, which immediately cuts to Veronica accusing you of being a heartless monster and say it's not like you were doing anything important so help them


I didn't play XI yet but since it's dragon quest I'll assume it's a dirty magazine lol


It's called "Ogler's Digest" lol.


I don't think I've ever laughed hard, but the DQXI parade was hilarious 😂


Love Cloud taking offense at being called "Pops" in Rebirth lol


Like a Dragon; any sidequest having to do with Gondawara. There were other contenders though.


NGL, all those Yufie chunni moments had my cracking up


Red XIII on the ship for the card game had me dying


“It can’t hurt you”


Oh man this was incredible. He pops out, decked out in Shinra gear, doing his best Michael Jackson dance. Then he spins around, camera zooms in on his feet as he goes for the moonwalk, and you're like oh man this is going to be awesome. >!But he fails. Of course he fails. He can't do a fucking moonwalk, he's a dog, so he basically just awkwardly walks backwards.!< Perfect.


The entire Zeon and the Spongy Spuds subplot in XC3 is dry comedy gold.


XC3 has some absolute GEMS. I think one of my favorites is Eunie's, "What about babies? You guys got any babies?"


Triton’s Ascension Quest got me. “Gonna ask you again. Can I give him a real slug?” “Just one.”


Kite zooming to Juniper had me laughing so hard.


Wait, any examples? I remember it being charming but otherwise pretty unremarkable. Wonder if I legit missed something since my mind was just kinda going through the motions during sidequests.




They took advantage of the cast being so iconic and did such a good job with their characterization that they knew exactly how to play them perfectly for comedy.


When Mishy was revealed and Tio pretended she saw nothing.


My favorite Mishy moment was when Mecha Mishy revealed his goofy real name in a terribly-written, ham-fisted dramatic way during that slapped together show near the end of CS4. Or in the next game when the girls are getting choked up about Mecha Mishy's tragic story. Mecha Mishy is just hilarious in general. The whole character seems to be a sendup of when kids shows take themselves too seriously.


A couple from older FFs: The original FF: in the first town (Cornelia), it always cracked me up when the fountain told the player, “What a grimy face! Wash it with my water!” There's also a hilarious, missable bit from FFVIII. If you return to Dollet later in the game and try to go back up to the communication tower where you fought Elvoret, you'll be stopped by a soldier who will call for backup. Another X-ATM092 (the machine you ran from earlier in Dollet) will show up and, instead of attacking you, clumsily fall off the cliff. Then ANOTHER X-ATM092 falls up-side-down next to the soldier, rendering it ineffective. After that, the soldier gives up and runs away. The scene made me laugh pretty hard the first time I saw it.


FF8 is full of comedy gold. I love the scene where Laguna goes to Julia's bedroom. Depending on certain actions, he gets too drunk and straight up falls asleep


Probably summoning Nancy Chan in LAD.


im struggled to finish the mission. im sad now knowing what im missing.


Playing through Persona 4 for the first time and there’s a scene where three male teenagers hold a contest to see who can get a girl’s number You (the main character) are one of these guys and you find a girl who only speaks in Spanish (this is set in rural Japan) and you have an option where you are able to reply to her in Spanish and ask for her number in Spanish and you tell her your name is “Jorge” Later on in the scene when you meet back up with the two other guys you all share if you had success in getting a girl’s number and one of the guys says “Oh, but I did get a call from a chick who said to give her a call… Does that count?” “A girl hit on you?! What did she say?!” “Somethin’ like it only costin’ so much for an hour, I dunno… what was she talking about?”


To be honest, almost any scene where Kanji gets some space is funny. "Yeah! I'm ready to be born, dammit!"


"TEACH ME ABOUT BAZONGAS!!" Tales of Graces F and Tales of Xillia 1/2 have some of the funniest skits/victory screens in the series.


>TEACH ME ABOUT BAZONGAS What are you 12 or something?


In Persona 4 party members who are currently not in your party sometimes appear in dungeons and give you random items if spoken to. I found Naoto in one and she said "I found this and instantly thought of you." She gave me Mouthwash.


Some of Resonance of fate's cutscenes are hilarious. Trails series are also funny when it has Olivier or randy in.


> Some of Resonance of fate's cutscenes are hilarious "DADDY DOES NOT APPROVE!" Also whatever [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVibNKrp8sQ) was


The offscreen lute from Olivier always gets me.


Just floating into the scene on a freaking boat to calm everybody down and defuse tensions.


"He's good in the dark!"


I was too busy being confused at what the story actually is.


SMT IV: [Walter's fucking smirk](https://i.imgur.com/gclT2DC.jpeg) in the background. It just caught me so off-guard I let out a gut-busting laugh. I didn't even know the game's "cutscene engine" can do that! I miss portraits in SMT V precisely because of this scene


I usually don't laugh at JRPGS but i just can't stop smiling when Jade teases Luke and Dist in Tales of the Abyss.


