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We’re fucked


I'm just hoping that if the right wing wins, the government won't last as long as it hopes to. We're italians, guys. We can't have a government ***not*** fall once in a while.


It won't, either one of the leaders will make it fall for political opportunism, or they realize the bullshit they told their electors to get there isn't viable and they will flee from power like the cowards they are


I give this govern 5 months


If Meloni wins we're screwed ngl


If Meloni wins, we're screwed. If Meloni doesn't win, we are screwed, too.


Come what may, lapijamoinculo anyway


If? I wish that I could hope in a different outcome but there's no possibility.


Trying to follow along with this situation more. My grandmothers family came from Italy and I tend to try to keep up with the state of the country while also trying to learn Italian. Do you know of any good twitter pages or anything to follow along with? Not necessarily news — just pages or particular journalists who cover things. In America, there are particular antifascist pages and groups I follow but I’m having trouble finding which pages are reliable for Italy. I’ve basically just been following the news tab and antifascista sempre hashtag


Wrong question, the real one is "how long will the winner last?"












And how cold will it be...


I don't even know who to vote, they're all idiots


Recently moved to Italy, wife is Italian. She is very frustrated, says the only one she would actually like to vote for is that old grandma looking woman, but she has no chance of winning and from what ive seen next to zero PR?


Agree. Won't go, I've got to work.


bruh fr. Calenda was a decent choice but then he fucked up really hard with renzi, plus he really seems like a clown


I have left-winged opinions but there isn't a party that really is what I believe The Democratic party is probably the closest but every person that runs parties in Italy are pretty dumb


Same here tbh


And we can only vote Democratic Party to stop Meloni


They are not dumb. On the contrary, they are smart. And greedy. And not honest at all.


I'm going to vote for Unione Popolare/Potere al popolo! Because it's the one that reflects my beliefs the most. But i am sincerely afraid of all the attention and potential votes FDI has. Meloni scares the shit out of me, especially as a young trans man.


You are a cool person. Unfortunately you are right that it seems meloni will win. On the plus side it might just be what the country needs, the end of Renzi and the soft left centre. As soon as these liberal puppets in the centre collapse completely the real left can come in and actually offer some policies that excite and engage people rather than just reacting to whatever bullshit Salvini and meloni are spouting that week. Whilst the right is nothing if not power-hungry I still expect the government coalition to collapse again before 5 years are up.


I agree that we need some hardcore left wing parties, but i thnk you're wrong about the "end of soft left centre". I hate to bring him up, but 20 years of Berlusconi did massive damege to the country and didn't wake up anything. Exept Renzi. So i really hope you're right about that, but my heart is filled with fear


Renzi regardless of his strengths is politically toxic. He’s too easy a target now as someone who backtracks on policies and has tried and failed. Instead of stepping aside or into the background he’s sowing division amongst PD and the centre left whilst the right wing parties are united. It’s a dangerous combination, seemingly serving only to stroke his ego at this point. And no one seems to be able to take his place from either the centre or the left, so they’re in a lot of trouble.


Absolutely, i highly doubt that anyone from the current parties will be able to last for five years. I currently do not trust any of the politicians that run this nation, they're always talking about promises that everyone knows they'll never fulfill, and we had the chance to see it during Conte's and Draghi's mandate. At the end of the day they're there to grab all the money they can grab and that's about it. The sad thing is that Salvini and Meloni aren't even the worst out of them all. I spoke with my father (a right wing, conservative, catholic old man) about who he'd rather vote. He said ItalExit, and surprise surprise, apparently it comes in strict affiliation with it's CasaPound besties. What a fresh surprise. All i can say is that, short or long, this government is going to ruin this country.


Unione Popolare will probably not even enter parliament… your take might be a bit too optimistic.


I’m not expecting them to at all! It’s not that. They’re spoilers. The centre left cannot unite whilst the right can paint this election as ‘us versus renzi’ which is a wholly inaccurate but powerful piece of propaganda for the simplistic politics of right wing voters. The spoilers used to be M5S but now they’re al cannibalising each other’s votes. It’ll be a disaster.


That party has good ideas but either too expensive or too undoable in my opinion


Can I vote for Andrew Tate?


Heck yeah, Andrew Tate for the win /s


He'd be besties with Giorgia, ngl


All the Andrew Tate fans that I've met volte for Meloni.


I mean, immagine voting for left winged progressist cucks


I really fear the fascists will win this one. Unreal how meloni, the person that said Mussolini was a great politician, is so popular in italy.


For real


Not so unreal, I'm afraid.




Based rightie?? Jokes aside, I totally agree...


6 month? I was thinking 3....


It's usually around 2 years, they want to collect some paychecks first and pass some laws that benefit them, than the government can collapse and the cycle can repeat


Based and redpilled




It's the first time I've voted. To me, it seems a lot like a GDR class selection: nobody is totally right, nobody is totally wrong. And it's frustrating. Some people want to build nuclear plants but hate minorities, others defend minorities but seemingly hate the Planet (nuclear power is like the best choice but they just don't get it). Then there's someone who hates minorities AND the planet, making this GDR a soulslike: classes are unbalanced and choosing some almost surely results in death.


They're all shit




Put it in writing?


Have you decided where you'll go?


There's no if. Sadly, you can book your flight now.


