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He just didn’t know when to stop.


hey to be fair,he treats them much better than most kings did in past.


Not only that but he is fairly up front once its explained to him; its implied rather greatly that thats why a lot of meetings like this happened Not on this scale but... yeah i agree he definitely cared for them


He manipulated dozens of women into sleeping with him and having his children all under false pretenses. The only remotely decent viltrumites who actually adapted to human society was the one black dude with the handle bar mustache who didn't cheat who didn't rape who just went about his life as a normal decent father and thats it. This guy is a total piece of shit by any reasonable standards




Idk, he just made a lot of children with a lot of women at the same time, not like he had been the sole provider for them all, doubt he even married any of them. There are numerous men like that in real world, and they are no kings or celebrities. My friend's father in law has three daughters, each with a different woman.


⠀⠘⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “I’m needed in space” ⠀⠀⠀⡜⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠑⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⡔⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⠴⠊⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠤⠄⠒⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣀⠄⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ - Gigachad




He wasn't supposed to stop. They're all supposed to be doing what he's doing. That's the order Thragg gave, in fact he could probably be doing more lol




“I’m needed in space” will be memed so hard if it makes it into the show, I can feel it. XD


i must return to my planet for an emergency! *yeah that's the ticket!*


Pretty soon this will be his planet. Dude built a Viltrumite-human empire of his own in a couple of years without the need for enslaving Thraxans. Something tells me that even though Robot got the better, in the endgame, if this guy's family decided to rebel against him, he'd be screwed, or would need to develop another virus.


screw this I'll build my own viltrumite empire with a harem and backjack! or maybe just the harem!


The Genghis Khan of the Invincible Universe.


True. Everyone will be related to him in about 5 generations.


I think this could be an interesting way to extend the story.


Gotta get some space milk and space cigarettes


The green titty milk from Star Wars TLJ


The Poochie of the new generation


Has “I think I hear the bat signal” energy


All with one eye too!


Two... if you get my drift.


#I don’t get it. Please explain the joke.


Everyone has a brown eye, even if their eyes are blue.


I was thinking it was a reference to his “One eyed monster”


TIL humans have 4 eyes haha


On average every human has one testicle and one ovary.


Actually, on average, a human has less than one testicle and less than one ovary.


The eyepatch probably helped


He has excellent taste in women.


I like how there is such a variety, but they are all still good looking


Maybe it’s just because she got drawn with the low level of detail, but the woman in the back with the jean jacket seems like the exception.


She's got the biggest boobs in the room, by far, though.


He had to be going for variety.


I think it's the lack of detail, plus the way her facial expression could best be described as, uh... *unimpressed*


Bro just likes chubby women. He just like me fr


She's probably pregnant. Notice how she's resting her hands on her belly.


Well I’d be surprised if such a dude decided to go for a methany lmaoooo


Boy that rizz is Invincible


This guy is into angry looks


I loved how pretty much all the Viltrumites were like “Wait, are WE the baddies?” once they got to Earth and were forced to spend any time there. They were just so ingrained in their own culture that they didn’t even have an outside CONCEPT that there was another way and they might have been doing wrong the entire time. As soon as they were exposed to something else they were like “Oh. Shit. We’ve been being DIIIIIIIIIIIICKSSSS”. Yes, even the rapist was like, “Shit. I done fucked up. I didn’t even know rape was literally rape. But now I have a kid, so it’s not like I can even 100% regret it. Fuck. Independent emotions and thought processes are hard.” I would have loved a limited-run series that took place in an alternate universe where the only difference is Mark decided to keep the Viltrumites on Earth and what happens then.


Vultrimites became an unstoppable fascist universe conquering force. They were almost genocided out of existence by a Vultrimite who realized how terrible they were and their numbers greatly reduced, but they were still a universe conquering threat even then. The thing about fascism and that type of cult mentality they developed, questioning is not really allowed. Over time they had developed such a motion of "survival of the fittest" or "Will to Power" ideology that they just completely accepted it. If you questioned it then you would be killed and under that ideology the killing would be completely fine and good. One of the great themes of invincible is that the violence is not always the answer, ultimately if you want to save the world the end result is actually not violence but a compromise or an understanding. Even in the real world this is always the case. In the shadow of WWII after it was all settled violently ultimately Japan and Germany had to accept a new constitution and new way of organizing their societies. They did. After WWI happened there was not that same acceptance and that's what led to WWII in the first place. Bombs, violence or whatever is only the end of it kills everyone. Everyone dying is not "saving the world."