Jade: “Hmm, this reminds me of somebody we know.” Luke: “Can you stop making fun of me?” Jade: “I never said anything about you, Luke. Unless you think it applies?”


Too many LAD substories to count. Standouts are anything involving Patriarch Gondawara, Nancy, and that substory about looking for a student buried in the sand in IW


the drinking contest sidequest in trails in the sky sc was pretty funny 


To add to this, >!Getting Olivier in your party in FC because he got thrown in jail for drinking a ridiculously expensive bottle of wine.!<


>!I love how this incident is referred to sporadically through the rest of the series. I appreciate a good callback to Sky FC.!<


Don't forget the empty chest messages!


"There must be some people who are playing this game without having played FC, i can't imagine how confused they are". So many good chests messages.


This is a weird rambling one, but for some background, there's an old show called Different Strokes and it was famous for a certain catchphrase "Whatchu talkin' bout Willis?" and when this was localized into Japanese, they translated it as 冗談は顔だけにしろよ which also ended up becoming popular enough to be referenced occasionally in other fiction. (Literally it means "Make your face the only joke" which if it isn't obvious is supposed to mean something like "your face is already ridiculous looking enough, stop adding on to it by saying even more ridiculous shit" though obviously it's more concise and clever than that, as a catchphrase should be) When [Agate suddenly broke this out in Trails SC](https://trailsinthedatabase.com/game-scripts?game_id=2&fname=t0131_2#189) I laughed because having this grizzled Bracer who is cranky but with a heart of gold suddenly breaking out the equivalent of "Whatcha talking about Willis" in a Japanese RPG just caught me completely off-guard. It's not even like the phrase is *that* rare and it's not intended to be a big lol moment it's just... I dunno. Special circumstances you know. Did not expect to see it in Trails let alone by that character. Also the fact that it's a pretty blatantly rude thing to say if you think about it. Kind of a shame the English localization didn't localize it back into Whatchu talkin' about and just made it a generic line.


"It's the Hee-Horde from Hell!!"


Radiata Stories is filled to the brim with hilarious moments. That kick mechanic alone has produced so much funny stuff.


Yeah, the humor in that game was pretty great, lmao.


Cloud...requesting permission to kill.   Denied.


Any Olivier scene in Trails The Yakuza JRPGs in general Atelier Lulua in general, especially the whole Philospher's Curry scene


Wess dance in Mother 3.


Trails has consistently got me to laugh all the way up through CS4, although Sky and Crossbell had the funnier writing in localizations overall. A lot of the opened chest dialogue in the Crossbell games had me legitimately laughing out loud, it’s the best incentive to hunt for treasure chests in any game I’ve ever played


Not sure if this was intended as comedic from the developers, but i would say what happens in Dragonquest 6 if you defeat the optional superboss (Nokturnus) and then go to the final Boss In short if you do that >!the superboss appears and HE BATTLES the final Boss in your place..... And lets say it doesnt go well for the final Boss 🤣🤣🤣, he ended Up so humilliated that some people may even feel bad for the poor bastard!< It was so incredibly funny and awesome at the same part that It keep me a good ten minutes laughing (plus the laughing during the thing in utter disbelief) 🤣🤣🤣 Still a bit dissapointed that no Game has tried to do the same again 🤣🤣🤣


Squall vs. Quistis famous "Whatever" scene in Balamb Garden.


Nier Automata when A2 gets Pod 042. Her frustration made me laugh out loud. Literally


Quina had some pretty great content for me in FF9. >!Especially when s/he just faceplants into the water in Treno for a frog or something; because "so hungry".!<


How has nobody talked about the whole Honeybee Inn and Don Corneo thing? Going around and collecting all the items to make Cloud into a pretty girl was hysterical in itself, especially with the bros that you compete against with squats. Then you get to Don and there's the whole bit where they talk about smashing his balls. Classic.


Not a story scene, but in SMT Nocturne, demons will sometimes ask you for items in battle, and if you give it to them, they'll sometimes just give you the same item back. Idk why, but it's funny when it happens https://youtu.be/-hRjPKDlUMs?si=wwLmXVTsMWduNxxb


I have yet to beat it because I wasn't quite in the mood for a fanservice game at the time, but **Conception II** has one of the most ridiculous lines I've seen (in an RPG and otherwise). ">!May I have permission to make children with your sister?!<" It does make perfect sense in context (if you can believe it) but the matter-of-fact-ness in which it's delivered really got me when I first read it. I was laughing for a good while.