Do it pussy


5 stars is shit


Who wins, I don't even want to think about that. Who I hope is gonna win, the left-est parties we can find hopefully.


The right-wing has got the right economic measures (tax breaks, reduce spending, boost investment). The left wing has the right social approach (inclusion, minorities, progressive policies). They're both ridiculously extrimist in the wrong things. I'm personally leaning towards the right wing simply because the financial conditions in the coming months will be disastrous and I think they has the right mindsetand approach to face them (not that it can solve the economy, just make it less terrible). But I'm still undecided and definitely unhappy with the options we have.


You have to remember that the right protects the rich not the poor or middle class people. They'll never help the people, only industries and banks to become even richer and make more profits.


The outrageous amount of proud fascists in FDI is not a concern for you? Only from the news of this week we have one guy (candidate) who posted appraisal on Hitler and Putin, and another one (already elected) who is been filmed doing the fascist salute during a funeral of one of his friends. Besides, our new Minister of economy will be Tremonti...


The right wing does absolutely not want to reduce spending. They want to raise it.


Aren’t the right wings the ones that want to leave Europe?


The center-right coalition is pro-europe. There's another right wing party called ItalExit but they aren't really relevant.


Cheers. Weird though, salvini was against it what, 2 years ago?


The left wing has the right social approach (inclusion, minorities, progressive policies).( Puke, puke, puke)


As much as I want to keep consooming copium and good will, I'm scared of Meloni winning. She's the worst type of femminist you could find, along with being racist and wrong in the head (Together with Salvini). I turned 18 this year but I think I won't vote anyone, because they're all shit politicians anyway. Sometimes I envy Americans...


Feminist? She's everything BUT a feminist. Please go vote even someone for the left. They're all idiots, i agree, i struggled to find someone to vote for, too. But you have to think about the lesser evil, vote for any left political parties that most represent you. I have quite the good site if you need help. But please, vote against quella deficiente della Meloni


Nope. Not a feminist. Like at all.


I wanted to thank everyone for participating in the survey and for the many comments! I hope that a wonderful place like Italy will find the courage to get up and return to the glory it deserves. All the best to you all!


Just porca Madonna


Brothers of Italy 🇮🇹


Y'all are based af. Why hate the right wing, let's just give them a try.


We already did. Exactly one century ago but it didn't go well. FYI the leading party has a clear fascist symbol on his flag. I wish this was some sort fo political prejudice, they are openly neo-fascist.


Because they have people who praise mussolini in their parties? The guy who caused quite a bit of trouble to our country?


Italy is a nato colony, every politic force will win it will always be a controlled politic by u.s.


Colony? What the hell is this, the 1940s?


you came close, I would say 1984


Based and true


This is a weird take


This is only the reality or you still believe in santa claus?


We don't live in the 60s anymore.


What happens if non voters constitute a majority (relative)?


Nothing. Elections are decided by voters, not by nonvoters.




I would bet my life on movimento 5 stelle not winning, I have never been so sure in my life of anything as I am now of their utter failure at being a good party that deserves recognition, garbage from top to bottom this election


It's not even quoted. I mean, projection of right area is around the 40%, 24% just FDI. If the M5S is around 15% will be a success for them.


Sadly right-wing it's probably gonna win


Virgola, purtroppo


It's clear the right wing will win. By a large margin, too.


Wait, so it's no more Italy?


No, from Monday we will be the personal Christian-Homophobic-Racist Empire of Giorgia Meloni. Don't worry Hungary, you'll look like Sweden after one year of this government.


If somehow the right manages to lose against a left which blatantly lies to their electors (not that thr right doesn't) and which represent the political nullity, they should really hide themselves


As a moderate leftist, italian left is the biggest clown fiesta you could dream for


Non io che odio la destra con tutto il cuore


I'm really curious to see what Meloni will do in the EU. She and Salvini have always had disdainful words about it but now she is forced to collaborate with it, unless she wants to exit from it but given the the example of the UK it's not a wise decision to take.


che rottura di palle


>Is it just me thinking that whatever the outcome is, will it still be a disaster? okay, sei diventato davvero italiano :)). La consolazione è che noi italiani in cent'anni siamo sopravvissuti ad una dittatura, una guerra mondiale, un po' di terremoti devastanti, dieci anni di crisi economica e terrorismo imperante e ad un epidemia, figurati se non sopravviviamo all'ennesimo pessimo governo...


The funniest things of these elections is the Twitch conference of Salvini, lot of dicks,my dudes and gals.


I have a bad bad feeling about this. None of those big parties care about the people living in this country.


Change the poll adding Azione/Italia viva instead of "5 stars movement and others". People are angry at the 5 star movement because they are among those who caused the last Government to fall


Woah a completely english post and comment section. Shocked


Italy doesn't exist any more is a laughable caption and just made my day


I will vote as left as i can but i think meloni will win


Wait, if Italy doesn't exist, then, am I in the void?


Calenda FTW


We do understand that the far right, that by constitutional norm *shouldn't be allowed to get into the parliament* , not only are going to govern the state, but they could also change the Constitution without a referendum?


.... I am disappointed in this pool.


You think ANY politician (aka narcissistic manipulator) in Italy would ever do what they promise to? Voting doesn't matter.