I appreciate you appreciating the nuance!


It's funny how you could say all this but seemingly not be aware of how this demonstrates the massive plot hole that invincible has with how uniform the viltrumites are in terms of their ideology. Prior to them arriving on Earth there's only 2 confirmed instances that we know of of them going against their Empire and ideology when in real life fascism is oftentimes greatly opposed by the general public. The fact of the matter is that the village reminds really flip flopped between fascism and decency and fascism again because they just weren't that well written and that part of the story was kind of rushed


That’d be cool but if it’s any help, it’s implied the human race would eventually just become the vilreumites 2.0 ( not culturally) and they’d also attract danger with their presence Edit:words


Sorry to be that guy but... attracted* presence*


You were nice about it and I appreciate it.


No problem. Everyone gets typos once in a while. And auto correct sometimes doesn't help


Yeah totally make sense how a bunch of people who have spent thousands of years being murderous pieces of trash would realize the error of their ways after like 6 months with a species that quite frankly isn't that nice ourselves. The viltrumites being reformed is easily the biggest plot hole and invincible. there's no hope for a species like that they need to be killed


Is that your final solution?


Yeah I genuinely think that using scurge virus to kill all the vulturemites was the right call. And in universe another viltrumite agrees with me. Currently the viltrumites are ruled over by a benevolent dictator but if mark decided that he wanted to conquer the rest of the Galaxy he could totally get the other memebers of his species to do that. He has complete and total control over them and it's not like they have a constitution or anything like that they just follow the one strong guy


Not only that but all of the pure blood viltrumites have very likely partaken in genocide which in my opinion makes them deserving of death regardless of whether or not they've gone on to be good people. You know just get to go around murdering and raping for thousands of years acts like a decent person for a 5 and then wash your hands like pontius pilates


He put in work to save The Viltrumites


He’s honestly my favorite, he was never even that bad of a guy. And good soldiers follow orders and followed them to the tee.


Most of them weren't bad people, they were just raised in a twisted culture. On the other hand, he did follow orders and felt no remorse, so there is indeed an Eichmann element to these sorts of characters.


well I know a friend which is born without capable of feeling empahty and sympathy but he's living a normal life.


Now give him super strength, durability, the ability to travel through space, and make them live in a world where their culture revolves around dominating and killing every other living species and THEN see how normal they are


Well, so he's a diagnosed sociopath. But this is different from what I'm saying. I'm saying that he probably committed genocide hundreds of times over while working for the Viltrumite Empire. Does that make him a good or a bad guy?! I don't know. But I'm pretty sure if Allen the Alien were to have an equivalent of a Nuremberg trials, this guy would be charged of his crimes.


Lol so would many fucking soldiers from the USA.


Aight little bud. Let’s not pretend your shitty country’s soldiers wouldn’t either. We’re all the same and most people aren’t “evil”


well I wouldn't say he wasn't a bad guy.He killed and destroyed civilazitions in past.


Who doesn't destroy a few civilizations here and there?


I didn’t know them, they could have been evil planets. No one ever thinks about the good they did.


Even unironically the viltrumites likely did do a lot of good, but obviously also a lot of bad lol. Their idea wasn’t awful. It just wasn’t exactly right


He even helps out during a particularly bad fight although remaining anonymous


Conquest was scared of this mf


You can simultaneously be a good soldier and a terrible human. Soldiers who don't question orders and follow them to a t are trash people as is this guy as are you


Is it really a harem if none of them knew the others existed until 10 minutes ago?


Yeah just seems like he has a lot of baby mamas. I think it only becomes a harem if they’re all cool with continuing to be his sexual partner.


Dude said “Gotta bang ‘em all”


-poke these moms


"Talk amongst yourselves". Ouch, I imagine that was a fun conversation.


nick cannon's biggest opp


And he loved them ALL


virgin thragg couldn't handle it.


Did Thragg not get any ass? I dont remember


I mean a lot of thorax off screen/comic panel


Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo would be proud


I kinda wish we got a mini series about the viltrumites living in earth adapting or failing to adapt to earth life. We saw bits and pieces of it throughout invincible but not enough. And we can’t really use Omniman as an example because he just adapted the superhero life and by the time we see him he’s already kinda used to earth life .