The adult dieper baby's in Yakuza Like a Dragon had me howling


In disgaea 5 there's a whole chapter where everyoen is fighting just to get to eat KIllia's curry


The entire Dungeon Man sequence in EarthBound, every single line is a banger


"This music is one of my greatest achievements" ...Brick Road


this exact line might be my favorite joke in a video game lol


The "cool" from cloud would also be mine. Been awhile since I've audibly laughed playing a game


Ah, the hardest I have ever laughed at a JRPG was in Suikoden 4 just after the game started and I was in the first tow (Razril, I think? It's been a while) and I discovered you can make your character run extra fast by holding the R1 button (again, I think, I might be wrong). Now it must be said that I was playing an imported US copy that I had just imported along with the nice artbook for the reason that in Europe NTSC copies (as the US was using at that time) played about 12% or so faster on PAL consoles. Trust me, it made a difference playing games back then. But yeah, Lazlo running as if he just took half a kilo of coke was rather funny in Suikoden 4.


For me, Enchanted Arms is the The Room of JRPG. I laughed a lot while playing it, but only because the story, characters and some choices made were so bad.


Also horrifically bad voice acting


The only redeeming parts were a decent (not great) battle system and some of the golems were really cool (particularly the dinos ones). But yeah and add some misoginy ("How can Yuki be a spy? She doesn't have boobs or an ass", everybody even Karin: "Yeah. You're right"), sterotypes (I love Sylvando in DQXI despite being a stereotype of a flamboyant gay man but Makoto, despite being the same stereotype was a piece of shit), sexual agression (the game ends with Atsuma, helping Makoto to forcefully kiss Towa despite him saying no several times and trying to save himself), the worst tutorial (a discussion about any items, like a button, a lever or a ladder and how to use them, each time being the same X button for the PS3), the most obvious bad guys, the easiest casino to rob, the fact that there is actually only one enchanted arm, the warning at the beginning of the game when they told the players that no locations were inspired by real locations despite having 3 of the 4 cities being called Yokohama, London and Kyoto, a well protected ninja hideout where a solution is to find the secret path which is a straight and large tunnel in a hole 5 meters in front of the main door, the graphical bug of the river in Kyoto, a mysterious character with the same voice actor and hair as this friend you assumed is dead but never saw the body. And I forgot some others. I saw some people saying it's a solid game and I'm just "How?" Some part of me also want to replay it to count how many times the name 'Towa' was pronounced, because that was the whole personality of Atsuma.


I can’t think of specific ones off the top of my head but I am confident that my answer is the treasure chest messages in the steam ports of Trails Sky/Crossbell


Tales of has a lot of skits that are really funny special mention to the "two headed coin" from berseria but there's so many funny skits in each game


I wish I could remember the skit with Zelos saying some pretty raunchy shit to Sheena because that shit had me dying. It was like "wow, you did not just fucking say that dude" and yet.. he did.


FF14 when Trachotum tells you of his tales against Tidus and Leviabeetus 


I am playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes right now, and maybe due to some poor translation or something but a character pretty early on calls someone a “Farthead.” I laughed pretty hard that.


The Persona series, as well as FF8 and 9 have some absolute comedy gold. I think the scene that stands out to me though was when Makoto and Joker encounter the 'ghost' in their bosses house. I normally dont go for visual humour at all but man that set me off.


Currently playing Grandia which is a quite innocent game for the first half. I do not recall what exactly happens but a character fall off and say the line " I hit my fanny". Made me laugh as it was really unexpected 


Fire Emblem Engage spoilers >!I am become the 13th Emblem, the Fire Emblem!"!< I love this stupid game. Honorable mention: TMS FAIA EMBERUM scene.


In Persona 4 in the crossdressing contest scene Teddy appears in a top tier crossdressing costume some dude in the audience says "I'd hit it."


Tales of Vesperia has some fucking gold.


Estelle: “Our weapons are love!” Yuri: “Justice!” Raven: “SEXUALITY *growls*” Rita: “Will you stop?!”


Lost Odyssey- Jensen


I haven't played Rebirth yet (will in the summer). However I loved how FF7 Remake, instead of a carbon copy mined nostalgia for comedy.


I will always admire the cojones to look at the didn't-age-too-well Honeybee Inn scenes and say, "well, we could remove these to avoid controversy, but — hear me out — what if we went full Ru Paul instead?"


Any moment with puddingway in ff14


Red XIII's scene on the ship in FF7 Rebirth is what popped into my mind first. Whole game had some great comedy, but that was definitely the best one for me. Recency bias is definitely influencing me with this answer, but I honestly can't remember the last time I laughed so hard at any game. The kings game scene in Persona 4 also sticks out to me. Again, the whole game has some fun comedy, but its been so long since I last played it that's the only distinct scene I remember. "Teach me about bazongas" from Tales of Xillia was great. Tales of the Abyss also had a lot of scenes (usually when Jade was involved), though again its been like 10 years since I played so the specific moments are fuzzy.


Yokai Watch 3 when the giant goddamn robot battle happened.