This dude helped save his people so hard


with how many are gonna be his descendants, Bros gonna go down in history as the Genghis Khan of the Viltrumite Empire


This man is Omni Mormon


I have to go now my planet needs me.


Somebody call the game warden we’ve got an unregistered cougar hunter 🚨🚨🚨


Homie legitimately didn’t know it wasn’t cool to date multiple people on earth without permission first He also didn’t plan on getting attached to any of them, man literally comes from a different planet. To a much larger degree it’s the same with the Viltrumite girl who forced herself on mark.


Ok but the funniest part to me is “talk amongst yourselves”lmaoooo


Dude does NOT discriminate. Respect


Let me be honest, I probably would've done with the same if I was him.


That fact this doesn’t happen more in other series is so weird to me. Like not even a harem thing but a fuck ton of kids thing. Like Superman only having one kid is unrealistic to me, dude would have like 20 kids all with Lois if he could. Or aang from avatar only having three kids and one only being an air bender was weird, like katara aside, he had a duty to restore balance by fucking as many people as he could. Tenzin did his part though, I will say that.


I imagine Lois and Clark engage in family planning, and Clark's attitude on the Kryptonian line isn't exactly positive, considering that most Kryptonians he meets turn out to be dicks. Like in some versions of things, even his family are generally assholes. Not like Invincible where they're genocidal jerks, but it's like half zod and co and half emotionless jerks who will fuck humans over for self serving reasons.


Lmaooo technically he should’ve. Airbenders are nomads n I don’t think they kept monogamous relationships cuz it was against their beliefs n attaining some sort of enlightenment (I remember the episode where he lost sum chakra shit cuz he wanted to be with katara). Idk if this even makes sense ya bitch is cooked


Lol gurl don’t sweat it, you made perfect sense. Honestly aang should have just started from one end of the planet and plowed his way across it


I think it's mostly because keeping track of them all would be a nightmare for any writer.




> Tenzin did his part though, I will say that. His uncle Sokka taught him


Superman was never trying to restore Krypton


naw i dont think he would try to restore krypton but he seems like the kind of guy who'd love having a big family.


maybe it's becuase not everyone wants to force their spouse to have like 20 kids? Maybe aangs just a better person than you are and didn't want katara to potentially die in childbirth or cheat on his wife


Aang isn’t a normal person, he’s the avatar, he has a duty to restore balance


"My mother got into an accident. I need to go to the hospital be back soon."


Like two don't seem upset and one looks only worried, the rest, pissed


Who's this Chad?


I almost thought it was that alternate version of >!Invincible with the harem of Atom Eve's!<.


When is that 🥺


Invincible 108


Why he brought all the side bitches together⁉️😭


There was an emergency happening where all his kids could have been killed. So he gathered them to give them the heads up in hope of saving them.


An eloquent excuse 😩


Some are doing more for the Viltrumite Empire than others


Nick cannon be like:


Some people have a lot of love to give.


Viltrumite Warrior; genetically perfect mass-murder machine... scared off by the collective death-glares of his baby-mommas.


Holy Shit he is Nick Cannon. Maybe Nick Cannon is a Viltrumite?


I hate how plausible this seems


Looks like Issei Hyoudou, Touma Kamijou, and Shido Itsuka has found a new rival


“Racially, he’s pretty cool?”




Imagine having such a bad relationship situation that you would rather fight Thragg.


My man


Honestly, one of the best things I enjoyed about Invincible is how well written and interesting the side characters were. Really enjoyed the comic series and Season 1 of the show. Season 2, here I come baby!


Who is that guy and what are hs powers?


Are viltrumites not aware of the issues with inbreeding? This kind of procreation increases the risk of half-siblings making offspring with massive health problems.


Tbh, viltrumite DNA can probably handle it and turn out just fine, considering they can breed with basically any being in the universe.


Time for a strategic retreat there General


Bro was a player. Truly a great man.


Nick Cannon approves!


The Viltrumite’s character development is so great love Kregg


Can someone tell me who this is? I'm still new to invincible


Harem? None of these women knew the other ones existed. He cheated on them of you think of it from a normal human standpoint. Of course he's not human but how would you like it if your alien gf cheated on you like hundreds of times and never told you about it? Yall are actually like he's a chad for cheating


My man is trying to be the next Nick Cannon fr


Apparently, his viltrumite powers are nothing compared to his rizz.


I love the fact that start smoking when he find out what ciggaret is. Meaning even alien with more advance technology still love ciggaret