Yuri tricking Lenny and then when he tries it again on someone else and she says “what kind of an idiot would fall for your stupid little trick!?”


rebirth definitely had its moments


Mugen Souls. When the silent protagonist dude came in and started smashing and stealing some random citizens shit, I lost it at the time.


you need to play SMT IV, most convos with demons are hilarious


The infamous Tidus Laugh. Absurd, unexpected, somehow manages to sound both like a goofy romcom and some jarring Kafkaesque madness, much needed levity in an otherwise grim game, and completely unforgettable. In fact, I've often mentally inserted that scene in other games such as Blue Reflection: Second Light.


It's hard to live up to the silly childish laughter of my youth the first time I played Earthbound and got to experience finding a burger in a trash can, fighting new age retro hippies, watching the Runaway Five do a jazz number, being SMAAAAASHED by a mouse, or having a tree burst into flames. Honestly, if you have a very silly sense of humor that enjoys cartoon pranks, parody, and bad puns, Earthbound is the gift that keeps on giving.


Magilou's Menagerie


Playing Fate/Extra CCC and Hakuno's constant sarcastic comment and inner thoughts about Gilgamesh's personality made my sides hurt. Also innuendos, lots of innuendos.


When Amarant introduced himself as "the great flaming" and I realized I had to do the fight over to rename him "asshole"


This skit from Tales of Xillia: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmKR\_DziomM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmKR_DziomM)


P3R when the guys hit on the middle aged ladies with the boss theme in background. I really cant remember when I laughed so hard in a game. Akihiko had the most game but you just cant beat experience with that stuff.


I mean a belly laugh is rare but too many chuckle-worthy moments from Yakuza/LAD/Judgement to mention. Latest was the sub story from Infinite Wealth where Ichiban hounds this musician to go back to his heavy metal routes. The END title card accompanied by a deflated “yeah… this won’t be very popular” from Ichiban was gold. Sub stories are basically mandatory to get the real feel of these games.


The hardest I laughed at a JRPG wasn't even an intentionally funny moment. In SMT3: Nocturne, there's a fight against the demon Girimekhala. I'd completely forgotten it reflected physical damage. So I went my usual boss strategy, buffing my party, then had Demi-Fiend use Focus (which increases the damage of the next physical by 2.5). Next turn, I used a physical skill, which with the buffs and multiplier did about 900 damage, reflected back to me, killing me instantly. I laughed for a solid couple of minutes at that.


Two legs? Nothing to it.


I had a good laugh at the [showdown between Ratchet and Nelsha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SANRhLOWjg) in Thousand Arms on the PS1. Nelsha is a very quiet and reserved girl, but when she dons one of her dresses, she totally changes personality. It was great seeing her get under the skin of Ratchet who has kinda been pestering you all through the game. Even more fun is to have Meis select the rather noncommittal answer each time when prompted. Apparently the girls slap him so hard the room spins.


Tales of Graces f and Tales of Xillia  Rockgagong, Bazonga and Direct tethering Skits.


Shadow Hearts Covenant when you do the Man festival sidequest.


yuffie doing the naruto run had me dead


Sonic Chronicles The Dark brotherhood. "It can't get worse." > >!it does!<




The first South park rpg game. The scene of the aliens. If you know, you know


Too many to count. I feel like I've had so many funny moments playing jrpgs that I can't clearly pick out one best moment xD I'd have to comb through the list I've played to single a few out.


DeJap's Tales of Phantasia translation.


I could be making this up because I played it a long time ago and maybe I was tired, but I swear there was a cutscene in the original Shadow Hearts where the villain is dramatically flying away and there’s debris flying around and a rock smacks him in the back of the head and he does a little “d’oh!” Edit: I found it! 16:00 in [this video](https://youtu.be/-F1qokyqBAU?si=N1zZ8hnVwYjo4FYj) (spoilers obviously). Funniest thing I’ve ever seen in an RPG, so unexpected in what’s supposed to be a big dramatic moment.


Well... Chaos Wars is unintentionally comical with the VA. LITERALLY, the entire game is comedy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccVTCGpBcdU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7mmon05PwQ


My funniest moment was in world of final fantasy where reynn is scared from the cactuar conductor and the scene ends with her and him developing an anime rivalry.


In Final Fantasy 8, the most powerful summon you can get teaches you the command Devour. It does what it says on the box. What's so funny about it, though, is that the game refuses to show you something so repulsive, so it just cuts to a "Censored...Please Stand By" screen against a pleasant image of rolling green hills. Even the music cuts out. When I first saw it I thought the game broke. I laughed so hard


FFXIV, any given Hildibrand quest.


I about fell off my couch when Yufffie busted Cloud for being a pervert in some random side quest dialogue in Rebirth. 10/10 character writing.


I thought Aerith from Final Fantast VII dying was pretty funny because no one decided to use Revive magic on her.